Comments ( 202 )

I'm disappointed.:ajsleepy:

I'm disappointed that it took this long for me to find this ship in a fic., despite seeing it in the episode.
:pinkiehappy: Had you going there, right?

You still gotta teach me that Hay Cart technique.

Actually, it is "Haycartes", like Descartes, but with hay. Like a really bad pun.

Um, listen, about earlier, I just-"

This hyphen should be an Em Dash (—). To create one, hold down Alt and type 0151 using the numerical keypad. Or copy and paste the one provided.

Honestly? This is my new favorite Twilight ship. Even more so that Twidash and Twilestia. They are just so adorkable together. Moondancer may never show up again, except in reruns, but they seem perfect for one another.

I would like to see where this goes, so I will like and favorite.


6174762 The episode's only been out for 48 hours, dude. Give it time.

I see Twilight is putting on her best seduction face in the cover-art there :p

First off, I'm liking this story already.

Second, I'm disappointed that I didn't get the name pun on my own.

Third, I wanna see Moondancer's EG counterpart, so we can have a classical music pun.

6174884 Yeah, I really don't like how a lot of the fanbase has adopted "Twidancer". First off, Moonlight is SO much better, and second, Twidancer is too similar to Twidance for Twi x Cadance.

A very, very good start. Let's see how this goes, I'm expecting great things from you with this.

Yeah but Moonlight is already for the shipping of Nightmare Moon and Twilight.

Nope. Or at least moonlight is most commomly used.

6175664 NightLight is now the Ship Name.

Thank you.:rainbowkiss:

This has my attention.

6175700 Only one problem, Nightlight is also the name of Twilight's father.

6174840 I've seen quicker reactions among the fandom. But I'm happy to see this.

Sweet idea and really great work.

I feel like I know where this Is going, are they going to have sex inside a book?

What? Perhaps you were expecting a Saw-inspired gore-infested torture scene in the basement?

What do you take me for?

A satirical, sociopathic genius?

This is so sweet. Can't wait for more.

What? Perhaps you were expecting a Saw-inspired gore-infested torture scene in the basement?

What do you take me for?

Someone far better than the writer of that fic that shall not be named.

Hardy har har. Very amusing Author's Note. :ajbemused:

Wait a sec, shouldn't it be "Whom do you take me for?" The question is about a living person, not an object... :rainbowderp:

6176043 Well I'm calling it Twidancer because we already have a moonlight ship

6177888 Couldnt have said that better myself.

Loved it can't wait for more :heart::pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

Please. Everyone knows all the writers on this site are not people, but robots programmed to write us stories

Hmm, Twilight seems a little too eager for somepony who's never been in a relationship, let alone with another mare. She should be easing into this much more slowly, but other than that, this story has potential.

6178651 i am a really person on this website, not a robot


Ha ha. :yay: like in Team Fortress 2:


Yeah, well, buck you too.

6178977 Beep boop son, beep boop.

Moondancer stood in the aging ceramic tub, as the warm stream of water from the shower head rinsed the soap suds from her mane for the 3rd time.

The number should be written out.

She darted back in from the curtain, shut the water off, and shook off the excess water before drawing back the curtain and stepping out onto the rug, grabbing a towel.

I suppose that a shower curtain in a world where no one wears pants is more of a "keep the floor dry" thing than a privacy thing.

That was cute. This pairing is more believable than some. They were child(foal?)hood friends, have similar demeanors, and share the same interests. The fact that they look like one another is kind of weird and a little narcissistic. However, they are both so adorable individually and adorable together that the narcissism does not take away from how much I love this ship.

I look forward to your next chapter.


Well this story looks pretty good so far. I think I like Moondancer x Twilight, even if I will always be a SunLighter at heart. I look forward to the next chapter.

This is f*cking adorable. I demand more.


Moonlight is actually one of the oldest ship names in the whole fandom

6184844 That's because Peppy doesn't know how to spell Tuna.

6178651 Could it be that the people who read but don't write are robots meant to help the writing community feel better about themselves.

This was inevitable... I saw this coming a mile away, after the episode it was only a matter of time before this happened. Not saying it's a bad idea, but after being on this site for long enough you do tend to see things before they happen, fic-wise.

I'll add this to the 'Read Later' shelf, do not disappoint.

6184924 or maybe it's because they're not in a situation to write.

"Not even Flash Sentry?" The dragon sneered in a teasing tone.
"Hey, Lyra may have an uncanny obsession with those anthropomorphic creatures, but I've decided I'm only interested in my own race, and I'm not going to let a few days with Flash's human counterpart automatically make me attracted to the Pegasus guard in this world,"

Ooh, that's going to hurt. Because I'm pretty sure poor Flash thought they had something. (Of course, I'm sure we want to see him heartbroken).

6184957 Miles never disappoints.

Instant Shipping!:moustache:

The two unicorns spent the first part of the afternoon window shopping in the market district.

Twilight isn't a unicorn anymore.:twilightsheepish:

She walked up to the bed, and saw a teddy bear resting at the foot of the bed, with a note in front. She picked it up, and saw that it had obviously been torn open, because there was a black stitch line along his chest. She smiled and looked down at the note.
Sweet dreams!

Did you really just have, Twilight, say, Spike's, gift was from her!?:twilightoops:

Still a good story. Please continue.:twilightsmile:

I look forward to their first kiss

You handle the Flash thing well. Good job!
Nice chapter, I like how slow your taking this growing relationship. Should make the sex, interesting, and probably fun and awkward when it happens. :twilightblush:

So, we have Starlight Glimmer tag, but still no tags for Night Glider, Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, Party Favor, Troubleshoes, and Moondancer, AND also including Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine.

6189764 We also still don't have updated Luna and Pipsqueak tags. Luna's Season 2+ design has been out for a long time now, and "Twilight Time" showed what Pipsqueak looks like without his Nightmare Night costume.

Heck, we need character tags for Pinkie's parents.

With that, she trotted down the stairs, and made her way to the throne room, where Spike was entertaining Moondancer, who was currently looking at the six thrones, and heard her come in.

Technically there are seven. Spike's is a little bit smaller than the rest, but it still has the same basic shape as the others.

Now I cannot stop trying to picture Moondancer's dress, where the pink accents would be, and what they look like. Though I can clearly see it clinging snugly to her body, accentuating her curves in all the right...



Where was I? Oh, right. That sounds like a pretty dress, I bet it would look great on Twilight's floor.


"I believe I promised you a certain studying technique."

Ooh, things could get interesting. :duck:

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