• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 729 Views, 39 Comments

Those Who Sport With Giants - lord_steak

A stormball team out of Cloudsdale has walloped everypony they've played, but something's not adding up. Their star retired years ago, but is playing better now than ever. And, something is pushing him. Pushing him in a bad, bad way....

  • ...



Fleetfoot and Soarin’ hoofbumped coming off the pitch, and away from the deafeningly quiet stands towards the visitor locker room. Spitfire, merrily laughing, caught up with them, hugging them both in her wings for a moment before the three continued with forehooves around each other’s shoulders. Spitfire and Soarin’ both wore a white sports jersey with a yellow star on it, a red border on the star’s perimeter, and two very thin red horizontal stripes. Fleetfoot’s was of the same design, but was of black cloth instead of white. Out on the cloud layer were nine dejected pegasi, each in a powder blue jersey…and two alicorns, one white and the other dark blue, also showing a similar emotional state, the darker-colored wearing safety green. Others followed them into the locker room, wearing the same-colored jerseys as Spitfire, who was snickering, “That was great! I love shutting them out in their own place!”

Fleetfoot chortled, “Yes, I’m particularly fond of it myself, that ultimately being my job and all.”

Soarin’ chuckled, “That was good. I could really go for some apple pie. Or carrot cake. Hell, just bring on the food!”

The three highest-ranking Wonderbolts laughed together again. Spitfire’s smile faded slightly. “Well, I guess it’s back to the usual Monday-to-Friday grind.”

“Not yet. One remains.”

An older, blue-eyed, bearded, palomino pegasus stallion came up to them. Soarin’ gave this other stallion a quizzical look. “Are you sure? Who’s left that we forgot?”

A slight grin passed over the face of the aging athlete, his voice direct, with a growing grimness and hunger to his words as he turned towards his locker. “Ponyville. One last princess. Then nopony can say they are our better. Nopony.”

“Whoa, what!!?!

Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, OHMIGOSH...!!

Rainbow Dash’s shout, and subsequent fangirl scream, turned every head in earshot. Many hesitantly walked over as the powder-blue pegasus loudly squealed with ecstatic prancing in place. Most turned to each other perplexed, uncertain how the town bulletin board warranted such an outburst. Few did more than give it a brief look every once in awhile, and Dash was no exception.

A hooffull in the crowd shrugged as a pastel yellow and pink pegasus sidled up beside the giddy, giggling center of attention. “Um, Rainbow Dash, if you wouldn’t mind, would you please explain why you’re so excited?”

Dash scooped up Fluttershy with a laugh, while her friend squeaked startled. “Do you see that Fluttershy! It’s totally awesome!!”

“Uh, could you please put me down?” pleaded Fluttershy, trembling.

Rainbow Dash continued on obliviously. “Cloudsdale wants to play us in stormball! How amazing is that!?”

A smattering of murmurs prevented a stunned silence, many taking to their own baffled mannerisms, and most of the rest, including every unicorn and earth pony in the crowd, simply walking away. Most of the pegasi pressed in closer. Fluttershy’s eyes darted side-to-side as she murmured, “It’s...nice.”

Rainbow Dash returned her timid friend to the ground as she continued her euphoric squeal. “Nice?! It’s way more than nice! It’s so awesome!!”

“Sorry, Dash, but I’ve never exactly, um, liked sports all that much. But it’s okay if you like them.”

Not even stormball...? Come ON, Flutters....

Rainbow Dash gawked at her incredulously, slowly shaking her head, as she spoke in matching tones. “Are you kidding!? Stormball’s only the most awesome sport there ever was!”

Fluttershy blinked for a few seconds and pursed her lips before saying with a hard swallow, “Um, I think you could use a thesaurus.”

“No, what I could use is some practice!” Dash turned to the remaining pegasi. “We all could use some practice! Gather every good flier we have that wants to play! We’ll start tryouts in one hour; everypony should have clocked out by then. And Blossomforth, see if your grandpa still has one more game left in him to coach.”

The talcum-furred, amethyst-and-peridot-maned pegasus mare saluted, then quickly flew away. Many of the other pegasi took off excited and inspired. Some wandered off unenthused and dismissive, or looking defeated, that the challenge exceeded them even on paper.

