• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 6,930 Views, 172 Comments

Friendship was always there - Skyeheart

Twilight heads to Ponyville for the 1000th year Summer Sun celebration, and her old friends are tagging along for the ride.

  • ...

Silly Break

Fog rolled in thickly as the mares pressed onward.

"Can barely see three hooves in front of me," Lyra muttered.

"There should be a river coming up," Nectar pointed out. "After we cross it the castle should be close."

"Sounds great," Lemon Hearts said. "Between rockslides and giant hungry spiders, I've pretty much had my fill of this forest."

"Trust me, you're not the only one..." Twilight concurred grimly.


"Hey Lemon Hearts, I'm hungry. Hoof me one of those pastries you saved, will ya?" Twinkleshine said.

"Why should I give you one? You already had two of them before we even left the town hall," Lemon Hearts said back.

"Well I want another one now. I am still a little sad over the loss of my camera, so I think a little pick-me-up wouldn't be too much to ask for."

"Well you didn't say please. And I'm not the only one with treats on hoof, yet you always ask me. Why not ask Lyra for one of Bon Bon's candies?"

"Hey! Those are my candies she gave me, and they may be the last ones she ever makes in a long, long time. So I don't have to give them up for anypony!" Lyra huffed.

"Hey, easy girls. Let's not get our horns in a twist when we're so close," Minuette joked.

Nopony seemed to notice the fog had a slight green tinge to it as the sound of rushing water drew closer.

Soon, the ponies were all staring at the deep and wide river flowing before them.

"So how do we cross this?" Twilight asked Nectar suspiciously. "Cause the current here is obviously too strong for us to try and swim for it."

"Why swim? It's easier to fl-" Realization dawned upon the changeling. "Oh, right. I forgot I'm the only one with wings here." She coughed a little uncontrollably as Twilight gave an exasperated groan.

"Are you telling me we're at a dead end here?! There's no bridge or crossing or anything?!"

"We could always try heading upstream to find a ford."

Twilight turned incredulously to Moondancer. "Ford?!"

"It's a natural area of the river where the water is most shallow and-"

"I know what a ford is, Moondancer! I've read the Encyclopedia of Bodies of Water too, you know! Look how big this river is. The shallows would very well likely be miles away from our position, and we can't waste time looking for them while going off map to boot!"

"We're in the Everfree forest Twilight, we've been off map since we first hoof in here!"

"It's still a bad idea! The quickest way to the castle is straight across, and we need to be quick if we're going to beat Nightmare Moon there! we have to overcome this obstacle, not circumvent it!"

"And just what do you suggest, miss self proclaimed leader?" Lemon Hearts snarked.

"If there isn't a bridge, we make one." Twilight's horn glowed and a few large rocks and a large log floated on over, embedding themselves on the bank. "Now hurry up and start damming. We're going to need a lot more than this if we're going to safely cross."

The seemingly sudden grumpy mares all started to comb the riverside as the greenish tinge thickened ever so slightly.

"Hey, Twinkleshine! I got this rock, you pick up that one!"
"No way, Lemon Hearts! That one's like, three times bigger. Why should you carry all the light ones? Just get Lyra and her freakish magic hands to do it."
"Hey! They are not freakish! They are extremely useful, and they're what I use to play my lyre with!"
"Moondancer, the basing on that log isn't supported enough, you need to put another stone on the end."
"That was what I was about to do before you interrupted me, Twilight."
"Well, you're doing it wrong. That one's not nearly strong enough. Put this one on instead."
"Wait! The moss on that bark indicates that section is rotted out, if you put that there-" *CRACK* *SNAP* "Great! Now we have to start all over!"

"Hey. Girls. Lighten up..." Minuette chimed again.
Nectar knelt over as her breathing started to become labored and her eyes dimmed. "Something's wrong," she lethargically wheezed. "The air...so much negative energy...not natural...feeling...weak..."

Her warnings could not be heard though, over the rising dim of arguments.

