• Published 8th Jul 2015
  • 1,528 Views, 7 Comments

Equestrian Ant-Man - Blondlionezel

Scott Lang used to be a thief, but now works for Princess Celestia to help and save ponies and humans!

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Issue #1 - Second Chance Man (Part 1)

Issue #1 - Second Chance Man (Part 1)

Scott Lang looked over his mission briefing file, something that he became used to doing over time working for Princess Celestia and Hank Pym. He opened up the file and found a document labeled "Secret Mission - Go to Castle". Scott Lang bought a train ticket, and arrived in Canterlot, where he entered the castle via a secret doorway in a shop, but he needed a password first.

"What's the secret password?" Stan the Guard asked.

"Ice Cream and Rainbows" Scott Lang answered as Stan the Guard opened the door to the castle. Scott Lang walked through and pondered at what his mission could be. Maybe it was just a regular super-villain? Or it could be a world-ending apocalypse? Scott Lang approached Princess Celestia and Hank Pym.

"Good morning, Scott Lang" Princess Celestia greeted Scott Lang.

"Good morning, your majesty" Scott Lang greeted Princess Celestia, "What's my mission today?"

"Have you ever heard of a pony called Starlight Glimmer?" Princess Celestia asked Scott Lang.

"No, but that name sounds familiar..."Scott Lang answered.

"She's some kind of crazy cult leader" Hank Pym informed Scott Lang, "We've been getting reports of her kidnapping ponies, and we want you to go get them"

"Isn't that something that the cops would handle?" Scott Lang questioned the two.

"We did try to send cops, but they didn't come back" Princess Celestia sighed.

"That's why we want to send you to get them out" Hank Pym told Scott Lang his mission.

"Well, I know the Ant-Man suit allows me to control ants and the mask allows me to shrink, but I need more than that" Scott Lang told the two.

"Then follow me!" Hank Pym instructed as Scott Lang followed him into a room filled with strange gear and gadgets.

"I knew you always worked with Stark, but I never knew he gave you this much stuff" Scott Lang remarked.

"If Howard Stark was your friend, you'd be getting more than just a yearly jam subscription, though those jams were good" Hank Pym laughed as he pulled seven pieces of technology from a shelf.

"What are those?" Scott Lang asked.

"You'll need a Micro Listener, A Disc-360 Degree Camera, an Electro-Net Launcher, Tranquilizer Dart Arm-Shooters, a thing I like to call a Swiss-Army Watch, Motion Detectors, Rocket-Powered Boots, and a spray called Laser Away!" Hank Pym explained as piece of technology as he handed them to Scott Lang.

"Thanks for all of the gadgets!" Scott Lang thanked his mentor as he headed to change into his suit. Scott Lang went into the changing room, and when he came out, as was now Ant-Man, armed with gadgets and Pym Particles, he was ready!

"Now we need a transport for you, so I got this for you!" Princess Celestia told Ant-Man as a red and black Honda NC700X drove up to him, "We call his A.I. Turbo"

"Good morning, Mister Lang!" Turbo greeted Ant-Man, "Are you ready to ride?"

"Yes, Mister Lang" Ant-Man got on top of Turbo, and began to rev up the engine.

"You'll be able to communicate with Turbo using a new implant in your helmet" Hank Pym informed Ant-Man as he drove off.

"Godspeed in your mission!" Princess Celestia wished Ant-Man good luck.

Just outside of Canterlot, Ant-Man was driving Turbo, going north, down the most bumpy road.

"Is this the right way?" Ant-Man asked Turbo.

"Yes, it'll be about five hours, twenty minutes, and five seconds before we reach our destination" Turbo told Ant-Man.

"Geez, what can't you do?" Ant-Man rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Well, I can't make a hamburger, or scratch your back, or-"

"You don't have to explain what can't do..." Ant-Man sighed.

About an hour later, Ant-Man and Turbo reached a small hill that bordered a town whose buildings seemed to form an equal sign.

"I don't know about you, but this place gives me the creeps..." Ant-Man told Turbo.

"I don't understand how" Turbo replied.

"Never-mind..." Ant-Man sighed as sneaked behind a building and used his Pym Particles to shrink down to ant size. He lurked around the buildings until he saw a purple pony with an equal sign Cutie-Mark leading some more ponies who were tied up being lead into a building.

"Mister Lang, I've searched through the picture records and found that the purple pony is Starlight Glimmer, the cult leader" Turbo informed Ant-Man.

Ant-Man turned on his rocket boots and flew up to the windowsill and looked through. What he saw was Starlight Glimmer and some other ponies holding down the kidnapped ponies and removing their Cutie-Marks!

"How terrible, getting your talent sucked away from you..." Ant-Man thought as he moved down and summoned a flying ant, who he rode on to another building filled with four, crying ponies. One was a white stallion, one was a pink mare, a dark-blue mare, and a sky-blue stallion. Ant-Man looked at them and knocked on the window, catching their attention.

"Who's there?" The white stallion asked as Ant-Man grew a bit bigger and opened the window, entering the house, then growing to normal size.

"Guys, I'm here to save you" Ant-Man whispered as he quietly put his Motion Detector on the door.

"Can you please find our Cutie-Marks?" The pink mare asked with begging eyes.

"Of course, but can you tell me your names?"Ant-Man replied.

"I'm Bakers Dozen, and my friends are Party Favor, Double Diamond, and Night Glider" Bakers Dozen introduced herself and her friends. Suddenly, the Motion Detector beeped.

"I've gotta hide!" Ant-Man declared as he shrunk down to ant size and hid under a bed as Starlight Glimmer entered the house.

"Well, well, well..." Starlight Glimmer looked around, "Have you four been talking to anyone?"

"No ma'am!" The Four lied in unison as Starlight Glimmer looked around.

"Hmm...alright..." Starlight Glimmer smiled as he exited the house. Ant-Man waited a minute to grow back to regular size, and sat on one of the beds.

"You guys don't mind if I set up a little base here tonight, do you?" Ant-Man asked, looking at his Swiss-Army Watch.

"We don't mind, we love sleep-overs!" Double Diamond told Ant-Man. Ant-Man opened his Swiss-Army Watch while the four looked in awe.

"What can it do?" Night Glider asked Ant-Man.

"Well...it can make a projection, play music, play movies, you can talk, text, you can hack, crack codes, listen into radio waves, pick locks, and can check for medical problems" Ant-Man explained the Swiss Army Watch's functions.

"But it can't tell the time?" Party Favor noted.

"Apparently not..." Ant-Man sighed.

(To Be Continued)