• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 1,157 Views, 12 Comments

Immortal Saviors - Ravvij

What do centuries old beings desire most? Friends. Eternal, unconditional and unwavering.

  • ...

First encounter: Celestia of Equestria

In the near darkness of the universes I heard a cry. A cry of pain and sorrow. A cry so lonely I felt my heart breaking because of it. What else could I do but follow it? The sound lead me to a place filled with bright colors and flourishing life all around me. The most gentle looking quadrupeds dominated the lands and they called themselves "Ponies". Whispers carried on the winds called this land Equestria; at least, this small portion I was in was naming itself such. The town I was in called itself "Canterlot". I followed the cries to a castle atop the city built onto the side of a tall mountain. Inside the lavish walls of the castle I was being drawn to a place... no, a pony. I stopped before a white "Alicorn" with a beige-rainbow colored mane and, curiously, she was not crying. I could hear the pain coming from her, but she did not shed a single tear. Being what I am, no living being could see me. I did not want them to. I rested on the steps before the beautiful creature and her throne. I looked around and saw that, of all the citizens of this land, she had features from each kind; a long white horn atop her head and large wings protruding from her back, a taller frame than her fellow ponies, and a mark on her flank of a bright yellow sun. I watched and listened to her giving commands, attending meetings, and helping those who had requested a personal audience with her. Around her were gold plated ponies like herself and, beyond them, others with very posh looking attire. I came to learn that her name is "Celestia" and that she was a very wise and understanding ruler. She treated her subjects more than fairly; even the ones I knew didn't deserve it.

The hours passed and I saw how tired the Alicorn Princess had become. She held her composure as sternly as a statue, unchanging and never wavering; however, from watching her I could see her fatigue growing on her. The crying I'd heard from before was fading slowly, but never left her completely. If anything, I think it may have just been my ears growing used to the sound. My heart went out to her. I wanted to do something for her, but, not here. If I showed myself here and without warning I might as well reveal every other being like myself to a species that, to my ignorance, may try to capture us or worse. They seemed to have an inner magic that made each unique and special. Who knows, they could be able to capture my kind with that unicorn magic of theirs.

The hours passed and the sun was setting. The Princess retired to her bed chambers. She, quite astoundingly, was in charge of raising the sun and moon in this world. My awe and reverence of her grew with all that I learned of her. She was, without a doubt, an amazing being in her own right. Suddenly however, she began to cry and her rear had dropped, quite suddenly, onto the thick pillow bed in the center of the room; it looked as though all her regal strength had left and abandoned her. The stern mask she held so stubbornly the past few hours had broken away and her inward cries came flooding out as if a dam somewhere inside her had broken. It started as a little drip of small tears that all a pony need to do was put a hoof on her to stop it, but quite suddenly it burst forth in a raging torrent of pain and anguish. Upon her seeing the moon, I noticed, she'd become like this. I wondered. How could such a beautiful and strong being such as this be in so much pain? The silent crying that only I heard rose to greater volumes in my ears and I was no longer content with myself to just sit and watch her suffer. She collapsed into the bed, her face hidden by the soft, stuffed fabric she rested on. No, not rested... this wasn't resting. This was suffering. Her sobs and constant crying became more violent and was no longer only vocal; her body shook and trembled. She did not have the howling volume I could hear coming from withing her, but my heart was breaking over and over every second I watched her.

I walked to the desk she had placed in one corner of the room and picked up a piece of paper and the quill and ink. I set it down before her and scrawled out a message. Once done. I slapped my hand down onto the paper, getting a startled response from her. She looked up at it, her fur matted against her skin from all the tears she'd been shedding.

"Why do you cry so?" I asked through the paper.

She stood up and looked around the room in alarm. "Luna?" she called pitifully.

"Who are you? Where are you?" she said timidly and feigning strength, as though she feared for her safety.

"I am with you." I wrote, "I will not reveal myself to you yet, but, I must know. Why are you so sad?"

She watched the quill write out my message before answering. "I am... alone." she said sadly, "Now, who are you? Why have you invaded my chambers?"

"I have not invaded. I bring no harm or enemies here." I wrote.

"If you mean no harm, why have you decided to keep yourself from me?"

