• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 2,702 Views, 33 Comments

Cyberquestria - Reddened Chaos

Optimus Prime ends up arriving in Equestria during his travels after Age of Extinction. And finds out that the ponies who live there are more than meets the eye.

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Chapter 1: Arrival

On a distant star, a planet in fact, named Equis, there is a race of anthropod beings known as ponies, in their nation of Equestria, they live happily, but as it is, they are about to find out that there is more to them than meets the eye.

One of them, a green pegasus named Red, for his crimson mane, and the crimson highlights on his wings, is getting ready to meet with his friend Zecora, for a dinner date.

Red wore a white, short sleeved T-shirt and a pair of gray athletic shorts. On his shoulder were hints of his cutie mark. He and Zecora had been together for a little over a year, ever since he had moved to Ponyville. It was a warm day, the middle of summer, and the scenery was perfect, even in the Everfree.

He shortly arrived at her home, and had already made some reservations at a local cafe at Ponyville, one where they could enjoy normal food, and where she wouldn't be shunned or feared due to her appearance, being a Zebra and all. He smiled, and knocked on the door. "Zecora? It's me, Red!" He said smiling happily.

"Just a moment," the zebra said behind her door, "I must get the mints."

Red chuckled "Aww, okay Zecora, I'll wait, but in my opinion, you don't need them." he said smiling.

"I would much rather be prepared, so that we may have a kiss shared."

Red chuckled "Aww, very well, We still have time for the reservations, since I already planned for how long it'll take us to get there." He explained smiling.

Red waited for another five minutes before his marefriend walked out. She wore a gray, sleeveless shirt, which showed her tribal tattoo, and her midriff, a pair of gray, knee length shorts, with golden hoops on her arms, more specifically, her wrists, and on her neck.

Red smiled at the beautiful Zebra, and offered her his arm. "Shall we my dear?" he asked as he moved to walk with her to the cafe.

Zecora put her arm around his, and said, "Indeed. Now off with great speed." With that, the two of them set off to the cafe that Red had reserved. Unknown to them, or anypony else, though, was that a particular being was entering their planet's orbit, and nothing would be the same.

Equis orbit

Optimus Prime. A legend among the autobots. He had left the planet Earth a few months ago in order to find his creators, the same who had put out a bounty on him. He hadn't had a lead on them, except for a small amount of information about a place called, "The Sanctuary," that he had found in the old Knights ship. Fortunately, this included the spatial coordinates, a place he recognized as where one of his old friends had decided to stay behind, though the reason had been forgotten.

As it was, Optimus was approaching the planet known as Equis. How long had it been since he had been there...Eons? He didn't remember, but what he did know, was that it was a safe place to rest for a while, possibly to refuel himself, before he would continue on his quest. He soon began to head for the planet.

Equestria surface

Red smiled as he and Zecora got to the cafe, and sat down on the seats, and soon had ordered their food and drinks. "So, how have things been going Zecora? Any updates?" He asked his marefriend smiling.

"No. Things have been going slow."

Before Red could respond, a commotion was heard at the door.

"It's him."

"But I thought he moved to Canterlot to be a guard."

"Apparently not."

"Somehting's going on."

Red and Zecora turned to look, and saw a unicorn stallion with a black coat, almost as black as Nightmare Moon's, and his mane and tail were the same, but with accents of Red and orange. He wore Royal guard armor, and it's customized look, one that gave a good range of arm movement and offered great protection everywhere but the shoulders, spoke to the fact he was part of the special operations branch, the ones that came in when ever something big was up. On his shoulder was a cutie mark that had two Katana's, one white, the other a coral shade of orange (yes, that's a real color) over a red octagon. His armor was cyan with highlights of light orange.

"Hmm? What the hay's going on now?" Red asked, looking over at the stallion, recognizing him. "Lone...what are you doing here?"

Lone walked to where Red and Zecora were sitting, the ponies parting for him as if he were royalty. "Captain Zero 'Red' Star, Ret.," he said once he was at their table, "Princesses Celestia, Luna, Sparkle, and Mi Amore Cadenza request you presence in Canterlot immediately. It is important."

Red sighed. "Very well...I was here to share a meal with my marefriend...darn it all..." He said sadly as he looked to Zecora "Always something isn't it?" He asked smiling as he took her hand. "I'll be there shortly." He said smiling.