"You girls promised me you'd do exactly as I say and not get in my way!"
"Hello? We've saved your flank at least three times since this whole thing started! We've been nothing but useful! Well at least I have..."
"What's that supposed to mean? I'm the one who found us a guide to get to the castle in case you forgot!"
"Who I still don't really trust. I mean, look at it! It led us past a nest of monsters to a roadblock only it can cross. And now it's just lying down and not even lifting a leg to help build our bridge!"
"She, Twilight! Not it!"


Everypony's hooves shot to their ears as Minuette's whistle echoed throughout the forest. Once she had all eyes on her, she took her hoof from her mouth and looked to each of them with a stern grin.

"Alright, now that I have your undivided attention, that's enough bickering out of all of you. It's clear to me we're not going to be moving one step further until we can find a way to build this bridge properly and cooperatively. So, I have no choice now but to..." she paused for dramatic effect before flashing her big pearly whites, "call a silly break!"

"A...WHAT?!" Twilight shook her head as if to clear something out of her ears. "Silly...break? Minuette, that's ridiculous! We don't have time for breaks and this certainly isn't the time to be silly!"

Minuette poked her hoof into Twilight with a sly smile. "It's the perfect time to be silly, Twilight! Because you're all acting silly right now with all this angry blubbering and hoof pointing! But if you're going to be silly, you've got to do it the right way, the fun way!"

"Fun? How is being silly fun?" Moondancer rhetorically asked. "It's just a waste of time."

"This really is the first silly break for all of you, isn't it?" Minuette said with a cheery quirk of her brow. "Well don't you worry, I show you all exactly how it's done! Rule number one: there are no rules!"

She tapped her hooves a few times to warm up her tune, then she began to dance.

"A doctor I met once took me for a ride
aboard a blue box bigger on the inside.
Everywhen and everywhere he showed me wonders galore,
yet the only thing I wondered was what the round things were for!

Oh gee, ain't it fun to be si~lly?
Oh gee, ain't it fun to be si~lly?
Giggly and foalish the whole night long!
Oh gee, ain't it fun to be silly?"

"Minuette, this is complete nonsense!"

While Twilight said that, her features did betray the tiniest of twitches on her mouth, and hers wasn't the only one.

"That's the point!" Minuette said. "You don't think when you're silly, you just do!"

She nudged Lemon Hearts with a wink. "Comeon, what's the craziest thing that's ever happened around you?"

The mare's hooves shifted a little as she thought. "Well...I guess there was this one thing..."

"When I was just a filly in the science lab one day
I got to asking myself 'why are flasks shaped that way?'.
They say curious cats often wind up dead
I guess in the case of unicorns it's a beaker stuffed with their head!

Oh boy, what a day to be si~lly!
Oh boy, what a day to be si~lly!
Googly and goofy with no sense at all!
Oh boy, what a day to be siiiiilly!"

Twinkleshine giggled. "Oh, I remember that day! We chased you around for hours til we got that thing off! Oh! Hey! I think I've got one!"

"I once met a stallion down in the valley
who loved to bathe in giant jars full of jelly.
When I asked him why, he told me with glee
'I can't use peanut butter. I'm allergic, you see!'

Aw wow, such a way to be si~lly!
Aw wow, such a way to be si~lly!
Zany in the brainy til the cows come home!
Aw wow, such a way to be...si-lly!"

A few scattered chuckles were shared among the mares as Twinkleshine rolled her eyes in a mismatched fashion, and then Lyra raised a hoof. "Ooh! Me next! Mine's even wackier!"

"Last Equestrian games tryouts, me and Bon Bon went wild.
I dressed up as a peacock and wrestled her as an owl.
We both made the team, but oh, what a sight.
It isn't every day you see the cock bet on the fight!

Wow wee, what we did was so si~lly!
Wow wee, what we did was so si~lly!
Crazy and so gaily and just a bit weird!
Wow wee, what we did was so si~lly!"

"Your turn!" Minuette said to Moondancer through the funny faces she was making.

"O-okay. Just give me a chance to catch my breath," Moondancer giggled before she began.

