• Published 24th May 2012
  • 5,018 Views, 147 Comments

A Just Cause - Tisbutascratch

Rico Rodriguez, the Agency's best finds himself in Equestria. Chaos ensues

  • ...

The Viaduct of Death!

13:10 p.m. Panauan/local time

“Er...Rico what are you doing? And why are you in shackles?”

“Nothing....” Rico replied as dozens of guards thundered past the library.

“Rico, this my assistant Spike. As you can see he is a dragon and seriously why are you in shackles.”

“Sup.” Spike responded.

“I thought a dragon would be... you know... bigger,” Rico stated, causing Spike to mutter something about a “Hairless Ape.”,“Can he breathe fire?”

“Well he is only a baby dragon and yes he can breathe fire.” Twilight replied.

Rico realized he could only delay Twilight for so long as to why he had shackles on one wrist so he knew he would need an excuse, “Well about the shackles don’t say I said this but Fluttershy is into some weird stuff.”

Twilight’s eye twitched involuntarily.“I really didn’t need that mental image, Rico. Anyways I sent a letter to the Princesses, she would like to have a meeting with you tomorrow.”

If I go I could see if she is as bad as she’s made out to be. Rico thought, “Er... sure but how will I get there?” Rico asked.

“Princess Celestia is going to send a carriage for us.” Twilight replied.

“Won’t that take ages to get there?”

“Not a Pegasi one.”

“Right... anyways I was wondering if there’s any other species that talk in Equestria.” Rico asked.

“Yes there are many different sentient species in Equestria...” Twilight began as she floated a book labeled “Known Sentient Species” out a shelf and before opening the ancient tome she blew a thick layer of dust off the cover and on to Rico, “Sorry.” Rico dusted himself off, meanwhile Twilight looked down at the page and began to address Rico and Spike, “Bisons are large bovines native to the southern plains...”

Both Spike and Rico simultaneously groaned, knowing they were both going to be here awhile...

It had been four hours since Twilight had began her lecture. Spike had passed out due to sheer boredom and was currently lying face down on the library’s wooden floor. Rico on the other hand was sitting on a stool right elbow on knee, head in hand drifting in and out of consciousness, he was battling to stay awake but it was a futile attempt. He ignored most of the lecture and just picked out the species’ names. Just as he closed his eyes he was suddenly roused by Twilight slamming the book shut.

Rico stood up and began walking to the door, “Thanks for that Twilight but I better get going...”

“Wait!” Twilight called out, “ The carriage will becoming at 11 o’clock to pick us up tomorrow. And don’t bring any of your weapons or parachute.”

“What! no weapons or parachute! Can’t I bring one? Just one please.” Rico complained, “Look when I go somewhere without a gun nine times out of ten someone tries to kill me!”




“Fine, what about my grappling hook can I bring that?” Rico asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes,“Fiiiine, but you better not be late.”

“Don’t worry I’ll be on time, You should probably wake up Spike.” Rico replied as he opened the door and stepped outside, “See you later.”

“Bye.” Twilight replied, using her magic closed the door behind Rico.

“I’m still bringing my revolver.” Rico muttered to himself.

It was in the late afternoon, the sun was beginning descend to the west across a cloudless sky. The streets were empty of ponies and most importantly guards. So Rico saw this as an opportunity to go and assist the Eagle Claws. Rico whipped out his PDA and glanced at the map.

The Eagle Claw Headquarters were somewhere in the far north, In a region known as the Talon Mountains. The most southern part of the Gryphon Empire.

Rico brought his left hand up and pointed it towards the tall carousel like building. Rico flicked the release and the hook shot forward towards its intended target. As soon as the hook impacted the wall Rico was sent flying towards the building. Just as his black combat loafers were about to hit the building’s impeccable whitewashed walls, Rico yanked the parachutes release handle. The lift created from opening the parachute propelled Rico up and over the building.

Rico fired his grappling hook again, this time at the dirt track that led out of Ponyville, towards the destroyed MV V880. Again, the high tension wire dragged Rico forward.

Rico continued to do this until he reached the familiar tree and scorch marks. When Rico drifted over where he had destroyed his MV V880, he was startled by the charred wreck being absent and no obvious marks to hint removal by any physical means. Rico closed his parachute and allowed gravity to take effect, a small dust cloud was kicked up by Rico’s impact on the sandy path.

Rico pulled his PDA free from his jeans, while simultaneously throwing a beacon down at the side of the road. Looking down at the PDA, Rico began scrolling through the list of equipment made available to him by his mysterious benefactor. The now more extensive equipment listings were far harder to navigate, increasing the amount of time Rico spent using the already incredibly awkward system.

After spending about ten minutes twiddling and fiddling, Rico finally had got what he wanted...

