• Published 26th Sep 2015
  • 9,609 Views, 165 Comments

Can You Find it in Your Heart? - Ravenmane

As broken as he is. As unforgivable as he acted. Could anyone find it in their heart to care for a tyrant such as King Sombra?

  • ...

10 - Lifelines

As the minor victory faded from Sombra’s mind, his brain managed to remember what he was looking at. A sense of dread began to swell as he began to shake. “Please leave,” he said quickly.

“But can’t we–”

“Go,” he shouted before covering his mouth. What color could be found against his charcoal fur was quickly fading.

I’ve seen this before, thought Twilight as she backed away slowly. He’s relapsing into his fears like Fluttershy. With magical assistance, Twilight closed the door behind her as she retreated carefully.

Sombra was left alone once more, panting heavily. Fear had completely taken hold as he collapsed in the kitchen just to retain what little sanity he could maintain.

“She isn’t Celestia,” he muttered. “Celestia isn’t here. She isn’t here. I’m still safe.”

The pink one said she knows Celestia, harped the voice. You know she’ll know soon enough and when she does you won’t last. You know this will never end well.

“Silence,” Sombra cried. “Leave me alone! Just… just leave me alone.”

Don’t give her the chance. Take that alicorn down. Use your magic. All of it!

“No! I am no monster,” he shouted as he rose. Sombra recovered from his breakdown slowly, despite his defiant outburst. “I am no monster,” he repeated adamantly minutes later, even as he wobbled on his uneasy legs. Even if I did, Sombra thought bitterly, Celestia would know.

He took his time, careful to ensure that everything was as Rarity once had it save for a mannequin with an outfit fit for any stallion that, even in his dated opinion, had been perfectly designed for both casual and formal events. Very elegant, Sombra thought as he circled around the mannequin to see it from all angles. She is quite gifted. Perhaps a special eye for the intricacies of more than just the cloth. He stopped as his attention turned to the door. I wonder how much of my lie she saw through.


“Twilight you have to help me,” said Rarity as soon as she found her friend.

Twilight had sequestered herself in the palace’s library for the better part of an hour after confronting the surprisingly calm tyrant. She set her book aside and looked to her friend. “What’s wrong Rarity?” Her voice was pleasant as she tried to suppress her hesitation.

“Well it’s the map, I’m not sure how to do what it says. My cutiemark went to the Crystal Empire but then it came back to Ponyville and turned black. It went back to normal, but I still don’t know.”

Twilight wanted to reply immediately but forced herself to act like she was thinking. “Maybe it wasn’t sure what you needed to do was in the Empire. Maybe it’s here in Ponyville.”

“Well, do you have an idea why it turned black?”

“I think that the map knows something about the nature of who you need to help. Try to have an open mind about who the map wants you to help.”

“Do you think they might have come from the Empire?”

Twilight blinked, startled at her friend’s conclusion. “That could be the case. Have you met anypony new recently? Somepony that seems out of place?”

“Well no except for – but he’s from Canterlot. Lamentius couldn’t possibly–”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow skeptically. “Lie to you to protect himself? He was charming wasn’t he?”

“Well yes, but he–”

“Try to trip him up. If you can’t then he’s from Canterlot. If you can then ask him about the Empire.”

“I think I’ll start with the Empire,” replied Rarity bitterly. “If he was lying then I gave him enough hints to work with.”

“Don’t go overboard Rarity, he might be running from something and scared of what happens when it catches up to him.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes. “Just what do you know Twilight?”

“I’m just trying to help you figure it out, just like you asked.”

Rarity continued to glare at her friend for a moment longer before leaving, allowing Twilight to sigh in relief. I wonder if that’s his real name, Twilight wondered before returning to her book regarding fears.


By the time Rarity returned home, she found a stark difference from how she left it. Everything was in its place, Sweetie Belle and her friends were sitting still working on a project quietly, and her unicorn guest was nowhere to be found.

“Sweetie Belle, where was the stallion who was here,” she asked as she approached her sister.

The unicorn filly looked up to her sister. “Don’t be mad but he said he wanted to make up for something,” she replied. “He’s in the kitchen.” After feeling like she gave her sister enough of a reply she returned to the project she was working on.

Rarity, despite her curiosity, passed the quiet crusaders and went into the kitchen. What she saw was exactly what she expected to see: dinner was being cooked by her guest. A smile came to her face as she realized that her sister wasn’t lying or attempting to hide that she tried to cook on her own again. “Tell me Lamentius, have you ever been to the Crystal Empire?”

