• Published 7th Aug 2015
  • 17,054 Views, 508 Comments

The Costume - Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

My friend makes me put on a Rainbow Dash costume, the twist, it turns me Into Rainbow Dash

  • ...

What have I Gotten Myself Into?

October thirty first. The night of Halloween, where kids of all ages dress up in cheap costumes of action movie hero's, and characters from horror movies, such as 'Scream'. Most of the time, it's either Marvel super hero's like the Hulk and Iron man that I see kids dress up in. When it comes to the bad guys, Dracula takes the cake. You have no idea how many of them I've seen. Here and there, I see knights and mummies, and kids dressed in Power Ranger costumes.

Me, being the age of nineteen, I got over wanting to wear costumes. For the past three years I just wear an eye patch, and use marked to make streaks of black on my cheeks, and claim I'm a pirate. This year, my friend Jalyssa had something else planned for me. I didn't see it coming, but I never should have agreed to it. Temporarily losing my man hood was the worst experience of my life. The same could be said for my humanityz but my manhood is more important.

I'm currently sitting at home, waiting for Jalyssa to get here with her costume she made for me. She said she had a surprise for the whole gang. Me, her, our friends, Matt, Jasmine, Mike (Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike!!) And Jose. She said her mom is driving them all here in that crappy minivan she has that barely starts. Her dad said he was gonna fix it months ago, but you know how dad's can be. My name is Cody, by the way.

I'm eating a quick supper mom made for me, and my little sister Annie. It consists of a tv dinner which consists of corn, a brownie, and mashed potatoes. Yeah it's crap, but it's better than anything my mom can cook. How do you burn orange juice? Nah I'm kidding, mom is actually a very good cook, she was just lazy.

Annie heard about Jalyssa making special costumes, so she asked if she could make one for her, so she did. She's pretty excited right now. Judging by the fact that every two minutes she looks out the front window to see if she's here. Jalyssas mom drives a 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan. Let's just say you can hear them coming from a block down at most. With that said, I try to tell her she'll know when she's coming, but eager as she is, the window is her best friend right now.

"UUUUGGHHH!!! When is she gonna get here!? I really wanna-" She cries, stomping a foot on the ground, when she stops mid sentence. The sound of a loud engine, or, muffler rather, is heard coming down the street. She jumps onto the counch, glancing out the window again, and sure enough, that rusty old blue van comes into the vacant driveway. "She's here!!" Annie cheers, jumping up and down

"Woah, there. Be careful little monkey! Don't wanna fall and bump your head, do you?" I chuckle as I scoop her up into my arms. Yes she let me because me and my sister, somehow get along really well.

"Thats a couch, not a bed, silly." She deadpanns as there is a Knock heard from the door.

"Come in!"

The white door, with its half circle glass panel at the top, creaks as it opens. Jalyssa is standing there with a ginormous black duffle bag.

"Here's those costumes I was talking about!" She beams, her blonde hair blocking half her face, and coming into a braid at the back. I smile as I take the bag, and let her in. "Whether you like them, or not, you're wearing the one I have for you. These took me three months to make!" She gives me an evil glare for a short time before turning back into a smile.

She steps inside as she is followed by the rest of the gang. Matt is a big digimon fan, so he tries his best to make his hair look like that Matt from the show. He wears a simple green shirt, and blue jean shorts, and a shark tooth necklace around his neck.

"Sup?" He asks, giving my a small wave of his hand.

Next was Jasmine. She wears her hair short, but long enough at the top to make a points Mohawk. "I know she said the costumes are a surprise for all of us. It's more of a surprise for you and Annie." She gives a shrug as she proceeds into the living room with the others.

"Hump Daayee!" Yelled Mike.

"Surprisingly it is hump day today." Said Jose as he was the last to enter.

"I'll take that back. You get to try yours first, Cody!" Says Jalyssa in a cheery voice, clapping her hands as if she had just seen some sort of a play. "Here you go!" She reaches in, and throws a blur of Rainbow colors at me. I take it in my hands, holding it up right. It's...a costume of a My Little Pony character.

That...who is this? They are all fans of the show, I'm the only one who isn't. I think this characters name is...Rainbow Dash? Plus, this costume looks so real, unlike most furry costumes I see people wearing.

