• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 3,423 Views, 36 Comments

Hollow Girl - golden dawn

Hi sooo this is what happend I went to a con buyed some thing from a creepy guy,got sant to a new world and I have a hole I my chest with a chain on it.Oh and got a little sister so not all bad.

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New Friend and a family

It was now noon and the pony/girl was still out of it as I was now at the edge of the forest as I was making camp Nel had awoke and was now next to the girl well I made a fire for the night I had Nel use her Nel Shower to heal the girl of all the cut’s she had.

“No Matter how many time’s I see you use that move it is still gross Nel.” I said as I now had to look away.

“Well Nel don’t like to do it sometime I will vomit and I lose my lunch.” Nel said as she spit on the pony/girl that healed her cut on her arm.

“I know Nel for binging a good girl I'll get you some food want some meat or fruit.” I said as I pulled out my zanpakuto and use my new speed to find small prey it took me know more than a min
to find and kill same chicken-snack thing I came back and cut,clean and state to cook it on a roaring fire.

I saw Nel’s mouth open with drool falling out she was about to fall over onto the pony/girl but instat trip on a rock.

“Ow Nel hurt her foot.” Nel said as she began to cry I put the meat high up to cook as I walked to her and pick her up into my arms pulled out my Iphone and played some music.

Nel was now not crying and was smiling at me I smiled back and kiss her oh her forehead she smiled at me and gave me a hug but then we heard the girl groaning as she got up and saw me and Nel she started to back away.

“W-who are y-you and what are you going to do to me.” she said. I just looked at her and Nel fall to the ground and started to laugh her but off.

I just rolled my eyes then cleared my throat. “Well hon i’m what is called an arrancar and this cute pig is Nel my little sis and to answer your other question i’m taking you out of the forest.” I said as I looked at her she has calmed down now and move closer to the fire.

“If what you say is the truth than I thank yo-- is that meat your going to eat meat!” she yell out now with her eye the size of dinner plates.

“Yes I’m an omnivore so I need to eat meat as well as plant in my diet why is that bad.” I asked her.

“No its just most ponies are herbivores so it is not often we see other speso eat meat.” she said.

“Ok Nel is glad she can eat both so whan is the food done.” Nel ask me I rolled my eye and looked at the food.

“Jest about done and for you miss pony/girl I found some barry’s in some barry buse so eat up and all take you home ok.” I said wall smiling so both my sister and the mare.

The mare smiled at me so I handed her the barry’s and cut some meat for me and Nel she is a messy eater I giggled at how messy she had gotten.

“You make for a good older sibling to her miss oh my I done know your name!” she said wall looking to me for help.

“Wall hon my name is Crystal and the little cute is Nel now that you now us who are you and why are you out here?” I said as I gave her a hand full of barry’s.

She told me and Nel her name is Twilight Velvet she said she came to get some material for a project but then the manticore found her,she also told me that she did have clothes on but took them off to throw off her scent.

“Ok that was not smart at all if he was following after you than you had to be hidan first befor you could lose him.” I said as I saw the gears turning in her head.

Than she facepalm and shakes her head. “Oh my I don’t know that I need to get out more.” Velvet said as she scratched the back of her head.

With that out of the way I help Velvet get home, I had told Velvet the me and Nel will live in the everfree it would have food and I can train with my new power.

“Will you came back to see me I would like a friend like you and to meet my soon to be coltfriend.” Velvet said with a huge blush on her face.

I smiled and promised to come once every three weeks, Velvet said that is ok and hope to see me soon.

I had made that promise to Velvet six year age and during it I have learn how to use bala although I did blasted my face alot and can shout it 15 time as well as ues cero that was not a good day blase a hydra that was trying to eat Nel.

I mate Velvet’s coltfriend Night Light he was about my height with blue fur and dark-blue mane he was a unicorn like Velvet was and was the captain of the guards for some princesas.

A year later it was no know surprised when Night ask Velvet to marry him and she said yes me and Nel were in the far back as Night and Velvet wedding and I shaded a few tears.

A week after the I somehow used descorrer and was in Hueco Mundo it was my new training grounds.
two months later and Velvet was now pregnant I congratulated her but what she said next surprised me and Night.

“Crystal I want you to be apart of this family will you be the godmare of my children.”

Me,Nel and Night did not see that coming at all she said it was the way I was raising Nel that she want me as a godmare to her child.

Night thought about it and he agreed that I would be a good godmare it was hard to say no I was good with kids and I did like the idea so at the end I said yes.

8 months and Velvet gave birth to a baby boy with white fur and jut-blue mane Night named him Shining armour.

After Shining was borne Nel somehow learn to become her adult form but for about one hour so I began her training with me so state in her adult form longer.

two months after the and I was now aunt Crystal as Shining said it was cute gave me a warm feeling inside me. As for Nel her training is going wall now she can stay in her adult form for a whole day.