The unicorn stopped his work and smiled. “I think it’s been nearly a year since I was there,” he replied with a smile before returning to his pan.

“Well, a year ago was an interesting time wasn’t it?”

“A dark figure nearly conquered the Empire didn’t it?”

“Yes, though nopony from Equestria came to the Empire for nearly half a year. Might I know just who you are?”

“I’m not from Canterlot, as I’m sure you are now aware.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes as she neared and examined his work. “Who are you really,” she repeated.

“A pony best left forgotten by most. One still feared by many,” he replied idly. “I understand that we’ve met once before Rarity.”

“Get out,” she snapped.

“Let me at least make you dinner to apologize,” Sombra replied as he remained where he stood.

The white unicorn stomped her hoof. “Out. Now!”

Sombra glanced towards her. “No final request for a prince? I had no idea you were such an uncouth mare.”

Much like the last visitor to the kitchen, Rarity was silent at a revelation given so calmly. “A prince,” she repeated after her brief silence.

“Prince Sombra Lamentius Amore, son of Princess Melodia Amore, brother to Crown Princess Radiant Amore. That would be my full title if you would enjoy the mouthful that a title was back then. Bear in mind that a true prince is making you dinner. Not many ponies could say they had the luxury of a meal produced by royalty.” He screwed up his face as he returned to cooking. “I know for certain Celestia has had breakfast, lunch, and dinner cooked by a prince since I had done that once upon a time and Luna joined us once for lunch. Celestia once made a valiant attempt to prepare a lunch in return for me. Sadly, I have been away for too long to say for certain if any other has, let alone if any true prince has lived since my time.”

“‘Since your time’?”

“Well, there was Orion’s son Ionas, Helios of Trot, Edris of Saddle Arabia, and I can’t forget Clodius of–”

“I get the idea,” Rarity interrupted. “Fine, I’ll have this dinner but I want you to leave after that. Do I make myself clear?”

“Milady, you have been as clear as a picturesque night in the Empire,” he replied with a brief nod.


After a quiet dinner, the irate fashionista found herself with a plethora of questions to ask. He made Princess Celestia meals, she wondered. Even with magic, when would he have the time to court her and make such lovely meals?

“Girls. Milady. I believe my welcome has been worn out and I need to leave,” announced Sombra after whisking the dishes to the sink.

“We’ll see you around town sometime won’t we,” asked Applebloom as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo groaned.

“Of course,” replied Rarity as she cut Sombra off. “The least I can do is give our dear Prince Charming here an elegant style to reflect his refined palate. You will stay in town right?”

Sombra blinked and smiled as he tried to recover. “Of course, do you think Princess Twilight would accept this ‘Prince Charming’ of yours as a reason to stay with her?”

Rarity pursed her lips as she thought about it. “No but, do you have other living plans?”

Sombra nodded. “As long as Pinkie is home already then I will have a bed that is mine to borrow.” He gently kissed Rarity’s cheek. “Thank you Rarity, for trusting a stranger such as me. Even if you were unaware at the time.”

Rarity blushed despite her attempts to hide it. “Of course.”

As Sombra left the boutique, the trio of fillies waved at him. “See ya later Sombra,” called Scootaloo.

He turned to look back at the ponies in the doorway and waved back at them. “Until next we meet Scootaloo,” he called back before travelling towards Pinkie’s home.


While Sombra had to wait for the pink earth pony’s return, it was brief and made him aware of the cold she once spoke of.

“Didja wait long,” Pinkie asked him after they entered her house. “Oh, how did everything go with Rarity? Did you run into Twilight? What happened? Tell me, tell me, tell me.”

She has the curiosity of a child, Sombra thought. “I began to find myself growing cold but I was not here for long. As for Rarity, I used the alias you suggested at first, but it felt hollow shortly after we parted. She had me housesit after she left in reply to some movement to her cutiemark. Do you know what that means?”

“Well, there’s a map in the castle that does that to me and my friends sometimes, but we never know when it’s gonna happen so…”

“So it was unexpected and altered her plans more than I had,” he continued. “As I was housesitting, I was visited by Princess Twilight. She called for Rarity by name so I considered it best to unlock the door and endure the inevitable. Until the end of our talk, as I was cleaning dishes from tea with Rarity during the conversation, we had yet to meet eye-to-eye. It was as soon as she answered something I asked that my pride took hold, turning me to face her in a display of boldness defeating fear. Shortly after, fear took hold stronger than ever and I asked her to leave.”

“Why were you scared?”

