• Published 25th May 2012
  • 2,033 Views, 9 Comments

Big Brother Blues - BronyBraeburn

A re-imagining of the season finale. What if Shining Armor wasn't Twilight's BBBFF?

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Chapter 2

"Twilight, Twilight Sparkle, wake up," Twilight Velvet called from outside the door, gently tapping with her hoof.

A soft growl came in reply as the unicorn buried her head under her pillow, desperately clinging to the last remnants of sleep.

"Come on, dear, you're the last one asleep," she pushed the door open and stepped inside, gasping at the multi-colored ponies across the room. Everyone slowly woke up, nudged by another, looking sheepishly at their friend's mom. Fluttershy shyly poked Twilight with her wing but the unicorn ignored her. Rainbow Dash settled the matter by smacking the sleeper's flank.

"OW! I'm awake, geez! What was—Mom, hi!" Twilight exclaimed, nervously rubbing her hooves together. "I can explain! The girls came to Canterlot last night and I thought it would be better for everyone if they just stayed here with me rather than a hotel room. We came home awfully late and I didn't want to disturb you and Dad. Please forgive me!"

"It's okay, dear, really," Twilight Velvet insisted. "This house has been far too quiet with just your father and I. With your brother's big announcement, everypony is welcome to celebrate it. Night Light, grab more plates! We have company!" She shouted as she left the room.

"Yes dear," her husband shouted back

"Thank you, Mrs. Sparkle," the guests chimed in unison.

"Yes, thanks Mom," the lavender unicorn said gratefully. "Come on, girls, we have to talk to Shining Armor and the princess before they run off to do wedding things."

"But I haven't spruced myself up yet," Rarity argued. "How can I go out without putting my face on first?"

"Would you rather have Hoity Toity or Photo Finish design the wedding gown?"

A gust of wind blew everyone back as the fashionista raced out the door, and the girls could already hear her chatting with the bride and groom. The others followed at a more relaxed pace and crowded themselves into the kitchen and dining room. It wasn't too hard to get the couple to agree to let the girls get involved, but they didn't have much of a choice with five ponies backing them into a corner and being overly pushy. "Shining Armor, why don't you and Princess Cadence go with the girls to discuss your plans? There's someone I want to visit." His sister offered.

"Ah, okay," he agreed, a little overwhelmed by the clamoring ponies.

"But I'm not a cook and I don't know anything about fashion," Rainbow Dash said, not wanting to be left out.

"A royal wedding could use a sonic rainboom don't you think?" Twilight pointed out, and smirked as Rainbow immediately joined the others in promoting their skills. "See you girls for dinner." She didn't care that no one noticed her leaving, just smiled and happily trotted out the door.

Princess Celestia hid a yawn behind her hoof as the Las Pegasus representative reminded himself of financial figures from his report. For over a half-hour now he talked about the city's financial situation in excessive detail, and the alicorn felt she would fall asleep where she sat if this continued much longer. Only her ear twitched at the sound of knocking on the door, and with a subtle nod, she instructed Bernard, her personal guard, standing next to her to investigate. Keeping her violet eyes fixated on the yellow pegasus, she focused on the guard's conversation. The two spoke so low that she could barely hear, but her hopeful ear picked up a familiar word and suddenly she felt more energetic. The guard came back to her side and whispered "Twilight Sparkle wishes to see you."

"Golden Bits, I am afraid important business has come up. May we continue this report tomorrow at the same time?" She politely interrupted.

"Um, yes, I…" Golden Bits flipped though the many pages in his report. "Well basically the city's finances are reaching its primary goals stated at the beginning of the year but some financial boost would be most appreciated."

Why couldn't you stay that at the very beginning rather than waste my time? "Perhaps the Wonderbolts could work with the great illusionists to come up with an aerial laser light show?"

"Oh yes, yes, yes!" He squealed as he threw his papers into the air and did a little jig. "Such an event that only the maverick minds of Las Pegasus could offer! Thank you, princess, thank you!"

"You're very welcome. Now, if you will excuse me, I have business to attend to. If you still wish to speak to me, you can do so tomorrow at this same time."

The representative regained his composure and gave a formal bow as the princess left the room.

"Some things never change," Bernard chuckled softly as he escorted the princess down the hallway. "Twilight Sparkle still makes you jump."

"The best thing I ever did for her was send her to Ponyville, but I still miss her terribly, so I'm obligated to jump," the princess replied.

"I think she's the best thing that ever happened to you period," he boldly stated, and then flinched as if he overstepped his bounds.

The alicorn closed her eyes for a moment as a content smile appeared on her face. "You're absolutely right," she said softly, and the two continued on in silence.