"Actually," Lone said, holding a hand up to stop him, "as commander of the special operations division, I can easily modify certain parameters of my orders, so long as the original goal, and that would be to get you to Canterlot. Plus, they never said just you had to come to Canterlot," he said with a smile. "Plus, I brought a chariot with me, so we can leave now."

Red smirked, and Zecora nodded giving him the go ahead, as he looked to the waiter. "We'll take our order to go please!" he said as he paid the check, and He and Zecora got their food and soon exited, boarding the Chariot.

"So, what have you been up to for the last year?" Lone asked.

Red and Zecora ate on the chariot, as Red began to speak. "Well...Nothing much, just practicing to keep my skills sharp. I may be retired but that doesn't mean I can't still fight...Zecora and I have been growing closer at least...and I've also been trying to study those markings on my ancestors sword....they are definitely alien in my opinion...I can't even make sense of them..." He said.

"That might have to do with why I came and got you, then. A few hours ago, the observatory picked up an object entering the outer orbit of the planet, and thought they saw it was steering itself. The Princesses want you there, due to the stories your family passes down," Lone said.

Red took a gulp of his food and drink before nodding along as he was being briefed. "Really? Hmm. What do we know about the object? Anything? Like it's size? Shape?"

"No. It' too far away to make out any details, but they're keeping an eye on it, so we'll know anything they know once they find out."

"I see...interesting...but very well." He said as he and Zecora finished their lunch, and drinks by the time they arrived at the Castle.

When they touched down, Red and Zecora were surprised to see all four princesses, as well as the Element bearers. Lone got off the chariot and went to stand in front of the alicorns. He saluted and said, "Major Lone Shadow reporting, your Highness'. Mission successful."

Red approached smiling, and giving them a simple two fingered salute. "Yo! Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Cadence. How's it going?" He asked smiling.

"Hello, Red," Celestia said. "It's good to know that that you're doing well.

"Indeed," Luna said. "And is that fair Zecora I see?"

She nodded "Indeed I am here by his side, as due to the time of our collecting, we had to eat on our ride." She said bowing respectfully, smiling happily.

The Element bearers weren't surprised, as the two of them had been together for a little under six months. "Hey there, Red," Rainbow said, flying over to his side.

Red smiled and hugged Rainbow. It was no surprise, as Dash was known for being a bit of a tease, and Some claimed She and Red were like brothers and sisters one minute, and the next, were like lovers.

"Red, would you mind telling the others the story your family passes down?" Luna said.

"I could spin a tale or two.." Red smiled at Luna, as they all got comfortable for Red to tell his story. "Eons ago, way back before ANY of us were around, even our fair princesses Celestia and Luna," He began, drawing attention to the two oldest ponies in the room, as he explained the stories passed down through the generations of his family line. "We were supposedly visited by mechanical beings, great knights who were claiming planets for the name of their creators. One chose to stay behind, perhaps he liked our fair equis. And, later, ended up dying off, as he sowed the seeds of the next generation, and they continued, on and on. Until we get to today. Now Yes, I realize, that this story is completely CRAZY.....and quite frankly, unbacked. The only true...proof, of this, I could have, is the very same sword that I got from the generations of it being passed down along with the story. It has runes on the side of the blade that Nopony can truly translate...and clearly is very old...and very knightly...not like much we have today...." he explained. "That sword is the only abilty of proof I have to the stories that were passed down through my family...and trying to research it has only led me to believe that it is an alien marking set on there.....and it's my firm belief that every single pony in Equestria.....is in some way or form, related to these possible alien visitors that had first settled here all those years ago. I know it's crazy, and I'm not asking you to believe it, because even I know how crazy it sounds. All I'm doing is sharing what I personally have come to think, after trying to look into that blade's markings, and the story that's been passed down." Red explained as he drew to a close.

"That's. . . quite the tale," Rarity said, "but what does that have to do with the object?"

"Because the ponies in the observatory think it to be alien in nature, as it appears to be guiding itself," Celestia said. "But how could a mechanical being have anything to do with birth?"

