• Published 29th Jul 2015
  • 195 Views, 1 Comments

The Crazy Convoluted Journey of Sweets and Mint Tear - Madman Stories CO

Two fillies go to Ponyville to find a new home

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Lunch and Cherry Picking Fun

Sweets smiles as she and her sister enter Dodge Junction, Mint on the other hoof was a bit more nervous, the ponies smiled and greeted them with little fuss or trouble, Sweets enthusiastically waved back to them smiling wide, her recently acquired pet sat on her head sleeping. "So Minty wanna grab a bite to eat or just head straight to cherry picking?" Sweets asked smiling at her sister with excitement

Mint thought for a moment before giving her trademarked soft smile that would send every colt back in Fillydelphia into swooning hysteria, "let grab a quick bite to eat, I'm really hungry." she said her stomach growling a little, this caused her to blush in embarrassment.

"Okay, I'm pretty hungry too, so lets find a restaurant." Sweets said before they started walking around the small town till they came across a little diner it had an old west look to it but then again so did everything in the town "let's eat here." she suggested Mint nodded in agreement. The two sisters walked in and were greeted by an upbeat waiter

"Well howdy there little ones, you must be hungry." Said the waiter as he brought our heroines to their table "what can I get you two to eat?" he asked smiling

"Umm I'll have a hay sandwich no mayo, with a root beer." Sweets said smiling

"Umm I'll have the same only no pickles, or onions, and an apple juice to drink, please." Mint said softly not looking at the waiter

"Alright, I'll get your drinks first then it'll be about 5 minutes for your food." The waiter said dashing off to get their drinks

"Sis, the waiter is a little too happy, I don't like it." Mint said nervously

"I agree." Said Shy in Sweets head

"I'm sure he's just happy doing what he does." Sweets said reassuringly as the waiter gave them their drinks before dashing off again

Mint nodded "you're probably right as always."

"I can't wait to get to Ponyville!" Sweets said giggling in excitement

Mint became curious by that statement "If you can't wait then why don't we just go straight to Ponyville on the train from here?"

"Cause that's less fun, we're gonna take the train to Appaloosa, then head through the forest to Ponyville, it's more fun that way."

"I... I guess..." Mint said looking down, she knew her sister had a good heart and good intentions but just wasn't thinking practically, but she'd go along with her sister's plan for her sake

Sweets giggled as Scales crawled down her face, and onto the table "I'm so glad I picked you up." she said petting her little lizard

Mint smiles before Scales starts crawling towards her he goes onto her and sits on her head, even though Mint couldn't fly her wings still helped her so she stretched out her left wing and picked Scales up with it before placing Scales onto the table "he's not so bad." she said smiling softly, after about a minute more the waiter returned with our food, he gave us our food and refilled our drinks before dashing off yet again

Sweets smiled before she started to eat her sandwich savoring each bite "this is great!"

"it's pretty good ." Mint said plainly eating her sandwich

"Pretty Good?! I Bet It's Great!" Looney cheered in Sweets head'

"I don't know, I guess."

"Quiet you two." Sweets said aloud sternly Mint just seemed confused. after about 20 minutes our heroines finished their meals, they pad their bill and started walking to the cherry orchard

Mint was almost skipping down the path as they went to the orchard, Sweets hadn't seen Mint this happy this happy in a long time it made her smile "This is gonna be great!" she said hugging Mint

"I hope so." Mint said hugging back as they approached the orchard they were greeted by Cherry Jubilee

"Why hello there little tykes, my name is Cherry Jubilee." she said enthusiastically

"Hello ma'am, my name is Sweets, and this is my sister Mint Tear." Sweets said smiling "we're just stopping through on our way to Ponyville and we would be honored if you'd let us do a little cherry picking for a little bit."

"Oh Ponyville such a wonderful town with a bunch of nice ponies, you two fillies can pick all you want, I'll give you half of whatever you've picked to take with you, and a few bits." Cherry Jubilee said smiling before walking away

"Let's get picking." Mint said going to a tree and she started picking, Sweets joined her and they picked for about an hour before they decided, that was enough. They had picked about 6 trees together.

"I'm mighty impressed, you two worked hard, her have some lemonade, you deserve it, and as promised I'll give you half the cherries and a few bits each." Cherry Jubilee said giving Sweets and Mint each a glass of lemonade, and five bits, before walking away with the cherries to pack them

"She is really nice." Mint said giving her soft smile again

"Yeah, this was fun, hey Mint ?" Sweets asked smiling

"Yeah Sweets?"

"I was thinking maybe we won't stop in Appaloosa, we'll just go straight through the forest to Ponyville."

"I think that's a good idea."

"Yeah so we'll camp out tonight and head into the forest in the morning." Sweets said as Cherry Jubilee returned with a few jars of cherries

"Thank you for your hospitality Ms. Jubilee." Mint said tucking the jars into her bags, they hug Cherry Jubilee goodbye before they walked off to find a good place to camp for the night

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