"Go to the bathroom or something and put it on! Take your clothes off first, though!"

"Okay...." I stare weirdly at Jalyssa. Why do I have to take my clothes off?

"Would you go already?!" Said Annie, impatiently using every amount of strength she has to push me, but to no avail.

I simply roll my eyes as I head for the bathroom. I shut the door behind me, and lock it when I get there. I rest the costume on its back on the counter. It's got wings, rainbow colored hair, with a rainbow tail to match, and cyan blue fur, and...wait...She made tits on this thing! What the!? It's bad enough I'm dressing as a female pony, but the boobs is taking it too far!

I sigh deeply, and start to unclothe myself. After that, I search for where I'm supposed to put this thing on.it's hard to find anything beneath all this fur it has. Eventually I come to a zipper at the top of the back, and it's unzipped I come to discover. With a shrug, I stick my feet into it, and that's when I notice, how are they supposed to fit inside hooves!? With another sigh, I push the thought aside, and a minute later I'm completely inside the costume.

I look myself of in the mirror, those huge purple eyes staring back at me. Noo, they look more of a maagenta color. This costume actually fits really nice! Yeah the breasts are a little weird though. Not saying they look weird. The fact that they are there is weird. No matter


What the!? Who zipped it!? I spin around finding nobody there. "What the fu-!?" I stop, due to the fact my voice doesn't sound right. "H-hello?" Yep. My voice is changing! Was this the surprise!?

I reach back and try to get the zipper undone, which I come to find, it doesn't exsist anymore. Just, gone! Gotta get this off!! I start to tug at the front part of its mane, in hopes it works, but instead, where I pull, I get a large amount of pain from my scalp. At the same time, I feel my ears flatten down on me. Wait. Human ears don't do that!

I look at myself in the mirror, as I begin to hyperventilate. The muzzle's jaw lowers with each breath, the eyes copy every movment mine do. I'm turning into the costume! And I can't take the thing off!

Suddenly, I get this strange feeling down at my lower back. Turning half way around, I notice the rainbow tail starting to wag on its own, and it feels as if it's...attached to me. To test this, I try to give the tail a flick, and it obeys my command.

"No no no no no!" I sit on the toilet, head in my hands, rocking back and forth. Isn't Rainbow Dash a female? And I'm turning into the costume, won't that mean...

Since I'm currently not wearing clothes, I simply look down to find my manhood is gone.

I let out the loudest scream I can muster up, mentally breaking down just after that.

In an instant, mom is knocking at the door. "Cody, hunny, are you okay in there?" Mom asks in a sympathetic tone.

"No, I'm not!" I cry, literally, as tears flow out of my eyes.

"Whats wrong? You can tell me. Are...are you stuck in the toilet? Are you having a hard time doing-"

"Mom! You're not helping!" I stare down at myself. Guess I'm not technically naked, since I have fur now. Either way, I'm still disturbed, so I put my clothes back on. Just boxers, khaki shorts, and a black shirt that has a Minecraft periodic table on it. She says nothing, but I hear another voice whispering something.

"Why would you do such a thing?" I hear her voice after some time. "Cody...Jalyssa told me she made the costume so that it turns you into it...is this true?"

"Y-yeah." I mumble, not wanting to sound silly.

"Okay. She said you will be able to take it off tomorrow, after this...spell...wears off."

Spell? Since when was she into stuff like that? And how did it even work?

"Is that why you're upset?" She asks.

"Since I'm currently female, yeah, that's why!" I snap back, unintentionally.

"You don't have to get an attitude, Cody."

"Sorry...I wasn't expecting this."

"I know, just, please come out of there now. I promise I won't laugh or anything."

With another sigh, I get up from the toilet, and open the door. "H-hey, mom..." I gaze down at the floor.

"Wow, I'm amazed!" She lifts my chin up, staring into my eyes. "Can you feel this?" She takes a hand and scratches behind an ear.

"Maybe you should have worn it instead. And yes I can feel that. It...feels nice." I'm compelled to lean into her hand, which I do. After a few seconds of scratching, she pulls me into a hug.

"Dont be upset, Cody. It's just for tonight. Besides you look really cute!"

"I guess. This ear scratching does feel really good." I smile a little, leaning into her hand.

"It was quite a shocker when you said what Jalyssa said is true. Then you came out and here you are. What's it like being a pony?"

