• Published 8th Jul 2015
  • 611 Views, 16 Comments

Filth - Vi

One of these Changelings is not like the others. What will happen when she is taken away from the only family and home she's ever known? Can she survive the new life she will be forced into?

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The Breeder

The Royal Breeder came on the day I turned twelve. I was deathly nervous. Today would be the most life-changing of days. The way the Observers had studied me over these many days had made me believe I was turning into an abomination. But now, watching alongside the Observers and Guards in our home, their eyes reverently following the Royal Breeder as she strolled seamlessly through the front door, I could only sigh in relief.

‘At least one changeling looks like me.’

I had no real understanding of beauty before that moment of time. Her long, light green mane hung low, almost trailing to the ground. She held her head evenly, a graceful smile adorning her face, perfect fangs gleaming in the low light of the flicker crystals.

Her gaze met mine, and I saw her ‘pupils’ widen and brows lift before she settled back down into her smile. The tall changeling seemingly floated through our store, which was comically puny compared to her height. The Observers and Guards surrounding Mother and I parted as she passed through them, until she was standing just over us.

“Well,” she leaned down, cupping my cheek in her hoof and raising my head to inspect me, “aren’t you an interesting little changeling?”

“Um…thank you?”

“You’re welcome,” she replied smoothly. “Do you understand what shall transpire this day?”

I looked up to her in confusion. “Transpire?”

She stood straight again, rubbing a hoof beneath her chin. “Well, at least she’s attractive,” she muttered.

Next to me, I could feel Mother lock her legs to the ground, suppressing a violent quiver.

The Royal Breeder turned to the side, her eyes roaming across every corner of the store. “Today you will be brought to the Changeling High Courts in the Royal Palace,” she droned, “where the remainder of your life will be decided by Our King and the Heads of the High Noble Houses.” Her gaze met mine again. “Do you understand?”

No, I didn’t. “Yes.”

“Good.” She sniffed. “The stench of this place is mortifying. Say your goodbyes, quickly.” With that, she turned and quickly walked out of our store, along with the Observers. Only Mother and I, and a few of the surrounding Guards remained.

Mother immediately tackle-hugged me, holding herself close against me. I had grown taller than her now, and leaned down awkwardly to return the hug as best as I could.

“Let’s go already.”

It only took a few seconds for the Guards to become impatient. Mother pulled her head back, solid blue eyes shimmering as she craned her head to look up at me.

“Just…just do what they tell you to do.” Her voice took on a playful scolding tone. “And don’t forget to be polite.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Yes Mother.”

She giggled, and stood up on her hind legs to reach my height, hooves caressing both sides of my face and pressing our foreheads together.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Mother.”

We broke apart, and I quickly turned away. I wouldn’t let her see just how scared I was to leave.

The Guards followed me as I walked through the door and into the streets. I could see the Observers idle around the carriage that would be taking me away from my home. Four of the purple armored Warriors were hooked to the front of it. The Royal Breeder was already sitting inside. The Guards circled wide around the vehicle, blocking off the two ends of the street. I could see the faces of my friends and neighbors among the many Lower Class changelings hoping to get a glimpse of the scene, crowding around the edges of the circle. They were all looking towards me, sympathy and worry in their eyes as they waved and tried to smile reassuringly. I had to turn my head away from them too.

One of the Guards closed the door to the carriage after I stepped in and sat down across from the Royal Breeder.

“Good to go!”

The carriage shifted, and then began to rise from the ground, along with the Observers and several Guards. I looked out the window and saw my Mother standing in the street in front of our home. She struggled to keep her wings in check, and they spasmed fitfully against her back. She made no effort to stem the river of tears falling from her eyes, staring straight up at the carriage as we ascended farther and farther away.

My chest began to heave rapidly as I fought to keep my emotions under control. I rubbed frantically at my eyes, daring any of my tears to fall. A hoof pulled me away from the window.

