• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 9,360 Views, 230 Comments

Dear Princess Twilight, my name is Spider Web, and I am a changeling... - Lise

Twilight Sparkle receives a letter from one claiming to be a changeling. Why is this creature writing to her, and what does it want? Twilight has no choice but to read and find out.

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Hello Princess Twilight...

The note appeared on Twilight's doorstep one morning. Just a simple piece of paper with a rock on top. It could almost be mistaken for a grocery list, if it wasn't for the green ink in which it was written. Cautiously, Twilight levitated it to her and started reading.

Dear Princess Twilight,

My name is Spider Web, and I am a changeling. Not the type of changeling you have seen and know, I am the other kind - the replacement. But I am getting ahead of myself. I will explain everything from the beginning. I only have one request - that you read my letter to the end.

Originally I was born in Ponyville. I have no recollection of that, nor do I know when it happened. My hive mother tells me it must have been over ten years ago, but I cannot be sure. Changelings measure time differently. Neither day, nor night, nor the seasons themselves carry any importance. All that matters is the hunger, thus everything is measured in feeding seasons. When hunger strikes - the hive feeds, the rest of the time they rest and scout for new feeding grounds.

I must have been happy where I was born, otherwise my hive mother wouldn't have taken me. Ever since I learned the truth I imagined what it could have been like, if I hadn't been taken. To live in a place where being friends with someone wouldn't cause pain sounds almost too incredible to be true.

You see, there are two types of changelings, three if you count the hive mother. The most common kind I believe you have seen. The other kind, of which I am part, are called replacements, and only exist when a changeling princess is born. It is said the event is rare, occurring once every few centuries, but when it does special measures must be taken. It is a princess' fate to, one day, command a hive of her own. As such she must be strong, and to be strong she needs far more love and tenderness that the hive could provide. It is customary for the scouts to travel beyond the known lands in search of a suitable family that have had a child recently. That child would be swapped with the changeling princess. As she grows under the tender care of her new parents, she will become strong and knowledgable of their way of life. Meanwhile, the other child is taken to the hive and raised as the hive mother's own. The reason for this is simple - a bond between mother and child cannot be broken. Only if the real child receives the same amount of care as the changeling princess, would the illusion hold.

I do not know how well my parents treated my replacement sister, but the hive mother did her utmost to raise me best she could. Often I would see her inner struggle, as she restrained herself to feed on my love, for I indeed did and do love her. To you she might be a changeling, but for me she was the only mother I knew. It was she that found suitable food for me to eat, for unlike changelings I cannot survive on emotions alone. It was also she that kept an eye on me when I played with other infants, careful that I do not give them too much friendship, for that would weaken me to the point of fainting.

It was years later that I learned of you for the first time. My hive mother had gone to a new feeding ground with most of her hive, leaving me and a few others behind. I would like to think she didn't want me to get harmed, but I fear by then she had gorged herself on so much love and affection, that she didn't want to risk having me used against her. That's what happens to changelings when they overfeed - they become paranoid, vicious and cruel. I believe you saw that when facing her. My hive mother was so enraged be her defeat at your hooves, that she would scream about it for days. At one point, I was even afraid, she would harm me. Thankfully it never came to that. It was later that she calmed down enough to tell me all about you, as well as reveal the truth about myself.

For the first time in my life I felt confused. My origin explained why I was different from everyone else, why I couldn't change form or needed to eat to remain healthy. At the beginning I was upset. I hated my hive mother for it, blaming her for taking me away from a nice home, only to have her own daughter take my place. For weeks on end I tried to run away, sometimes alone, sometimes aided by friends I had known since childhood. Each time the result would be the same - she would find me and bring me back home. Never would she harm me, nor would she be angry. She simply magicked me to my cocoon and left enough food for me to regain my strength. When I finally reached a point at which I could talk to her without shouting, she made me an offer - I would stop trying to escape, and in return she would teach me the language of my parents. It didn't seem much at the time, but now I am glad I accepted. If I hadn't, I would never have been able to write this letter, or talk to anyone of my kind for that matter.

By now, I assume, you have either thrown away my letter, or continued reading as I requested. If you are still reading, I thank you wholeheartedly and also apologize for my deceit. At the beginning, I said I had one request. That is not true, and I ask that you indulge me a bit more. I wish to come home. I do not know if I am ready to talk to my parents, or even look at them from afar, but I want to, at least, see the place where I was born. We have spoken with my hive mother at length, and she has agreed to let me visit, under the condition that you agree as well.

Finally, should you have nothing against my visit, I ask that you do not harm my replacement sister. By coming before you I am putting her at risk, for through me you will immediately learn her true identity. Should you find this unacceptable, please burn this letter and I will think nothing of it. I will never write to you again, and we can live our lives as if this never happened.

If, by chance, you agree to all my selfish requests, please stamp the letter with your hoof and leave it in front of your castle door. It will find its way to me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Spider Web the Changeling.

Twilight read the letter a second time, then a third. It all seemed too incredible to be true. A changeling in Ponyville? What was more, this Spider Web claimed the changeling had been there for over a decade. If so, she had to tell Princess Celestia. That was the responsible thing to do. And yet, there was so much sadness in that letter. It didn't seem like a monster was writing to her, just a filly who wanted to go home. Should Twilight refuse that? Could she? If so, what made her better than Chrysalis during her brother's wedding?