"Sucks I didn't get to keep my manly parts."

"I bet it does."

"Can I put on my costume, now!?" Annie chirps, jumping up and down in front of Jalyssa.

"Of course. Yours is the cute Scootaloo one."

"I'm gonna be a pony!" And in a bolt of lightning she darts out to the living room, and back into the bathroom.


"Yeah, mom?"

"Annie seems more excited for Halloween than she ever has, can you try to make it the best it can be for her?"

"I can try."

"Also, isn't Rainbow Dash a Pegasus?" She asks, tilting her head.


She says nothing, but grabs my hand, and leads me into the kitchen.

"Where are you getting at, mom?" I watch as she grabs a pair of scissors out of the silverware drawer. "What are you doing?"

"This!" She turns me around and cuts two long slits in the shirt, and pulls my wings out. "Is that better?"

I flap my wings experimentally. "Yeah, thanks mom."

"I should do one in your shorts for your tail as well."

I mentally roll my eyes. "Go for it."

She chuckles as she makes a hole in my shorts, and pulls my tail out of it. "There you go. That should be more comfortable."

"It is. Thanks, mom." I swish my tail left and right to get a good feel, and to make sure it can actually move, still.

"How do I look?" Another voice is heard at the doorway of the kitchen. Me and mom turn to see an orange Pegasus with a large, spikey, magenta colored mane.


"Look, I'm Scootaloo!" She does a little spin on one hoof, falling on her tush after spinning around completely.

"Aren't you just adorable!" Mom picks her up from under the arm pits.

"I wanna stay like this forever!" She hugs mom around the neck and nuzzles her cheek.

"Thats alright I guess. Only if Jalyssa let you keep the costume. But you would have to take it off whenever we leave the house."

"Deal!" She hugs mom tighter, her tail swishing left and right.

"I made them for you guys to keep. So she can keep it."

"Yess!!" Annie does a fist bump and giggles a bit. " And Ionly wanna be called Scootaloo from now on!"

"Wow. You've certainly gotten attached to being a pony." I smile with a little snicker.

"I love being a pony! It's so fun! I don't see why you don't like it." She cheers, then her tone suddenly deadpanns on the last sentence.

"Not that I don't like it, I just wish I was still a dude, but it's just for today, so there's no big problem, really. Plus it's cool to be able to be a different species so I kinda like this."

"That's good! I don't ever wanna go back!"

"Annie, that's cute and all, but remember our deal?"

"Yeah, I do, and the name's Scootaloo, now!"

"Sorry, hun. Anyway you guys should finish your dinner, so you can go trick or treating!"

"Okay!" Annie...er...Scootaloo jumps down from moms arms and heads out into the large dining room.

"I'm gonna go get changed into my costume now since everyone else has."

"Alright. And I kinda lost my appetite, so Annie...Scootaloo can just finish my supper, too."

"Yay, more for me!" I watch as she scoops my food into hers and continues to gobble down.

"So are you alright with her staying like that, mom? I know she's adorable and all, but you know. Dad comes home from work in about ten minutes."

"I know she's generally a happy little girl, but do you see how happy she is right now? I've never seen her so happy! So, if your father doesn't like it, he's just gonna have to put up with it. Yes it will take a while to get used to, and to adjust to, but she's happy, and that's what I care about. Same would go for you if you wanted to stay like that."

"Meh. I might wear this every now and again, but I don't think I'm gonna be wearing it constantly."

"I won't judge you, if you do. You're still my son...well...daughter as of right now."

"Really? Daughter?" I deadpan, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Well, you are a girl." Mom gives a shrug, and pats my shoulder. "...and a humanoid pony at that."

"Dont tell me." I roll my eyess at her antics.

"Well it's true."

"You don't seem very shocked or stunned about this, mom. I mean your house is filled with people turned into ponies."

"Yeeaaahhh!!" She sighs, rubbing the back of her neck. "I thought it was just regular costumes, so I was expecting you to look like this. But actually becoming it was unexpected. But you are still my children, and it's just until tomorrow, so it's like you said. No big deal."

"Well, until tomorrow, except for Annie." I turn my head to see her out in the living room, sitting on the couch, happily humming to herself.

