• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 6,485 Views, 94 Comments

Should I? - The Collapsed Library

as the changelings fill the sky only Twilight can stop it, but is the price too much?

  • ...

On-the-job-training 3

As Twilight moved down the hall towards the yellow dot in front of her, she began to hum.



What are you humming?

Just a song some friends and I came up with.

Oh... Twilight?


Why are you humming?

I don't know, I guess the quiet was getting to me. Twilight paused mid-step, Do you want me to stop?

No! Um... I mean... please keep humming, I don't really like the quiet.

You don't? Why?

Trust me, if you spend as long as I have with only the sound of your voice to listen to, any lack of noise is painful.

Okay, I wont stop.

As Twilight entered the room marked by the yellow dot. She immediately noticed tools and trappings similar to the ones in the pod room. There were notes from scientists plastered upon the walls, some she could make out, while others' wording had been lost to time. Making her way further into the room, she noticed the apparatuses on a table at the far end: The colors appeared to have been applied with the sole intention of intimidation. Much like the armor, they were a dark, metallic grey with faded pink highlights, matching the armor almost perfectly, when the light hit them they sparkled with an almost deadly beauty. they each had a narrow cylinder at one end, and then tapered out into strange shapes and curves, ending in a hole big enough for her hoof. Picking them up, she that they were quite balanced, despite their oblong shape. Suddenly, they liquefied, much like the armor had done, sliding down her leg-plates until they came to rest on her withers, where they rebuilt themselves and locked, waiting for use. She reached for them, intent on giving them a test, but as she did so, her armor began to click and whir. Before she could react she was standing bipedially, with her weapons at the ready.

Whoa, this is new

Oh, I forgot to mention that I guess...

What else did you forget to mention?

Apart from the suits standby mode, not much I think.

What's the sta-

It's really nothing special, the suit just changes into a more low profile attire.

Really? What does it look like

That's the fun part, you decide the appearance just by thinking about it. For right now though, lets focus on the task at hand.

Oh... uh... right. Well, better get a move on

When Twilight walked out into the hall again, she heard a groaning coming from the end she had initially entered from. Turning, she found the changeling she'd landed on slowly beginning to stir.

You didn't tell me you brought someone with you.

Well, I needed something to cushion my fall, hold on.

Slowly, she approached the bug; now noticing that it was actually rather size-able, rivaling Big Macintosh. Looking closer, she noticed it was covered entirely in chitin, with translucent wing structures covering its back and flank. Thinking quickly, she grabbed him by the nape of the neck and turned his bruised face towards her own, and turned on the in-helmet mic.

"Suck it up, buttercup, this is what you get for breaking into a ladies' room." She said as she bashed his head into the ground, causing him to once again lose consciousness.

Was that really necessary?

Hey, did you want him following us? What if he woke up after we left and messed up whatever it is we plan on doing?

hmmm... didn't think of that. Touché i guess.

As Twilight made her way back up into more civilized parts, she grew more and more cautious, creeping around corners and sneaking in the shadows. Until finally, she made it back to her own room.

Ummm... why are we here? Shouldn't we be fighting the changelings or something?

Changelings? That's what they're called?

MmmHmm... Yeppers! But seriously, why are we here.

We're here for some important tools Twilight walked over to the wall and tapped an off color section, watching as it slid away revealing rapelling gear and multiple glass cutters and even a solar welder.

Do I even want to know why you have those?

Relax, these were for when me and Celestia would go for cake. My room is three floors above the hall to the bakery for a reason.

Okay... I understand the glass cutters and rappelling gear, but why the welder?

On a high enough setting it could cut through even the strongest metals.

That still doesn't answer my question you know.

The chef decided to buy a new silver oven, it came equipped with anti theft lockouts, it was one part stove, two parts bank vault

Who even makes something like that?

Says the ghost running a suit of armor.

again, touché, so what're we doing with this stuff?

As I was walking I came up with a plan....

As Twilight stepped out her window and looked around, she began to get a feel for her route. The wedding was being held ten floors down and five wings over, so she would need to re-position her rope, not an easy task in and of itself, that topped with her inability to use her own magic in the suit (as she had discovered while fitting the gear onto the suit, being told her magic passively recharged the battery on the Victoria and couldn't be rerouted without the proper gear.) made the whole plan twice as crazy and about three times as dangerous. Quickly making her way down to the end of the rope, she found herself almost five floors down. She then began to bounce from one hoof to the other, propelling herself into an arc that reached across the wing she found herself outside of. Finally, she drew one of her hoof blasters and blasted the stone her gear was hooked to. As gravity began to pull on her she activated her rear hoofspikes (a feature she had... discovered on the way to her room.) to prevent herself from falling and drew the cord back, planting it into the masonry and beginning her descent again. Once she was certain she had descended to floors, she began the hardest part of her escapade, she began moving horizontally across the wall.

She had almost reached the third wing when she began to hear buzzing. Looking out towards the city, she saw hundreds of changelings begin to come her way. Drawing her blasters, she began blasting bugs from the sky as they flew closer to her position. She continued to combat them even as they planted themselves on the wall.

Author's Note:

Whew! Sorry It took so long to get out, I flaked:twilightsheepish: The next chapter should wrap up this arc and get us started for the future I've decided to extend the wedding arc by one or two chapters. The only reasoning behind it is my sheer amount of ideas for this arc. I'm also a very big (insert insult here, nothing soul crushing please), here's why: As I was working on this chapter I started working on visualizations for the armor, weapons, and characters, no big deal right? Well then I started working on a couple one shots and another story altogether, with ideas for another one or two. I'm a bad person so... oops i guess, expect a battle in the next chapter! Or don't, its up to you I guess.

Thank the divines for Twilight's lvl 100 sneak from helping Celestia on her cake runs. All that plodding around on stone floors with heavy armor is not good for ones aggro at lower levels.