• Published 28th May 2012
  • 3,800 Views, 65 Comments

Twilight Discovers the Internet - Shukumei

Twilight is introduced to the World Wide Web in all it's shame and glory. Can Rarity keep her safe?

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Chapter one: Twilight Discovers Search Engines

"I really want to thank you, Rarity." Twilight said as she watched the other unicorn's plot bounce around, her front half hidden under the desk.

"Oh, it's really no trouble, dear." Came the white pony's reply. "I had nothing to do today anyway, what with the shop being closed for repairs."

Twilight winced. "So how did the fire start in the first place?"

"Sweetie Belle and her friends. I know they meant well, trying to cook me breakfast in bed and all, but I wish they would remember their limitations and wait for supervision."

"What were they trying to cook for you?"

Rarity pulled her head out from under the desk, staring at her work with detached bemusement as she recalled the event. “Alfalfa flakes.”

Twilight was taken aback. “Alfalfa flakes? Isn't that a cold cereal? How in the name of Celestia do you set fire to...”

“DON'T get me started.” Rarity snapped, cutting off Twilight's inquiries. “Anyway. It's finished. It's just starting up now.”

“Thank you again, Rarity. It's something I've wanted to try but I've never had access before.”

It had been a month since the announcement that Ponyville would be getting internet access. Twilight had instantly squealed in delight when she heard the news. All the research she would be able to get done with an Equestria-wide reference library at her hooves! All she could learn with the brightest minds of her time just a click away! It had been an unbearable wait, but a week previously they had finished running the cables. And just today, Twilight had finally saved enough to purchase a computer and have it delivered.

That's when the first hurdle presented itself. She had reverently removed the component parts from their boxes. The gleaming black screen that would be her window into this new world. The keyboard that would be her voice. The speakers that would serve as her ears. All laid neatly arranged before her.

Then she realized she didn't have the first clue how to assemble the bucking thing.

Spike spent a half hour trying to calm the panicked librarian enough to understand why she was so flipped out. Blowing every bit she had on something she couldn't put together did seem like a large problem, but not enough to justify all the yelling. In hindsight, she blushed at acting so foalish. But Spike. Dear little long-suffering Spike had gotten her back in touch with her senses and made the suggestion that had solved everything.

“Why don't you go ask Rarity?” The dragon had offered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “She used to live in Manehattan. She probably knows loads about computers. Or at least the basics.”

And so, realizing that he was right, she had thanked him and rushed out the door, rocketing straight to the home of the only pony she knew who had lived in the town where the internet had first caught fire.

And now she looked at the gleaming, fully assembled machine. Rarity showed her the button to turn it on and Twilight giggled uncontrollably, to her further embarrassment, as the click of the button was followed by the device whirring to life.

Rarity showed her the basics of computer use, like logging in and using the mouse, patiently humoring every beginner mistake while Twilight assaulted her with a barrage of questions. But after a few short hours, she was at last moderately proficient.

“Ok.” Twilight declared once she had gained some confidence. “Now. Show me how this internet thing works.”

“Of course, Darling. That is what this whole exercise has been about, after all. You see this icon? It's your internet browser. It's the program that displays the information you request.”

“And how do I request information?” The purple unicorn asked as she deftly launched the indicated program. Twilight was practically glowing at the thought that, soon, the answer to any and every question her formidable mind could pose would be answered almost instantaneously.

“All in due time, Darling. You see that text box in the middle of the window?”

Twilight looked to the middle of the white page displayed on her FireFilly window. “Yeah?”

“That's the search box. It allows you to search for anything on the internet. Just type in the keywords you're looking for and click search. For instance, if you're trying to find a recipe for apple pie, you would type in “Apple pie recipe” and click search.”

Twilight followed the suggestion and reeled as a jumble of words filled the screen. “Rarity! I think I did something wrong!"

Rarity chuckled in amusement. “Not at all, dear. These are your search results. Tell me, darling. How many books in this library would you say contain all three words 'Apple', 'Pie' and 'Recipe?'”

Twilight thought for a moment. “Probably like 100 or so?” she estimated.

“Exactly. And the same is true for the internet. You can't expect to search a worldwide resource open to anypony and expect to only get one result. This is a list of every page the search turned up that has all three of those words on them. Now you choose which one you want to view.”

Twilight puzzled at the terminology. “Page?”

“Yes, Sweetheart. Think of it like this. The internet is a book. And each person that wants to put something on the internet adds a page to the book. That page contains everything they want to contribute to the internet. Everything they want to display. But in this book there's no order to the pages. People keep adding new things so the pages keep shuffling themselves. You see?”

Twilight looked apprehensive. “I think so....”

“Don't worry. It will become second nature soon enough. Another thing you have to know is that the pages are tied together. You see here the blue words with the underline? That's called a link. And it takes you to another page that's related to the link text. So if you click on a link that says something about dragons, it will most likely take you to a page involving dragons. That first link looks like what we're looking for. Why don't you click on it?”

Twilight did as instructed and was rewarded with a recipe for hot apple pie. She beamed a smile at her companion, silently beseeching her for approval for a job well done.

“Very good, Twilight. Seems like you've got the general principals. Now one last thing. Do you see this button here? The one that looks like a house?”


“That's the 'home' button. Just click that and it will take you back to the search page where you started. And this little star here will bookmark a page so you can come back to it later. You find your bookmarks here under this menu. Is there anything else you need to know or do you want to experiment on your own?”

Twilight didn't hear Rarity's question. She had clicked on a link promising a recipe for an unbeatable pumpkin cake and was engrossed in reading over the description. Rarity chuckled in understanding and left her to her studies, making a mental note to check in on the inquisitive mare the next morning.