Twilight paced nervously as she waited in Canterlot Tower. Would the princess be able to see her? Would she set her mind at ease about the wedding? What was up with Princess Cadence? When the main doors opened, she looked up expectantly, and the stallion smiled proudly as mentor and student greeted each other like mother and daughter. "I'll just leave you two alone then. Your Highness, Miss Sparkle," he bowed before the two mares and left.

"Congratulations on your brother's wedding," the princess said. "Best mare in a royal wedding, a rare and glorious honor. I can't think of anypony more worthy."

"You know about that?" The unicorn asked, immediately regretting voicing such a stupid question.

"Your brother came to me about a month ago, seeking my approval. He wasn't sure if it was right that a unicorn should marry an alicorn princess. I assured him that there are no social parameters preventing him, and he has my blessing. My resources are at his disposal to ensure the wedding of his dreams."
"Why, because Princess Cadence is your niece?"

The princess shook her head. "I barely know her. I never had any contact with my alicorn family after Luna and I left them to live happier lives here in Equestria over a thousand years ago. All I have is her word that I am indeed her aunt. I'm doing this because he's your brother. I can't exactly ignore his wedding when I have such plans for yours."

The unicorn blushed brightly. "I—I don't even have a special somepony yet!"

"I'm not pressuring you," Celestia assured her as she rested a hoof on the mare's shoulder, "but trust me, when you do find someone to call your own, I will personally ensure you have the wedding of your dreams."

"I'm honored," she said softly, flattered that the monarch of all Equestria would do so much for an ordinary unicorn. "Princess, I know you never had a child of your own, but did you ever have a special somepony?"

Celestia stiffened and removed her hoof, turning away from her student as she took a few steps away.

"Princess, I am so sorry!" Twilight exclaimed, rushing in front of her and putting her hooves on the alicorn's chest. "I didn't mean to pry. If I ever overstep my boundaries, please just tell me!"

"It's quite alright, I promise," the sun princess replied, giving her student a teary-eyed smile. "I just haven't thought of him in that way for so long now."

"He hurt you, didn't he?" She asked, tears welling up behind her eyes as her monarch closed her eyes and laid back her ears. "He broke your heart. Oh my princess," she wrapped her forelegs around her mentor's neck and held her close. "What pony would be stupid enough to throw away someone as wonderful as you?"

Celestia froze a moment, caught off-guard by her student's sudden emotion. Her defenses dropped and she wrapped her neck around the mare, nuzzling the base of the neck, tears quietly falling onto the lavender fur. "I was young and foolish; I was with someone that I had no reason to be with. Love is many things, none of them rational."

"He's still a fool, a complete and utter fool," the unicorn asserted as she pulled back. "There's no one in all of Equestria who is greater then you!"

The alicorn smiled gratefully, "and there is no greater pony then you, my most faithful student."

Twilight lowered her head a moment before looking back up at her mentor, blushing but smiling proudly. "What about Princess Luna? Who was Prince Blueblood's ancestor that links the two? Is it a unicorn from Princess Platinum's family?"

She shook her head. "His name was Clodhopper, a stocky earth pony who worked Chancellor Puddinghead's fields. That's where Prince Blueblood got his feathered hooves." She smiled warmly as she closed her student's dropped jaw with her hoof. "It seems to be a family trait to fall in love with somepony from a common line."

"I guess so," the mare agreed, tears welling up behind her eyes. It was a rare and treasured treat to hear such words from the pony she considered a second mother. "I love you too, princess."

"With your brother marrying my niece, that makes us family, and family should have certain privileges, don't you think?" The princess teased.

The tears flowed freely as she looked at her mentor, and momentarily struggled to speak. "I love you too, Celestia." The naked name felt wonderful on the unicorn's lips.

"As do I, my most faithful student." The alicorn wrapped her wings around the mare in a warm embrace, and felt tears fall down her face as the unicorn nuzzled her affectionately, "As most certainly do I."

Bernard cleared his throat, hating himself for disturbing such a touching scene but he had his duty to perform. Embarrassed, Twilight slipped out of the hug, feeling shy that she was caught engaged in such public display. Celestia just stood proudly, not caring if all of Canterlot saw. "Forgive me for interrupting, Your Highness, but Princess Cadence and Shining Armor wish to see you to speak about the wedding preparations. Miss Sparkle's friends are with them."

Twilight's face lit up with delight. "It sounds like the girls talked my brother into letting them help out in the wedding."

"Good, better then asking them myself," Celestia smiled and then turned to the armored guard. "Please let them in."

"You know, the name Clodhopper sounds a bit like 'clop harder,'" the lavender mare whispered.

"What do you think Luna was doing when he worked the fields?" The princess whispered back, enjoying her student's bright red face.

The unicorn stallion bowed and opened the door with his magic, bowing as Shining Armor and Princess Cadence passed him, an air of regality in their gait. The ponies followed in with random chaos, each talking a mile a minute to tell Twilight about their roles in the wedding. Shining Armor rolled his eyes at the girls' immaturity and inappropriate behavior before their monarch, anticipating a royal row.

"Welcome, girls! So lovely to see you all again," the white alicorn greeted warmly, and the stallion's jaw dropped in surprise.

"Good morning, Princess Celestia," the five said in near-unison and dropped into a neat bow.

"I'm so glad you're all involved in the wedding. I'll leave you alone so you can get to work."

"Um, actually, your highness, may we speak to you in private?" Fluttershy quietly asked.

"Without Twilight," Rarity added in a hushed whisper.

Celestia gave a slight nod. "Twilight, why don't you go with Shining Armor and Cadence? Your organizational skills will be most helpful in planning their wedding."

The unicorn gleefully nodded, always eager to put her love of checklists to good use. The three left the room with the mare talking up a storm about the wedding.

"Shining Armor isn't a very good brother to Twilight," Applejack blurted as soon as the doors were closed. "He treats her like a helpless little filly, and finds every opportunity he can to put her down!"

"And you've seen this for yourself?" The princess asked, giving the Element of Honesty a critical eye.

"No, none of us have," the earth pony answered, unfazed by the question. "We haven't had a chance to observe the two in private, but who's to say he won't hide his ways with company around? Twilight kept him a secret from us until last night when we followed her here to Canterlot and forced her hoof. That's when she told us the story, and Ah trust that everything she said is true. She has no call to build it up more than it already is. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that; she's just as good as he is when it comes to defending Equestria. She's the Element of Magic for pony's sake, the rarest and hardest Element to control! Ah'd like to see him handle it!" She stomped her hoof and snorted angrily, looking more like a rodeo bull then a pony.

"What Applejack is trying to say is as Twilight's friends, we humbly ask that you speak to him about this. He won't listen to us, since we're just regular mares and his sister's best friends, but you're his monarch and commander-in-chief, he's legally bound to listen to you." Rarity petitioned.

"If you can, that is," Fluttershy shyly added, "we don't want to get you in trouble."

Her violet eyes flitted from pony to pony, pleased that each face implored her to do this for their friend. "As always, ladies, your love for Twilight is admirable. I am delighted to know she has such good friends. I promise to speak to him privately without letting him know that you five were involved. You are absolutely right; she does not deserve to be treated this way, especially by her own brother."

It was several days before Celestia managed to steal Shining Armor for some private time. He was often engaged in overseeing wedding preparations and organizing the royal guard for the customary security precautions. The everyday politics of Canterlot were not on vacation; if anything, they increased ever since the announcement of the wedding, and not even Luna could help her get away from it all. The girls and Spike kept her updated on Shining Armor through letters, and each report elicited a deep growl as her student continued to suffer under his biting tongue. Fortunately, the unicorn found a friend in Cadence, who defended her from anything negative the stallion had to say, and she was becoming close to her future sister-in-law. She hoped Twilight wouldn't be heart-broken when it became hard to see Cadence after the wedding. Dream Valley was on the opposite side of the world, and even though the land was nowhere near the large and populated country as Equestria was, politics was always time-consuming. The ponies who lived there clung to the old ways of the first and were just as proud of their ancestry as the Canterlot elite, more so because they considering leaving the land as a great sin and a disrespect to the great mother creator. How Cadence managed to escape such mentality and be normal was beyond her, but she was grateful to know that more alicorns were capable of learning to appreciate all of pony kind and not hate them for being inferior. Perhaps there was hope for the alicorn race yet, provided they could get away from each other and stop feeding off of their negativity.

Celestia looked up from the latest letter as hooves thundered down the hallway.

"Sister!" Luna panted, skidding to a stop in the door. "Shining Armor, he left Cadence and he's heading toward the guard barracks. I think now is your chance."

"Find him, and get him to Canterlot Tower immediately," she ordered, making a running leap off of her balcony and into the sky, scanning the ground for the stallion's tell-tale dark-blue mane, and found him heading toward the tower as instructed with Luna at his side. Unable to resist making an entrance, she dive-bombed out of the sky, landing a mere six inches before the two with a loud thud as her shoes smacked the concrete. The moon princess was unfazed but the white stallion jumped back with a start and a whimper.

"Some solider," Celestia smirked. Putting the arrogant pony in his place was going to be a lot more fun than it should be.

