• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 1,685 Views, 34 Comments

Speedfic Delights - Argembarger

A journey through time and space and beyond.

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had some sake wrote some brithday 21 fic

Pinkie psse was walking through the garden yard whe had with carrotn tom who was her friend "hi carrot" "can I have a carrot"

"sure pinkei have a carrot from my garden the garden we share it's tasty and good for the tums tum"

pinkie pie ate the carrot it was so orange that she passed out.

She woke up on Earth in the middle of a city of humans beings

"Hi binkie pie," a bunch of bronies said to her but she didn't have time for those dorks she was on some next gen shit stuff

She saw a store that sold parties

"Parties wholesale?" she said, "oh boy that's for me~!"

Pinkie Pie bounced into the party warehouse and said "Give me all of your parties!"

it was funny becavsue they thought she was robbing them (she wasn't it was just she wanted all of the parties she fully intedned to pay with bits even though bits weren't real person currency just an imaginary horse monery)

The police showed up "Put your hands on your pinke mane little horse or we will shoot," they said.

"Ok I don't want to go to prison today," Pinkie Pie said, "it's incontvenient for me"

The police talckled the pinke pony Pinkie Pie horse and dragged her off to the county prison and Pinkie Pie was in jail.

She saw a prisoner man and said "hello what are you in jail for"

"I robbed and raped a bank"

"My name is pinkie pie!"

they had a conversation before pinkie pie decided that they should break out of the prison and start a band.

"But what will be the band be called, little pinke horse?"

"We'll call it the Party!"

"the partyh?"

"Yes The Party!"

"Ok that's it I'm not going to go to prison anymore"

the big strong prison convict bank ropper (that is raper and robber together) ripped a hole in the stoney bricks of the prison cell they were in and pinkie Pie walked out with her new friend Stabby Stan

"Hey stabby stan I need to get back to Equerstries can you helop??"

"yes pinkie pei grap on to my big knife"

Pinkie Pie grabbed onto the handle of his big knife which rocketed skywards at speeds in excess of one hundred million four thousand and miles per hour and Pinkie Pie's cheeks blew out from the pressure she was like a poofy pony with her cheeks filled with air and then the knife landed in Equestria she was home!

"Yay pinkie pie!" everyone screamed

They were all happiest ever and not even one of them complained

Carrot Top walked up to her friend the pink horse Pinkie Pie of surgar cube corner

"did you like my carrot pinie pie"

"yes I did"

the horses hugged

stay in school kids

Comments ( 9 )

A work of art

:pinkiesad2: I've never been so moved.
And Stabby Stan is best pony

That was deep...

Dabuq did i just read? :rainbowlaugh:

"I robbed and raped a bank" This is probably my favorite line in the story. How does one rape a bank? :rainbowlaugh:

that was glorious...someone make a gmod video of this nao

This is what I was listening too when I looked at the pic.

Author Interviewer

This story has a wonderful moral.

... It's beautiful....

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