Fluttershy tapped her friend on the shoulder apologetically. “Sorry, I really don’t want to play.”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy. I didn’t think you wanted to, and wasn’t going to force you,” Rainbow said earnestly with a nod.

“Thank you.”

“Of course. At least come see us play, right?” Rainbow Dash asked expectantly.

Fluttershy grinned. “Just let me know when.”

“Awesome. Thanks.” Rainbow Dash gave Fluttershy a clap on the shoulder, and took off toward Twilight’s castle.

“Stormball? Sorry, pegasi sports never came up in my studies.”

Not you too, Twi....

Disappointed surprise soaked into Dash’s face and words. “Oh, come on! Are you serious? You’re totally missing out!”

Twilight’s semi-aloof thinking pervaded her own speaking, “I should have a book around here, but the 797s are two floors up....”

“What are you talking about? 797s?” Rainbow asked a bit thrown.

A smile lit the princess’s face. Brightly, Twilight began, “How a library’s organized. A stallion named–”

Whoa, whoa, whoa...!

“Hang on, I thought we were supposed to be talking about stormball, remember?”

Everything in Twilight Sparkle’s demeanor and inflection condescended how obvious the connection should have been. “Yeah, that’s why I brought up the book....”

Rainbow waved her hooves quickly for a moment. “Let’s do this the easy way: have a seat and let Professor Dash do the teaching!”

Sighing, Twilight closed her eyes with a forced, closed-mouth smile, as her horn began to glow. Dash trotted to an open area with an air of self-importance. She puffed out her chest and raised a forehoof, beginning her lecture with eyes closed and a not-fully-suppressed smirk. “Stormball is the oldest pegasus sport still played today, named for its rapid movements around the clouds. Two teams send eleven ponies into the field of play, or pitch, which is a hundred-and-fifty meters long, and seventy-five meters wide. Score goals by kicking the ball into the goal, each at opposite ends of the pitch.”

“Each goal is three meters tall, eight meters wide, and centered laterally, but not vertically,” interrupted Twilight, sounding of a recitation. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to notice the open book in Twilight’s levitation spell.

Really? Rude!

“You pulled that down here that fast, without even leaving the room?” Dash asked flatly.

Twilight smirked, “Element of Magic, remember?”

With annoyed gestures, Rainbow grumped, “Geez, Twi, how can you get how awesome the game is out of a book?”

“You were being a caricature of me,” replied Twilight with markedly pronounced annoyed tones.

Oops. Slick, Dash.

Touché. Sorry,” said Rainbow.

Twilight shook her head. Her displeasure faded as she said, “It’s fine. Let’s see...ah! A ‘stone’ is when the ball hits the cloud layer five meters below the bottom of both goals, which gives the other team the ball halfway between where the ball hit and the center of the opposing goal, but it has to be kicked up from the bottom cloud layer.”

Nodding emphatically, Rainbow Dash said, “Yes, exactly. It’s usually better to crash into the bottom than to let a stone fall. Many brilliant drives, fast-breaks, and corner kicks became a point for the other team because of a stone.”

Twilight’s spell flipped through a number of pages, raising an eyebrow enough to do Applejack proud. “This game looks awfully close to something I saw at Canterlot High, something I played against that world’s version of you....”

Really wish she’d just tell us what’s on the other side of the portal....

Dash’s face scrunched in overt confusion, before easing up. “Don’t know what you want me to say to that, but if we’ve covered stones, let’s talk about meteors. That’s when the ball hits the upper cloud layer, as opposed to the bottom. They’re not as bad. The upper cloud layer is, what, about fifteen or seventeen meters above the top of the goal?”

“Seventeen meters exactly, according to the book.”

Nodding pleased, Rainbow went on, “I thought so. A meteor results in a drop ball. Teams have five seconds to respond and get their players where they want them before the ref drops the ball from where it hit the cloud. Either team can kick it then, but only after it falls five meters. Hit it too soon, and the other team gets a free kick.”