"You surprised me, that's all," he defended, trying not to appear insolent before his monarch, and suddenly remembered his company. Instantly he slipped into solider mode, standing ramrod straight and looking directly ahead with determined eyes. "Princess Luna said you wish to speak with me, Your Highness?"

The white alicorn solemnly nodded. "Follow me."

Protest died on the tip of his tongue when he saw the serious expression on his princess's face and did as she asked. I guess the guards can manage without me for a while.

"Tell me what you know of Nightmare Moon and Discord's return."

The question caught him by surprise and he had to think before answering. "I know that the two briefly returned and were defeated in less than 12 hours by a group of ponies who harnessed the Elements of Harmony, an ancient magical force that you and Princess Luna used in the distant past to protect Equestria from her enemies."

"And do you know the bearers of the Elements?"

"No, I was stationed in Marsia at the time and I only received scant details. I assume it's an elite group of soldiers, or maybe even powerful unicorns, since I've only ever heard of you and your sister using it in the past." Why is she asking me this? Why is this so important?

You made this too easy for me. "Think again." She motioned to the stained-glass window behind him.

Shining Armor turned and saw the Elements of Harmony surrounded by six ponies, their bearers most likely. "Don't I know these ponies?" He asked off-handedly as his gaze traveled from the bottom to the top, his heart stopping a moment when he saw the final pony. "Twi—twi—Twilight? Mmm-my Twilight? She—she—"

"She bears the Element of Magic, the hardest to control. When Nightmare Moon came for me, she went after the Elements of her own free will, knowing they were the only option she had to free me. Her only company was five brave ponies who wanted to help, all untrained in the art of fighting and strategy, but they still won." She placed a hoof on his shoulder and turned him back around, treasuring his still stunned expression. "When Discord came, his golden tongue managed to separate the girls, but Twilight courageously brought them back together and they imprisoned him in stone. Without her, the day would have been lost, and the country thrown into chaos yet again, not to mention several minor villains she met with and put in their place, but you still treat her like a weak and helpless filly all because she is a scholar and you are an officer in the army."

The stallion cowered beneath his monarch's angry gaze, half-afraid Cadence would be denied a husband while he rotted away on the moon. "I didn't know. I'm certain Twilight wrote me to tell me, she always sends me letters, but I'm not a very good brother if this news comes as such a surprise. I always knew she was special, that she could be the next Starswirl the Breaded, but this…I never imagined." Hot tears stung his eyes as he hung his head in shame. "Go ahead and strip me of my rank if that is your desire, I deserve it, but please, let me go to my sister first. I need tell her how very sorry I am that I didn't treat her as she deserved."

Her anger was whittled down by the unicorn's sincerity and heartbreak, but she clung to what little she had to keep up her façade. He wasn't getting off that easily. She never once considered stripping him of his rank over this, though she did envision rather creative punishments for hurting her beloved student. "If your apology to Twilight is sincere enough, then perhaps I shall think it over."

"Most gracious, Your Highness," he dropped to his knees and laid his forehead on the floor.

She took no pleasure in such groveling; she much preferred mutual respect and the traditional gestures and words coming from habit and not a desire to placate her. If only everypony could be like Twilight, the loyalist of subjects who didn't need to prove her dedication, but that was asking too much of a country to break out of over a thousand years of tradition. "Get out of my sight and do it quickly," she growled, and took to the skies to follow him once he was out of the tower.

"Castle grounds, northeast corner, Twilight Sparkle is sharing a meal with her friends," Luna shouted as Shining Armor ran by. He gave no response, only adjusted his path to match her directions. She flew off after him, joining her sister in the sky. "It went as expected then?"

"Much better than that. As our subjects would say, I put the fear of Celestia into him. I got the impression that he was genuinely upset that he didn't support Twilight as much as he should have, but I could be misreading his desire to avoid punishment."

"As he is her brother, the two must share good intelligence. I do not believe he is so foolish that he would try to deceive his princess."

Shining Armor slowed himself to a trot as he saw the picnic in the distance. No need to make everypony think there's some kind of crisis. "Twilight, can I speak with you, alone, please?"

"Is everything okay?" She rose to her feet. His arrogant manner was gone, he appeared weak and vulnerable, like he was shaken to his core. What in Equestria could frighten him so? "Is it the wedding? Is it Cadence?"

"Everything is fine. Can I just please speak to you alone?" He snapped, and Twilight almost smiled at the return of his brash attitude.

"Of course," she agreed, and followed him to a small distance away from the girls.

"Don't even think about it, Rarity," Applejack warned as the marshmallow pony turned to watch them go. "They deserve their privacy."

