• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 871 Views, 24 Comments

Mare Do Well: Assault on Aurora - Nova Arc

Mare Do Well has her mission; the Suicide Force has theirs. What happens when the two missions are intertwined?

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Target: Puzzler

It was a beautiful night in Canterlot City. People were leaving work, having fun in the local clubs, or just walking down the street, enjoying one of those days without having crazy bad weather. The moon hung over the bay and the shimmer off the water could make one forget the one fact people are constantly reminded of: the city was inhabited by just as many criminals as there were loyal, law-abiding citizens.

"What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every race?" Trixie Lulamoon, more commonly known as The Puzzler, was a notorious criminal with a sense of theatricality. She always made her schemes, entrances, and even her speeches as elaborate as possible. She was sitting at a desk in front of a large computer screen in a warehouse on the docks. She was in her usual attire: a pale blue shirt, light purple pants suit, and black loafers. Her blue-tinted white hair flowed down her back from under her purple wizard hat with star motifs and a cape with a similar design hung on the back of her her chair. Next to her was a cane with a star in the arc of a crescent moon as the top.

Tonight, she did one of the things she did best and loved to do: taunt her opponents. "It hurts, huh? When the answer is on the tip of your tongue, but you just can't get it off?" However, this was starting to wear on the person on the screen she was talking to. She wore a dark blue shirt, a black suit, and a scowl, which even bangs off her long dark blue hair on the side of her face could not hide.


"The answer? The Letter "E"." Luna was getting impatient as Puzzler chuckled to herself. "Okay, okay, here's an easy one. What won't run long without winding?"


"No? A river."

"What do you want, Trixie?"

"Indeed, a good question. But now, Trixie is in charge, so for now, she'll ask the questions. Try this one. When is a man drowned, but he's still not wet?"

"... When he's trapped in quicksand."

Puzzler was about to make a snarky remark, but stopped once she realized Luna was actually correct. "... Oh... You've heard that one already? I must be running out of lines"

"No. I have the gift of the internet, like the rest of the world. And I use it for more important things than wasting people's time."

Trixie leaned back in her chair and frowned. "I knew you could be a stick in the mud, Luna, but why must you treat Trixie like this?"

"Oh, that's quite simply, really. I just needed to keep you babbling on long enough for my strike team to pinpoint your location."

"Your... My... Wait, what?" There was an explosion behind Trixie as the cieling was blown off and armed soldiers rappelled into the room, guns aimed at Puzzler, who stood up and put her hands on her head. "Oh... That strike team..."

A few soldiers approached her and held her. "Take her out," said Luna. "And make it painful," she added with a grin.

With that, one of the soldiers grabbed Puzzler and slammed her head against the table. Although she was caught and her head now hurt like crazy, Puzzler still laughed and said, "Puzzle me this: why didn't Trixie quit while she was ahead?" And once she was done, as if scripted, the lights went out.

"What the hell?" said one of the soldiers. "Everyone, switch to night vision." The soldiers put the NV goggles over their eyes and switched them on, changing their view to one of black and green. They scanned the area, looking for the source of the blackout. One of them turned around and aimed their gun-mounted flashlight back. He nearly soiled himself. "Oh shit."

"What?" asked another as he turned around, with a similar reaction. Standing behind them, in the middle of the group, was a figure dressed in a purple, lightly armored bodysuit, a black mask that covered it's face with a fairly large purple fedora with a black band, and a jet black cape with a high collar and a split down the middle. On its lower arms were black armored gauntlets with purple fingers, made to look like it was wrapped in wide, thick black tape up to the base of the fingers and matching black boots with a similar look. Around its waist was a black belt with multiple pouches and compartments and on the front was a symbol similar to the one on its chest: a stylized "M".

"Shit! It's Mare Do Well!" With that, the caped vigilante dropped a flash grenade, blinding the soldiers and forcing them to remove their goggles as they engaged the Dark Mare. Guns blazed as they attempted to gun down the vigilante, who skillfully dodged their bullets. She charged at a group and punched two of the soldiers and ducked to dodge and build momentum for a wicked uppercut that sent another flying into his comrade. She ran and kicked off the wall, avoiding the assault and threw a salvo of M-shaped Marerangs, knocking out three guards and disarming one. She landed in front of the disarmed guard as another aimed at her. He saw her cape cover the guard as she grappled a metal beam on the cieling. Looking up, all he saw was the unconscious soldier hanging from his feet. Changing his angle, he was greeted by the view of what looked like a winged shadow of a Mare Do Well, descending rapidly towards him.


Luna felt as if the universe was just trying to annoy her. First, she had to deal with Puzzler, then Mare Do Well decided to drop by, and now, as per the norm following the vigilane's arrival, she was loosing all her audio and video feeds.

"Dammit, Twilight," she said as her final screen went black.


Mare had dealt with the last of the group and was headed for the three holding Puzzler. "Save me, Mare Do Well," she said, with a faux damsel-in-distress voice. Mare Do Well threw two Marerangs to disarm two of the soldiers and hammered the still armed one into the wall with a low double-fisted punch to the stomach, followed by an elbow to the face and a right cross to knock out the second.

The captain tossed Puzzler aside and prepared to fight the Dark Mare. "Sorry, Mares, but I have a job to do."

"So do I." They attacked and parried each other, the soldier actually keeping up with the embodiment of peak physical fitness. Catching her off guard, the soldier delivered a left hook that caused Mare Do Well to stagger, then drew a silver combat knife. They clashed again, apparently equally matched. That is, until Mare Do Well caught him with an elbow to the face. She struck his arm and twisted, making him stab the keyboard. The pain of his arm and fingers being broken coupled with the electric shock knocked him out and he slumped to the side of the desk.

Mare Do Well, looked around for Puzzler, who was, quite pathetically, attempting to escape through an air vent. But the
Dark Mare wasn't having none of it! She dragged Puzzler out of the vent by the hem of her skirt and pinned her to a wall. "WHERE IS IT?!" she asked in an agitated tone.

"Come, now, Mare Do Well. I've had a rough night, as you can imagine," she said, not bothered that the same person had put another psychotic villain in a body cast for six months when he refused to give her answers after asking once. "Was the wedgie necessary?"

"I know you helped him hide it. Where is it, Puzzler?!"


Luna was deaf and blind. For all she knows, the Puzzler could have escaped and her men are all hanging from the cieling. But she knew that even if Puzzler did escape, The Dark Mare would have him in a matter of minutes.

She needed what Puzzler stole back and she wants her dead for having it in the first place, but she couldn't have Mare Do Well or anyone else getting involved. So, she pulled her trump card; her last resort. She pressed a button on the intercom. "People? We are at Alert Level "Infrared". Assemble Task Force E. We have another suicide mission."

Author's Note:

Here it is! The beginning of Assault on Aurora! Hope you guys enjoy it, cause there's more on the way. So stay tuned, stay awesome, and remember: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Bye!:pinkiecrazy: