• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 975 Views, 17 Comments

Batmare: Arkhoof Asylum - Hairy Konquerer

Mane-iac takes controls of Arkhoof Asylum after being sent back, and only Batmare has the power to stop her.

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She climbed up the rocks and found herself looking over a cliff above it, allowing her to see most of the Asylum, the Manor and the Botanical Gardens in her view along with one allowing her to see the city itself. Trixie's voice interrupted her thoughts, disrupting the peace Batmare felt some of. "Goth'horn's greatest family towers over the city." Luna looked into the city, seeing Faust Tower standing above the rest. After a brief moment of silence, remembering those that made the enterprise possible for her, she used the optics in her cowl to zoom in on it allowing her to see it perfectly and scan it. She flew down and landed, a guard waving at her as she moved around, Trixie telling another riddle into her communicator. "The legacy of this mare and her family has been well and truly buried." Batmare walked to the cemetery and found one grave that was desecrated, scrawls clearly saying 'Mane-iac was here.' over the engraving. Batmare scanned it as she knew who this was, remembering the Chronicles. "Nice that you know her. Too bad the Equus Africanus lost it before she could show her intellect." Trixie said showing disinterest in the mare. Batmare felt a presence similar to what she felt in the Intensive treatment center and went to the side of the wall of the stairs to the gardens finding another of those tablets on the side which she scan to continue hearing the tale.

"As Goth'horn's veins slowly filled with pain and suffering, the effects were felt everywhere. My father fell first, infected by some foul disease; my mother lived on, but only in a dream. I returned to the family home to care for her where she remained in her bed for as long as her body continued to breathe. Her tears kept me awake at night as she told me of the great beast that stalked her, the great bat seeking to end us.

Batmare thought that the best way to figure out where to next would be to head to the Batmoblie to see if Mane-iac left something in there. Almost by coincidence an alarm came up on her gauntlet saying the Batmoblie was being attacked, she turned off the alarms and defense systems incase Applejack was with them. "Looks like someone's attacking the car." Oracle said.

"I know, I just turned off the defense systems incase Applejack's with them so she doesn't get hurt."

"I'm more curious as to what I'm hearing form it's audio right now." Oracle than put on audio of outside the Batmobile and a panicked voice was heard. "Dear Faust this plan went horribly wrong!!"

"I told you we should've stayed in the Batmobile." A nasally like voice responded.

"I said that you damn liar!"

"Coming from the guy getting curb stomped."

"Did you pick anyone else up before going to Arkhoof?" Oracle asked as she never remembered Luna picking these two up.

"I don't know, but i'm going to see about that." Batmare than walked west passing some guards going through a door but stopped as she found a guard hiding behind an ambulance with with a dead guard next to her. She climbed the ambulance and jumled over the bridge built into the rock coming up behind one of the two armed mares and knocked her out startling the other one who was too slow and ending landing leaning on the ambulance. Batmare moved forward seeing the Batmobile parked in front of the Intensive Treatment builind but was confused at the sight before her. 3 henchmares were kicking the Batmobile which a cicada like biped was cowering inside while 7 more were kicking a yellow wirewolf cowering as they kicked him. Batmare whistled catching the attention of all ten of them to which they ran for her letting the bug get lut of the car and watch in awe as she dodged and countered their attacks with ease. One came up behind her but she grabbed ghe mare and threw her into 5 more as she rammed for them knocking 7 of them with either kicks, punches, or both hooves. Batmare rolled back applebucking one of them before she grabbed the last two and slammed them into each other, knocking them out. Batmare helped the Wirewolf up who dusted himself off. "Thanks, I'm Alfreda and that's Cell." Alfreda said pointing to the bug man who looked at the Batmobile.

"How'd you get into the Batmobile?" Batmare asked as she was confused on how he and his friend dodged the Batmobile's scanners.

"We got into your trunk and hid in it as you took on the Mane-iac. Wait there's still one more inside." Alfreda than ran to the Batmobile's trunk and opened it, a blue Wirewolf falling out. "Can we do than again Alfreda?"

"No Caboose it's time to be serious."

"How'd did you get here in general?"

"A whole other story involving multiverse theory, seeds in my but and a guy who's usually with us that speaks spanish but is missing for some reason." Alfreda responded.

Batmare's scanner looked in him and his heart did not speed up as he spoke. "I believe you."

"Thank you for thinking so Princess Luna, Great goddess of the mighty night." Cell said bowing.

"Hey Cell, you got a brown spot on your nose." Alfreda said to which Cell glared at him.

"What'd you say?" Batmare asked startled.

"He said Luna. We know another you that works kinda like this, your secrets safe with us."

"Ok. Please step aside as I'm looking for someone." The three of them nodded as Batmare activated her Detective Vision to find something to help her find Applejack. She looked to see Caboose playing on a seesaw while Alfreda and Cell tried to climb the gate 'Not as weird as Bat-Pie at least.' Luna thought to herself when she noticed something on the ground. It was a small collapsable travel cup, It had some saliva in it and a drop of cider. A quick scan showed it was Applejack's DNA and a trail was going towards Arkhoof West. She looked at the carving on it. "Cherish this to heart. ~Apple Bloom"

"I gave her that for her birthday. Why would she drop that?" Oracle asked when Batmare said what the engraving said.

