• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 26 )

For starters, the cover art is awesome. I knew exactly what this was going to be going in, and you didn't waste any time getting right to the good stuff. The detail was good. And the transition at the end where the narration refers to her as Luna was thematic, if a bit confusing at first. (I hope that was intentional.) I actually had to go back and re-read it to make sure it wasn't actually Luna, disguised as Rarity, disguised as Luna. Although that would have been hot too. (Sequel idea maybe?)


(I hope that was intentional.)

It very much was. ^.^
In fact, that's why it had to be 1st person, to show AJ's gradual acceptance off thinking of her as Luna.

Wouldn't this be a bit confusing and hard to pull off given that Princess Luna and Rarity share the same voice actress ?

I hand't thought of that!
Heh. Maybe that just means that Rarity is really good at imitating Luna's voice.

Luna's in for an odd night of dreamwalking... :rainbowlaugh:

Sexy, well written, and fun. If Hasbro did NC17 MLP episodes, this would be one of them. A delight to read.

I don't think you're allowed to put nsfw links. You can post it just as long as it's not a clickable link.

Another hit! You just don't stop, do you? Great work. Short, but with enough build-up to make it more than a drawn-out sex scene. Keep it up.

Comment posted by Zephyr deleted Jul 29th, 2015

I'm not here to complain about them being lesbians, but I'll still mention it three times.

Comment posted by Zephyr deleted Jul 29th, 2015


Lesbians are awesome. Everyone should try one once.


"A story that has AJ and Rarity talking about doing the sex in the description? How was I supposed to know at least one of them would be full-tilt gay?!"


When I see stories with an opening description about Big Mac wanting to bone his sisters, I tend to ignore it instead of going into it and complaining when it turns out to be a story about Big Mac wanting to bone his sisters. I could understand if your complaints sprang up in the middle of a long adventure fic with no preamble, but com on.

Comment posted by Zephyr deleted Jul 29th, 2015


Have an opinion all you want. Just not stupid ones. :scootangel:

I'm just saying: it's like covering yourself in meat then being surprised when you get mauled when you walk into a bear den. If you're not a fan of it, then why go into the story, man? I don't go into Spike x Braeburn or somethin' then complain when there's two guys going at it.

-sniffles- You guys. You guys with your good sense and logic. You make me so happy.

Fun story, by the way! World could always use more Rarijack!

I'll have to add it to my long to-do list... and I'll probably sequel my more popular stories first.

Thanks! ^.^

I'm kind of unclear about it. I'm sure it would not be allowed if it was a link directly to a NSFW image, but a link to a gallery page where some of them are NSFW? I'm not sure. Eh, I'll just leave it up unless a fimfic mod tells me to remove it.

Nope, not anymore I don't stop! ^.^ My patreon patrons help keep me going!

That was pretty hilarious.
I think you guys scared him off, though. :rainbowlaugh:

Figured a little Rarijack would brighten up some people's days.
Not my favorite ship, but I know some people really like it.

Ooh, nice! I love getting readings!

Great story! The concept is fun, and the execution not only good, but also playful, with things like Dash being the straight one, or Applejack's overly apple-dominated taste in metaphors. Wonderful n.n

The patois absolutely made this story. The author definitely knows how to sound Western.

Thanks! ^.^ That's actually really good to know, since I happen to be working on another first-person Applejack chapter at the moment. It's good to revisit this and get back in the mood for some twang!

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