"No idea about the birth thing...I mean, if they are mechanical then, I suppose it would lend to assume that they possibly built the next generation, and that just continued on, so that we are all more built then born...I honestly do not know, and I don't think I'd want to know." Red said elaborating on the question that Celestia had proposed.

"I don't see how that's possible," Twilight said, a hand on her chin, "because if we were, then we wouldn't have any emotions, as every science fiction story agrees that robots of any kind are emotionless." Her eyes widened in panic. "What if these are aliens coming to visit? What if they want to make first contact and establish trade relations with us? What do we do? Oh, I wish I had made a checklist for something like this!"

"No need to fear. Twilight Sparkle," Luna said. "My sister and I have sent word to the other nations. Yakyakastan, whatever leadership for Griffonstone, Cadence is already here, and the Changelings."

"WHAT!?" Cadence yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice, due to her still having, for lack of a better term, issues with changelings, even if she hadn't seen any since the wedding.

"Auntie, why did you invite them? Don't you remember what happened the last time they were in Canterlot?!"

"Twilight the universe is a very vast place, and there are MANY things we don't understand. For you see, as I explained, assuming those stories are true, one of the alien knights, who stayed behind, due to reasons of unknown. Was it because he liked it? Because he saw something here he wanted to watch over? Nopony knows now. As the reason was lost to time. But I ask you this Twilight. IF those science FICTION stories you speak of are indeed correct, and robots are nothing but emotionless machines," He began, drawing attention to the fact that the stories she is referring to, are works of fiction, "Why is it that that knight chose to stay on our planet?" He asked, presenting the question of why. He then turned to Cadence and gently placed her back "Cadence, relax. Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine...after all...if this object truly is alien, then good OR bad, we need to practically have a representitive from all life here, be it Ponies, Yaks, Griffons, or even Changelings. If it's an invader looking to take over, then we must band together to stand and fight. If it's peaceful, then we can all show a warm welcome." He explained, hoping to relax Cadence.

"Dashie, tell me, what do you think of my story?" He asked smiling to the rainbow maned lover.

"Fine. Cadence said, crossing her arms. "But if they step out of line, I expect you all to say that I was right."

"Oh, so scary," Rainbow said, which got a laugh from the others, and a small chuckle form Lone, who stood at attention. "As for the story, it'd make for an awesome book, but even I doubt it's real."

Red chuckled, as he hugged her. "Well...fair enough. But, I don't even claim to believe the story myself. All I'm doing is explaining it to all of you, due to the circumstances going on." He explained smiling.

As soon as he finished speaking, though, a normal royal guard ran in and said, "Your Highness' we have sighted the changeling delegation approaching. Queen Chrysalis is with them."

"Well, I suppose we should meet with them," Celestia said as they all went to the royal gardens.

Equis Orbit; upper atmosphere

Optimus Prime is growing closer and closer, as he continues to cut through the atmosphere of Equis, flying down. By now, he's already disengaged the jets on his legs to allow gravity to do it's work and propel him downward. He soon is able to see the scenery, and it reminds him of Earth to a degree with the beautiful trees, garden plains, and the mountains and oceans he can see. He moves to aim for an ocean or a body of water to be able to cool his circuits from the atmospheric reentry, along with for a much safer landing rather than landing on land and causing damage to whatever the inhabitants are. Infact, he begins to notice small specks of the inhabitants, though he cannot yet make out what they are for the time being. However, he moves his trajectory to avoid the growing pile near a garden close to a castle, and instead aims for the nearby body of water.

Castle Gardens; Equestria

Red and the others arrive, and he smiles, Rainbow and Zecora by his side. "Hello Queen Chrysalis. How have you been fairing?" He asks, as they bow in respect to her own crown.

"Why should I answer you?" she said with a raised eyebrow. "You are not royalty."

"Maybe not, but at the very least we can be nice and treat each other as friends here, given the situation." He explained, looking to the skies soon, as if trying to look for the strange object that was being tracked as coming to the planet.

"I will when you earn it," she said coldly. "This may be Equestia, but that doesn't mean I have to entirely conform with what you think is royalty."

"Says the one who impersonated one of them." He snarked as he watched the skyline, keeping his guard up though, both for whatever this object is, and for the sake of Chrysalis.