Sombra gulped, the mere question brought it back to his mind. “Her eyes, her rage, I can still see them so readily. I saw it on Princess Twilight’s face though only a moment earlier I knew it wasn’t there. When I managed to calm down, I knew it was never there but–”

“But you still saw it. You saw Princess Celestia’s reaction on Twilight’s right?”

“Yes, her rage was something could I see. The fury, the thought of betrayal, perhaps all she could see was a monster. That was at the end of our relations, perhaps you can understand why I am not comfortable near the princess now.”

Pinkie nodded. “I’ve got a friend that was once scared of her own shadow, we can talk to her if–”

Sombra raised a hoof to silence her. “After your last advising friend I don’t think that would be a good idea. Any other ideas?”

Pinkie rubbed her hoof against her muzzle. “How did the rest of it go?”

“Well, I met Rarity’s younger sister along with her friends. Now they saw right through me so I came clean and asked what they thought I should do. Sweetie Belle suggested I should start by making dinner and admit the truth to her sister.”

“What about Applebloom and Scootaloo?”

“Applebloom said I should pour on the charm I tried to hide behind. Scootaloo told me to get in Rarity’s good graces I keep it fancy and perfect. Fancy I can do, but perfect seems a tad vague but it seemed to work.”

“So, what was on the menu?”

“I made a lovely caprese salad with a balsamic reduction, Dijon and honey glazed salmon, and while I had to hurry with it, I managed to prepare a shortcake which I decorated in strawberries, each carved to look like a flower.”

“I should get the Cakes to hire you,” Pinkie replied as she licked her lips. “Oh, but won’t Rarity be mad that you used her food?”

“I doubt it after seeing how much she enjoyed each bite. While I may have used magic to prepare the meal, I found my magic problem only surged after I asked Princess Twilight to leave.”

“Well that’s great. So, how did she take it?”

“I think I had her at ‘a prince making her dinner’ but before that she insisted I leave at once. I did as she asked and left shortly after dinner.”

“So, think it went good?”

“Well Pinkie, it was fine. At least it went better than I could hope. I am worried that Applebloom will inform her sister, whom you suggested I avoid.”

“And I bet Scootaloo might tell Dashie so this might not be good. I’ll see about getting the girls together to talk this over. I mean you’ve got me in your corner and Twilight doesn’t seem like she wants to get you out of town.”

“I think that Rarity warmed up enough to convince Sweetie Belle and her friends that I’ll still be in town.”

“So I’m gonna put her somewhere between Twilight and me as far as friends go. All those ponies willing to speak for you might make it tense but I’ll give it my best to win the others over.”

“Still, there is one thing that bothers me Pinkie. Who do you think was first to inform the princess I was in town?”

“She said it was Discord so I guess he wasn’t over with you after poofing away in the morning. Oh, were you hungry at dinner? I mean, you didn’t eat anything at breakfast and didn’t have anything all day so I was getting worried.”

“At first it was to be polite, though I had found myself eager for more as dinner went on. I have my suspicions but reasoning any is not something I find easy. May I retire for the night Pinkie? My day has been quite long and sleep seems more welcoming than further questioning.”

Taking the pink mare’s return to drooling as a sign that he was free to go, Sombra climbed the stairs leading to the two bedrooms.


“Show,” Pinkie said the next day before gulping town the pancakes crammed in her mouth, “I was thinking you go back to trying to talk with ponies today.”

Sombra turned his attention from the mug of hot chocolate he was struggling to hold with his hooves to focus on Pinkie. “I doubt I can find success even close to yesterday afternoon. Do you have a backup plan?”

“Well, my ‘Plan B’ will be at the meeting I wanna get going. You had your panic attack in front of Twilight right?”

“The start of it, yes.”

“Then I’m sure Twilight will bring it up. I can back her up on it with what you’ve told me.” The pink pony gasped as something pushed itself to her memory. “Last night I had an idea while I dreamed of cheesecake. Spike is Twilight’s assistant and he helped get the Heart to Princess Cadance so he’ll probably be against you.” She quickly looked around before leaning over the table. “He has a crush of Rarity,” she confided before returning to her side of the table.

“Do you think she would use that sentiment to sway him or is she unaware of his feelings?”

“Quite a few ponies, if not everypony, knows about it but I think she knows better. He’ll be suspicious and even I don’t think batting her eyelashes will change his mind.”

“Well then, if I may ask, what exactly is this ‘Plan B’ of yours?”

“A really kind pegasus that always tries to overcome her fears. You might really spook her, but I can tell there’s a connection there.”

She isn’t the only one I can see a parallel to, Sombra silently added. You act quite like Him after all…