"I do not wish to frighten you. I heard your pain from... far away... and came to see if I could help."

She gave a small smile, a very small smile, I almost didn't catch it. "Unless you can turn my sister back to what she was, turn her darkness away, I'm afraid there's nothing you or any ponyesle can do for me."

"I wish I could. I cannot directly affect events in a world that must solve themselves. I'm sorry, Celestia."

She gave a snotty sniff and a sad, baleful smile.

I waited a moment before asking, "If revealing myself to you could heal some hurt you are suffering, could I trust you not to reveal my existence to anyone?"

She took a moment to reply. I couldn't tell if she was weighing her trustworthiness or mine. "I could use a friend right now. If for no other reason than to have somepony's shoulder to cry on." her hopeful smile looked directly down at the little scrap of paper.

"I am not a pony."

"Oh? That's kind of exciting."


"As I'll ever be, I suppose."

And with that, the air split away from where I'd been kneeling and clouds of distant stars warped and fled from around my body. I revealed myself to her. She looked on in awe of me and inspected me.

"You're not the strangest creature I've seen, but you're definitely... different. You have no tail?" her expressions and observations brought a smile to my face. I stood up and held out my hand to her, palm up. She sniffed my skin and smiled again. "So, what is it you think you can do for the broken heart of a Princess?"

"Nothing." I told her. Her look went from shock almost immediately to anger before I spoke again, "I cannot do anything for the Princess, but I can do just what you, Celestia, need of me. I can give you my shoulder to cry on. I can talk you through your pain. I can listen to your woes. I can, and will be here for you when you desire me to be so." I smiled warmly at her and place my hand on her cheek. Her expression shifted from her anger to relief and sadness and longing.

"I... I think I would like that." she rubbed against my hand slowly.

I moved closer and she stepped to me as well. I embraced her gently. She was warm and her ethereal mane flowed over my face like the winds of the brightest stars. I could see now why her name was "Celestia" and why it was spoken with such revere.

She began to sob softly, hanging he head over my shoulder. I stroked her mane and she sat down almost limply on her hind quarters. I stood there, holding her head up upon my shoulder. We remained like that for a short while before she broke the embrace.

"Thank you. Very much. I think I feel a little better."

"I'm glad to help in any way, my friend." I said happily.

"We're friends now?" she smiled at me with that same sad smile.

"Why, yes. Of course! Why not?"

"Well, I only know you as a passing stranger. Why do you consider me your friend?"

"Would you rather I didn't?" I asked rhetorically, "I've known you since shortly after I arrived here. I watched you command your kingdom and make just decisions for even the most little of things. I find your strength and will to be admirable." I said with all honesty, "I heard your cries long before the tears came, and every moment my heart has been breaking for you."

She flushed a little and turned her eyes away. When she glanced back she said slowly, "When you say you're here for me whenever I might want... you... you're not going to possess me are you?"

I looked at her, my eyes wide and my mouth open before I burst out laughing. She looked at me for a moment, then began to laugh herself, finding her own words and concerns to be quite funny as well.

"Oh-ho, my dear, I couldn't possess you if I wanted to. Besides, what would either of us gain by that? I came here to relieve your sorrow and that is just what I intend to do."

"Yes." she giggled, "I suppose you're right. Do you have a name?" she asked, the sadness nearly gone from her and a relieved, happy expression adorned her face.

"I do... but it cannot be put to words, I'm afraid. It's more like a feeling or an idea.The same way I am talking to you now, the same way I've been writing to you through this little paper. I am very real, but to a living being I am little more than a...ghost?" I questioned my choice of descriptive.

She gave another little giggle then took a long breath, "Glad to know you're not just a figment of my imagination."

"Oh, that wouldn't be so bad either. If I was, I could lead you on adventures through your own thoughts and we'd play all day. Like an imaginary friend." I said brightly to her.

She only shook her head, "I don't think that would be entirely bad either, but going to a hospital for insanity or just being accosted for having an imaginary friend could cause problems for me."

"I suppose you are right. Still, nothing beats being a child."

"Oh yes! I agree! I would do almost anything to be a foal once more, even if only for a short time."

"Your wish is granted." I said and gave a short bow.

