• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 2,934 Views, 75 Comments

The Sparity Family - Zexoguy

An anthology of stories about Spike and Rarity's kids, based on the concepts created by TheFlimFlamBros and Pia-Sama.

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Topaz's First Crush: Part 6

The next day, during lunchtime at school, Topaz looked around the cafeteria for Minty and spotted her sitting all alone at a table for two. She seemed to be lacking her usual chipper attitude, which was hardly surprising. He swallowed his nerves and approached her with caution.

"Hi," he said, trying to put on a smile to diffuse the tension.

"Hey," she replied, showing zero emotion. Not a comforting sign. The young colt hesitated for a moment.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

"Sure," Minty responded, still rather monotone.

Topaz took the seat right across from her. The two young ponies sat in silence for a short moment before Topaz decided to get to the point.

"Look," he began. "I really am sorry about what I did yesterday. It was stupid. I wasn't thinking straight. And I brought something to at least try and make up for it."

Topaz reached into his backpack and pulled out a small vile of a red potion. He showed it to Minty, who eyed it suspiciously.

"I was up all night working on it," he said. "One sip of this and you'll be able to breathe fire for seven whole minutes. You can feel what it's like to be a dragon. Isn't that cool?"

Minty still didn't seem very impressed as she took the bottle from Topaz. "Yeah. Thanks," she said. "Look, I wanna forgive you Topaz, but you really crossed a line yesterday."

"I know," he stated dejectedly. "It's just that you're the first girl I've ever really liked and I guess I got carried away. I understand if your parents don't want me to see you anymore either."

"I didn't tell my parents."

"You didn't?"

"No. They don't know anything about it." Topaz was a little relieved to hear that. "But I do have something else to tell you."

"What is it?" The blue unicorn listened closely as his quasi-friend prepared to deliver some unpleasant news.

"My mom got a promotion at work. They want her to transfer to Whinnyapolis." She paused briefly before she continued. "She took it."

Topaz couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You're moving away?" The green filly nodded, clearly no happier about it than he was. "When?"


"What?" Topaz grew even more upset. "But that's so last minute. Didn't you have any say in it?"

"She asked me last night and I said I was fine with it. It really means a lot to her."

The colt hung his head dejectedly. "I understand. I must've made the decision pretty easy for you, huh?"

Minty looked away in shame. "Maybe a little bit." She hated to say it, but it was true. "Hey, I really don't wanna leave things like this. I don't want to be mad at you because I know you're really a sweet guy and I love hanging out with you, but... when you touched me like that, you went way too far. And I think it's gonna take a while for me to totally get over it."

"I understand," Topaz replied.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over and it was time to head to class. As the two kids got up to leave, a thought occurred to Topaz.

"Maybe we'll see each other again someday," he said with an optimistic grin.

"I hope so," Minty responded. Then she gave Topaz a friendly hug goodbye, which caught him by surprise, but he was all too happy to accept it. "No matter what, you'll always be my friend. I'll never forget you, Topaz." She sounded like she was about to cry. The young colt felt like he could cry any minute as well.

"Thanks, Minty," he said, trying to keep himself together. "I'll never forget you, either. I promise."

With that, the two saddened young ponies grabbed their things and headed off to their separate classes, knowing full well that after tomorrow, they might never see each other again.


Topaz arrived home, feeling more miserable than he had ever felt in his life. His brothers, Onyx and Obi, were on the couch waiting for him. He was just about to head on upstairs when they stopped him and grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"Oh, hey, bro. Glad you're home," Onyx greeted him. "We need you to do us a little favor."

"I am in no mood for this, guys," Topaz protested angrily.

"See, we need you to smell all our dirty socks and tell us how bad they reek," Obi said as he pulled out a bunch of their nasty old socks. He was just about to shove them into the colt's face when Topaz furiously pushed their hand off of him.

"I SAID KNOCK IT OFF!" he shouted, his horn glowing in self-defense. The twins were surprised to see him so angry, but they weren't going to take any lip from their pipsqueak brother.

"Listen, smart guy," Onyx said, yanking him up by his shirt. "When we tell you to smell our socks, you'd be smart to smell 'em good."

Topaz pushed them off again. "Don't you think I get enough of this crap everyday at school just for being me?! Just for looking like THIS?!" He gestured to his face, being sure to emphasize his pointy teeth and his eyes, which seemed to be developing tears. "I'm already having the worst day ever and I don't need you idiots adding insult to injury! I just wanna be alone right now!"