“Sit up,” the Royal Breeder said from across the carriage, “breathe deep. In, and out. In, and out.”

With her guidance, I began to calm down. Eventually, I had advanced from a completely petrified state to one of intense anxiety.

“Thank you ma’am.”

The beautiful changeling leaned back lazily in her seat. “Call me Den Mother.”

“Thank you, Den Mother.”

“You’re welcome,” she moved to my side of the carriage, “your Mother taught you very good manners, I see.”

“Yes, she did.”

Den Mother slowly moved a hoof over my body, “And you really are quite good looking. I can imagine how beautiful you may be in your later years.” She ruffled my short crop of mane. “Why is this so short?”

“I cut it.” I remained looking out the window, watching the Lower District fall farther away.

She tsked, hoof retreating. “I’m not one to impose my opinions on a changeling’s appearance, but I’d definitely recommend you give this just a little more length.” She chuckled to herself. “You almost look like a male.”

I sighed. “Yeah, okay.”

“…Look at me.”

I turned my head to find Den Mother giving me a hard stare, and a deep frown etched across her face.

“Your life is over and done with. The best thing you can do now is to stop thinking about it.” She pushed a hoof into my chest. “Not your friends, not your home, and not your mother.” She leaned so close. “I am all you have left in this world now, child, and you need to listen to everything that I’m going to say.”

I stared at her, feeling my anxieties flaring again. I nodded slowly, and she sighed, moving back to the other side of the carriage.

“During this trial, you will be put on display for the Royal and Noble houses. Physically, you have all the attributes of a Nobleblood. But every single one of those changelings there knows exactly where you came from: the filth.”

I shuddered. Den Mother pointed an accusatory hoof right at me.

“I both saw and felt that. That is a mistake. Do not ever reveal your negative emotions. Are you at least capable of hiding them?”

I settled down a little in my seat before I nodded once more.

"Better than what I just saw a few moments ago?"

"Yes. I can."

“Good. Believe me, you’re going to be hearing a lot worse from the Court. Now, what else is there…” she looked up in thought. “Do not speak unless you are directly asked a question. Directly asked. You will probably be examined by a few of the Physicians in the Court. Allow them their access, and do not fight them, no matter how invasive they may be.

I believe that’s all you need to know for now: no emotions, no speaking, and no struggling. Do you understand?”

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I understand, Den Mother.”


A silence fell, and I simply stared out the window. Soon enough, my worries and fears began to invade my thoughts again. I felt like I was going to be sick. The entire world I was knew was disappearing right in front of me. I didn’t want this. Why couldn’t I have just stayed home? I wouldn’t have minded ducking through a few doorways if it meant living back in the Lower District with Mother. I would have happily stayed to serve my purpose, just like Mother. I loved the idea of becoming a Scavenger, and I was real good at it too. And when you were really good…wait!

“Will I get a name!?”

Den Mother turned to me. “What?”

“Oh, uh…if I do pass the trial with the Court,” I fidgeted in the seat, “will I get my name?”

Den Mother stared at me for a few seconds, before she shook her head, smirking. “Of all the things to be worried about,” she muttered to herself before looking back towards me. “Well, it’s only the first step, but yes, you will get a name. After you find your purpose, of course. Whatever that may end up being.”

I smiled. At least something good would come out of this. And at least I’d be able to see the High District too.

We began to slow, and I moved to the other side of the carriage, twisting my neck to look out the window in front of us.

“Are we at the High District?”

“Almost. We’ll be through the gates in a short while. They take some time to open.”

This was the closest I had ever come to seeing the gates. My jaw slid open at the size of the massive entrance settled in the upper half of the rocky walls. Before the gates hovered dozens upon dozens of gray armored changeling guards. Several of them flittered over and around the carriage, peering through the windows. With a loud groan and a shudder, the enormous gates of the High District began to swing outward.

“Why are there so many Guards?” I asked.

Den Mother’s answer came without hesitation. “To keep out the filth, of course.”