"But you have to admit it is fun," Princess Celestia replied as she and Luna gracefully landed next to the girls, and the five immediately dropped into awkward bows.

"So you spoke to him then?" Rarity's inquisitive nature focused on Celestia and promptly forgot about the siblings.

"I apologize for it taking so long, but yet, I did finally manage. He seemed sincere in his apologies, but only Twilight will know for certain. I'm depending on you girls to keep me updated."

"Of course we will."

"Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic," Shining Armor lowered himself into a deep bow. "Dad's right, you saved Equestria twice. You're a better soldier then I."

"No, don't say that," she argued, wrapping her hoof around his leg and dragging him back to his feet. She dreamed of the day when her brother would acknowledge everything she did, so why did it feel so weird to actually live through the experience? "You're keeping Dream Valley safe."

"I'm only buying time. I can't defeat Tirek or anyone else. I just chase them away, but you defeated Nightmare Moon, put Discord back into his stone prison, and did who knows what else, all because I'm so stupid and I can't pay attention to your letters."

"There's so much I haven't told you," she argued, hoping it would bring him comfort but it only made him worse.

"I don't know why Celestia just doesn't send you and your friends to Dream Valley and use the Elements against her enemies. You could do a lot more in a single day then I have done in seven months. Why do we even bother having an army if your gems are so powerful?"

"Not even I know much about the Elements except that they are sentient. The bearers simply work their will. The princess confided that she didn't know what the Elements would do when she used them against Nightmare Moon. It was their will to banish her to the moon for a thousand years. I don't think she's comfortable using them for every single conflict. Keeping Tirek at bay is something to be proud of; it's much better than allowing him to run Dream Valley himself. Who knows what he would do to the country, or Cadence? You're protecting her, you're her knight in Shining Armor, doesn't that count for something?"

He set his jaw in determination. "I'm not fighting to save Dream Valley. I'm fighting for her. My first day there, from the very moment I met her, she struck a chord within me. She was something very special, and I worked tirelessly to get her to drop being a princess and just be herself. When that happened, Paradise Estate truly was just that, a paradise. I've never felt this way before, and I'll never feel this way again."

"There's no better stallion then you, and no better defender either," Twilight reared and wrapped her forelegs around her brother's neck, holding him close. "I love you, Shy-shy."

"I love you too, Twily." He returned her embrace and cried into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry I ever said anything against you, and I promise, I will be a much better big brother from now on."

"No matter what, you're still my brother, and I support you anyway."

"But now you'll support me because we're friends, not out of an obligation."

The week that followed was a whirlwind in preparation for the wedding. Twilight constantly ran between Cadence, Shining Armor, and Celestia, managing and organizing wedding details. True to his word, brother and sister became closer than ever as the days past, and the two proudly stood side by side at the altar, awaiting the arrival of Princess Cadence. When she walked down the aisle, the best mare watched the groom and savored the complete and utter joy he displayed. Would a pony ever look that way at her? One thing at a time, Twilight, she scolded herself. If it took you this long to make friends, don't rush headfirst into dating.

"Shining Armor, do you take Princess Cadence to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Princess Celestia asked.

Shining Armor's chest swelled with pride, like he was dreaming of this moment for so long, when he got to publicly dedicate himself to the defense and protection of his one true love. "I do," he declared, putting his entire being into the sincerity of his words.

Celestia repeated the vows to Princess Cadence, and the groom looked at her with great anticipation, but the bride only responded with a quiet chuckle that quickly grew in volume, filling the entire hall with dark, malicious humor. Every guest turned to another to comment on the strange turn of events, all wondering the same question: what exactly is going on?

"Cadence?" The white stallion's voice reverted to the high tones of his foalhood as fear and confusion filled him. "Cadence, what's the matter?"

The bride flashed an evil grin at her future husband, and Twilight grew cold as the laughter transformed into an all-too familiar guffaw. "Shining, get me behind me," she ordered as she moved to stand between the two, crouched and ready to pounce as she stored magic in her horn. The stallion did not argue, only continued to stare helplessly at his love.

Cadence snarled at the bold unicorn mare before throwing her head back and releasing a strong wave of neon green magic at the ceiling, temporarily blinding everyone. When the light cleared, the pink alicorn was gone, and an uninvited guest stood in her place.

"Discord," Celestia growled, sounding more like an animal then the refined monarch. "How dare you violate this sacred ceremony?"

"Lovely to see you again as well, Celestia. I'm doing fine, thank you so much for asking." The draconequus mockingly bowed before her. "Really, you're the monarch of a nation, and with so many of your loyal subjects around you, you really should set a better example for them."

"I am. I'm not killing you on sight."

