• Published 29th Jul 2015
  • 461 Views, 8 Comments

When Discord Calls (Name pending) - Moonlight_Glimmer

The Elements of Harmony help solidify the Magic of Friendship, but what effect would new elements have on the world of Equestria?

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Tour de Fluttershy (Part 2)

Located in a series of volcanoes, the dragon migration grounds exhumed heat to its surrounding area. The brown stone mountain walls were the only containment for the molten rock within. Although many ponies were familiar with the location, few actually ventured to it. The combination of the altitude, the molten pools, and the annual guests was enough to drive anypony away. Anypony but Fluttershy, that is.

"Hey, Fluttershy, look! We made it."

Turning to look over his shoulder, the adolescent dragon realized that he was by himself. He glanced back and forth over the nearby expanses, looking for a sign of his travelling companion. After several sweeps, his eyes were drawn to a quivering mass of bush further down the slope.

"So much for conquering her fear," Spike muttered under his breath. Before continuing the final stretch of his journey, a wave of emotion overtook the dragon, recollection of his previous visit overtaking him. No, Spike thought as he shook his head, now's not the time to hesitate. I'm going to do this, not for Twilight, not for Fluttershy, not even for Rarity. He balled his claws into a fist of sorts. Now is MY time. The time to prove I'm not a little baby. Taking the next step on his journey, Spike braced himself for the events of the upcoming days.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Long after sunset, a quivering mass of golden feathers emerged from a shrub. The ball seemed to be making some wort of cry, but it was hardly audible, let alone understandable. After a short pause, the golden mass attempted the cry again, slightly louder than the first. Greeted by the same silence, the ball timidly unfurled itself, taking the shape of a pegasus. mare. ". . .Spike. . ." the mare whispered with a raspy voice. ". . .Are you out there?" Disturbed by the silence, Fluttershy gingerly scooted her way up the volcanic mountain, searching every nook and cranny for the baby dragon.

After having finally reached the summit of the volcanic mountain, the pegasus scanned the area, looking for her lost friend. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hearing a familiar cry, Fluttershy's eyes darted to the source of the sound. There, face down in a pool of lava, lie a small purple dragon. "Spike!" Fluttershy gasped. Just before rushing down to help her friend, the golden pegasus heard another set of voices.

The dragons on the cliff over the pool seemed to be cheering on the flop.

"Ha! I knew he'd flop again."

"You should give up, Spike!"

"Yeah, you've already tried, like, ten times!"

Fluttershy gasped in shock. The teenage dragons weren't cheering him on, she realized. Those meanies! How dare they make fun of Spike? Fluttershy thought. But just as she started to fly over to help the baby dragon, a large screech echoed across the sky. In a flash, a flaming body swooped down and snatched Spike from out of the pool and carried him away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Good heavens! Is Spikey-wikey okay? Is that why you came back so quickly?"

"Yes, Rarity, it is why I came back." I tried to find him, but he disappeared after that."

"Why did I let him go?" Twilight looked down to the ground as she spoke. "The dragon migration is only once a generation, so why did I believe that their was another one?"

Seeing her friend's dismay, Applejack placed her hoof on the purple alicorn's shoulder. "It wasn't yer fault, Twilight. Sounds like ol' Spike just wanted sum time fer himself."

"But, now he's missing..."

"Gosh Fluttershy, that was a pretty good story, but you are missing one teenie, weenie little detail."

"Thank you, bu-"

Simultaneously, the golden pegasus and her four mare audience looked towards the interjecting voice. There, standing in plain view, was a delightfully cheery pink earth pony, complimented by the small purple dragon sitting square on her back.

"Ta da! Hee hee~ Didya miss me everypony?"

Author's Note:

Could it be? Find out next chapter.

Sorry I took so long on this flashback, writing a story about Fluttershy and dragons was a little tough, so I had to carefully abandon the idea. I'll try to revisit it with another flashback later. I mean... if that's okay. :fluttershysad:

Until then, the next few chapters are going back towards Discord's party. See you next time in "AJ's Bizarre Adventure"

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