• Published 23rd Jul 2015
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The Curse Of The Mini-Were Mare - Night-Moon-12

Twilight and her friends heads to Canterlot to celebrate its founding. But shortly after the Demon Pony appears, a deadly creature known ad the Mini-Were Mare appears too. What is these creatures and what is their connection to Twilight's past and he

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Chapter 4: The Demon Pony and The Mini-Were Mare

Twilight ran along the rooftops she was on a hunt, but for what? That was unknown for now, this scent... Where has she smelled it before? Twilight stopped to lie down she'd been running for three and a half hours not once straying from the scent trail left behind from the-gods-only-know-what, and she also had to break out of her home to not be discovered or feared because of her darker purpose that had a hold of her soul. But what would her friends, her family, her mentor... What would they think? What would they say? What would they do?

Twilight shook her head to dispell her negative thoughts, she has to find the source of that scent... she felt so close, she couldn't give up now trired or not. Her eyes dart around hoping to spot the scent's source, her ears perked up when she heard a faint voice. She followed the sound to the root of the problem, and what she saw both sacred and surprised all at the same moment... An old figure, a nightly ally and friend had returned.


"Twilight has been missing after she told us the story with Ben Mare." Spike said with a sigh. "If only there's something we can do for her...."

"Wait, we can!" Apple Bloom exclaims with a smirk. "Why don't we y'all investigate? Find any clues to 'dat Ben Mare feller's disappearance!"

"Yeah! Mommy would love, love, love it if we do that for her! Find out what happen to Ben!" Nyx exclaims with a smile. She pauses and continues, "Wow, I sound like Aunt Cadance when I said the 'love, love, love it' part. Or was it the evil Changeling lady; Creepy."

"We could be...'Cutie Mark Crusader Investigators'!"

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER INVESTIGATORS, YAY," The CMC and Nyx cheers wildly while running off. Spike cringes a bit before recovering from the loud cheering.

"Okay, okay, but don't stay out. It's sunset now." Spike warns the fillies then sighs. "Man, those ponies are hard to handle like Twilight when she was little..."


It is now night time as ponies are either going home to sleep for the night or they are out late, doing their usual business. Guards are on post, keeping an eye on things. But not even their eagle (or pony) eye can see a creature wandering through the darkness, growling and lurking...

Pony 'Donut' Joe glances at the clock at his donut shop. It's closing time. For him to close up shop and head home; the unicorn quickly put the merchandise back into their displays, turns off anything on, and prepares to lock up.

Just then, Joe heard some noises coming in the back. He looks puzzled. The unicorn is the only one working at this place, so who else is still here? The noises came from the back as he went there to investigate.

Joe saw a sight of somepony chewing though the donuts that the unicorn was preserving to sell tomorrow. He frowns as whatever it continues eating. Has this pony no manners or respect?

"Hey, pal! We're closed for the night!" Joe snaps to the intruder. "You gotta pay for those, they ain't for free! Hey pal! Mind paying attention?"

The intruder stops his meal and turns to growl. Joe gasps in horror as he saw what the intruder himself is. It's a furry black huge pony with red eyes, wolf like teeth, a black mane, a black tail and a red collar.

The monster snarls as he advances on Joe, most likely not happy for his meal being interrupted. The unicorn backs off while shuddering, "C-c-c-crikey! Wait, back off! I didn't mean any!" Joe frantically uses his magic to take two éclairs, trying to use them to defend himself, "Back, demon, back!"

The monster pony snarls as he pounces... and ate the éclairs, making Joe gasp. The unicorn yelps as the creature pushes him aside and rush into the shop. Joe has time to get up and saw the monster smashes through a window of the place, fleeing into the night.

Joe shudders a bit. What in Equestria was that thing? But his attention soon turned to something else that landed with a load yet balanced thump, this thing was different from what he had just from the first demon he had seen tonight.

This new demon was a lean matted fured pony with lilac eyes, wolf like teeth, a navy blue, rose and lavender mane with a tail to match and a dark lavender coat. From the looked this... this demon was a female, Joe suddenly froze when he realized that this new demon was looking right at him. The She-demon blinked than took off following the other demon's scent trail, Joe looked at the she-demon's side to spot what looked like a batpony wing attached to her. The she-demon turned back to Joe or more specifically his store's broken window, she took notice of a bunch of blood on the broken glass that lie scattered on the ground. She brought her nose close to the small pool of crimson liquid, she inhaled a good amount of it's scent she looked up to see Pony Joe stairing at her contemplatively before her head snapped back to her own problems at paw.