A year after I had learned how to fly and hover I made a new zanpakuto out of the material in Hueco Mundo I named it gamuza gave it to Nel as a birthday present,the weird part is I have not seen a hollow not a one only me and Nel.

This year me and Nel have now gotten stronger and now we can use sonido,Nel has gotten more indicated and now but she stills goes to sleep with me at night,that is all I need to know that she is my little sis.

six months later and I now can use demon's curse,tiger roars and thunder boom. Nel can now go to Hueco Mundo by herself and now is on equal footing with me with the blade.

last week Velvet had ask if she could browse my Iphone, I was hectic at first but caved in when she used her puppy dog eyes on me, later Velvet came back with my Iphone but in her other hand was another Iphone, Velvet said she was able to make one with some magic materials and now
called it a Mphone don’t know but some how after she made it the pony’s at her old school mass produce them and now Velvet is now one of three richest families in canterlot.

two year and six months as fast I now can use headlong collapse and have been now living with Velvet in her new home, Shining Armor is five now and he’s such a good boy that I gave Night light a sword for Shining on his 18th birthday it as a longsword with the blade black and a blue gem in the santer.

That was the six years that we had been threw and now it was time for me and Nel to leave and make a home for are self wan I said this to Velvet she was not happy.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE MOVING!!” Velvet said as she was mere intense from my face.

“It’s like I said me and Nel are moving with your new M-phone now we can be intact at all times, but I need to live wild and cantrell is a civil and me and Nel need the wild the beast the battle and we can’t have that here so we're moving to the everfree forest.” Crystal said as she hide the tear that was trying to escape.

“But ante Crystal if you and ante Nel leave how will I see you and play all the fun game’s you and ante Nel play with me.” Shining said as he was crying into his mother armes.

“With come over but we need to go Nel love her Shining Armor with all Nel’s heart but we need to go with call and visat on the holidays.” Nel said as she was crying in her kid form.

“I see understand but promise to came and visit my wife and son love to see there antes ok Crystal.” Nightlight said as he confronted his son wife,I smiled and gave them a huge hug

With that me and Nel left and went to the everfree Nel is now looking for food as I build a home in a clearing it is a small home with two rooms a kitchen and a living room,out back I put up a training field.

I have now built a food stork for the food me save,Nel is the best at hunting and she never let me hear the end of it.

We train all the time and Nel is now as good with a blade as me we go and visit Velvet as many times as we can.

It has been now year and Shining is now 7, I have made a forge in the back of my home I made 12 new sword and armor with the material from Hueco Mundo and some of the bones from our hunts.

It was at this time I got a call from Velvet that her was going to have a baby I lateral dropped the phone and run with Nel under my arm and was at Velvet home wall she was still on her phone I put Nel down and grabbed her into a huge hug.

“Crystal I know you happy but I need to breathe!” Velvet said as I put her down to her hoof’s.

“I know but I love kid's it is one on the thing that make me smile all day long.” I said was I was happily humming to myself.

“Yes I know sometimes you are like a mother to Shining he has been looking forward to seeing you.” Velvet said.

After that day I came to Velvet house and help her out when Shining found out I was coming over more he ask me not to leave without taling him, I pick him up and hugged him he hug me back with his tiny arms.

8 months and Velvet is now about to go into labor Nightlight is off no a mission for the princess and can't make it so i’m going to the delivery room with Velvet and am not good with all the screaming i’m getting from all the ponies here but I need to be here for Velvet and no one is going to stop me from helping her,some guards tried to stop me from going in but stop when I gave them a death glare I had Nel look after Shining out side so I can be with Velvet in the room.

What felt like years but was more like an hour was the most painful thing Velvet was going there and with all my power I had not learned how to use the healing kido,I felt so helpless I know how to use nel shower but that didn’t help her a lot so I had to hold her hand a she squeezes my hand.

“Don’t go Crystel I need somepony here with me.” Velvet said as she was crying in pain.

“It well be ok I will be here with you all the way.” I said as I held her hand.

with one last push and a scream from Velvet the doctor halde a small baby filly in her hands she cleaned her up the baby was lavender fur and eyes with her mane and tail had dark purple with a strand of purple and light purple she was the cutest the in the room at the time,what was the killer was she had grabbed my hand and was saking on my finger,I almost died of the cuteness right there and then.

“She is beautiful Velvet what are you going to name her.” I asked Velvet as I handed her the baby.

“I think she is perfect so how about Twilight Sparkle.” Velvet said as she hugged her baby.

I smiled at the name it was so good it was the perfect fit I was going to give a respond but was interrupted by a big pony that was about two incase bigger than me standing at the door she had white fur large wings,a long horn and was wearing a silk white dress,she had a sun cutie mark and a small crow on her head.

“We need to talk outside if you well.” Said the large mare as she had many guards behind her.

There was one thing that I could say, “Oh crud.”