• Published 24th May 2012
  • 3,125 Views, 24 Comments

Crazycakes - Magistar

Sequel to Pattycakes. Rainbow Dash gives Fluttershy a taste of her own medicine.

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Hey guys, this is my first gorefic! It’s a sequel to Pattycakes, the creepiest and most OOC story I’ve read. And I’ve read Cheerilee’s Garden! So I decided to write a sequel, which wraps everything up AND makes it a gorefic to boot! You really should read Pattycakes for this to make any sense. ENJOY (as much as possible with a gorefic)! Note: I did not make the original. That ‘honor’ goes to the twisted, insane mind of its creator: Pegacorn Ondacob.


Rainbow Dash couldn’t sleep. The horror of the previous day had been devastating to her emotionally and mentally.

At least, that was what she projected.

She made sure Fluttershy was asleep before slipping out of her oversized crib. She spit out her pacifier and left the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her. She snickered silently as she crept through the hallway, arriving at the door leading outside. To freedom. She opened the door and checked to make sure no one was around. Then, she took off. All the way, she thought about the horrible things she would do to Fluttershy, for you see, what Fluttershy had done had made her go mad with hate. The humiliation, the wing-numbing drugs, and that sweet, motherly voice that mocked her the whole time...... She cracked a grin as she arrived at her house. She had a plan. A plan that was a bit gruesome, but worked out well in the end. She took a shower, feeling the hot water wash away the pain and filth that accumulated over the course of the day. She dried herself off, then grabbed some food from the fridge. Rest now, Fluttershy, she thought as she devoured the feast of adult food in front of her. Tomorrow............ A spark formed in her eye as she gritted her teeth. …...there’ll be hell to pay. She laughed maniacally as she left for Fluttershy’s cottage.


Fluttershy’s eyes fluttered open as she yawned. She groggily got out of bed and stumbled over to Rainbow, now sucking the pacifier.

“Good morning baby!” she said, nudging Rainbow awake with her hoof. Rainbow immediately began crying, spitting out the pacifier and flailing wildly. Fluttershy smiled and put a bottle full of warm milk in her mouth.

“There there, baby. Mommy is here to care for you!” Rainbow calmed down and began sucking again. At least I’m getting free food, she thought, draining the bottle and crying some more. Fluttershy took a look at Rainbow’s diaper. It had a dark stain in it. She tried to lift Rainbow out of the bed, but eventually gave up when she cried louder. She carefully swung the walls of the crib away so she could change Rainbow. Then she left to grab some baby powder. Rainbow jumped out and trotted to Fluttershy’s bureau, a small wooden container with several drawers in it. She opened the top drawer and made a face.

“She’s really into this......,” she said, looking at the books on how to be a good parent. She closed the drawer and opened the one underneath.

“Aha!” It was filled with casual clothing, and some of the articles looked, well, motherly. Rainbow stuck a hoof in her diaper and pulled out a dart gun and some string. The dart gun was something she bought to take care of intruders. Admittedly, the purchase seemed a bit paranoid, but it would be useful now. She quickly made a trap and placed it inside the drawer.

“The moment she opens this, the dart gun will go off, leaving her unconscious!” She giggled madly as she shut the drawer, quickly hopping back in the bed and crying. After a few more minutes, Fluttershy trotted back in with the baby powder.

“I had such a hard time finding it!” she exclaimed as she unwrapped her diaper. “I found it in the hamper. I’m so forgetful!” Rainbow had peed after placing the trap, partly out of will, partly out of anxiety. Fluttershy hummed merrily as she applied some powder to Rainbow’s nether regions, before placing a fresh diaper on her.

“All done! Now for some yummy breakfast!” Rainbow hopped to the floor and crawled after Fluttershy. After being lifted into the high chair, Fluttershy placed a big bowl of oatmeal on it.

“Eat up Rainbow! After this, we’re going outside to care for the animals! I left them alone yesterday, the poor creatures!” Rainbow, charged with this new development, plowed through the rest of the oatmeal, causing it to splatter over her and Fluttershy.