She looked at me in confusion before she realized what we'd said. Before she could continue, I looked up at her and touched the tip of my finger to the tip of her horn. She was enveloped in light and her body shrank to the size of a foal. After the light had faded and she opened her eyes, Celestia looked around to see that everything around her had grown, "What? You're... I'm?"

"A child? Yes." I knelt down to her and picked her up from beneath her forelegs, "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

She stared at me incredulously. "Y-yes, but... how?"

"I've granted your wish, my friend." I said simply.

"She looked over herself and then me, "It is temporary... right?"

"Ha ha, yes. It is as you wished. You are a foal again for a short time. Is there something you particularly wished to do as a little one?"

She turned her head and looked up at, what I guessed was her thoughts. She only took a short time before brightening up and saying excitedly, "I wanna go an adventure!"

"Alright, my little friend! Where to?" she had the cutest voice and, being this small, she looked absolutely adorable!

"Well, the gardens are pretty fun when one's this small." she offered.

"Then let us go there!" I smiled at her cheerfully.

We snuck out of the castle and into the courtyard. A vast garden lay inside it and I instantly understand why she wanted to go here. There were many places to hide and play as a foal. Places she could go and places I might be able to squeeze through.

"Come on! I'll show you where I hid my secret stash!" she said and trotted off.

"Secret? What kind of secret?" I asked, playing along.

"A hoard for pirate treasure and stolen jewelry!" she chimed.

"Ooh, treasure? Now this I must see!"

We crawled through the under brush and into a labyrinth of foliage. She'd run ahead and popped her head back around to see if I was keeping up; I was, just barely. We stopped at the edge of the courtyard where the trees and shrubs were thickest and she hoofed at the ground.

"Keeping it buried, eh, land lubber?" I said in mock of a pirate.

"Yeah! You have to keep it a secret! Don't tell anyone!" she looked at me seriously.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I swore.

She looked at me oddly so I told her, "It's something I heard on an echo of your future." I gave her a little wink.

She laughed at me and resumed digging. I joined her in scooping out the dirt with my hands and soon we were looking at her secret treasure. A pile of specially shaped rocks and random 'looks-like-a...' kind of rocks. I picked up one of the stones and eyed it, inspecting it. "Aye. That's a shiny bit o' booty that is!"

She laughed at me.


"You said 'booty'!" she fell over giggling to herself.

"Oh ya think I'm funny do yah?" I said in mock play, "Well, I'll be swipin yer treasure now, matey. What be ye thinkin' o' that?"

She looked up at me and grinned playfully, "Never! This treasure has been confiscated for the royal treasury! Back off ye thieving bilge rat!"

"Arrh. Ye be a mighty foe, my friend. But can ye handle a sword?" I said and plucked a dead stick from the ground and held it before me. She followed suit and magically held her stick to point at me. We squared off, over acting our swings at first, but she surprised me when she began fighting more seriously. Her technique, even magically unhindered and more agile than my hands could be, was good. More than good! She was fighting me seriously and it took all I had to keep her from landing a serious blow on my hide. I needed to end this quickly or I might end up with some nasty bruises, so, when she thrusted at me, I let the stick slip between my arm and ribs, catching it in them, and falling to the ground in a mock death scene.

"Oh what calamity have befallen mine wretched life. Tis over. I'll never see another bit." I opened an eye to look at her, a fun smile across my face. But her's was disappearing. "Hey... what's wrong, my friend?"
She didn't look at me. She didn't even stir when I crawled over to her and placed a hand on her back.

"My sister. She and I used to pretend fight like that all the time. I would always win. To be honest I hoped you would best me." she said as her sad smile returned.

"You love your sister very much." I pointed out out.

She gave a nod and she began crying again. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I scooped her up and cradled her as best I could. Holding her, comforting as best I could while she cried. If she looked pitiful before, like this, she looked even more so.

"Do-do you have any family?" she asked between sobs.

"Yes. I do, my little friend."

"Where are they?"

"Here, there. I don't really know. They could be sailing on the star-winds of a galaxy back home, or talking to flowers in a forest near-by." I said softly.

"Do you miss them?"

"Some times. Most times I see them. Sometimes I don't. They're kind of random and all over."