"That's because I was trying to feed my subjects. You ponies wouldn't understand what it's like to be in the mind of someling as they're dying, knowing you can't do anything to help them, regardless of whether you want to or not," she said, venom in her voice.

"No. But you don't know just how friendly we ponies can be. You could have just came to us diplomatically and we would have happily accepted you." He said, as Luna and Celestia nod in the affirmative. "Plus...we know what it feels like to be desperate." Red spoke.

"Have you not read the stories of our kind? I have, and every single one depicts us as monsters who steal and eat children, are the demons from the darkest depths of Tatarus, not even worthy of living. When you have to suffer through that, I may consider speaking to any but other royalty." The changeling queen then looked to the solar and lunar alicorns. "The only reason I came here was because my entourage and I were promised safety, Celestia. I am interested in this object, but if it land in the badlands, then my hive will keep it for ourselves. Is that clear?"

"We understand, and you were promised safety. Even lodging during your stay. IF it lands in the badlands, you can have the most rights to it. But we would respectfully like to be able to investigate what it is, and perhaps find out more about it." Celestia said agreeing to her terms.

"So long as your scientists don't take any part with out my express, and written, permission, I can live with that," Chrysalis said as a gray pony in a white labcoat came rushing in.

"Your Majesties, we finally have a few details for the object."

"And what are they?" Luna asked as Twilight brought out a scroll and pen.

"As far as we can tell," the scientist said, "it's roughly pony in shape and size. It's travelling at mach three speeds (three times the speed of sound, for those of you who don't know what that means) and, as far as we can tell, is going to land in Canter lake, on the other side of the mountain."

Red looked to them all. "Well then, I suppose we should get down there to investigate and greet this object..." He mused. "Do we have an estimated time of arrival/Impact?" he asked the scientist.

"At it's current speed," the scientist said, "a half hour, maybe a whole hour. It seems to be trying to slow itself down using skydiving forms."

"I see...Interesting.....Princess Luna...should Dashie and I go up to try and encounter the object in midair, to try and assist in slowing it down? considering how it's clearly trying to do so?" He asked looking at her.

"I wouldn't recommend that, as those on the telescopes have noticed a metallic glint coming from it. It obviously knows what it's doing as well," the scientist said.

Red's eyes widened at the mention of a metallic glint, and so did the eyes of the other ponies.

Red blinked "I don't believe it.....it's actually true!? Could that story I gave...be true!?" He said aloud. "We should get to Canter Lake...so that we can meet this thing." He said looking to Luna.

"What's he talking about," Chrysalis asked, to which Red replied by telling her the same story he told the others. "I agree with him," she said after she heard the story.

"You do?" Red asked.

"Yes. If this is what you think it is, then it may very well prove that story of your true, and I personally prefer to know the truth about matters like that."

"Thank you for agreeing with me Chrysalis. I'm honored by that sentiment." He said as he soon spread his wings for them to go and get to the lake to be able to see the landing of the mystery object.

He then remembered not all of the group could fly.

"Hmm..." He went to Zecora and held her, to fly her, as he motioned for Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity to be carried by some of the others. Either that, or they took the chariot that Lone brought.

Amazingly enough, Lone used his own magic, his horn glowing a lime green similar to changeling flames, to hover in the air, to the amazement of all but the princesses. "I made it a requirement that any unicorns in the spec ops had to come up with either a new spell, or a new use for an existing one. I just combined a gravity spell with a limiting and cloud walking spell, and this is the result," he said, shrugging.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. Now, Everyone, if you can't fly...all three of you, Pick a partner to carry you." Red explained as he held Zecora smiling.

After everyone had been paired up, the scientist staying behind, they flew off to the other side of the mountain, and down onto the shores of the lake, Twilight geeking out the entire way, and Pinkie, well, Pinkie-ing out. Needless to say, the latter got very annoying. They touched down fifteen minutes after they left the castle, the only sign of the object being a small red speck in the sky.

After everyone had been paired up, the scientist staying behind, they flew off to the other side of the mountain, and down onto the shores of the lake, Twilight geeking out the entire way, and Pinkie, well, Pinkie-ing out. Needless to say, the latter got very annoying. They touched down fifteen minutes after they left the castle, the only sign of the object being a small red speck in the sky.

