• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 491 Views, 1 Comments

From Colonial Carronades to Confetti Cannons - The Grey Pegasus

Because the Amareican celebration of independence had to match the intensity of Luna's joy of her independence from her sister.

  • ...

And Always One Luna Celebrating Her Independence (In More Ways Than One)

From Colonial Carronades to Confetti Cannons
By: The Grey Pegasus

A band played in the background, brass instruments and drums all in time.

Sounds of singing and celebration.

And one Luna standing and waving her hooves triumphantly.

"Would... would you please sit down now, Luna? I think I got the point..."

Luna's toothy grin reduced to a still very wide smile as she sat back down in her seat and put her hooves down on the white tablecloth. "So do you admit it, Celestia?"

"Admit what?" Celestia asked, now the subject of the eyes of six other ponies.

"That listening to my own impulse for a pursuit of happiness was an excellent idea!"

Celestia couldn't help but feel hurt, and it showed on her face.

"Well... Miss Luna, that wasn't very nice..." Fluttershy commented.

"Miss Luna, maybe you could, er..." Rarity tried to tread carefully, "tone it down a bit?"

Luna glared at the unicorn.

"So!" Twilight Sparkle interrupted on behalf of everyone, "Have you always had..."

The Equlish unicorn looked at the scenes around her. "... Such lively celebrations?"

The blue alicorn's expression immediately rose up. "But of course! Even the very first Fourth of July celebration I attended in Fillydelphia!..."


Ah! 1777! It was a tough year for our country, still fighting against the Braytish. Nowhere near victory. A dire fight to keep our independence! A fight for survival!

And every bit as tense as your dramatics make it out to be, I surmise.

You are correct, Miss Sparkle. But we made it a year, and that was certainly enough of a justification for celebration.

It was a summer just as this one. Slightly humid, but bearable. Although events happened throughout the day, the celebration I was invited to began just as the sun—my sister's sun—got low in the sky. Many were gathered in Fillydelphia, but especially notable were members of Congress from all over the country. Ponies and griffons, all sharing together in what was to be a wonderful night!

I could feel myself tingling in anticipation! Oh, how great it would feel to celebrate what we had accomplished. All while music played and the smell of a gorgeous dinner pervaded through the air!

"What is that smell?"


"Well, part of the smell caught me off guard, but it didn't make my night any worse," Luna said.

Twilight spoke up. "Was it the—"

"Oh wow!"

Everyone turned towards the voice. It was none other than Spike, coming back from getting food.

"These hot dogs are amazing!" The dragon stuffed himself with more of it from his plate as he sat down next to Twilight.

Twilight very slightly leaned away.

Luna shrugged. "Griffons are very good cooks. Their taste for meat was simply part of this country. I've come to be very familiar with the scent of cooked meat every Fourth of July. It's just part of the celebration. Besides, have you had their scones?"

Celestia and Twilight shared a glance, then shook their heads.

"You should. It's one of their culture's foods that they love sharing with ponies."

"So since the very first Fourth of July, you've shared tables with griffons?" Twilight said. "I suppose you've had a long time to get used to it."



Although, that first celebration, one certain griffon was not able to attend due to more pressing matters.

"A shame General Washingtalon could not attend this celebration. I would have liked to get to know him."

"It is, Miss Luna, but we both know that he is very much a part of why this day even exists. A toast to him!"

I can remember the sound of the glasses clinking, then the champagne bubbling as I drank. The drink only added to my tingling of excitement. I felt so free!


"Speaking of champagne," Rainbow Dash said, "I'm just glad to finally drink something!" With that, she downed the remaining half in her glass.

"Well, yes..." Luna looked at Celestia sheepishly. "It is a special occasion... I'm sure the law won't mind."

"Six years and countin', Miss Luna," Applejack said. "They've gotta take it back some day."

"Perhaps," Luna replied. "But it will be a while."

"Aw," Rainbow groaned. She looked at Twilight. "Hey, Twilight! Can I just come home with you instead? And while I'm there, maybe I can see your pegasi aerial shows! Hate to admit it, but I've heard they're the best in the world!"

Celestia smiled. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Rainbow Dash. I've heard that Twilight was making plans to stay here and learn more about your home."

"Aw, Tia!" Luna exclaimed. "I'm sure she'll learn to embrace all that our wonderful, beautiful country of Amareica is!"

Celestia rolled her eyes, but kept her smile. "Although you are correct on your second statement. The Wonderbolts are an excellent team."