"One day at the archives I read up new spell
magically designed to help a pony's hair grow well.
I should have read the footnote to end, cause if I had
my sister now wouldn't have a mustache thicker than my dad's!

Da dum, it's so great to be si~lly!
Da dum, it's so great to be si~lly!
Dancing and a' prancing like you just don't care!
Da dum, it's so great to be silly~!"

It was now full blown laughter as the six of them were wiggling and waggling with the most impromptu dance moves ever imagined.

"Come on, Twilight! Finish us off strong!" Lyra said as she can-caned.

"I got something that can top them all," she answered in kind.

"When Spike first got a cold I saw a chance I could seize
to learn how a dragon immune system fights disease.
I guess in hindsight I should have kept my distance when I studied
One magic sneeze later and I'm the Princess' bath buddy!

Oh joy! It's so fun to be si~lly!
Oh joy! It's so fun to be si~lly!
Laughing at your troubles til they all go away,
Oh joy! It's so fun to be si~lly!"

The six synced their voices for one last chorus.
"Oh joy! It's so fun to be...it's so fun to be...it's so fun to be SILLY~!"


The unicorns stopped their raucous laughter to suddenly see the fog give way and reveal a green pony-like figure floating in the middle of the river. A red gem was embedded into her chest while a large dorsal fin encompassed her back, and instead of two hind legs, a fish-like tail composed almost all of her lower body.

She snarled her sharp teeth at the mares. "That had to have been the most childish, graceless, idiotic, inane, and just plain awful tune I've ever had to listen to!"

Nectar, who had managed to be revitalized by the disappearing green mist, pulled herself up to get a clear look at the being in the river. "So that explains it. A siren..."

"Siren?" Twinkleshine repeated.

"A divergent branch of the elusive seapony tribe. Like changelings, their magic is adapted to use psychic energy as a power source. Except they operate on the opposite end of the emotional spectrum, using strife and aggressiveness to fuel their spells."

Everypony looked at Lyra incredulously. "What? I know stuff too. The merfolk were a big part of my cryptozoology curriculum. Anyways, they imbue their magic in their voices, which often generates a twofold effect to anyone who hears it. Charm magic is mixed in with the voice, usually making the targets unaware of the spell while all adoration and positive feeling is directed towards the caster, leaving only the hate and anger to fester and spread between the others."

"That's why Nectar fainted when she did," Lemon Hearts reasoned. "Caught in the middle of all the negativity we started generating, it must have been like not being able to breathe."

"We probably would have been arguing until we literally ripped each others throats out if hadn't been for Minuette..." Twilight realized.

"Yes, and here I thought I had a nice easy dinner set for me when I got a tip off that six clueless ponies were heading straight into my neck of the river," the siren grumbled. "But noooo, you lot had to be a bunch of tone-deaf, bubble brained, bimbos who couldn't dance to a good song if their lives depended on it. Gah, seriously, I think my ears are literally bleeding from that ditzy themed atrocity you belted out. You're all more trouble than you're worth!"

"Hey, it was sung all in good fun you know," Minuette replied lightheartedly. "Don't hate the player, as they say."

The siren just growled. And with a flick of her tail, a large reef of coral rose out of the river, forming a solid stable bridge for them all to cross.
"Know what? I don't even care anymore. You want to cross this river? Just go. The sooner you get out of here and away from my waters, the better. Now if you excuse me, I'm hightailing it out of earshot before you all decide to start another nursery rhyme verse on the joys of being stupid."

Minuette called after the siren as she splashed away. "DARE to be stupid, miss sour note!"

She then giggled as she turned to the newly formed bridge. "Well, that problem seems to have solved itself! Shall we mosey on forth, then?"

As the group proceeded to cross, Twilight fell back a bit to stay in step with Minuette. "Thanks Minuette. I guess a little silliness really was exactly what we needed at the moment."

"No problem, Twilight!" Minuette leaned over to keep her next comment between them. "Though between you and me, I think your dancing was a little too silly for anypony's taste."