“Oh dear, it looks like somepony has a big appetite! I’ll go get cleaned up, just cry if you need anything!” Fluttershy wiped off the oatmeal on Rainbow and trotted off to have a hot shower. The moment Rainbow heard the door shut, she hopped out of the high chair. she took off her bib and shook it out, causing the oatmeal in it to fall into another pile of oatmeal. She cautiously took a lick. She spit out the oatmeal and retched.

“Bleh! More drugs! So she still doesn’t fully trust me yet.......” She searched the cabinets for food and settled on some bread. As she was finishing the last piece, the water turned off in the bathroom. Rainbow shoved the piece in her mouth and hopped into the chair. Fluttershy walked by with two towels covering her mane and torso.

“I’ll be right in, Dashie!” Rainbow’s eye twitched. Only Pinkie used that nickname! Calm down Rainbow. She’ll get her punishment later. Speaking of which, a loud shriek burst the silence in the house. Soon after, a thump could be heard in the room above. Rainbow waited for what seemed like the longest 30 seconds of her life. Then, she jumped out of the chair in joy, accidentally bumping her head on the ceiling.

“OW! I’ve got to be more careful! I wonder if she has pain medication..... Wait, what am I saying? I’M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” She zoomed to the bathroom, shouting cries of “Free! Free! FREE!!!!” the whole way. There was a large abundance of pain pills in the bathroom, probably to go with the whole ‘motherhood’ theme Fluttershy was obsessed with. Rainbow smiled, knowing that wouldn’t be the case much longer. After taking some, she rushed upstairs-

“Rainbow Dash! What are you doing out of your chair?” -only to find that Fluttershy was still conscious, standing in front of a cocktrice. There was a large bump on its head, and seemed to be dead. Rainbow gulped as her dreams of freedom started to collapse. Then, she had an idea. She jumped over the cocktrice and ran to the bureau, undisturbed by the fight. She started nudging the drawer with the trap, making agitated noises the whole time.

“Oh? Is there something in there?” Fluttershy trotted forward and examined the drawer. “Hmmm..... It doesn’t seem dangerous.....” With that, she opened the drawer.


The dart flew out and embedded itself in her neck. She stumbled back, crumpling to the floor in pain. Rainbow tore off the bib and diaper and tossed them aside. As Fluttershy’s eyesight faded to black, she saw Rainbow stand over her.

“Nighty night, mommy!” Rainbow laughed insanely as Fluttershy slumped over, unconscious.

8 hours later........

Fluttershy woke up, still bleary from the tranquilizer. The darkness in the room was absolute. At first she thought she was blindfolded, but after awhile, it became apparent that she was truly in a dark room. She tried to move, but her limbs were restrained by what felt like metal bands. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized what happened. Rainbow must have regained her senses! The poor dear must have taken things the wrong way. I know! I’ll punish her as soon as someone finds me! …..... That’ll happen, right? There was a sudden clanking and muttering that interrupted her train of thought. Then the lights clicked on.

“Hello Fluttershy.” The voice was undoubtedly Rainbow Dash’s. It seemed that she didn’t want to be anywhere near Fluttershy, so she installed an intercom system. “Don’t bother struggling, I fastened you pretty tight. Even if you did get out, I locked all the doors. Now, on to your punishment.” More noises could be heard as two mechanical hands popped out of the floor. One held a diaper, and other held a baby bonnet. Fluttershy gasped as she realized what this meant.

“You put me through the humiliation and torture of being a baby, so you’re going out dressed as one!” The hands roughly placed the clothing on her as she squirmed and yelped as they scratched her skin. When they were done, they sank into the floor. A few seconds later, another hand rose, this time with a pacifier. It shoved it into her mouth and descended along with the others.

“Now you can’t speak or move. Tell me Fluttershy, do you watch many action movies?” Fluttershy shook her head, noting that there were a few cameras pointed at her.

“I didn’t think so. Well, in every action movie, the main villain tells the ‘hero’ his plan when he thinks he has won. Of course, I’m not the villain in this, but it all amounts to the same thing. My plan for you, Fluttershy, is to kill you.” Fluttershy rolled her eyes, that seemed glaringly obvious.