In a blinding flash a Pell Silverbolt 6 came into existence in front of Rico. The miniature aircraft had a crisp pitch black finish, with immaculate white lines on the leading edge of the wings and the tip of the nose cone.

“It’s a scientific fact that racing stripes make everything go faster.” Rico leapt on the nose of the Silverbolt, before putting his hand under the rim of the canopy and throwing it back. Closing the canopy behind himself, Rico before turning to the controls and pushing the throttle forward.

The Pell Silverbolt 6 hammered across the disturbingly perfect grass, before flying towards the most northern part of the known world. The Gryphon Empire.

Equestria-Gryphon Border
14:43 p.m. Panauan/local time

The change to Gryphon territory was far more gradual than its Diamond Dog counterparts rather than than a brutal wound cutting across the surface of the land. The ground had slowly changed from frosty glens just to the north of Canterlot to massive snow topped mountains in the middle of nowhere. His target, some ancient fortress nestled within this desolate wasteland.

Rico maneuvered the miniature jet in and out of the razor sharp peaks and descended through the thick blizzard that encompassed the region.

As Rico broke free of the thick mist the primordial castle loomed into existence. The fortress was perched precariously on the side of a mountain, occasionally large drifts of snow and ice broke free from the bottom of the bastion tumbled into the abyss below.

Unlike the Diamond Dog’s newly acquired ruin. This gargantuan fortress was in a combat ready state, heavily armed troops lined the imposing stone battlements and alpine towers that stood in the four corners and the centre of the frozen courtyard. A second smaller line of towers and battlements surrounded the central structure. The outer wall continued around the castle until it crumbled off the edge of the cliff.

Rico flew over the castle and spotted a clear strip of icy stone in between the mountain and the castle, where a group of griffins battled against the constant snowfall to keep the ground clear.

“Looks like they’ve been preparing for my arrival.” Rico turned the aircraft around and began to close the distance between himself and the “runway”.

As soon as the wheels had made contact with the ground Rico leapt free from the claustrophobic cockpit and into the massive blizzard.

Rico and the gryphons watched the now pilotless plane careen down the runway and off the mountain. Normally there would have been a subtle explosion but it had been drowned out by the constant blizzard that eclipsed the mountain range.

“Hey, are you the Scorpion?” A young male voice called out.

“Depends on who’s asking.” Rico turned on his heel to face them.

In front stood a pale grey gryphon covered in armour reminiscent of that worn by the anglo-saxons. A wooden bolt-action rifle was slung across his back, as well as steel helmet that was held in one claw. His azure eyes displaying his curious fear towards Rico.

“Private Silverbeak of the Eagle Claws.” The gryphon gave Rico a mock salute with his free right claw.

“Well I’m the “Scorpion” Rico returned with his own half arsed salute.

“Well, welcome to Tantalon Castle. Follow me, the Baron want’s to meet you.” The rookie guard gestured for Rico to follow him.

During the walk towards the castle Silverbeak decided to try and talk to the “Fabled Scorpion”

“So is it true you killed a hydra with your bare claws?” Silverbeak asked with a certain youthful enthusiasm.

“Yeah sure did.” With a fighter jet and about a metric tonne of high explosives. “So how’d you know about that?”

“Stories like that travel fast in the criminal underworld.”

And when I got here I thought it was like a little girl’s fantasy world. Rico thought.
As they were passing through the open gates of the outer wall Rico spotted a group of gryphons setting up a pair of water cooled machine guns akin to the ones carried by Wolfsbane on top of the battlements.
A recent addition? Rico wondered before gesturing to the machine guns and asking, “So where’d you guys get the guns?”

“Oh what those? Dunno the Baron just brought them out one day.”

The rest of their journey towards the keep was uneventful. Once they arrived the large wooden doors were opened by a pair of the gryphon guards, allowing the duo access to the Baron.

The cold stonewalls of the keep were adorned with thick colourful tapestries and vibrant red banners all symbolizing gryphons. Beneath the banners stood marble statues of gryphon knights, each one an exact replica of the last. On the opposite side of the room was an equally large set of wooden doors with a pair of gryphon guard stood beside them. The route up to the doors was marked by a lush and thick red carpet that covered the white marble floor. Titanic Greco Roman pillars that ran parallel to the carpet on both sides held the high arching ceiling in place. The regal atmosphere was smashed by the large crates of firearms that were stacked all around the room.

Again once they reached the magnificent wooden doors on the other side the guards opened them. Rico wasn’t prepared for what awaited him on the other side of the ancient oak doors.

“Don’t lie to me Lieutenant!” A deep voice boomed.

“Sir, the convoy was ambushed by a force at least three times it size there was no...” Another voice hastily replied.