The draconequus dropped his playful demeanor and got right up in the princess's unwavering face, until there was less than an inch between them. "I'd like to see you try," he darkly challenged, his yellow eyes glaring dangerously at her. A whimper of fear escaped Twilight's throat as she shivered, fearing for her beloved mentor's safety.

Celestia didn't flinch, only returned his murderous gaze. "And so you shall."

"We'll see about that," he warned as he pulled back, regaining his former attitude when an old acquaintance moved to her sister's side. "Lulu! How long has it been, little over a thousand years, if I recall correctly."

The moon princess could barely contain her rage. It was his fault she turned into Nightmare Moon. Without his golden tongue to encourage the darkness inside her, perhaps the evil in her heart would have been dispelled and she would have never been separated from her beloved sister. "You…you…how dare you speak to me, monster!"

"LUNA!" The white alicorn wrapped heavy magic around the enraged mare's shoulders, holding her down and restraining her magic. "Your fight is with me, Discord. Leave her out of this."

"You?" The draconequus chuckled darkly. "Don't flatter yourself, Celestia. You know perfectly well who I'm after this time."

"What have you done with Princess Cadence?" Shining Armor demanded as he pushed his sister to the side. "I swear if you've laid a single claw on her…" His glowing horn finished his unspoken threat.

"Shining, don't!" Twilight cried, "You don't know what he's capable of!"

"Listen to your sister, colt," Discord advised.

"What have you done with Princess Cadence?" He repeated, his horn glowing dark pink with stored magic.

"Haven't you figured it out yet, foal? I am Cadence!" He declared loud enough for the entire hall to hear. "She never existed; it was just a form I took on. My magic encouraged Tirek and his forces to continuously attack Dream Valley, because I knew Celestia would send her best soldier to protect the homeland, which just happened to be Twilight Sparkle's brother."

"So this was all just an elaborate plan to get back at her then?" The sun princess demanded.

"Bravo, bravo!" He applauded, amused that the alicorn's eyes narrowed into deadly slits. "You act like this surprises you; don't you remember anything from the good old days? I never get direct revenge on someone I hate; I hurt their loved ones instead. Why do you think I targeted Luna so strongly so many years ago?"

Celestia dug her hooves into the floor as she grit her teeth, her eyes narrowing dangerously at the smirking chimera. Must keep calm, must keep calm, she mentally chanted. He's just trying to get me angry. For my subjects, I must remain in control.

"Besides, I thought you wanted this for us." With a snap of his fingers, Discord was suddenly wearing a wedding veil and clutching a bouquet of roses while the sun princess wore a black top hat and a tuxedo.

No. Twilight's jaw dropped as her eyes rapidly moved between the couple. Discord? He was her very special somepony? How? Why would someone as wonderful as the princess even consider someone like him?

"That was a long time ago, and you know that. I was young and I was foolish. I regret having anything to do with you, ever."

"Oh now you're just being mean." A second finger snap resulted in a monocle and a twirled, black, handlebar mustache appearing on the alicorn's face for added effect.

"Enough games!" She shouted as she shook off the strange attire. "Why can't you ever be serious for once in your damned life?"

"I'm not sure if you want me to be serious, Celestia," The draconequus cautioned as he moved toward Twilight. The mare crouched down low and summoned her magic, ready to strike at any moment, hiding her fear with controlled breathing and an angry glare. This is no different than facing an ursa minor or Cerberus, so why am I so scared?

"Discord, don't you dare harm a single hair on her head!" Celestia warned, heart pounding in her ears as she carefully watched him. To hell with her image, Twilight's safety always took top priority.

"Is that a challenge?" The lion paw swooped down with amazing speed toward the lavender unicorn, who shrank cowardly before him, frozen with fear, and the alicorn's ears laid back as she lowered herself, prepared to pounce at the slightest provocation, but with nimble fingers, all Discord did was pluck a dark pink hair and tore it in two, giving the princess a smug grin. "What now, brown cow?"

His answer was her horn buried to the hilt inside his torso. A wordless roar of pain escaped him as he backed up, removing the bloodied horn from his body, and then wildly swun his eagle claw in his attacker's direction, cutting Twilight's chest instead, who dove in front of her mentor to shield her.

"Come on, y'all, we need to get the Elements!" Applejack shouted to the others.

"We need Twilight!" Rainbow shouted back.

"She won't leave the princess's side for anything, now come on!"

"Discord almost immediately escaped his prison according to his story, so we can't depend on them to keep him secure!"

"Would you rather have him tear apart our friends? MOVE, NOW!"