She looked up at me like a child looks into a parent's eyes for an answer, "Did any of them, do bad things? Things that got them banished?"

Uh oh. I could see where this was going. "Yes. One did. I had a sibling betray me and that cost me my mortal life."
She stared at me in horror. "That's just -- that's..."

"I forgave them. A long time ago." I inturupted, "My friend, you must understand. Sadness, fear and hate only breed more of its ilk. I chose to release my feelings unto the good things within myself. Things, I knew would last longer and remain more pure than the anger and pain I felt towards that one family member. Above all, I no longer blame myself for what happened, and I forgave myself."

"Blame yourself?" she asked.

"Yes. It was I who banished my sibling. It was I who took the life of my sibling and thus denying them eternity as I have now."

Celestia looked at me, shocked. "H-how could you... I mean... how do you live with yourself? What I've done is killing me inside and every time I look at the moon I just want to dig a hole and bury myself, and hope somepony builds a house over me!" her voice raised at my words.

"I know. It feels horrible. You never really get over it and you'll never stop feeling the guilt for it either." I said softly, then I pressed my forehead to hers as best I could (her little horn was a bit in the way), "My friend... the best you can do is to try. Try to do more. Try to be more and do better. Even if your sister comes back to you, you'll feel like you have to make it up to her for the rest of your life. That's a good feeling, but don't let it consume you. A good thing can become corrupted in good intentions."
She stared at me thoughtfully for a moment then leapt up and hugged me, wrapping her forelegs around my neck as tightly as her little body would allow.

"Thank you!" she whispered, I could feel her hot tears running down her cheeks and onto my skin. She hopped out of my arms and, after a sniff and a wipe of her nose, she smiled at me. It was a sad smile, but there was hope and gladness behind it now; small and building up, but it was there none the less. "Now..." she said, slipping into her role once more, "Since ye have become alive again, I can only surmise that ye hath become the undead and I swear upon mine sword that I shall vanquish the!" sweet sun-loving fillies, was she cute when she was like this!

"Aye," I stood up and recovered my stick, "Let us see how powerful ya are against the ghost of a pirate, matey." and we resumed our little play. I lost again. Not surprising. She could handle that stick like it had the intent to vanquish every evil that plagued any land; imaginary or otherwise. Even in her temporary stature, she was fierce and unwavering. An enemy I'd hope I'd never have.

We returned to her chambers as the wish began wearing off. Celestia was nearly half back to her full height and the night was nearly over.

Once in her chambers she turned to face me, "I think I have a name for you." She said happily, "Sparrow!"

"What? Noooo..." I said dourly, but not unhappily.

"Yes! It suits you so well! You flew in like a bird, a new friend, to sing me into peace and gladness just because you wanted to."
I laughed a bit, "That romantic am I?"

"Oh yes! Very much so!" she stepped closer to me and nuzzled my arm, "You're a wonderful friend and that's the most fun I think I've had in a very long time."

"I see." I returned her affection by grabbing her head with my hands and began to pet and kneed her face and jaw, "Then I'll be your sparrow. I'll fly in through the window whenever you have need of me." I promised.

Celestia backed up and then looked at me sheepishly. "Could I ask for another wish?"

"Name it, my friend." I was smiling at her.

"Can you watch over me while I sleep tonight? I pray your company will alleviate my nightmares. And, your company is most welcome."

"As you wish... Celestia." I looked at her kindly.

She lay down atop her large pillow bed once more and I sat next to her. The night passed and she slept peacefully. Later I would hear that this same night would come to be called the longest night in Equestrian history, but for now, the Princess rested. Something I gave her at every effort. I stayed with her all night, just before she awoke. When she did awake, I'd left a note for her. Admittedly, I stuck around to watch her reaction upon reading it. And, I must say, if I wasn't her friend before I sure was now.

I'll not tell you what I wrote, but I will tell you that her tears were happy ones.

Author's Note:

I'll admit it's a bit cheesy but I felt like writing something closer to canon than I usually do.
I plan to put a few more chapters in here and I hope they turn out better than this.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it and let me know what you think!

I'm trying out double spacing to make this easier to read. Tell me if it does, yeah?