• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
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So depressed and disenfranchised with reality that I NEED ponies to keep me sane by this point.

Comments ( 119 )


"Thanks for using this Hyperion New-U station! Please die again!"

6210233 Doxuna, Avarice and Dox are already #FuckBuddies, don't make this any more weird XD

I have no words to express how great this story is.

But now WE must get shipped! I know it exists! You're just feeding the fire! XD

6210376 Rule 34; if it exists, there is porn of it. It also extends to shipping XD

Behold! The pinnacle of originality in this fandom! :facehoof:

I can't wait for displaced Jack to show up in this. XD

Ok, so far, so good. Let's see if you can keep it up. I'm liking the alterations and anthro...but then again, I'm still holding my own council on this one. Impress me good sir, I'm watching.

You act like he's alone in this. XD
Dude, we will be sure to impress. And hey, if we don't, blame me, I guess.


Sorry, forgot you guys were working together...speaking of, you playing Pre-Sequel with Co-Op for inspiration? or already done that? Been a while since I jumped into it myself, never hit the final; level cap because Claptastic Voyage didn't have enough content to pass the cap on True Vault Hunter Mode and the Ultimate was so hard just trying to fight without specific builds was a nightmare...and a hell of a grind without missions.

Actually, yeah. We play and get inspiration directly from the main game, side quests, etc.
Honestly, this is one of the more fun projects that I'm doing with Gam. I mean, Borderlands is a fun, exciting, action packed, and all around hilarious game. Yeah, there's serious moments, but there's also moments where you just think: The fuck just happened, or: Holy shit, that's hilarious.
I hope to bring that feeling here with Gam, or at least have some fun writing this story.


Well for one chapter you're doing quite well! I salute you both good sir...and here's hoping Borderlands 3 comes with excellent stuff. ...also, Tales from the Borderlands is a game I highly recommend, excellent source of jokes and ideas!

Mmmmm, Borderlands 3.
Meanwhile, we have Tales to tide us over. Speaking of that, I suggest playing it, has a bunch of fun little things that I honestly LOVE.

6215057 YES! Prepare for epic Butt Slamming! ESPECIALLY when the Torks come around XD I just LOVE Butt Slamming them to crap and getting cheap xp and lewt XD

Man I can't wait to see how all this goes. Looks to be a fun ride, and nice work on Claptrap, or Fragtrap as it is now.

Hmmm.......... I like it. Will watch for more.

Man this is getting better and better. I feel like play the game again. :twilightsmile:

Between you and us, that thing that killed you is a total dick. Please disregard this message if you committed suicide.

This chapter was highly entertaining, especially with Jack having a bond with John and his slight increase in libido.

This story is amazing! Can't wait for the next update.

If this is all you can do, frankly I'm pleased as punch!! Jack being John's little brother, John not being an obviously raging ass hole, Angel being NOT A SLAVE to her dad, and things overall looking way more badass? ...Frankly sirs, you have two chapters in gotten my approval! Well done indeed! Now, the question of how this is gunna go, if you will use the Borderlands 2 story and weapons, as well as what story elements from them or Tales from the Borderlands you might want to use. I'll tell ya, so far I'm stoked!

Dude, we're just getting started here.
Plus, this mostly focuses around Pre-Sequel. XD


Eh, what can I say? I'm a Harold fanboy, and the Pre-Sequel version was just kinda sad...

Obligatory stupid comment of first.

First. Yay. (I now await my shaming.)

Also, fun chapter to work on. XD

Edit: Before anyone else can shame me. I'm doing it.

YES!! We see that Luna is still connected with the Moon, we see how Dahl got involved with Equestria, and moreover, that Sunbutt had been slacking! ME NO LIKE SLACKING SUNBUTT!! That said, makes me interested to see what the Vault has and how Eridians fit into all this. Moreover, seeing more overt Sexy-times of Athena and Springs makes me happy! Well done so far, though Blowhole the Apocalypse sounds like a fun flashback...poor Jack.

Springs seems like a nice character. I approve.

You're not dead -- huzzah!

I'm a bit lost, when did Jack and Wilhelm become displaced (if they even are) because these mentions of previous events are getting confusing if they only got there at the start of chapter 1.

6246005 That's the best bit! We pulled an Architect (Architect of Realities) who did something similar for his Sombra Displaced.

The character already existed in that world, and the humans have been shoved into their bodies like a new OS in a machine, only they have no idea what happened, why they're there, or what happened to the original Jack and Wilhelm.

6247228 But when in the timeline did this happen? Especially since they keep commenting on previous experiences before Elpis.

6251207 Like I said: we pulled an Architect. That means, in all ways shapes and forms, they ARE Jack and Wilhelm now, only they still remember who they used to be. Only unlike Arch, where Sombra was literally EATEN ALIVE on accident (yes, I know, weird) by the victim human and now plays host to all whom he kills/absorbs, Jack and Wilhelm have been shoved into the driver's seats of their new bodies, while the originals are shoved to the back seat, that'll come into play later.

So it's like most Displaced really, with the compulsions of the form's originator driving the Displaced to act and think in ways similar to their new body. However, me and DJ? We match the personalities of Doppelganger and Wilhelm too well, I mean, I DO have acute acrophobia that causes crippling panic attacks, so prepare for running gag about that, and a ton of tear stains on my keyboard from me going into panic over even ENVISIONING the scenarios....

A serious transition? Do you mean college or my computer being essentially dead?

Both suck, let me tell ya.

Sorry to hear about the suck DJ, you and your partner do great work, thanks for bearing with it. That said, HOLY SHIT this was awesome! Looks like Luna has plans in the works for later, and we got another boss battle! SO AWESOME!!! Best of luck to both of you, this was worth the wait as usual!

Didn't expected the monster. Still, the drunken story was hilarious and I'm happy for Springs and Athena. Also, hope that DJ's situation improves.

Oh man! I can't wait to see how this all works out. Also, wild griff and roo fun!

"Hyperion says: back on your feet and show 'em what for!"

Heh. Wilhelm helped Jack cheat.

Wait, cheating implies there were rules to break. Wilhelm helped Jack win a duel, then got rewarded for it. XD

Buahahahaa a basically nudist Trixie, that's a new one for me!

Watching the duel between Jack and Trixie was highly entertaining as well as the city-wide celebration for Flagrtrap killing that claptrap.

Comment posted by N3W-U deleted Jul 29th, 2015

Fun fact about Mr. Torgue.

Also another New-U quote.
"Hyperion would like to remind you that there is only one thing worse than respawning, and that is not respawning."

Ok, once again that was freaking awesome!! Iwajira's fight raises more questions about the plot, Clappy seems to have his inner rage thing, which may hint at Shadow Trap, or not, either way is cool. And now, Trixie, who is awesome...and comfy nude...yeah...seriously, I'm suddenly very jealous of Jack there...and Wil...DAMN IT!! I'D TAKE BEING SALVADOR IF IT MEANT BEING ON THIS VERSION OF PANDORA!!! I WANT TO GO!!!!

Well done on the chapter guys, and looking forward to next time!

Gam mentioned before in the comments about our personalities lining up with the Doppelganger and Wilhelm. Based on what he said, guess who I write for.
I shall be expecting your rage. XD


....I...huh...which ARE you? ...wait...my rage...as in...oh...Oh...OH!!!


...ok, I feel a bit better now. ...Can I just say I seriously wish I could live that? And thinking about it, you likely do too. Having said that...GODS DAMN I need a girlfriend...looking back on all this, I think I've got a clear reason to think this.

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