Twilight’s intonation continued insinuating that her thoughts were still elsewhere, yet nevertheless carried itself matter-of-factly. “The book also says any player that kicks three meteors in a game gets a yellow card, or a red card if they already had a yellow card.”

Bobbing her head about, Dash said, “Ooh, I forgot about that. So, keep it in the middle. Not too high, not too low.”

“Rainbow Dash?” asked Twilight bluntly, as she slammed the book shut and floated it to a nearby table.

Jolted, Dash looked around startled. She closed her mouth briefly before giving the uninspired simple response. “Yes?”

Twilight’s face conveyed her thoughts were focusing. She looked over her friend quickly. Rainbow shifted uneasily as Twilight cocked her head to one side. Finally the princess asked, “I’ve been wondering this whole time, why did you bring up stormball now and not sooner, if you love it so much? You wouldn't just come in here and talk my ear off about this sport on a whim, let alone excitedly, or even exuberantly, for no reason.”

Instantly the pegasus’s mood, ears, face, posture, and voice all perked up. “Cloudsdale wants to play Ponyville!”

Both of Twilight’s eyebrows went up this time. She said with growing interest, “Really? That is exciting!”

Dash beamed, “Yeah! It’s gonna be awesome just to play them! Try outs begin at the top of the hour. Are you game?”

“Are alicorns even allowed?” Twilight asked.

Dash pursed her lips, looking upward. “I think so. I mean, you’ve got wings. Why not?”

“Then, I’m in,” answered Twilight, grinning.

As she quickly flew up and through a tight loop, Rainbow rejoiced, “YES!! Thanks, Twi!”

Twilight shook her head with an amused smile. “My pleasure. Oh, who else is trying out for the team?”

Shrugging, the other mare answered, “Don’t know yet. Blossomforth’s grandpa, Bicycle Kick, used to coach the Stars years and years ago; hopefully he’s up for coaching one more game.”

“We should get every strong flyer,” suggested Twilight.

Dash gave her a simple nod. “Of course! We’re gathering up everypony now who can handle it.”

Every strong flier,” said Twilight bluntly, as the smile started to fade into something sterner.

Not her, Twilight. Don’t say her name.

Rainbow Dash gave her friend a confused look. “Yes...isn’t that what I said?”

“That includes Ms. Hooves,” the alicorn said firmly.

...damn. Just couldn't let it be, could you…?

Rainbow stammered, “Oh, um…I don’t know….”

All hints of joy were gone from Twilight's face and voice, replaced by disappointment and irritation. “Rainbow Dash....”

Dash’s own countenance and tone became one of an elementary schoolfilly in trouble with, but still complaining to, and trying to convince, her teacher, “She’s just so clumsy! And her eyes, Twilight! I don’t think she can see straight.”

“That’s unfair to her. She deserves a chance like everypony else,” said Twilight curtly.

“I know that! And I know she always tries her best! It’s–” Rainbow Dash sighed an even mixture of frustration and tempered concern as her ears flattened. Looking down, she went on, quieter and sadder, “She’s a really nice pony, one of the sweetest here in Ponyville. But I don’t think she’ll make the cut, and I really don’t want to see her feelings hurt. Especially if it’s her eyes that holds her back.”

Twilight’s eyes locked in on Rainbow’s disheartened and guilty face, her own fervent and uncompromising. Austerely, she prompted, “Remember generating the tornado to give Cloudsdale our reservoir for rainwater a few years ago?”

Rainbow’s eyes looked up to meet her friend’s gaze, but her muzzle continued pointing downward. “Yeah?”

Bluntly and directly, Twilight asked, “How many pegasi broke thirteen wing power?”

“Just two.”

“Who were they?”

I’m being a jerk; I got it.

Dash quietly answered, “Me. And Ms. Hooves.”

Just as candid, Twilight asked, “How many pegasi in Ponyville can fly backwards almost as quickly as forwards?”

Okay, Twi, you win this one….

“Just Ms. Hooves,” Dash answered as her ears flattened.

Even brusquer, Twilight pressed, “How many pegasi in Ponyville will feel hurt because they were excluded from tryouts? Hurt worse than if they tried and failed?”

