• Published 9th Jul 2015
  • 2,348 Views, 528 Comments

M.F.D. - kudzuhaiku

Fires, friendship, and fun. Join the Manehattan Fire Department today.

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Chapter 16

The past few days had been ones of extreme boredom. Holly, trapped in bed or dependent upon another to be elsewhere, was ready for this to be over. Her hooves itched something awful, itched on the inside, deep inside, where the itch could not be reached. In bed, itching, bored, Holly was miserable.

The papers had plenty of pictures of her and her now famous leap. There was all of this talk of being a hero, and truth be told, while Holly was proud of what she had done, she was also disgusted by everything. Knock Knock and Toot Toot had been heroes for a long, long time, but had received little recognition for their many years of service and hard work.

Holly found the whole thing irksome. They had promised to come by, but so far, they hadn’t, and Holly’s mind filled with the paranoid fear that they hated her for being a hero. At least, that was the conclusion she had reached.

Sitting in the open room that was the second floor, Holly soaked up the sun shining through the window, glad to feel its warmth upon her sore leg. The swelling had gone down, but not by much. Sitting on the coffee table was her bell, the magical bell that would summon Alfredo.

Alfredo, who was down in the basement trying to fix the steam powered blower that pushed the heat through the air vents. The house was still plenty warm, but Alfredo was irked beyond belief that the blower had ceased to function. There had been much eyebrow raising and muttered angry words.

Sitting in the corner, the hoof cranked hi-fi stopped, the record distorting and becoming scary sounding as the phonograph died down. Holly could feel her life doing the same, grinding to a halt, and succumbing to boredom.

With no music, and nothing to do, Holly nodded off to sleep as a means to pass the time.

“Madam… you have guests.”

Alfredo’s voice lured Holly out of sleep. She cracked open one eye. She was under a blanket. She didn’t remember covering up with a blanket. She yawned and forced her other eye open. With the sun still shining upon her through the window, she was warm under the blanket. She lifted her head and looked around.

“How ya feelin’, ya crazy broad?” Toot Toot asked.

A big crazy grin appeared on Holly’s face when she saw her friends and heard Toot’s voice. She felt her heart start thudding in her chest. She took a deep breath, snorted, and then said, “Took both of you jerks long enough to show up… where have you been?”

“Dealing with higher ups,” Knock Knock replied as he sat down in a high backed overstuffed chair. “Officially, Toots and I have a few days off, because they feel we need them, but unofficially, we’re still dealing with a number of investigations, including the high rise fire.”

“Ya think it was arson?” Holly asked, her grin vanishing.

“Hard to say.” Knock Knock looked grim for a moment, then, his mood shifted, and he smiled. “I’d rather not talk about work though. How ya been?”

“Yeah, how ya been?” Toot Toot, sitting on a loveseat, made himself comfortable, sprawling out on his side. “This house is fantastic.”

“Thank you, Toots… I’m okay. Inside of my hoofsies itch,” Holly replied. She realised that Alfredo was gone. She wasn’t quite sure when he had vanished, but he had somehow slipped away unnoticed. “You know, if you two ever want to get away from the station, you are always welcome here.”

Knock Knock, hearing Holly’s words, nodded. “I’ll take that offer.”

“I can’t help but feel that I have seen your butler before,” Toot Toot said as he looked around the room. “He seems awfully familiar.”

“Oh, don’t call him a butler, he’ll get mad. He’s a maid. He doesn’t like the word ‘butler’ very much.” Holly kept her voice low as she spoke to Toot Toot.

The pegasus looked at Holly as if she had grown a second head. “Eh?” He blinked. “Er, whatever. I can’t help but feel that I know him from somewhere.”

“Yeah, me too… something about him… you don’t see many ponies with a tuxedo pelt. I’ve definitely seen him before.” Knock Knock looked at his companion and then at Holly.

“I do musical theatre,” Alfredo said as he crested the stairs.

“I do know you!” Toot Toot bounced in place on the loveseat.

Levitating a tray of drinks, Alfredo moved forwards, walking towards Holly and her friends. When he reached the coffee table, he set the drinks down. There were three gin and tonics placed upon the wooden tray, each topped off with a wedge of lime.

“Toots and I see a lot of your shows,” Knock Knock said in a low voice. He glanced at Holly, then at Toot Toot, and then his eyes came to rest upon Alfredo.

Holly, slow, but not stupid, began to make a few mental connections. Sensing something was up, she too looked around the room, first at Toot Toot, who looked away, then at Alfredo, who was staring at some spot on the wall, and then at Knock Knock, who stared back at her, looking a little bit embarrassed.

Seeing his embarrassment filled in the blank and Holly came to an understanding. “Hey… I gotta ask… what are two big strapping firefighters like yourselves doing going to musicals? See… I know what Alfredo does in his off hours, because he told me—”

“Madam, I do not know if this is wise,” Alfredo said in a soft voice.

Knock Knock looked at Toot Toot and Holly saw Toot Toot give a little nod. She lifted up both of her front hooves. “Hey, I’m cool with anything, really, you can tell me anything, anything at all, and I’m okay with it. Seriously guys… something tells me that both of you know what Alfredo does.”

“Yeah, we go to certain types of musicals,” Knock Knock admitted. He stared down at the floor, his cheeks puffing out as he drew in a deep breath and held it for a moment. He let it out in a huff.

“You see, Holly, Knock Knock and I… we’re—”

“Gay?” Holly finished. She saw both stallions nodding.

Knock Knock took another deep breath and cleared his throat. “Yeah… see… we have a consensual polyamorous marriage—”

“Wait… what?” Holly looked at the mustachioed unicorn.