Red looks at it. "Hmm...there it is...The secret to if my whole story is true..." He said standing beside Both Zecora, and Rainbow Dash, hugging them excitedly. "Oh Dashie...I wish Scoots was here to see this...but then again at the same time it's good, because she wouldn't be hurt if this proves to be a bad thing." He said explained, showing excitement.

"Yeah, but on the other hand, this is going to be awesome," she squealed like a school filly at the thought.

Mid-Equis atmosphere

They must really wish to meet me, even if they don't know me, Optimus thought as he saw a group of natives on the lake he was aiming for thanks to his optics zoom function. He began to tilt to the left, and compensated by tilting right. It was then a strange feeling came over him, like one that had always been present on his home world. Energon, he thought as he recognized the feeling, and it was coming form every direction, as far as he could tell. As he came closer, he could make out details of the landscape much more clearly. There were few hills, and, on the other side of the mountain, a city hanging from the mountain, one he assumed the natives had come from. When he was a few thousand feet above the lake, he braced himself for impact using a human diving technique. He rolled himslef into a sphere, and waited for impact.

Back at the lake, Red moved for them all to get back a safe distance as the object got closer and closer "INCOMING!!!" He shouted as the object landed in the water with a large splash, water erupting from the lake, and dowsing the entire group like a sudden rainstorm, as steam was pouring from the lake surface, where the object had landed...Red began to approach and inspect it.

It was a while before what had crashed into the lake surfaced, and it was amazing. It was shaped like an earth pony, only it had a more mechanical look to it. It's body was mostly red with blue accents in the shape of flames. On it's back was a sword that Red knew was related to his family heirloom. Judging from the body build, it was a male of his species, what ever it was.

"We need to get him out of there," Lone said as he walked up to the pool, his horn alight. When he tried to lift the stranger, he was surprised by the ease, due to the fact it looked like a machine, and a pony sized machine would be hard to lift. He brought him to the shore, chest up, and said, "Too bad we can't tell if he's unconscious or not."

Red spoke "That sword...t-that looks just like the one used by my ancestors..." He exclaimed as he pointed it out. Before long, their new visitor spoke, standing just as tall as they were.

"I am very much conscious...or rather, alive...and I am quite alright, even if a bit stiff." He explained, as he rolled his neck, and his arms a bit.

Red spoke to him first. "Who are you?"

"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots."

Red blinks, and grows wide eyed, as he stares at Optimus, even backing up as something clicked in his mind. "It IS true...the story passed down through my family...it's true....Your sword...Optimus sir...may I see it please?" He asked motioning to the blade that Optimus had on his back.

Optimus studied Red with curious eyes as he reached for his sword, and said, "Indeed you can, but may I ask why?"

Red nodded "Sir...I have one...that is very similar...if not the exact same....it has been passed down through generations of my family....along with a story that a group of metallic knights, not unlike you, once landed here on Equis, billions of years ago give or take an eon, and one of them stayed behind, to live, because of reasons unknown, most believe that it was because he liked the planet and chose to stay and live there...The sword was passed down through generations...now to me...as I have it at my home.....so, I'd like to see yours...to see if they match, like I believe they do..." He explained, carefully reaching out to take the sword from Optimus, to hold it in his own hands.

As he examined it, Optimus' mind was processing (no pun intended) that little tid bit of information. He knew one of his old comrades had stayed behind on this planet, but he had forgotten the reason as to why. It made sense, though, as he and the other autobots had stayed on earth for some time, and a few of them were still there, protecting Cade Yeager and his family.

"I don't believe it...it's the same...they appear to be the exact same...I mean sure this one looks like it's seen some recent use, but..it's the exact same as the one that had been passed down from my family..." he said, as he handed the sword back to Optimus.

"But how is that possible," Luna asked, keeping an eye on Optimus.

"Because one of the Knights that were my comrades billions of years ago, had indeed chosen to stay here. The reason why I'm afraid even I have forgotten. But that is why they would appear to be the same......though now I am also curious of the sword that you said that your family had...You have it at your home you said?" Optimus asked, as Red nodded in confirmation.

"Yes sir...it's at home resting on a wall, on display." He explained. "Would you like to see it for yourself? To see if you could even recognize it?" He asked.