Dash’s shoulders slumped. Her gaze returned to the floor as she started towards the door. “Nopony. I’ll go get Ms. Hooves....”

Twilight’s face and voice eased up as she said, “I’m glad to hear that, Dash. I’ll keep reading up on the game, and see what I can find out about Cloudsdale’s team. Oh, the last place I saw Ms. Hooves was at the park by the edge of town. I’ll see you at, or before, tryouts.”

Rainbow Dash hovered over the park, scanning about. She noticed Scootaloo and her friends still trying to get their cutie marks by the tall maple, seven mares in a knitting circle, Big Mac heading towards Sweet Apple Acres with a load of fertilizer, and the town’s closest pair of best friends on a bench talking to each other. With a telling grin, she shook her head and mused to herself, “How long will it take those two to see and admit what everypony else already knows?”

There, behind the benches a fair distance, sat a gray, wall-eyed pegasus mare with yellow mane, tail, and eyes. She was entertaining a small herd of foals by blowing bubbles. Some of them were running to and from the knitters. Rainbow Dash checked the sun’s position: eighteen minutes until they needed to be back. She sighed, looking around. Others had begun assembling a practice pitch.

Be positive, Dash. Twi will know if you blow this off.

Rainbow descended quickly to the ground, landing with the lightest touch. She trotted over to Ms. Hooves, who was already blowing bubbles into the shape of another of the foals, much to their delight. Lightly tapping on her shoulder, Dash interjected, “Hey, could I talk to you for a moment? I could really use a hoof with something.”

“Hey, Rainbow Dash! Hang on just a moment; I’m almost done,” happily answered the bubble pony. Ms. Hooves took the bubble wand and lightly blew into the ring, puffing her lips in different directions as the bubble grew. Rainbow Dash breathed a soft, but delighted and impressed “whoa” as the single bubble took the form of a spiky-maned colt towards the back of the group. The edges of the bubble quivered against the wand before sealing itself shut and drifting idly. The gathering’s eyes were transfixed on the figure. Ms. Hooves chuckled, “There! That should be all of you. Now run along back to your moms; they should be finished.”

The foals cheered as they scampered towards the knitting circle, which was in fact wrapping up its meeting. Ms. Hooves smiled at the sight. Rainbow Dash grinned for a moment, before turning to the other mare as she said, “I didn’t know you could do that. I mean, I’ve seen Pinkie Pie blow bubbles in the shapes of others, but—”

Ms. Hooves cut her off by proudly patting her cutie mark. “Where do you think Pinkie learned how to do it?”

Smiling and shaking her head, Dash started, “Right, of course, but....”

Rainbow Dash trailed off as she looked around, eyes widening astounded. There were the bubble figures of ten foals and eight mares, include Ms. Hooves, drifting about, but all still intact, even one that got itself caught in a rosebush. Rainbow Dash turned back to Ms. Hooves, still floored at the sight. The wall-eyed mare snickered a little as she said, “All of Pinkie’s would’ve popped by now.”

“How did...?”

Ms. Hooves interrupted, “Here. Take the wand, and blow.”

Dash took the wand with uncertainty, before meeting Ms. Hooves gaze. She returned it to its soapy reservoir, dunking in its looped end. Facing the most open area of the park, she withdrew the wand and blew into its loop. A cascade of bubbles flowed forth, the biggest about the size of an apricot. One by one they burst after a few seconds, the largest surviving the longest and breaking upon a blade of grass. Ms. Hooves smiled. Taking the wand, and not even dipping it back in the solution, she blew a single bubble about the size of a grapefruit that drifted and swirled on the unseen currents and eddies of the seemingly still air, enduring longer than any of Dash’s, from a single short breath. Dash’s mouth moved independently and highly impressed before her larynx caught up with her jaw. “Wow. How did you end up as a mailmare?”

Ms. Hooves sighed, her smile turning sad. With a single shake of the head, she answered, “Blowing bubbles doesn’t pay the bills, certainly not with a party pony of Pinkie’s talent in town. Why don’t you keep ahold of that one, and tell me how long before it pops?”

“Sure, Ms. Hooves.”

“Please, just call me Muffins.”