Topaz turned around and headed upstairs. He really didn't want the twins to see him cry, especially not right now since he knew they'd just make fun of him for it. Although, odd as it may appear, his words seemed to strike a chord with them.

A few minutes later, while Topaz was still sulking in his room, Onyx and Obi opened the door and went right in without even bothering to knock. "Hey," Obi said.

"I told you I'm not in the mood, guys," Topaz snapped at them.

"We just wanna talk, dude."

"Oh yeah? What do you wanna talk about?"

The twins leaned up against the door frame. Whatever they wanted to say, it clearly wasn't easy for them. "Look, we get it, okay?" Onyx started. "Believe it or not, you're not the only one around here who's ever gotten crappy treatment just for looking like a freak. We all have to deal with it."

Topaz was really surprised. He'd never seen this side of the twins before. It made him curious to see just how deep this rabbit hole went. "Yeah? What are you saying?" he asked.

Obi gave an almost painful sounding sigh. "I guess... what we're saying is..." he struggled to get the words out. "You don't really need us... you know... making it much worse for you. So..."

"I guess we could, like, ease up on the teasing a little... if you really want," Onyx finished.

"Are you serious?" Topaz responded in shock. "You're really gonna stop picking on me all the time just like that?"

"Don't make us wanna change our minds," Obi said almost threateningly.

"I won't. Wow. Thanks, guys. I'm really impressed."

"Yeah well don't get too used to it, squirt." The twins grinned and rubbed their brother's head, which he didn't really mind. "But listen. Next time anyone messes with you, just remember, we've got you're back, alright?" They held up a fist, initiating their private handshake.

Topaz gave a light chuckle. "Thanks," he said as he returned the fist bump. The twins gave an extra scary growl which made him jump back in shock, but he quickly recovered from it with a good laugh.

Even so, all of this wasn't enough to make Topaz forget about Minty Gold. His brothers took notice of his change in demeanor and figured they should probably ask.

"So what exactly happened today that's got you so down?" Onyx asked. Before Topaz could answer, however, Citrine suddenly appeared.

"Hey. What's going on?" she asked.

"Nothing," Topaz answered sadly, which she couldn't help but notice.

"What's wrong?" she asked with concern. "How did it go with Minty today?"

"Minty?" Obi said, confused. "Who's Minty?"

Topaz sighed defeatedly. "She's... she was this filly in my class. I really liked her, but I did something really stupid and screwed it up. I tried to make it up to her today, but she told me..." he paused, tears forming in his eyes again. "She's moving away tomorrow."

Citrine couldn't resist the urge to comfort her little brother. She bent down and gave him a big hug, letting him cry on her shoulder. Even Onyx and Obi couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Oh man. That sucks, bro," they said as sincerely as they could. Topaz kept on letting all his sorrow out in Citrine's arms.

"She was the most amazing filly I've ever known. And now I'm never gonna see her again."

"There, there," Citrine said, trying to soothe him. "It's alright. I know it hurts now, but trust me, it will get better soon enough. You'll see. And we'll all be right here to help you through it."

"Yeah," Onyx chimed in. "It's not the end of the world, dude. It's just one girl."

"You'll forget about her once you meet someone else," Obi added.

"I don't want someone else," Topaz snapped at them. "I want Minty."

"I think what they're trying to say," Citrine interrupted. "Is that the thing about first crushes is that they're the first of many. You'll always have a place in your heart for Minty and maybe you will see her again someday, but remember to leave room for other ponies who come along. You're only twelve. You'll have plenty of other chances. I stand by what I said yesterday. Anypony would be lucky to go out with a colt like you. Right guys?"

"Oh yeah. Totally." The twins tried their best to sound sincere and smile in response even though they didn't quite believe what they said. Regardless, at least Topaz was starting to smile again. Citrine grimaced at the two of them and then turned back to the sad little colt in front of her.

"Take it from me, bro," she continued. "Dating is all about trial and error. You just have to keep on trying until you find the pony that's best for you."

Topaz smiled and hugged his sister again. In that moment, he felt lucky to have her and the rest of his family by his side. They'd helped him through his first crush and now they were helping him through his first heartbreak.

Author's Note:

I'm sure some of you are probably a little pissed off right now. Believe me, I hate to do this to the kid, but unfortunately, the other thing about first crushes is that they usually end in heartbreak. But, like Citrine said, they're also the first of many, so I wouldn't feel too bad for young Topaz.

Two arcs down. I hope you've all enjoyed this one and stay tuned for number three.