There was no arguing with the earth pony as the five threw off their dresses and raced toward Canterlot Tower. Applejack didn't even bother to open the doors that were in their way, she simply applebucked them and broke their hinges. Feeling confident about her abilities, she planted her forelegs and gave the final door the strongest applebuck she could muster, but the door wouldn't budge and instead all of the farmer's power reverberated back inside her and the recoil sent her flying backward.

"The princess did say that the Elements were protected by a powerful spell only she could break," Rarity sheepishly pointed out as Applejack rubbed her aching hooves.

"I bet a sonic rainboom could break down that door!" Rainbow Dash declared.

"Not to mention the whole tower and probably kill us all in the process," the orange pony dryly pointed out.

"Killjoy," the cyan pegasus grunted.

"Ooh, ooh, I know, I know!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she ran to the door, spread the hooves wide, and stared at it, remaining perfectly still for over a minute.

"Darling, what exactly are you doing?" The white unicorn asked, fearing whatever strange answer she would receive.

"I'm the champion stare-downer of Ponyville, so I'll just stare the door down until it opens and gives us the gems!"

The four exchanged glances. Although they had known Pinkie Pie for several years, her randomness never ceased to surprise them.

"Maybe Pinkie has the right idea," Fluttershy interjected. "The Elements are connected to us, what if we try to will them to come to us?"

The five pooled their energy and Rarity did her best to enhance it with her magic, attempting to convert the power of her gem-finding spell to sync up with the aura of her friends.

"I don't feel anything," Rainbow admitted after a few minutes, and the others quietly agreed, their heads sinking with defeat. "We need the princess, or maybe Twilight. I bet she could muscle through the protection spell."

"Then may I be a valuable substitute," Luna said as she approached the door and inserted her horn into the lock, using all her effort to overwhelm the protection spell. Finally, the spell relented, and the familiar neon blue light filled the door and quickly opened. Rarity rushed in and tossed everyone their Element, holding onto Twilight's as they raced out of the tower and back to the royal hall. "Hurry! The fighting is getting worse."

The moon princess wasn't exaggerating. Discord, Celestia, Twilight, and Shining Armor were all torn and bloodied. The wedding guests had all fled the damaged hall, and if the fighting continued for much longer, the structure would collapse and turn the tide of battle to anyone's favor by taking out any number of the combatants. Celestia wasn't afraid to get up close and personal with the beast, resulting in a myriad of cuts and bruises on them both. Every appendage of her was torn at least once and blood flowed freely from her chest and her back left leg, but she ignored the pain; protecting Twilight was her top priority.

"PRINCESS!" Twilight shot a powerful magic beam at Discord before dodging his swinging tail. "PLEASE! Leave him alone! He'll kill you!"

The white alicorn completely ignored her and continued her physical assault, attacking him with a mix of physical and magical attacks.

"Celestia, I beg you!" The unicorn tearfully cried, but it again went unnoticed, and she flinched as a new cut appeared on her mentor's body.

"Twilight, catch!" Rarity shouted as she threw the tiara, and the lavender mare grabbed it with her magic and put it on.

"Alright, girls, let's do this!" The five gathered around their friend and put all their effort into the gems, feeling the energy surge as it prepared for its full force.

Breathing heavily, Discord dropped to all fours and only used his tail to repel his attackers, desperate to conserve his energy. "No, no, NO!" He shouted as the first streak of light flew by his head. "Not again, never again, NO!" The draconequus scrambled toward Twilight, but Celestia lunged at him, pushing him backward.

The magic inside her was too great, it restricted her from moving. All Twilight could do was shed a tear as she watched the princess restrain the chimera by pinning him to the ground. Please, Celestia, get out of there, don't let me kill you!

Like a soaring eagle, Princess Luna swooped in from the sky and wrapped her forelegs around her sister's torso, dragging her away just as the Elements reached their full power and the rainbow began to form and cover Discord's body, once again transforming him to stone no matter how hard he fought against it. With a heavy thud, he fell to the floor, and the dark blue alicorn gently placed her cargo back on the floor.

"He's gone," Shining Armor numbly stated, starting at the statue, "and you…" He turned to face his sister, but the unicorn mare had already rushed to her mentor's side. "You did it," he said to no one in particular, watching her instruct the princess to remain where she was, completely ignoring any protocol of deference as she used magic to encourage the alicorn's wounds to heal faster.

"That's always been Twilight's way," Applejack informed the stallion as she stood by his side. "She rises to the occasion whenever she is needed, and doing what's right is the only glory she seeks."

"She's a better pony then I could ever be," he shamefully admitted. He wanted the glory, wanted praise and medals showered on him for his efforts in battle. He took the post in Dream Valley for the prestige of guarding the homeland, not because he personally wanted to see it defended for its own sake.

