• Member Since 17th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Mochas Dungeon

My darker (fun) side resides here.


  • TMadness
    Interviews with inpatients at Broadhoof mental asylum seemed like another task. With a few words from a patient, his entire life is brought into question.
    Mochas Dungeon · 25k words  ·  19  10 · 483 views
Comments ( 7 )

The gore. The oh so brilliant gore.

Chapter two is psychological torment


I really liked that. It was very enjoyable. But that's just me and my gore side speaking.



"Lanterns" ...? I have a keyboard that sticks and make the dropped-letter sort of typo a lot myself.


lowercase "i".

Is the sequence at the end where she kills her parents and injures her brother another nightmare? If not, why is she such an incredibly lethal fighter?

Okay, now I get it. Light is possessed, by what I'd call a Night Shadow. And so is her brother -- though I'm not sure if it's by the same entity.

This is the start of my own Nightmare returns saga.

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