"Seeing her like that is really cute, but permanetly will take some time to get used to. Then wanting to only be called Scootaloo? I just hope your father doesn't freak."

"I hope not."

"Somepony call me?" Annia somehow popped up right by me, hands behind her, as she hops up and down a little.

"Nobody called you, Annie. But since you're here, can mommy have a hug?"

"Moooom, how many times do I have to tell you? My name is Scootaloo! And yes you can have a hug!"

Mom smiles, taking her daughter into her arms, and lifts her up. "What ever you say. So when are you guys heading out?"

"When dad comes home!" Said Annie.

"Well, he's gonna get quite the surprise." Mom sighs sarcastically.

"Yeah, since he's home." I gaze out into the living room seeing everyone in their costumes. Would they even be costumes since they aren't even wearing anything? Except their clothes. Past them, out the window, I see dad exiting his 2008 Caddilac sts.

"Who is home?" A voice asks, and around the corner, appears a lavender unicorn with her purple hair flowing down the back of her head and over the right shoulder. Her hair splits into two bangs at the horn. At her back sit two wings, a slightly darker shade of purple than her fur.


The pony nods with a smile. "Like I said-"

"What the he'll is going on here?!" Dad's voice booms from the front door, as he takes notice that ponies have invaded his home

"Daddy!!" Annie cheers, rushing out of the kitchen, her hooves clopping against the hardwood floor, tackle hugging dad. "How do I look!?"

"That's a very...weird, yet...interesting costume...it almost like it's..."

"Real? It is! I'm a pony, daddy!" Said Annie, still hugging dad's leg.

He looks around the room, noticing everyone is a pony but mom. He says nothing, and a few seconds later, he pulls Annie off his leg, and goes back outside.

"Daddy..." She sighs, and turns her gaze to the floor. "I guess he doest like the new me."

I walk over to her, sitting on my haunches, I pull her into a hug.

"Why doesn't he like me?"

"He still likes you, An- Scootaloo. He just wasn't expecting to come home to find seven humanoid ponies filling his home, and one of them claiming to he his daughter, okay?"

"I guess, but what if he doesn't let me stay being a pony? Cause I really like it." She lets out another sad sigh, laying her head on my chest.

"I'll try to reason with him, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, Dashie."

"Sure thing, kiddo!" I slightly chuckle that she had called me Dashie. I smile, as I get up, and ruffle her mane. "Here I go." I take a deep breath and slowly let it out, as I exit the house, finding dad on the porch with his head in his hands. He's sitting on the rusty old porch swing. I let out a small, inaudible sigh, and sit next to him. "Hey." He looks up at me, with much worry and confusion in his eyes.

"What?" He asks in a ver deep, glum voice.

"I can explain all of this, if you want me to. And it's me, Cody, by the way."

"An explination as to why my kids are freakish, humanoid ponies, would be nice! And who were the others That would be nice!" He snaps, glaring at me.

So I tell him everything.

"So, you're a chick pony?" He simply asks. I nod, and I know I'm gonna regret it because he isn't gonna let me go about for the rest of my life. "Wow! That is hilarious! You have tits, too!" He giggles, as he reaches out to touch one.

"Woah, back the truck up! You're making this weirder than it needs to be!" Shouting, I stand up from the swing, avoiding getting my breasts touched by him. His eyes go wide as he gazes, looking me up and down.

"Even for a pony, you are kinda cute!"

"Are you saying I'm attractive?" I wince my eyes, putting my hands on my hips.

"No, just saying you're cute. Not attractive cute, the adorable kind of cute." He stand up, making a little kissy face as he plays with my cheeks.

"Well, don't be worrying about me. You got Annie in there who is worried you don't like her. So go comfort her!"

"Good idea." He smiles as he enters the house. "Annie?" He asks, searching the room for his pony daughter.

"Yeah, dad?" She answers, coming out of the kitchen.

"How's my little girl doing?" He scoops her up into his arms, lifting her up, and gives her a hug.

"I'm fine. Just...worried."

"Why is that?" He asks, lightly stroking her mane.

"That you might not let me stay being a pony."

Dad sighs, standing her back up on the floor, and puts his hands on her shoulders. "Annie, does this really make you happy?" Annie only nods. "And nobody is forcing this onto you, right?" She shakes her head. "Then I don't mind in the least." He smiles as he pulls her into another hug, and she returns it. "If this makes you happy, then that's all I care about."

