• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 7,658 Views, 271 Comments

Ultimate Three - idk12345678910

After the monstrous U-3 is defeated by Leon in Spain, it wakes up on the edge of the Everfree forest. But something is different. It has become reacquainted with the sapience it once knew from when it was human, and the plaga is strangely silent...

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Calming the Storm

Picking myself up off of the ground with a small inhuman groan, I took a good look at the figure that had decided to block my path away from the forest. It was blue, and it seemed to be a small horse, just like the others I had seen. Although this one didn't have a horn, it seemed to be sporting a pair of wings. It was crouched down in an offensive stance, and It's wings were raised out to the side, looking ready to take to the air at a moment's notice. Amusingly enough, it's mane was colored in a rainbow pattern.

Regardless of how the new horse looked, I had no intentions of letting it stop me from my goal. I could already feel my head starting to clear up, and the teasing clarity only served to further drive me on towards my goal. Almost as if sensing my intentions, the rainbow-maned horse began to talk.

"You're not going anywhere near Ponyville without going through ME first!"

She (I assumed it was a she from the voice) began to dig her hooves into the earth , almost like a bull. At the same time I found myself swaying my upper half side to side, reminiscent of a snake. I shook my head and forced myself to stop. I had no intentions of fighting anyone here. If I was going to start over, I didn't want to get on anyone's bad side.

On the spot, I came up with a plan. I would get further away from the forest until my mind was clear enough to think of a way to communicate with the horse. If she attacked me while I was making my way away from the forest, I wouldn't retaliate. I figured this body could take the hits.

I juked left, and the cyan horse fell for it. She sped forward in a rainbow colored blur, missing me entirely. A loud crashing noise rang out from behind me. I found myself slightly amazed at the rainbow trail the pegasus had left, but I didn't waste any time in running full speed away from the battle.

I couple of seconds later, I felt something land hard on my centipede-like back. The pressure on my unusual lower half felt completely alien to me. I turned my head around to find the rainbow pegasus from before riding on top of me. She raised her hooves and started stomping into my back. I could barely feel it, and I was slightly surprised she could keep her balance enough to do that while I was moving. I turned back around and tried to ignore her.

I felt the pressure on my back lift. I turned around again to find the rainbow pegasus gone.

Where did she go?


I looked up in the sky to find an amazing sight. A rainbow in the sky expanded outwards in a circle, with a solid streak of rainbow racing towards the ground. While it was a breath-taking view, I only figured out the danger of it when the solid rainbow turned 90 degrees and began racing towards me at unbelievable speeds.


I turned around and braced myself as much as I could. I raised my arms up over my face and lowered my center of gravity. She was getting closer.

Maybe I should jump out of the way at the last second?

That wouldn't do. She had turned ninety degrees before. What was stopping her from doing it again? Closing my eyes, I prepared myself for the worst.

I flinched when I heard a noise to my side. To my surprise, the pain I was expecting never came. In confusion, I opened my eyes.

The pegasus had stopped and was now hovering in mid-air. She was looking at something out of my line of sight. Following her gaze, I found myself looking at the two horses I had met before. From this distance, I could see the yellow one, Fluttershy, was actually a pegasus as well.

"What? Why?" The blue pegasus shouted out.

"Because, Rainbow, he's not going to hurt anyone." Fluttershy replied.

I could hug that horse right now. I guess that noise I flinched from was her telling "Rainbow" to stop attacking me.

"But Fluttershy, look at him!" She pointed a hoof at me.

The green one decided to speak up. "Yeah, I know Dash. I thought the same way , too, until Fluttershy convinced me otherwise."

"We saw the whole thing, but we couldn't catch up until now." Fluttershy admitted.

Wow. I guess it's a good thing i'm so slow.

Fluttershy continued speaking. "Rainbow, while you two were fighting, did he ever once hit you back?"

"Well...no. I guess I kind of attacked him because of how he looked." Rainbow slumped over in mid-air out of shame.

"That's okay." Fluttershy walked over to me. "Mr. Monster here will forgive you, right?" She gave me the cutest looking puppy eyes I have ever seen.

Argh! I was going to forgive her anyways, you didn't have to bring out the big guns!

I nodded my head and gave an affirmative grunt.

She stopped with the puppy eyes, and smiled. "See, Rainbow? Nothing to worry about. Now then Mr. Monster, how about we get you back home?"

I hurriedly shook my head.

"What? Why not?"

I took a second to think of a response before I pointed towards the forest with my clawed hand, and then held my head and groaned in what I hope sounded like pain.

They seemed to get the message. "The forest hurts your head?" Fluttershy asked.

I nodded my head in affirmation.

"How strange. None of the other animals from the forest complained about any headaches." Fluttershy contemplated.

But i'm not actually from the forest. But how do I tell them?

I looked towards the ground in contemplation before realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

Of course! I can draw in the ground!

I hurriedly grunted and waved my hand to draw their attention. When I had their full attention, I lowered my upper half down near the ground like a snake. Using the claws on my hand, I drew a crude house. Beside that, I drew a few trees tightly grouped together. I pointed at the trees, and then point at the house and shook my head.

It took them a couple of seconds, but they finally figured it out. "The forest isn't your home?" Fluttershy asked.

I raised my upper half back up and shook my head again.

"Wait, if you're not from the forest, then where ARE you from?" The green one asked, walking up alongside Fluttershy.

I contemplated that for a bit. Where exactly was I? Was I still on earth? Was I even in the same dimension? The thoughts made me wonder about my whole situation. Waking up with sapience I wasn't suppose to have, meeting talking unicorns and pegasi which aren't supposed to exist in the first place, and finding forest that wants me to go back to being the beast I once was.

The entire thing made me question my sanity. The possibility of insanity was quickly discarded, however, when I remembered you needed to be sapient to be considered insane in the first place.

"Helloooo, Anyone home?" I looked up to see the blue pegasus shouting at me from beside Fluttershy.

"It's okay, Rainbow. Maybe he doesn't want to tell us." Fluttershy reasoned.

I waved my hand and shook my head before bending down like before. I cleared away my previous drawings before drawing two circles beside each other. I drew a third circle between above the two, and drew some lines around it to show it was a sun. I drew some crude land masses on the other two circles to show they were planets. Then, I drew two figures, with one figure above each planet. Above the one on the right was a stick figure pony, with a rectangle for a head and a smiley face. Above the one on the left, I drew a stick figure of myself, kind of like the pony figure, but where the pony figure would have a neck, I drew a straight line up, added two arms, gave myself a circle for a head, and added two eyes and my long tongue. I drew an arrow from the pony to the planet on the right, and then drew an arrow from me to the planet on the left. I added some stars and then raised up to let them admire my handiwork.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Woah. That's a long way from home, dude..." Rainbow looked mystified at me. Probably comes with being from another planet.

The green one, strangely, didn't say anything. Instead, she just looked at me in excitement, any feelings of caution or trepidation from before gone. She looked like she had something she REALLY wanted to say, but currently couldn't.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help you there," Fluttershy said regretfully before perking up, "But I know a friend who might."

I looked at her hopefully and nodded. I had no intentions of going back, but I wasn't about to turn down the chance to meet someone who could help me figure out how I got here, not to mention help me understand why I wasn't a raging monster any more.

Plus, it'll help me get further away from the forest. The fog in my mind is almost non-existent now. If i can just get a little further away, i'll be free of the forest's influence!

"Wait a second, we can't just bring him into town. He'll cause a panic!" Rainbow pointed out.

The green one smiled. "Actually, Rainbow, I might have a plan."