Dash’s head jolted back as both eyebrows lowered. “‘Muffins?’ I thought I heard the good doctor call you Der–”

Ms. Hooves cut her off with a raised hoof, and firmly said, “That’s a nickname; only those who really love me, and I love back, can call me that.” She shot a grin at the fourth wall. “But you said you needed a hoof with something?”

“Yes, and it’s going to be awesome!” beamed Rainbow Dash, her posture proudly straightening up with excitement shining in her eyes.

The mailmare slowly rotated a forehoof eagerly. “Good start, good start.”

“Cloudsdale wants to play Ponyville in stormball!” squealed the cyan pegasus, struggling to contain her inner fangirl.

Muffins as squealed as well, bounding in place. Clapping her hooves together, she glomped Rainbow Dash, who joined her in the giddy, laugh-filled jumping. Clasping her compadre’s shoulders, Ms. Hooves squeed, “Really!? Ohmigosh! I’ve gotta play! I haven’t played in years!”

“I didn’t know you played!” whooped Dash, excitedly and quickly patting the gray pegasus on her side.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, I played Striker in high school and won D-II nationals my senior year! The Fillydelphia Eagles thought about recruiting me, even,” Muffins explained, still grinning ear to ear.

Rainbow Dash went agape with an indistinct squawk. With a short bark of disbelieving laughter, she asked in stunned tones, “You almost went pro!? Why not?”

Ms. Hooves looked down, the jumping over, as her ears drooped. Dash’s own followed suit.

Doofus. Should’ve known this would be a sore spot.

The two let go as the gray mare lamented, “Money. My parents couldn’t afford the train tickets, hotels, camps, and so on. I had to let go of the dream, just so that we could keep food on the table. I couldn’t gamble with starvation, just to take a longshot on an unrealistic dream. I just couldn’t do that to them. Mom and dad already gave up so much for me with my eye condition and all; I could not and would not ask to risk their livelihoods, too.”

Caringly rubbing her companion on the withers, Dash sadly replied, “Oh wow. I’m so sorry to hear that. I didn’t know Ponyville Schools even had a stormball team.”

Muffins snorted a single snicker. She looked up and said, “They don’t. I grew up in a little podunk about halfway between Canterlot and Manehatten.”

“Oh. I see. But still, if you want to play, we’re holding tryouts above town hall in about ten minutes,” Rainbow Dash answered.

A magenta flash startled both of them as Twilight Sparkle teleported beside Rainbow Dash. Ms. Hooves bowed before the princess. Twilight sighed through her nose and said, “Please, you know you don’t need to do that.”

“Sorry,” said Muffins.

“Um, I need to talk to Rainbow Dash for a minute,” Twilight said uncomfortably.

“Of course, Your Highness. So, Dash, I’ll see you at the tryouts?” perked up Ms. Hooves.

Smiling, Dash excitedly answered, “You know it!”

Getting her own smile back, Muffins beamed. “Great! See you there!”

Ms. Hooves took off, moving quicker than Dash recalled her ever moving, except for lifting water to Cloudsdale. Twilight gave a pleased smile. Nudging her friend in the side, Dash said, “Ready to go, Twi?”

Twilight Sparkle turned with an air of seriousness that would have killed the mood even at Hearth’s Warming. She pressed, “Before we go, I found out about Cloudsdale’s team.”

Dash cocked her head to one side. “What about the Cyclones? Apart from that they’ve won the FISA championship more than any other team.”

“We’re not playing the Cloudsdale Cyclones.”

Dash’s head then cocked the other direction as her mouth hung open again. A few seconds of silence were broken by a befuddled “What??”

Twilight’s face firmed up, her tone of voice matching. “The team we’re playing is made up of retired professional stormball players, and Wonderbolts.”

“Huh. Guess I’ll get another chance to show Spitfire my stuff, huh?” mused Dash, grinning. Twilight’s face did not change, still just as stern and concerned. Rainbow’s smile sloughed off, revealing underlying worry. “What’s wrong, Twi?”

“They beat the Cyclones.”

Well. Isn’t that something?


Twilight continued, “And the Fillydelphia Eagles.”