Joe watched the she-demon leave without so much a growl from her, as soon as the she-demon left Joe fainted in fear.


The creature grunts as he didn't stop at Joe's. The intruder heads through a part of Canterlot where the festival is taking place at, some of the ponies left their carts, stands, etc. for the festival.

The intruder snarls and begins knocking down stuff like mad, breaking anything in his path. Once he's done, the creature begins to roars into the night sky. He can sense ponies approaching before quickly making a dash for it.

Suddenly the creature felt something dug into his coat as he felt himself being forced into the ground face first, he kicked clawed and bit at this being that had pinned him down. The being loosened it's hold on him as his claws and teeth sink into the matted fur of the holder. The being gave a growling like howl of pain, the creature knew that sound and the only being that would make that sound. The Mini-Were Mare, he's oldest and only friend as well as his only nightly ally.


It was during this time that another familiar pony was trotting through the streets. Nexus, the headmaster of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, was on his way home from some important business. The unicorn has since recovered from the events of when he was possessed by a part of Nightmare Moon that led him to lead that infamous cult in her name.

And yet, Nexus feels terrible for all he has done, enough that he once tried to imprisoned himself in the dungeon for his 'crimes' though Nyx has taken full responsibly for those actions. It took Celestia's talking to snap him out of it.

Some ponies tend to look down at Nexus, not forgetting what he has done. Some are still disbelief that the unicorn is still in charge of the school, thinking that he should've been fired a 'long time ago'. Nexus doesn't blame them, he never could anyway.

Nexus stops as he saw something turning a corner, growling and looking around. The unicorn gasps and fell back as it turns to look at him, glaring at the headmaster with its burning red eyes as if the devil of Tartarus was piercing right into his soul right now.

"Dear Celestia." Nexus yelps, backing away on his flank. The monster is glaring at him... before rushing off. Than he spots another monster on the roof stairing at him it's bright lilac eyes shined like diamonds in night, she blinked... then rushing off following her companon. "They're back..."


"Ugh! We have been going about this for who knows how long?" Scootaloo groans a bit as she and her friends trots through a part of Canterlot. They have been asking a few ponies or so about Ben Mare, asking if there's any clue to the Earth pony's disappearance.

"Yeah, I know where you're getting at." Sweetie said with a sigh. "It's like no pony in Canterlot knows where that colt was."

It's true: no pony seems to have any lead to Ben Mare's disappearance. Of course, the young ones seem to know how some appeared to be scared when giving this answer. It's as if something terrible happened to the young colt but some preferred not to talk about it.

One pony did give out a weird answer: "'Be careful not to stay out too long. They may come and prowl'." Nyx and her friends has no idea what that said pony is talking about at all.

"Maybe we should go back." Apple Bloom said while glancing at the time. "It's done getting late an' mah big sis probably wondered where Ah am by now."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Sweetie said with a sigh. "We aren't getting anywhere to..."

Suddenly something is heard gettng knocked over, getting Nyx's attention. She ask in alarm, "Wait, what is that?"

"Sounds like something... is coming over there."

The little foals should probably know better than to let their curiosities get the best of them but they have to know so Nyx and the CMC sneak over to the source of the noise... then saw something breaking through the door of a building... the monster himself.

"What... 'de hay is 'dat?" Apple Bloom asks with a gasp. The monster growls a bit. Nyx looks a bit puzzled. There's something familiar about that thing...

"Errr, girls; I think he's looking over here." Scootaloo said uneasily. Sure enough, the monster turns and saw the four foals, blinking a bit while growling.

"AHHHHHHH," Nyx and her friends scream as they quickly make a run for it, almost trampling one another. The monster then begins to give chase.

"RUN, GIRLS!" Sweetie screamed as she and the rest of the CMC ran for their lives through Canterlot.

Soon, they hid in an alley, losing the Demon Pony, which passed them as it kept on running. As they panted, the four kids peeked out of the alley to make sure their pursuer was gone before they sighed in relief.