“Bollocks! We’re the Eagle Claws! Nobody fucks with the Eagle Claws!” the scottish voice retorted, “Get out my sight now! You prick!”

“Yes sir! Sorry sir!” A griffin knight shoved his way past Rico and Silverbeak and ran out across the room.

The throne room was as equal if not better in both splendor and vastness in comparison to the keep. With it’s equally lavish banners and tapestries garnishing the walls that had been crafted from the whitest of marbles. Behind the throne were two extravagant stained glass windows, one depicting griffins defeating the ponies. The other, a lone griffin facing off against a dragon. Either side of the baron stood two knights, who were both clearly amused by the grilling of the guard. Encased in bronze armor, the baron sat upon his stone throne, however rather than a helmet upon his brow sat a gold crown. At his right hand side sat a fully loaded LMG and at his left a steel claymore.

“So, you must be the “Scorpion”?” The baron enquired, his brown eyes bearing his doubt towards Rico.

“Yes.” Rico replied.

“I’m Baron Schiltron, welcome to my humble abode.” The dark brown griffin cleared his throat before continuing, “Well, I have a proposition for you Scorpion. As you may have noticed I have a slight problem.”

“Which is...” Rico gestured for him to continue.

“Well the Eagle Claws gain most of its funds through smuggling and recently a group of fucking bandits decided to attack one of our smaller smuggling routes, destroying the shipment.” Schiltron sighed, clearly annoyed by these “Fucking bandits.”

“So you want me to kill them?” Rico asked, even though the answer was more than likely yes.

“Yes, there headquarters is somewhere over the viaduct of death. You can’t miss it, it’s the large viaduct about a mile northwest.”

The viaduct of death? What a stupid name. Rico thought before replying, “Well ok then.” Rico began to walk towards his new objective.

Talon Mountains
Gryphon Empire
18:07 p.m. Panauan/local time

After spending about fifteen minutes climbing around the mountains, Rico had finally made it to the viaduct of death. Well the hill behind it anyways. Rico removed his PDA from his pocket and glanced at the map. His destination was only 531 metres north now.

Rico leapt from his current position on top of the icy cliff descending into the misty abyss below. Tugging on the parachute’s cord sent Rico hurtling back up into the sky, allowing him to fire his grappling hook pulling him forward towards the bandit’s base.

As Rico broke through a cloud bank the bandit’s base revealed itself to him. A small fort akin to the one he destroyed this morning. As he began to descend towards the fort the mist began to thicken. Through the mist Rico made out the unmistakable outline of a unicorn standing guard. Hoping the constant winds would mask the gunshot, Rico drew his revolver and fired at the unicorn. The unicorn’s head exploded, yet it’s headless body still stood. Rico dropped to the floor beside the unicorn and that’s where he discovered....

...It was made of snow!

“Hello Mr Snowpony.” Rico laughed, before proceeding to end its cruel existence as a headless snowpony by kicking it in the midsection, causing it to collapse. Walking alongside the stonewall of the fort Rico eventually found the entrance. Rico spotted another conveniently placed barrel sitting beside the fort’s wooden gate and Rico began to formulate a plan...

The door of the fort exploded in wards in a shower of razor sharp splinters tearing through the griffin and pony bandits who were unfortunate to have been near the door. Rico continued the assault by firing a burst from his SMG at a nearby griffin soldier, his steel armor didn’t stand a chance against the supersonic projectiles. Turning on his heel Rico leapt across the courtyard towards an upturned table. The griffins and ponies drew their weapons and began to return fire, bolts and bullets cracked past Rico, covering him in dust from the ancient stonewall, Rico pulled a pin and let the spoon fly free from a hand grenade before tossing it towards his foes. The ground shook with the detonation. Rico stood up and fired two shots from his revolver both hitting one unlucky griffin in the chest causing them to fall from the battlements. Rico crouched behind the table just as an arrow zipped through the space he was just occupying. Again he stood up and fired two shots from his revolver both of which hit their mark, before taking cover behind the table again. Rico pulled another grenade from his belt and removed the pin, causing the spoon to fly gracefully through the air before landing on the snowy gravel. He tossed the grenade to the right of the courtyard and fired his revolver’s underslung grenade launcher to the left in an attempt to kill all the surviving bandits in one move. Suddenly the bandits’ fire ceased Peering over the arrow riddled table, Rico could see why the gun fire had ceased...

All the bandits were dead, well all of them except one. Stood in the dead centre of the courtyard was a monstrous blood red minotaur. Any normal human would probably be for the lack of a better word shitting themselves in this situation but Rico Rodriguez is no ordinary person.

Rico pulled the grenade launcher forward ejecting the spent casing and replacing it with a new grenade before firing it at the minotaur. The explosive detonated on impact with its target, obscuring the minotaur in a cloud of grey dust.