"Yes, I would," Optimus said before Twilight bombarded him with questions.

Red chuckled and soon walked away a bit beore placing a hand on Twilight's shoulder "Please try not to overload our new friend Twilight." He said, as he looked to Luna. "If you don't mind Princess, I will be back shortly, I must go and get the heirloom that I have inherited.." he said smiling, and bowing to Luna. He looked to Rainbow "Would you like to come with me? Or shall I bring our daughter back by myself?" He asked Rainbow smiling.

"I guess I should come too," Rainbow said as the two lifted up and made their way to Ponyville.

"Well, now that that's taken care of," Celestia said, turning to Optimus. "I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, and this is my sister, Luna, the other co-ruler, and Princess of the night."

Optimus nodded "It is an honor to meet both of you." He sakd bowing in his own gesture of respect for their own power. He then looked to at Chrysalis, Twilight, and Cadence. "Who are you three then? Princesses, or Rulers as well?" He asked looking at them, in curiosity, particularly at Chrysalis, due to just how different she was from the other four ponies.

Chrysalis straightened up and bowed. "I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, that live in the Badlands." She said, bowing to Optimus.

"OH...sorry, sir...I am Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship." She said, bowing as well, as soon Cadence stepped forward.

"And I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. but you can call me Cadence. I'm the Empress of the Crystal Empire to the North.

"It's an honor to meet all of you, a great Honor." He said smiling happily, nodding to each of them.

It was then he noticed the others. "And who are they?"

They smiled "Well. I'm Applejack. It's a pleasure to meet ya Sir." The orange one said.

"I'm Rarity. I must admit, your armor plating is certainly dirty, but at the same time, it's also quite an impressive coloration...they certainly fit you well!" She said.

"I'm...Um....Fluttershy..." The yellow one said as she tried to hide.

"I'm Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet ya Optimus!" She said happily, giggling.

"And the Rainbow haired one you saw leave with Red, is named Rainbow Dash. They, along with Princess Twilight, make up a powerful force, known as the Elements of Harmony." Luna explained, as Optimus nodded along.

"They are powerful magical artifacts from our history." Celestia said. "Please, if you'll come with us, we can explain. Red will meet us at the castle I'm sure." She said as she offered to lead the autobot commander to their castle.

"Of course," Optimus said, which slightly annoyed Rarity and Twilight from the way he responded, but they let it slide, as he was from a different world. Those with wings spread said limbs, and Twilight, Fluttershy, and Lone, using his flight spell, picked up the two earth ponies, a Zebra, and one unicorn while Celestia went to pick Optimus up,who declined, then activated his thrusters.

They lead him to the castle through the air, soon landing and heading inside to the throne room where the Princesses sat down on their thrones.

Ponyville, Forest

Red smiles, and arrives at his log cabin with Rainbow Dash, and opens the door, going to his room to get the sword of his ancestors, as he looked around "Scootaloo? Scootaloo? C'mere, Mom and Dad want to take you to see something VERY cool." He called out for her.

"Knowing her, she's probably off crusading or something," Rainbow said. "Let's hope they don't have anything flammable." Both pegasai shivered at this.

"I hope she's alright..." Red said, as he put away the sword, and soon went to leave with Rainbow Dash, to head back to Canterlot, and to Optimus Prime.

A few seconds later, a small fireball erupted from the forest, and three fillies yelled, "OH COME ON!"

It was a few minutes later that the two pegasai landed in Canterlot. As soon as they landed, a guard directed them to the throne room.

Red nodded and soon the two entered the throne room. "Optimus sir, you wished to see it, well. Here it is." Red said, as he approached the Autobot, and offered the sword he had inherited to the Prime.

Optimus took the sword in his hand and closely examined it. "This is indeed one of the swords of the Knights Temenos, an ancient group of cybertronians, my self included, that searched for new planets. We eventually found this one, and one of my comrades decided to stay behind as a guardian to the native species."

Luna's eyes widened, as she recognized this from something similar. "Was his name Alpha Trion?"

Optimus thought about it. "Hmm...I believe it was Alpha Trion...Yes..." He explained as he looked at Luna. "Why Alpha Trion chose to stay behind for certain is unknown, other than to simply protect the planet...but the rest of the reasons behind it I do not know." He said.