"What else happened on that night, Miss Luna?" Twilight asked, still curious.

Luna beamed. "Many exciting things, Twilight Sparkle! Which you will also have the pleasure of experiencing yourself!"


Picnics and dinners are a quintessential part, no doubt, but the Fourth of July is not simply a celebration, but a show! Carefully planned to amaze the crowds. To make sure their hearts feel the freedom for the rest of the night!

The display that night began with the band! I remember sensing when it was going to begin. The sound of the brass! The drums! The patriotic music flowed into my ears and through my veins!

And then came the salute!

The army was lined up out in a clearing. We may have been a poor nation, former colonies scraping together what we could to fuel our Revolution, but there were ships that came in with some artillery they could spare. And on that field, they fired on order—



Luna jumped as an actual pop exploded, startling her out of her flashback. Confetti began raining down.

"Yay!" Pinkie happily exclaimed as she leaned on a blue cannon. "Cannons!"

"Where did that..." Luna trailed off.

"Don't worry about it," Applejack said.

Luna stared blankly for a moment, then continued, still slightly fazed. "Yes, the cannons fired. I remember the feeling... actually, it was almost just like that," she said, looking at Pinkie. "The blasts thundered through the air..."


And straight through your chest! It thumped along with the heart, as if filling the soul itself with liberty!

The row of soldiers fired until all of the cannons were empty. Smoke filled the field, but no matter. The salute was only the beginning. The next part was up higher.


Luna paused to look at Pinkie, wary about further surprises. But the pink pony only sat contently with a smile as she listened along with the others.

"The climax of the evening. The fireworks show! Of course, back then, it wasn't as extravagant as now, but the feelings! They were as strong as ever!"

The alicorn appeared to drop back into her memories. "The band continued playing and the music added to the light show! Each pop of a firework reverberated within us! Close enough that I could feel the fireworks burst as if they were inside! I was felt ecstatic! I was flying up there with each firework! I felt so free! So wonderfully free!"

Luna didn't stop, and no one interrupted her. "We were all celebrating something so great! I was a part of something historic! Accepted in as an integral part! With each bright flare against the night sky, I felt myself as part of a new triumph!"

Luna breathed out, noticing that she was beginning to stand up. She promptly sat back in her seat. "That was a rushed account of my first celebration, but only because it makes me feel like I'm soaring! I just can't slow down!"

"And after the fireworks, that was it?" Twilight asked.

"The Fourth is a show, Twilight Sparkle," Luna answered. "All shows come to an end. I said my farewells to the members of Congress and soon was off to a peaceful sleep. No dream-wandering—the celebration had taken all of my energy, and it felt good to sink into some sleep under my moon."

At that, there was a pause in the conversation.

Celestia broke it. "Well, it is good to hear that you've taken care of yourself, Luna. Adopted a new family and new ideals that you have taken to heart."

"And no monster because of them, right, Tia?" Luna joked.

Celestia smirked, glancing aside. "No, no. No ravaging nations or innocent ponies, I suppose."

"What time is it?" Twilight asked. "I had a brief look at the events list, and it said the show was supposed to begin at 8 PM."

Luna smiled. "Do not worry, Twilight Sparkle. We have time."

"We do?" Spike asked as he got off his seat. "Great! I'm gonna get some more food from the grill. You ponies and griffons do know how to cook!"

"Hey Twilight," Pinkie called, "Have you had some pie yet?"

Twilight looked down at her plate. Only crumbs from her meal remained. "No, I don't think so. I'm finished though, so I think I'll have some now."

"Come on, filly," Applejack said as she passed along a platter with pie, "You haven't been part of a 'Murican celebration 'til you've had yourself some pie!"

"You need to taste true freedom!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Applejack helped bake it. Apple pies are practically edible freedom!"

Twilight made an odd look. "Why do you keep throwing that word around?"

Luna practically jumped at the question.

Pinkie grabbed her cannon and stood up with Luna.

"Because it's the celebration of Amareican Independence!"


Author's Note:

I almost didn't write an annual Fourth of July fic this year.

But Eagle came in just in time and gave me an idea!

You know what that means?

FREEDOM PREVAILS, EVERYPONY. And for EXTRA FREEDOMS, I wrote part of this while watching fireworks!

Fic is equally if not more nonsensical than the previous two! And also a bit late. But I don't care!
All obviously meant in good fun.

Comments ( 1 )

This is an awesome idea for an annual story. I appreciate your creativity. :twistnerd:

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