• Published 1st Aug 2015
  • 1,080 Views, 17 Comments

"Iolai!" or "Heroic moments Are Cheap." - Daxn

Blueblood has been defeated, and Appiano has been elected as the head of the Student's Council, while Vice Principal Luna's unusual afternoon activity has been restored. However, not everything has been smoothed out just yet.

  • ...

Fifth Chapter

Sunset quickly wrote down the thruth on the matter.

"Still nothing, but let's see if I can figirue obscure parts from your findings." That beign said, Sunset decided to turn aroudn and lay on her belly, instead of her back. As she did so, the soudn of two drops came from ehr phone, sign that someone was posting. Sunset started ot read down.

"Intestinal Beetle, as I've guessed, says that each and every Champion is capable of doing exactly one thing in a competitive way in a team. Suppsoed to be an advantage in the past years, it has came to the point of begin compeltely crippling, in case of injury or absence, as they never plan for replacements. Instestinal Beetles also claims that most of the Champions in the non-sports competitions tend to be very bullied and/or shunned, which means lower morale, lower sense of cohesion with other stundents of the Academy and, thus, higher chances of successful bribing. Rarity's research below has only given us confirmation on the matter."

Shortly after, Rarity's nickname popped out with another long message.

"So, these are the facts. The Champion of Philosofy of the Crystal Academy, Curly Winds, gets his books frequently stolen and thrown away, which is irking him a lot. He sounds like the perfect turncoat, althought it'll be hard to convince him to go agaisnt his dearly beloved Stoicism's principles. The Champion of the Melodies, Cherry Crash, really wants to break one of her hands just for spite the Academy's Principal and his obsession for Spanish Nueva Falanges Marches unware, or maybe in spite, of the connotations, and it's easy to guess what to do now. Twilight Sparkle, which is the Champion of Math for the Crystal Academy, is a scolarship student ostracized by most and that usually remains at home for her studies, going out only recently and mostly armed with various scientific contraptions. She has been focused on our school's yard, so perhaps we could work on that right away. Moondancer, the Champion of Mongolian Translation, is a loner, so she won't join us, but, if manipulated well enough, won't serve them well either."

Sunset stopped reading, havign a de-javù at that name.

"Twilight Sparkle? As in, the same gal that stopped my rampage?" Sunset tried to think about the implications, the Twilight she remebered, and everything else "That's impossible. She was in our school and then disappeared alright, but how did she got inside the Academy, if it doesn't accept mid-year transfers? And why the heck she would do that anyways, if she was oign to go around our yard anyways?"

Sunset sighed. Just another mystery she had to solve. She then went back to read.

"So far, Twilight Sparkle is the most likely candidate for buy-out, along with Cherry Crash. A simple talk with the two should suffice. Also, rumor has it that Professor Artemisia, which is also one of the judges for the Al-atl throwing competition, is an ephebophile, an information that a certain person here would really appreicate to exploit."

Sunset Shimmer grinned and winked at the screen.

"What? Can't I get soem satisfaction? XD" Appiano wrote, as he then said "Anyways, Pinkie Pie's turn with the recordings."

Around a minute of radio silence later, the audio message arrived from Pinkie Pie. After a couple of loud static sounds, which made Susnet cover her ears quickly, the recoding actually started, the radio distortion quite audible.

"Lemme get this straight," a gruffy male voice said "Canterlot High's higest council member has decided to take part to six different competitions as either Champion or squaddie, all at the same time?"

There was a crackling beat.

"I don't get it. What does he think he is?"

"A very good player. Or an over-confident one." A suave female vocie said "Besides, it's not like the Principal didn't choose the Champions carefully."

"But he can be wrong sometimes."

"He's hardly wrong, trust me on that, I've been in this school for seven years."

"Seven years?" The male voice asked.

"I was rejected three times, two in my frist year, one last year." She siad with clear annoyance "Don't remind me of those years, please."

"As you wish."

There was static, as the message clsoed off, quickly follwoe by another audio message. Thjis one lacked of static, replaced by the sound of radom ongoing chatter around and the cacophony of steps in the halls. After some more hcatter, the first recognizable voice came about.

"Lighting Dust, tell me, why didn't you choose Horseback Shooting and picked Motorbiking instead? You rock in the first!" A deep but clearly female vocie sai.

"Why? 'cuz the Principal told me that he wanted me to replace my brother, and,since I know my way around a motorbike, I guessed I couldn't refuse." Another, shriller ovice said.

"Is refusal ever an option at any time, when he 'offers' something?"

"Don't think so." The girl answered back, leaving behind a beat of steps, as the voices slowly faded and a crinkle could be heard "But, for all I care, it doesn't matter at all."

There wa another crinkle, then a sound of a lighter.

"I'd rather try to smoke tomato leaves, than refuse his offers," the other vocie said "Also, you there, you better no-"

The covnersation was cut off abruptly, but, from the girl's words, what they were doign was crystal clear.

"Druggies? Well, Guess that's one way to deal with stress." Sunset muttered to herself "I take that appiano would exploit this too, thought. Also, those leaves taste awful."

Appiano wrote up again.

"And with that we're done. So, Sunset, do you think you cna help us there?"

Sunset grinned at herself, knowing well what she was going to do.

"Yeah. I know Twilight, perhaps I can speak to her, and see what happened to her, since the last time we met."

"That is," Rarity wrote "if she's the same girl and not an omonym, as weird as it sounds, considered that Tlaxcalians are rather rare aroudn this parts."

Sunset nodded at Rarity's statment, as she went back to type.

"Anyways, aside from that, I guess I could get some Tarascan herbs and try to sell it to the potheads..."

"That'd require major efforts just to get the main active principle," rarity answered shortly after "I'd suggest you to refrain from that."

"I could try," appiano said "but I don't think that trying to sell them certain drugs will serve us well at all, especially ones that are technically military equipment."

Sunset sighed.

"I tried," she typed "But I guess that is all. I'll go to bed now, goodnight." And, with that said, she quickly shut her phone off, before geting up and moving away her pillow, where her purple night wear was folded. Sunset took it up and, removing her underwear, she wore her payajamas instead.

She then moved the covers away and covered herself with them.