"That was close." Nyx said quietly in relief.

Suddenly, the Demon Pony reappeared with a snarl, making the foals gasp in horror.

"You have to jinx it." Scootaloo groaned a bit.

The monster approaches the foals, growling while getting close to Nyx. The alicorn prepares herself for the end... but, then the creature stopped b as he started sniffing her.

Nyx looks puzzled. This creature looks familiar... but where has she seen him before?

"You..." The Demon Pony spoke at last, much to the foals' surprise. "I remember you... black child..."

Nyx looks confused, why did that creature say that? Then she remembers... that year ago before Twilight found her. A creature has saved her from those timber wolves.

Could this creature be the same one? And did he come to Canterlot to finish what he has started?

Whatever the case may be, the Demon Pony then for some reason leaves, roaring into the night. Nyx and her friends sweat a bit then sigh.

"Close one." Apple Bloom said with a sigh. "But why did 'dat thing not finish us off?"

"I don't know, but I'd rather go home now." Scootaloo gulps a bit. "No search is worth turning into monster food..."

"I agree." Sweetie Belle said, "Rarity'll be very worried."

"Yeah. Come on, let's go." Nyx said, and with that said, the four fillies headed for home.


Twilight lost sight of the Demon Pony about 20 minutes ago, she now stood in a park the same one she and Ben played in all those years ago... Twilight missed Ben Mare but she was the only one that knew where he had disappeared to, he had become the Demon Pony. She hated herself so much right now that when she looked into the lake she saw what she herself had become, a Mini-Were Mare. She stood up and began to walk away, toward the Holly Tree that Ben used to read under. She felt something squishy in between her clawed toes, she looked down to see her front paws were in fresh cement. She smiles she could give her dearest Demon Pony a message, she kept one claw out and drew a heart with an arrow.

A slight growling caught Twilight's attention, she looked up to her surprise the Demon Pony was here standing a couple of inches from her. He looked down to see what she had made for him, he smiled and placed his paw inside the heart. He glanced up hoping Twilight would understand what he meant, Twilight did understand him and showed that she did by placing her own paw in the heart, near the Demon Pony's. The Demon Pony had placed his left paw in the heart while Twilight had placed her right paw in, Twilight thought of something... She should put their inishals in the heart and above the pawprints, and she did so.

D.P & M-W.M

When Twilight looked up to see the Demon Pony one last time before heading home to sleep, she was greeted with an empty space, she sighed and began to head home.


The Demon Pony grunts as he enters a room somewhere in Canterlot. This place hasn't been entered in years so he would be safe here.

The Demon Pony gallops through the messy room and sighs sadly. He felt terrible for the destruction that he himself has caused tonight... but the pony's form forces him to go out of control. What is wrong with him?

The Demon Pony goes to a wall and pushes it aside to reveal a secret compartment that has a box in it with a name tag in it. The corrupted pony took it and pauses. He hopes against hope that he himself would be able to present it... to the one that the Demon Pony hasn't seen in years, and had injured her a few hours before.

But the Demon Pony sighs in sadness as he put the box away while mumbling, "No... Not after how I hurt her hours ago. I have kept an eye on her, doing my best to keep her safe. But even after so many years, I doubt that she would ever want to be me. To her, I probably would never be anything... but a monster."

The Demon Pony looks away in sadness, sitting on his ruined bed while mumbling, "It's hopeless."


The next morning, while Twilight slept, the rest of the gang is heading to where the festival will take place very soon. As they talked, Spike asks the fillies, "So, did you four girls find anything?"

"Well, so far, none." Apple Bloom said in concern. "We must've asked every pony but no chance."

"We should be..." Nyx begins to say but some pony cut her off.

"Holy Celestia," Pinkie gasps in shock. The gang looks stunned as they saw the festival area a complete wreck. The food strands has been overturned, the games and such has been trashed, it's like a tornado went through here last night!

And the festival area isn't the only place to be trashed. Ponies are talking and upset because some businesses or such has been destroyed or broken into. Something has gone wrong last night.

"What... happened?" Fluttershy asked with her eyes widen in horror. Nyx and her friends look concerned. That monster has been busy last night.

And now, all of Canterlot is about to find out about the presence of the Demon Pony and the Mini-Were Mare!