"Thanks, dad. That's pretty much what mom said." Said Annie. "I like being a pony."

"I can see that. And I'm not gonna make this a privileged thing either."

"You're the best, dad! So when can we go trick or treating?"

"Now, if you want to."

"Okay! And my name is Scootaloo from now on, alright?"

"Why is that?"

"Cause this used to be a Scootaloo costume. She's a character get from My Little Pony!"


"So, can we go trick or treating?!"

"I don't know. You aren't exactly wearing a costume anymore. How are you supposed to take it off, anyway?" Dad asks, giving a tilt of his head.

"I uh, found some sort of spell that I usused on the costume that turns you into it, but it will wear off tomorrow morning, and she can take it off, then."

"But if I put it on again after that, it's just going to be a regular costume! And I won't be turned into an actual pony." Annie gazes down at the floor with a face of sorrow, shuffling a hoof back and forth.

"Oh, Annie, that's where you're wrong." Jalysaa gives a shake of her ponified head, crossing her arms across her chest. "I made yours different, so you won't be able to take it off, but you can just transform in and out of that form as you please. I figured you'd want that." Jalyssa shrugs, making her wings rustle a bit.

"Really!? That's so awesome!" She squees, and jumps onto Jalyssa, wagging her tail happily. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!"

"Oof! You're welcome." Said Jalyssa, catching Annie in her arms.

"So, are we still going?" I ask dad a bit impatiently.

"I don't know. What if people find out about this?"

"It's cool dad, she's happy don't ruin it." I give him a smirk, and a shake of my head.

"Yeah, hun. Jalyssa didn't take all this time to make those costumes, just to stay inside."

"I guess you have a point."

I turn my gaze out into the living room, seeing four anthropomorphic ponies sitting upon the couches. I assume they're trying to get into character. I don't know who is who, though. The pink one gives me a furious wave .And the Orange one gives a tip of her Stetson hat. The white one with the purple mane tries to pose as attractive. The yellow one just hides behind her large pink bangs.

"So who is who?"

"Mike is Pinkie Pie, Jasmine is Fluttershy, Jose is Applejack, and Matt is Rarity, and I'm Twilight Sparkle, and you're Rainbow Dash if you didn't know." Jalyssa replies.

"So let's gooo!" Annie begins dragging mom and dad out the door.

"Woah, hold on! You forgot something!" Mom exclaims, heading back inside. A minute later she comes back out with a jack-o-lantern bucket. "You need this to hold your candy in!" She gives it to Annie who takes it with a blush.

"Oh I'm such a silly filly!" She says with a sheepish smile.

About an hour later, Scootaloo had her bucket so full of candy, there was a huge mound of it sticking out of the top. This resulted in constantly licking up falling candies every step. Everything went smoothly, and a few people did figure us out, and we had to have a ten minute explanation every time. They were actually really amazed about it.

When we got home, Annie was the happiest little girl ever. She ate, and ate, and ate, and...ate. By the time she was done, she had chocolate allover her muzzle. and fingers, and other places. She was too lazy to find napkins, and the thought of getting more of her fur dirty, would cause more problems, never crossed her mind.

By the end of the night, you can guess what she was doing.

I never knew being a live ping pong ball at home is so fun, and going to bed wasn't an option.

Remember the whole getting her fur messy part? Yeah, I had to clean it. Sounds easy right? Would be if she would sit still! She scared me. Her hyperactiveness, plus her eyes...we're so big they were pretty much all black, and her non stop laughing. Why didn't mom and dad give her a limit as to how much she ate? She's gonna be laying sick in bed all day tomorrow, that's for sure.

The following morning, I went to the bathroom as usual, to do my morning business. Afterward, I looked at myself in the mirror, Rainbow Dash being what I saw. I smile as I reach back for the- where is it? Where is it!? Where Is the fu**ing zipper!?