“Well that was easy-” Rico couldn’t believe it. The minotaur was still standing in the middle of the courtyard. Alive. The minotaur snorted before charging towards the human, “Oh shi-”

The impact sent Rico cartwheeling through the smashed gate of the fort and into the reddened snow.

The minotaur stood over Rico’s crumpled form and gloated, “You’ll have to try harder than that, monkey.” Before bringing a hoof down hard on Rico’s chest. The pain was unbearable for Rico and it only proceeded to get worse as the minotaur increased the pressure on Rico’s chest.
Rico felt around in the snow with his arms, when his fingers graced something metal. Wrapping his right hand around the object, he realized it was his revolver. Cocking the hammer, Rico brought the magnum to bear.

“Garbage Day!” The revolver boomed, the minotaur stumbled back a few meters, blood pouring from it’s chest. Rico jumped to his feet and pulled the trigger again.


“God damn it!” Rico shouted, enraged the minotaur charged towards the human. The minotaur closed the gap almost instantly, just as the minotaur was about to slam into Rico like a sentient train, Rico stepped to the side and ejected the empty cases from his revolver. The minotaur turned to face the spy, the minotaur snorted before charging again. The bullets slid through Rico’s fingers but he managed to get one into the cylinder before he closed it. He brought the revolver up towards the rampaging minotaur.

“Yippie kay yay Mother Fucker!” The minotaur’s head exploded. Blood and brains splattered across the white snow and Rico. “Fuck.” Rico holstered his revolver and shook his arms to try and remove most of the brains and blood from them.

Suddenly Rico’s PDA vibrated. Confused Rico removed his PDA from his pocket and looked down at the screen which read “Teleport ability unlocked! Use the teleport ability to travel to places you have already discovered, just select teleport in the Blackmarket menu then the location and the magic will do the rest!”

“What the fuck? Am I in game or something? Well it wouldn’t be the strangest thing to happen in the last three days.” Rico decided to test this “teleporting” he decided on the location “Fluttershy’s cottage” and in an instant he was engulfed in light.

20:27 p.m. Panauan/local time

Rico flashed into existence on the path outside Fluttershy’s cottage, the sun was just beginning to dip over the horizon to the west, apparently controlled by their tyrannical overlord Princess Celestia. As he got closer to the cottage one thing he noticed was the lights were out. Rico opened the door and stepped inside and just as he closed door something unexpected happened...


Author's Notes
Will Rico make a good impression on the Princesses? or will he just end his mission? Will the barrels return?
Also ships, which one?
Rilight, Ririty, Ricojack, Rinkie, Ricodash, Ricoshy, Riluna or Riclestia? (Note I won't write any Rico shipping.)

Finally! Sorry for the delay everyone but it's finally here and thanks to Innate Enigma for editing/pre-reading this chapter as well as all the previous ones.

Comments ( 22 )

The new chapter is finally finished! It's time to celebrate!

RiLuna. I have no idea why. :twilightsheepish:

1225569 RiLuna is best ship!

You write the meetings with the bosses quick and straightforward, leaving no room for banter, development or conversation. That is EXACTLY like the game!:pinkiegasp: You're clever.

Also, Riluna

1225813 Which bosses? The gang bosses? or the enemy bosses?
Also RiLuna OTP.

When you meet the leaders of the gangs but also enemy boss cutscenes are like 5 seconds long too. Example: The Three Kings mission. You go to each individual boss and a 5-7 second cutscene starts.
Also, what is OTP

1225866 OTP: One True Pairing. Yeah the cutscenes were really short in Just Cause 2.

Luna pairing is (getting) old:applejackunsure:

I would suggest Riclestia, because he sees her as a evil dictator, also it's a very underused ship.

1229892 I didn't think anyone had shipped Rico and Celestia before. :rainbowlaugh:

I meant human X Clestia is a more uncommon pairing, than a human X mane 6 or Luna ship.

1230919 Yeah Celestia x human is far more uncommon than any other x human ship.

Is there an option for "no ship"?


(Note I won't write any Rico shipping.)

There won't be ANY Rico shipping in this fic.

1244998 I'll take that on board, thanks.

I like this story.

you know I hope someday this story will start again :fluttershysad:

“Yippie kay yay Mother Fucker!”


“What the fuck? Am I in game or something? Well it wouldn’t be the strangest thing to happen in the last three days.” Rico decided to test this “teleporting” he decided on the location “Fluttershy’s cottage” and in an instant he was engulfed in light.

how is it that this wasn't a wall-break done by Pinks

But is JC3 better in story?

Kinda... But it's still got shit voice acting.

Can you make more?:fluttercry:

Please continue the story, I like it.

I just found this and i like the idea of it because i like the just cause series, pls continue this story it has potential

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