“Whoa,” said Dash with a surprised nod.

And the Baltimare Stars.”

I don’t like where this is going....

Rainbow furled her brow. She slowly said, “Wait....”

“And the Canterlot Constellation, the Manehatten Flyers, the Neigh York Jets, the Trottingham Tempest, the Detrot White Wings, the Whinnyapolis Meteors, and every other FISA team. They didn’t stop there,” elaborated Twilight unsmiling.

What in the blue-flying hell is this?

Dash paused, her face unmoving, picking at the steely expression her friend bore. She prodded, “You’re not serious.”

Twilight sharply exhaled through her nose again. “They took a world tour. They threw down the challenge they could beat any team, anywhere in the world, on their home field.”

Could this be for real? Holy hell.

“You’re…not serious, right?” Rainbow Dash asked in stunned disbelief.

Twilight’s tone took the sound of a captain giving a colonel some ugly news from the front lines. She exhorted, “Saddle Arabia was crushed, Prance fared about as poorly, Griffonstone lost by nineteen goals, the Crystal Empire had Cadance playing and they had to forfeit before the end of the first half, and this is how it’s gone all over. After defeating every foreign team, they returned, and faced Canterlot’s volunteer team, which had both Celestia and Luna on the pitch, and they still won three goals to zilch. We are all that’s left. I doubt they would’ve bothered with Ponyville, if it weren’t for coach Bicycle Kick having retired here, and me.”

Rainbow adopted Twilight’s forced, closed-mouth grin of disbelief for a moment. She sighed, then said, “Let me guess: Spitfire’s playing Striker, isn’t she.”

“No. She’s left wing,” said Twilight.

Rainbow Dash paused. She shrugged, then muttered, “Then Soarin’ must be Striker.”

Twilight shook her head again. “Nope. Right wing.”

“Fleetfoot?” guessed the powder-blue pegasus, eyes pleading to be correct this time.

Twilight smirked. “Goalkeeper.”

Oh, come on…!

“Fleetfoot’s the goalie?! For real??” Dash protested, whipping her tail downward.

“That world tour I mentioned? She missed only nine saves total, across over thirty games, and did not allow a single own-goal. Only Germane scored on her twice. It’s her reaction time,” said Twilight matter-of-factly, face still showing no emotion.

“Wow. Knew she was quick, but…who’s playing Striker?” asked Dash, terribly bewildered.

Twilight Sparkle snorted, “David Buckham.”

Open-mouthed, silent, frozen, with a kilometer stare glazing her eyes, Rainbow Dash’s hindquarters gave out, plopping her posterior down most-undignified. Remembering the blink instinct, she took in a deep breath. Her voice returned, but barely above a whisper. “Oh, Celestia….”

“Yes. ‘The last living legend of stormball.’ The sports analysts all agree, he hasn’t been this good in fifteen years at least, maybe even better than he was in his prime. Nopony's seen anything like it before. And if that's not weird enough, one report states he’s also nursing an anger towards royalty, too. Like, royalty everywhere. Not just ours. No one knows why, either; reports never said anything like that about him before now,” the princess reported in a grave voice.

Ho…ly…crap…I thought the Young Flyers’ Competition was FUBAR before taking the stage, but this…this is a whole new level.

Emptily Dash said, “That’s...a horribly-efficient front three to try and guard.”

Waving a wing in front of the pegasus’s face, Twilight flatly said, “I’ve gathered as much, but we need to get up there; it’s about that time.”

Rainbow Dash instinctively took to the air with Twilight Sparkle just behind her. As the two flew towards the assembling clouds above the center of town, Dash was pensive, as though hundreds of questions heated her mind at once.

Buckham always was the type to go out with a bang, and the double hat-trick to win one last championship certainly was a bang. But...that was five years ago. And he’s never shown any anger toward the princesses. How did he get better now than what he was when I was a filly? When did he suddenly get mad about royals, and how will that factor into the game…?

Author's Note:

Here's m' first fanfic, chapter one. The story had been bouncing around m' head for quite awhile. Yes, it's flagged Sad; those parts are in upcoming chapters. Until then, everyone take care, and thanks for reading.