Author's Note:

Want the sequel? Find it here! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/283917/the-costume-2-wild-ride The password is Derp. I don't know why I keep writing cause I'm bored. Each time I make a crappy story (we can all happily agree on) plus it sucks my brain dry of ideas. :twilightsmile: it takes time out of my day, and I can't write on the stories that matter cause I'm brain dead! Lol I doubt you enjoyed this. :rainbowlaugh: why did I even put a comedy tag!? This isn't funny until the very end! Plus the staff and all have to go through reading these. I'm surprised my A Day as Vinyl Scratch story got featured the day I wrote it! But it made sense how it was only there for a day. Also, HOW ARE PEOPLE STILL READING THIS!? not saying you guys shouldn't, but no story of mine that was a one shot had so many readers for this long!

Comments ( 508 )

Aw....wow XD

Why would you WANT to take it off? :raritywink:

I like it so far!

6293795 I wouldn't.
6293786 I assume you're refferring to the end?

6293830 funny thing is I have a friend jalyssa who was a good friend we referee to as family then she went and came with the back stabbing.

6293836 That.....sucks......

6293856 I know what you meant

Jalyssea trolled him lol

Can we get a sequel or another chapter? Perhaps with different characters and such.

I like the idea, but it needs more world building.

It could use some editing in the last few paragraphs(some words look like they got autocorrected) and I would like to see more(chapters or a sequel). Overall I liked it.

6294099 setting description you mean by that, right? I agree.
6294074 I don't know really.

:rainbowlaugh: Oh that's funny how much for one of those magical pony suits and do they do custom ones or cannon only? :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I don't think there was anything temporary about those costumes...

6294333 no cost to you. Cause they aren't real :trollestia:
6294373 eenope

to be continued? please?

6294418 nope
6294446 never
6294483 not a chance.

Just kidding, I might, one of these days.

I want to like this story, I really do, but it has too many problems for me to ignore. First, the spelling. You need an editor, or at least to proofread more thoroughly. Second, the reactions. Your characters are too accepting of the bizarre, and how they got their hands on the costumes in the first place isn't really explained. Third, it needs more details: more in depth descriptions of the costumes, before putting it on, while putting it on, and after putting it on, people's expressions and movements as they react, the transformation itself, that sort of thing. It's a cool concept, but got bogged down a bit by the execution.

Final rating, 6/10. Fix these issues and get back to me and I'll adjust my rating accordingly.

6294530 alright. And one thing. It was mentioned many times Jalyssa MADE them

6294405 I know but we can dream... speaking of that if it's cannon ponies only I'd have to say Sunset, Trixie, Spitfire, Night shade, or powder rouge. If I have to be a mare might as well be one that's fun to be.

6294560 I know we just met, and this may sudden, but I feel we need to have......

6294584 :pinkiegasp:I like you your silly.:rainbowlaugh:

6294593 the correct term is you're. "I like you. You're silly." Is the left way to do it. Derp. :trollestia: my favorite color is marshmallow.

6294623 bubble raps remind me of woman's big glutes. (Short term for gluteous maximus which is another term for butt)

6294548 And where did a human get their hands on magic or magical items?

6294649 witch kind the big pod bubbles or the sheets of pop pop pop pop pop pop till they yell at you and stop for five minutes and start again.

6294661 it a story contrivance no explanation need but if you want one eBay.

6294661 it's a fantasy story, dude :flutterrage:

costume of Rainbow Dash. The only problem is...you can't take it off, once you put it on.

Goosebumps. This was a Goosebumps book.

6294666 pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop

6294676 I know that, dude. Here, this is how it might happen:

"Say, how did you make these things, anyway?"

"There was a do it yourself kit on Ebay."


That's not hard, is it?

6294697 Because I care. I want this story to be better, so I'm nit-picking a lot more than usual.

6294680 but seriously love the story and it would be funny if she got it from a how to magic kit on eBay and every one is stuck in their costumes lol and the seller is Dorcsid96Aitselec :trollestia:

6294708 I know. I thank you for that. :)
6294734 maybe baby gravy
6294760 I dunno...

"So let's gooo!" Annie begins dragging mom and dad out the door.

"Whoa, hold on! You forgot something!" Mom exclaims, heading back inside. A minute later she comes back out with a jack-o-lantern bucket. "You need this to hold your candy in!" She gives it to Annie who takes it with a blush.

"Oh I'm such a silly filly!" She says with a sheepish smile.

i just used to use a pillow case, but to each their own, i suppose.

6294789 I'm the pillow. SHOVE ME INSIDE YOU!!!!

6294796 I think he's drunk Jim.

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