"Come on now," the earth pony chided as she placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder. "You're still a good pony at heart."

"Is that why the only mare who ever loved me was a fake? That she only used me to get back at the princess and Twilight?" His voice broke as hot tears streamed down his face. "She was everything to me, but it was never real."

"You'll find someone, Ah promise. Shoot, Big Macintosh was never sweet on a girl, but Cheerilee became his closest friend, and there's probably more he isn't telling me," like why he came home just before dawn a few weeks ago. Can't tell me he and Cheerilee just 'talked' all night, "If somepony like him can find someone, so can you."

"But I'm always traveling around the world, stationed abroad," the stallion sniffled.

"Not anymore," Celestia corrected as she carefully walked toward him, her ever vigilant nurse at her side, ready to catch her if she stumbled. "You earned a very long leave for all your bravery and valiant efforts in your career. You deserve to stay home and spend time with your family and friends. You will find someone to call your own, I promise, and when you do, I once again offer the royal treasury to fund the wedding of your dreams."

"Most gracious, your highness," he said as he bowed before her.

"Thank you so much, Princess," Twilight lovingly nuzzled her mentor before doing the same to her brother. "You'll be okay, Shy-shy, I promise."

"The little sister is now protecting the big brother, huh?" He joked, a small smile on his face. "Don't worry, Twilight, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Comments ( 6 )

The story is fine... but I prefer the canon.

Pretty decent AU if you ask me. For some reason I still thought it would be Chrysalis at the altar but Discord was a nice twist. (sorry for the spoilers for all who read the comments before the fic!)

The description could be a little more clear, perhaps adding something about how Twilight never knew Cadence in this universe or something. I liked your story though, keep it up! :yay:

Decent! I actually really enjoyed it. On another note, "Shy-Shy"? Excuse me whilst I laugh with enough scorn to scorch my eyebrows.

She'll be the next Starswirl the Breaded? Sounds delicious! :twilightoops: Good writing, I enjoyed it, just something that popped out at me.

Well, finally read this and definitely nice take on a like, AU of the Canterlot Wedding before it came out. At least, for first part and then second part that came out after it was done. Definitely kind of sad by the end, even though didn't like make me cry or anything. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/eenope.png Could've explained why Twilight's friends suddenly decided to come after Rainbow decided not to offer to come at first or just HOW Discord escaped his prison, if never went back into it the first place and kept like, a low profile or something. Even though love the ArmorCadence pairing, it was a nice story, having Discord take her place where she never existed or was Twilight's foalsitter, after Shining had treated his sister improperly, I guess. Glad they made amends before the story's end, though, since I liked their relationship, even if it did get a bit rocky in the first part of the 2-part episode. Not much else I can say, except good job! :pinkiesmile:

Great story, and definitely worth the read, but it does have room for improvement.

The first thing I noticed is that you do not have the correct tags. This story needs to have the "Alternate Universe" tag, and I don't think "Slice of Life" fits this story. If nothing else, please correct that. It's the easiest thing to correct and only takes a few seconds.

Second, the prose is confusing in places. This story suffers from a lack of scene transitions in the text. The small, but sudden, changes in focus are jarring and confusing. For example:

I apologize for it taking so long, but yet, I did finally manage. He seemed sincere in his apologies, but only Twilight will know for certain. I'm depending on you girls to keep me updated."

"Of course we will."

"Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic," Shining Armor lowered himself into a deep bow. "Dad's right, you saved Equestria twice. You're a better soldier then I."

The scene abruptly changed from Twilight's friends and the princesses to Shining Armor and Twilight in another area, with nothing to indicate that the focus had changed. This causes confusion and results in people losing track of what is happening. In this particular example, I suggest adding a brief description of the new area right before Shining Armor speaks. Nothing much, just something that makes this new area distinct from where they were a moment ago. Perhaps they were standing by a fountain or a statue or something. "Over by the fountain, Shining Armor sighed as he gathered his wits," or something like that. That's just off the top of my head. It should be all you really need.

In another example, one moment Luna was startling Shining, but in the very next sentence, he's already up in the tower to talk to Celestia. I had to go back and reread that carefully because I thought he was still with Luna.

Also, you often use "then" when you really mean "than", such as in the quote above. "Then" refers to the order in which things occur ("I did this, then I did that.") or a certain time ("It wasn't the same back then."). "Than" is used for comparison ("Bob is better at this than Tom is.").

Don't let my criticism fool you. If I didn't already like this story, I wouldn't have bothered to take the time to help make it even better. Despite the flaws I listed, it still earned a thumbs-up from me.

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