• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 324 Views, 10 Comments

To dare or not to mare? - Lime Overtime

After a night of DJ-ing, Vinyl goes for a walk through the Everfree forest. However, she accidentally falls down into a cave and gets badly injured. She is then found by a certain pony. Later on, Octavia finds the 2 ponies, who appear to be drunk.

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Attacking the cave

It was a beautiful morning here in Ponyville. The sun, that was just summoned by princess Celestia, was shining, waking up ponies with it’s warm, bright sunbeams. The dead looking town started to come back to life. But as the town started to crawl with ponies, the Everfree forest was still an undisturbed place. The mammals were still asleep in their cozy caves, the birds were still piled up up in the trees, and it was quite hard to spot a living creature. The forest became even more void as the quiet and peaceful landscape got hit by an enormous amount of unbelievable, unbreakable, deafening sounds. And as Loons, Toucans, Bitterns and humming birds were beginning their singing routine in sluggish town, here they were clearing out as quickly as possible to hide from THEM.


The trees bent away as a new song came to life, and refilled the surroundings with a continuous wave of music. In bare seconds, all that had feathers, hoofs, horns, scales, fur and claws emerged from it’s slumber and fell into retreat. All except for a white mare with a twisted smile, who shouted out with amazement:


The mare was making her way through the forest, and by saying “making her way through”, I meant it literally. She was walking through the wilds while head banging to the music that her bass amplifier was blasting. What was an amplifier doing in the middle of the forest you ask? Well, she brought it with her of course! All the way from the club. The view was truly a work of art. A dark and mysterious forest, a white mare and a bass amplifier. The mare and the electronic device were tied together with a 39-foot long rope. The pony clearly didn't see a reason for bringing a carriage, a hoofcart, attaching a few wheels to the electronic device or even putting it on a skateboard. She was just dragging it, leaving a long trail of mud and destroyed grass all the way from the club.

-Man, it’s cool in here! I dunno what everypony is so freaked out about. Sure, it’s a little gloomy, but nothing a little music can’t fix!

-WoOohoOHOooO, that’s some freaky looking cave!

The mare approached a small cave with an excited expression on her face. The cave was indeed really tiny, and it was barely seen behind those great trees. The cave seemed to be an underground one, with a humble entrance of just a few dozen feet. It didn't stand a chance besides those other Everfree forest’s caves, but the mare had her own opinion about it.

-dj pon da best! - the echo replied
-Yep, this cave has got some good taste - said the mare with a smirk.
The purple sunglasses wearing unicorn approached the cave hole even more, staring into the darkness. The hole of the cave was pretty steep, so when the blue-maned pony leaned in and put her front hooves in the air, she basically left herself hanging above the dark pit. The only thing keeping her above the darkness was the fact that she had a rope tied to her back and the other end of the rope (which was about 21 feet from her) was tied to the bass amplifier. The weight of the device was more than enough to keep the mare in place.


Swinging left and right, making all kinds of poses and gestures, the mare eased the knot of the rope on her back. Distracted by her new-found amusement, she didn't feel the knot slowly untying. She finally spotted the problem when it was too late to do anything about it. Slipping off of her body, the rope released the cave exploring pony.

-… Celestia damn


The mare zigzagged into the depths of the cave putting up quite a show. Firstly she sled with her face on the rocks, cracking her purple sunglasses, then she did a few flips, followed by sledding on her stomach like a dog trying to get rid of an itch. She even managed to do a back-flip before stopping at the bottom of the cave.

All blood-stained and muddy, the mare was lying on the rocky ground. Her sunglasses fell off on her way down, and now all blood marked were laying besides her. Some pieces of the purple lens from her broken glasses dug themselves into her face right above her left eye. She pretty much looked like that DJ Neon after he had insulted the white mare on stage - blood stained muzzle, throbbing ripped muscles, some scratches, a lot of cuts, badly damaged left side. Her left front hoof and stomach were a mess. They were bleeding pretty badly. And quickly. The left eye wasn't a pleasure to look at neither - the broken pieces of glass were twitching in the beat of the pony's pulse, slowly changing their color from purple to red.

All sore and not being able to move, the victim opened her eyes. At first she couldn't make out anything. She’d just lay there, listening to her own breath, while a chill covered her wounded body parts. She didn't feel the pain at first, just a chill. Apparently her brain didn't process what just happened yet. As her eyes adapted to the darkness, she finally made out something in that gloom…

There was… A creature, standing right in front of her. It’s huge, red eyes looking down at her. It had a big face and wide shoulders. Something in a shade of green was hanging from it’s head and neck. The unicorn wouldn't be able to see all of that if not the fact that this creature’s face was just inches away from her own. At first the sore mare thought that her mind is playing tricks at her, that she is all alone, but a warm breath exhaled from the nostrils of this "thing" reassured the pony, that she’s wrong.

As if the unicorn hadn't had enough on it’s hoofs, the pain started to kick in. The feeling of chill was slowly replaced by a feeling of burning flesh, as the pumping wounds twitched on the ground. The image of this unknown beast started to fade out before her eyes as the injured pony whispered to herself

- … T… Tim... Timberwolf..?