However, simply killing you wouldn’t be satisfying enough. So, I took some ‘pictures’ of you and me together, along with a fake diary entry stating your sick, twisted plans for me. When they start asking how I got away, I’ll just say you died in an accidental fire, insane enough to actually think you were a baby yourself. I, on the other hand, got out alive and tipped off the authorities. Not bad, eh? I’ve been working on my storytelling. As for the flames, I’ve planted several pounds of oil in, around, and near your house. In precisely three minutes, the entire house will explode in flames, with you in it. Have fun in hell, Fluttershy.” The intercom flicked off, and the bonds released. Fluttershy’s attempt to move immediately failed, as did the attempts to spit out her pacifier. The tranquilizer must still be in my system. That’s it then. I’m dead.

Rainbow sighed as she pulled away from the microphone. She had two minutes to get into position in the house, then get ready for her (fake) daring escape. She opened the door to the shed in Fluttershy’s garden she had turned into a surveillance center. The day was waning fast, which meant that everypony would be getting ready to close shop and go home. It’s a shame I have to disturb them at this hour. Oh well, it’s worth it. She got into position close to the puddle she had placed in the living room. She pulled out a match from her mane and struck it against one of the dry walls. After about twelve strikes, it finally lit. Rainbow opened the door slightly and tossed the match inside the room. Then she jumped, snapped open her wings, and flew away.


The shockwave from the explosion knocked Rainbow out of the sky, smashing her into the forest below. The pain she felt rippling through her was intense, and within minutes she had blacked out.


Voices reached Rainbow’s ears as she started to regain consciousness:

Will she make it?...... How is she?....... Where was she?......” She opened her eyes and sat up, wincing at the pain. She was in the hospital, in her old room no less. There was a clipboard next to her bed listing her various injuries. She read through it, thanking herself for reading that raunchy Daring Do story involving a sexy nurse an awkward confession. Still, it contained a lot of medical terms. It seemed that she wasn’t in bad shape, considering she had been hit by a massive shock wave and sent hurtling into the forest below. All she had was a broken front right leg, a sprained wing (left), a minor concussion, and various scratches and bruises. The door to the room opened, and all of her friends (minus Fluttershy) walked in.

“We’re glad you’re alright, sugarcube,” Applejack said, placing a bucket of apples next to the bed. Rainbow noticed that there were more than a few police officers in the room as well. Before she or the police could say anything, Pinkie started babbling.

“OMIGOSHWEWERESOWORRIEDABOUTYOUWHATHAPPENEDWHEREWEREYOUHOW,” Twilight slapped a hoof over her mouth as Pinkie continued to babble, albeit quieter.

“What she’s trying to say is, why were you near Fluttershy’s house?” Rainbow had expected a question like this, especially from someone as logical and scientific as Twilight. She picked up an apple and started eating it, telling her story between bites.

“You see, I was at Fluttershy’s house as a captive.” There were gasps from everypony, except the police officers, who exchanged glances.

“Fluttershy invited me over yesterday for some advice. She claimed she wanted a child, and wanted advice on how to get one. Since she didn’t want to date or adopt, I told her she was out of luck. She got me some Gummyade-”
“-which contained a drug that knocked me unconscious and made my wings useless for hours afterward. Then, she put a diaper on me and forced me to act and talk like a child.” Right, easy truth part over. Now for the lies.

“She was trying to destroy my mind and make me a child mentally. I’m still confused as to how that would work. I resisted until she finally snapped. By now my wings had healed enough, so I got out of the diaper and put it on her! Then she picked up a knife and chased me through the house, slashing and screaming the whole time!” Twilight furrowed her brow.

“That doesn’t sound like Fluttershy at all! She’s supposed to be sweet, kind, loving.....” Rainbow shook her head.

“She can also freeze people with fear and scream loudly if she needs to. Besides, it was like she was possessed by the need for a child. I managed to avoid her gaze and get out through the front door. As for the explosion, she must have tipped over a lamp near her oil reserves. Then I fell and ended up here. That’s all I know, honest!” She finished the apple and tossed the core in the trash. Everyone was silent as they digested the information given. The only sound was one of the policecolts typing the story on a typewriter. Finally, one of the policecolts spoke up.