"How is it you know of him," he asked.

Luna blushed slightly, bringing a book out from behind the thrones. "He's become a legend that parents like to read to their children. I must admit that I've been captivated by the story."

"You aren't the only one, your Highness," Lone said from beside her throne.

"You enjoy it too?"

Lone shrugged. "It's a good read."

Optimus nodded. "It would make sense for the exploits to be recorded in history, so that it could be remembered through all time." He explained.

"Looks like this is a case of legends coming to life," Chrysalis muttered.

"So, tell us, Optimus," Celestia said, "where is it you lived before here."

"If by that, you mean where I was before coming here, a plant called Earth, a world much like my homeworld, Cybertron, in the fact that the race that lived there, a species called human, was much like my own people. I arrived there many years ago, as I once thought it would be an excellent world to call home, and for many years, it was. The Autobots and I fought along side the human's military to fight our old enemy, Megatron, and his Decepticons. Unfortunately, after one of our own betrayed us to the Decepticons and destroyed a human city, killing nearly all of its inhabitants, the government of one of their many nations deemed all of us a threat, and began to hunt us." Optimus paused here, clenching his fist in sadness, and remembrance of his lost comrades. "I lost many friends during the intervening years between that and my departure. As far as I know, only three of my soldiers remain, as well as four ancient warriors."

As he spoke, Twilight wrote it all down, hoping that he would eventually share more information. "And why is it that you left," Chrysalis asked.

"I left," Optimus said, reaching to his waist to grab the seed he had been carrying since he left Earth, "so that I could dispose of this."

"What is it," Twilight asked.

"The humans called it a seed, as when it is detonated, causes a material they call transformium, due to it's capabilities to change its form, to come from what ever was in the blast radius, killing anything that was alive. I have seen the effects of a small one, and that caused the death of a human, a friend of the one who helped me. I was hoping to find a location to hide this, so that my creators couldn't find it, or others use it for malicious intent."

"How did you retrieve it in the first place?" Cadence asked.

"By killing a bounty hunter by the name of Lockdown. He had no remorse, was an efficient killer, so much that one would think him a decepticon. It was because of him and a human military group called 'Cemetery Wind' that killed my friends and comrades."

"And what happened to Megatron," Lone asked, so that he knew if he needed to prepare the guard.

"During the battle of that human city, the same the traitor, my mentor, Sentinel Prime, destroyed, I killed him, but his mind survived, and, with the unwitting help of a human corporation, built himself a new body, now with the name 'Galvatron.'"

Red smiled as he listens to Optimus Prime's story. Very interested in the entire thing. "Very interesting...what do you think happened to Galvatron now then? As you were no doubt busy with Lockdown, so what could Galvatron have done?" He asked looking.

"I do not know. What I do know is that he should still be on Earth."

"At least, you would hope so right Optimus?" Rainbow asked as they were all watching and listening.

"Yes. If he should arrive, he could cause untold amounts of destruction, even if you all are the same size as our species, unlike the humans that only reached what they would call our ankles."

"Hmm...Couldn't you...I don't know, teach us ways to Fight back? If he's as powerful as you say, even if we outnumber him a hundred to one, Numbers wouldn't matter much to one who is trained very well." Luna spoke.

"I am afraid I can not until I know what kind of technology your kind possesses," Optimus said.

Red nodded along "Well...I suppose our tech, is more stuff akin to primitive items that you would think of...such as a Chariot..." He explained. "Mostly using Swords, and Spears..similar melee weapons." He said to the Prime.

"Against an enemy like Galvatron, those weapons would be useless. Only cybertronian weapons and explosives can damage Cybertronians. The only exception are small projectiles the humans call bullets to the optics, or the eyes."

Red nodded. "So, wouldn't something like this sword, actually work against him?" Red asked motioning to the Temenos Sword, that he had inherited from Alpha Trion through his family line.

"Yes, as it is of cybertronian make," Optimus said.

Red nodded. "Well sir...perhaps you could teach me a thing or two to fight against one such as him? or, heaven forbid, you?" He asked, as he also shown a clear desire to actualy spar with Optimus.

"Very Well. I accept." He said as he drew his own sword with Red adopting a stance, as the two were led to a field to fight now, whilst the others watched.