"Probably so I could find her. But If i'm going to, I'm gonna need something extra" Batmare said as she went over to the Batmobile and the trunk opened, allowing her to grab the Explosive Gel dispenser before Double Question's all too familiar voice was heard. "Flim and Flam saw it, and you see it?"

"A see-saw. Cause I can see it And Batmare saw it." Caboose said as he got off the seesaw. "Wow Dark Knight, even a simpleton with his brain size figured that out. Let's try something a bit more difficult. Her new Nightmare she suffers now Eclipse's over her mind."

"Could I see the explosive gel?" Alfreda asked Batmare who gave him the dispenser and climbed to the roof of one of the guardhouses and detonated it before crawling out with a poster saying 'Vote Selene'. Batmare pieced it together, connecting to Selene, who had become the villain Nightmare Moon, but an accident turned her into a hot-cold psychotic mare with her mind always at war with the new one called Nightmare Star, the only thing they agree on is the new name of Nightmare Eclipse. Batmare scanned it and Trixie's voice came in with a growl. "It'll only get harder from here Batmare." Trixie said before cutting the transmission. Cell walked to them, holding a large stone with engravings. "You guy have any idea what this is? I found it and got some weird vibes off of it." Batmare scanned it and a voice echoed around them.

"My journey lasted little over a month. Visiting academics in both Maretropolis and Haystone, I was exposed to a wealth of new ideas, seeing how all ponies could be treated fairly if possible. I began my day returning home in good spirits, eager to see my wife and family. I ended it kneeling in their blood, broken fragments of my life pouring through dripping red fingers as I gazed upon their violated remains."

"Can anyone explain what the hell was that?" Cell said panicky.

"The spirit of Angelica Arkhoof. I can't help but feel that she found familiar."

"Bored now." Cell said before walking right through the door to Arkhoof West, Alfreda, Batmare and Caboose followed him. Batmare used her explosive gel to destroy a wall on the side of the locked door. She looked to the hospital across from the penitentiary and saw 7 henchmares in front of the hospital. Cell fell towards them knocking out 2 of them Alfreda, tripped running for Cell knocking 3 more off their feet causing them to slam on their faces knocking them out. Caboose walked to them as a mare a came up with a bat. Caboose bent down causing her to miss and knock out the one next to her. Cell got up, and his tail unintentionally whacked her into a wall knocking her out. Batmare looked at the three of them impressed. "Nice moves."

"What moves? I thought I found a penny but it was a quarter." Caboose stated. "Also Can i please ride in the Batcar, I promise I won't puke in it like I did in the trunk."

Batmare ignored that last part and pressed something in her gauntlet. "You can ride in the front."

Caboose cheered than ran back to Arkham North to do so leaving Cell and Alfreda with Batmare. "I checked inside and there was just a really mean draconequis behind a security barrier with Applejack. Found an entrance west of this one though."

The three of them went to the roof of that spot finding a hole in it allowing them to just open the door and walk in. Cell phased through the floor while Alfreda and Batmare crawled through the vents eventually coming to a room with 6 mares walking around with two of them holding a some doctors hostage. Trixie's voice came in as they moved onto some gargoyles. "Tick Tock, somepony isn't leaving with both their front hooves." Cell phased through the floor finding worn out cell with a couple of bones inside. "Killer Spike's old cell?"

"You aren't Batmare but you are right. Perhaps there can be hope for this city."

Cell phased through the floor this time appearing in front of the two mares to which they panicked and shot at him but the bullets went right through him and he chuckled and phased back down through the floor. The two gunmares than walked around seeing if they could find him but found their friends knocked out or stringed up. One went to look for the other but found her tied up. She turned around hesitantly as she saw Batmare and Alfreda in front of them to which he threw her gun to the ground in surrender, only for Cell to pop up behind her and give her an atomic wedgie.

"Cell!" Batmare and Alfreda said in union.

"Well I didn't get to do anything. Just this." Cell then disappeared and reappeared on the other side of the catwalk, with another Chronicle in his hands that Batmare scanned allowing them to hear the voice once more.

"I returned to my work, but I could not shake the pictures from my mind. I should have been repulsed, but I was more eager than ever to find an explanation for why someone would do this. A logical one rather than something mother would've said."

Batmare went to the doctors. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah but there are three more that are in trouble."

"Who are they?"

"Dr. Roseluck, Dr Horse, and Nurse Sweetheart. They took them down to the room west of this room."

"Don't worry, I'll save them." Batmare then went over to Alfreda and Cell who looked over the stone. "You two rescue Dr Horse and Nurse Sweetheart. I'll save Dr Roseluck."

As they made their way to the door to head to the doctors, Alfreda and Cell whispered to each other giddily. "Do you know what this means?"

"We're getting to work with Batman." Cell responded happily.

"Batmare actually but close enough. I can finally cross that off my bucket list."

"Dibs on Sweetheart."

"Aw man."

Author's Note:

yep. Alfreda and Cell get involved in almost every universe, even without trying. Don't worry, it's staying true to the game but with some twists.

Next chapter will have some action and one of the most well known parts of the game.