“I believe you also had some evidence on you.” Rainbow nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I took them with Fluttershy’s camera when she wasn’t looking. I ripped out the diary page so that everypony would believe me!” The policecolt grunted.

“Very well. I’ll have to check, but I believe the case is closed. Fluttershy met a tragic end engaging in immoral and illegal activities. Rainbow Dash was the sole witness and victim. There will be a more formal investigation, but I believe she is innocent.” With that, he and the other officers left. One by one, the others left as well, leaving Rainbow alone with her thoughts. Did I do wrong in killing Fluttershy? No, she deserved it. She knew the risks, and she lost the gamble. She leaned back in the bed, a smile on her face. Life was sweet.

Angel was torn. He had seen the whole thing, had been horrified by it all, and barely got out of the house alive. He didn’t know who to side with:

Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy?

AN: THIS IS NOT THE END!!!!! Vote in the comments whether Angel should side with Rainbow or Fluttershy!

Comments ( 24 )

DEFINITELY inb4featured.

Not really that good of a sequel. Also, no gore, so might as well remove that part of the message.

I suppose I'll be a sport and vote anyway, see where you planning to take this. Fluttershy was just mentally unstable, Rainbow was a straight up murderer and demolition mare.
Vote's for Fluttershy.

Not really the type of continuation that Pegacorn would have in mind, but I found it entertaining nonetheless

If you check my stories out, I've recently written a humanized remake of Pattycakes and I have nearly finished it.

If Pattycakes was the creepiest story you've ever read, I wonder about your priorities. Not bad for a revenge story, at least. The plan was interesting, and it was carried out okay. Neither like nor dislike.

Its.... okay in my book. Not much of a gore fan though but a fan of Pattycakes. I think Angel should side with Fluttershy.

Thank you for your opinions! The gore rating is there because I'm pretty sure the implied horrific death of Fluttershy counts as gore. Also, there was no insanity tag, so I went with the next best thing.:pinkiehappy: I'll decide who Angel sides with by next week.:moustache:

I think Angel should side with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was mentally unstable and forced her to do things she didn't want to do.

Depending on what he will do if he sides with dash he cant do much but if he sides with flutters he'll probably kill dash so make it both (give two endings).

643560 HMMMMMMMM....... I'll think about it.:pinkiehappy:

Rainowdash never loses!!:rainbowwild:

both more fun expose them both for it :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: keep it up

644093 in this sequel what happened to scootaloo?

740837 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. Kidding, she'll pop up at some point. (Hint: Apple Bloom ans Sweetie Belle apprenticed under other killers.:pinkiecrazy::twilightangry2:, respectively.)

Rainbow Dash must win this, all the other Pattycake fanfics and spin offs have her loose. Its time for some Justice!

Fluttershy. She just wanted a baby it's not like she was going to KILL dash....:fluttercry:

DEFINATELY FLUTTERSHY!!!! she never did any physical harm to rainbow dash, she just wanted to experience what motherhood would be like.

Wow, amazing. love this fic, so much better.

UPDATE: There will no longer be an Angel storyline. I've come with something much worse...:pinkiecrazy:

Rainbow dash rainbow dash rainbow dash rainbow dash:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

Pros: good grammar and spelling.

Cons: Too quick, OoC, how could Dash turn a shed into surveillance centre? A lot of telling instead of showing, uninteresting style and poor execution. This needs a great deal of brushing up.

The funny thing about this is that those cons appear in %90 of the horror stories on this site. I just happened to give a shit about grammar. Thx for teh review tho

3968645 That doesn't make it okay. Maybe your story would stand out if it were less like the other 90%, hmm?

I think I want Angel bunny should side with Fluttershy I read Pattycakes and Fluttershy wasn't evil just desperate for a child of her own. At the end of pattycakes one Fluttershy made it clear that after a week she would let Rainbow Dash go with no hard feelings:twilightsmile:

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