“What Knocker is trying to say is, he and I are married to each other and our job. He’s always trying to be clever but his jokes take forever to explain,” Toot Toot said. Reaching out, he took a glass of gin and tonic and held it gripped in his fetlock.

“I shall have to make sure that both of you are given passes.” Alfredo bowed his head. “The theatre company much adores the mares and stallions that serve us and keep us safe.”

“You can do that?” Toot Toot asked.

“Yes.” Alfredo nodded and then headed for the stairs. “I have stuff that needs doing. I will speak with you later. Please, excuse me, Madam, I have work to finish.”

The pegasus watched as Alfredo disappeared down the stairs. “He’s handsome.”

“Toots, you don’t go into somepony else’s house and say how handsome their butler—”

“Maid,” Holly corrected.

Knock Knock’s mustache quivered as he shrugged and waved one front hoof around. “You don’t go into somepony else’s house and say how handsome their maid is.”

“Holly, help me out here, he’s handsome, isn’t he?” Toot Toot gave Holly a pleading glance. “Look, I know you’re probably stunned because you just found out about us, but come on… he’s good lookin’, right?”

Holly lifted up a glass of gin and tonic. She was starting to get a taste for them, Alfredo was always leaving her one to drink. She tossed back a gulp, crunched up an ice cube in her teeth, and then, saying nothing at all, she looked at Toot Toot and nodded.

“See, I was right.” Toot Toot looked at Knock Knock with wide eyes.

“Gusty, you’re incorrigible.” Knock Knock rolled his eyes.

“Oh, you don’t get to talk, Clay… if he was strutting around in that slick little lingerie that we both saw him singing in, you’d be saying how pretty he is.” Toot Toot’s wings fluttered.

“Both of you are hilarious.” Holly took another drink. “You’re like some old married couple. Everything about you makes sense now.”

“Ouch, Holly… that’s hitting low.” Toot Toot let out a chuckle and then looked at Knock Knock. “You know… we should all go to one of Alfredo’s shows. Together. Dressed up.

“Huh?” The somewhat confused unicorn looked at his partner.

“We should get Holly all dolled up, get ourselves all dolled up, and go to a show to see Alfredo,” Toot Toot repeated. He glanced at Holly, then focused on Knock Knock. “It’d be great. We should find out when Alfredo is doing a big song and dance number, take some time off even if it means punching the higher ups in the nose, and then go out and have a fabulous night together.”

Knock Knock’s mustache quivered. “You’re just looking for an excuse to wear a feather boa again, aren’t you, you feathered freak?”

“I’m your feathered freak.” Toot Toot batted his eyelashes.

“Oh this just went to Weirdsville.” Holly tilted back her drink and took a big gulp. “This is great. Keep going, I’ve been bored, I’m enjoying this.”

“We don’t get to act like this often.” Knock Knock turned away from Toot Toot. “Officially, these sorts of relationships are forbidden. Not because we’re gay.” The unicorn paused and sighed for a moment. “They just don’t want married ponies working together. For a variety of reasons. But some of it is discrimination… not many ponies know about this Holly.”

“Your secret is safe with me. Feel free to come over and stay with me. Flirt. Have fun. You can use my sub-basement as a sex dungeon if you’d like.” Holly finished off her gin and tonic, crunched up an ice cube, ate the wedge of lime, peel and all, and then set her glass down on the coffee table. “I’d love to go to a show.”

“Do both of you fine gentleponies have time to stay for a meal?” Alfredo appeared, as if by magic, at the top of the stairs.

“If it isn’t too much trouble,” Toot Toot replied.

“Sir, it is never too much trouble. This is my job. I find it quite fulfilling.” Alfredo gave the pegasus a dry smile. “For the record, I have to start rehearsing for a show that will take place about a month from now. The Stony Spooky Cinematic Review.”

“Oh hey, I love that show!” Toot Toot bounced off of the loveseat and onto his hooves.

“You only like it because it is an excuse to dress up.” Knock Knock rolled his eyes.

“Who will you be playing?” Toot Toot asked as he trotted over to Alfredo. He looked up at the tall unicorn, grinning from ear to ear.

“Why, Evil Doctor Wienerschnitzel, of course.” Alfredo cleared his throat.

Toot Toot bounced around, his wings flapping, acting very much like a colt, which was saying something for a pegasus with more years behind him than ahead of him. He looked at Knock Knock with a pleading expression.

“I don’t get it.” Holly said.

“No… you don’t. You have yet to experience the freak show that is the Stony Spooky Cinematic Review.” Knock Knock gave Holly a grin. “It’s about a young couple… they have problems with their wagon, a broken wheel. They go back to find help and end up in the castle of Evil Doctor Wienerschnitzel, who is from Transexual Prancylvania. After that, it gets weird.

“Oh.” Holly blinked. “Now I’m curious.” She looked over at Alfredo. “So these are the sorts of roles you take on?”

The tall unicorn nodded. “Yes, Madam, these are the roles I play. I quite enjoy them.” Alfredo bowed his head. “If you will excuse me, I am off to the kitchen to make a meal.”

“Want a little help in there?” Toot Toot asked.


“Knock Knock, it’s Evil Doctor Wienerschnitzel… how many times does a pony get to help Evil Doctor Wienerschnitzel in the kitchen?” Toot Toot pranced around on the hardwood floor, his wings fluttering at his sides. “I’m gettin’ a wingboner over here!”

Closing his eyes, Knock Knock let out a heavy sigh. “Do you see what I have to put up with in private?”

Author's Note:

Oh ho ho ho...

I went there.