For hours Twilight reflected on the matter. Morning passed, then noon, and she still hadn't come to a decision. As tempting as it was she couldn't ask her friends for advice. The initial decision had to be hers and hers alone. Only later would she tell the rest, either to greet this changeling, or help her fight it.

"You win," she whispered at last.

Stamping the note, she left it where she had found it. Whatever the consequences of her actions she would accept them. Turning around, Twilight went into her castle. She was just about to head to the dining room, when a knock sounded. That was weird. Could it be the changeling had arrived already? Preparing herself mentally, she opened the door. What she saw outside amazed her. Less than a step away, stood a filly she had seen before. Gray coat, gray mane, glasses, and a pearl necklace...

"Silver Spoon?" Twilight asked, although she knew it not to be her. The cutie mark was different - the heart on top of the handle was replaced by a silver spider web.

"Good evening, Princess Twilight, I am Spider Web," the filly said her voice trembling with fear and excitement. "Might I please enter?"

The question took Twilight aback. Was this the original Silver Spoon, the one snatched from her parents all those years ago and replaced by a changeling princess? It was a logical course of action - Silver Spoon's family was rich, there wasn't a thing their daughter would lack. However, this went beyond logic. This was no longer about a possible enemy invasion. It was all about a filly who had returned to a life she never knew. It was about a changeling who wanted to become a pony once more. It was about a daughter who cared about her old and new parents, as well as the sister who had stolen her place.

"Of course, Spider Web," Twilight smiled warmly. "Welcome home... for the very first time."

Comments ( 230 )

Eh, not bad.

The core concept is really intriguing, then although it ended in a good point for a one-shot, it also make one wonder what will happen next :twilightsmile:

What will happen with Spider Web now? Can Twilight help her? How would her original family react? The Rest of the Mane6? The other Princesses? Lots of questions...:pinkiesmile:

Wanderer D

This was a cute little story. Needs a bit of editing, but it was a good job regardless! Keep writing!

Pretty good one shot. Ending could of used a bit more work... but overall very well done.:twilightsmile:

6284062 Thanks :))

6284090 Well, one never knows :) Glad you liked it! Btw can you PM me your spoiler question (for some reason can't make it visible on tablet :( ) and I'll try to answer best I could :)

6284094 Thanks! :D Happy you enjoyed it :) Will reread it in a few days once it's no longer fresh in my mind and try to fix things O:)

6284130 Yay, thanks :) Ending was a bit tricky. Went through a few attempts... Then decided to keep it simple(r). O:)

6284859 It was a good story, but what happened to "that" Silver Spoon then?


Glad you enjoyed :)
Which Silver Spoon? The one in the series is fine and well, and a bit overfed (reason why she is so mean most of the time :)). Spider Web... Haven't thought about it to be honest. I guess she will come now and again to look at things from afar? :)

Bonus: the changeling at the E100 wedding was in fact Silver Spoon in real form, since she wasn't invited :P (or at least is according to my theory :P)

I like the concept, and I don't think the writing is as rough as some others have said. There are some obvious typos, like "Celestial," but otherwise it's honestly better than most.

I did find the choice of character a bit of a strange decision, though. Just not the sort I can imagine anyone having all that much love for, you know what I mean? It works in the context you give it, but still, I think it might have made more sense to use someone less high-profile and well-defined instead.

6285113 Ah, thank you :)) Glad you enjoyed. I better get to fixing the errors asap... :D

Silver Spoon was mostly chosen because of the saying. As the story goes, it was the initial family that was selected, so they had no idea what she would turn out to be. On a personal note, I prefer her to Diamond Tiara. :) Maybe one day we will see her parents in an episode :D

I liked it.

6285436 Many thanks :)) The hive mother appreciates the snack :D

Like 6284094 said. I like the concept and I thought the story was rather cute. Just a bit more touching up on some typos, maybe a bit of polishing, and I'd have no complaints. Still, though, I enjoyed reading through it.

Take a like.

6286824 Thanks :))) Very glad you enjoyed :D
(Trying to get it out of my head so I can re-edit properly... O:)) Things really happened fast :D

Wow, this was really good- is there a possibility for a sequel?

6286906 Thanks :)
Quite probably yes, although must catch up on some other things before that :D

OK, I saw that others have already said this, but...

Why SIlver Spoon?

To be frank, the buildup was excellent, but having the replaced pony be Silver Spoon frankly felt like a missstep.

If it was an age thing, wouldn't say, Applebloom make more sense? Loving family, lots of friends, close enough to The Elements to be a gunuine security concern...

Not the bully's second shadow of a friend.

Silver Spoon frankly felt more like a one of those: 'HA! They shall never guess this twist!' type deals. That, or the author's favorite pony being used, drama and logic be damned.

Again, the actuall build-up was first-class, but I can't see why you'd use Silver Spoon. For me personally how little sense that made killed all the impact of the ending. :unsuresweetie:

Quite good. Well deserving a 'like'.
The choice of Silver Spoon be the hidden changeling works, because although she associates with a loud braggart, she herself goes almost completely unnoticed.
99% of me took everything the changeling said at face value, with only 1% thinking that this was an elaborate plot to PUT a changeling into Ponyville. The sequel to this would be a very interesting read. :pinkiehappy:

Wow. I really liked that. I never thought of there being a sort of exchange like that, I'd never thought past stasis cocoons. This is a really neat concept, and although it had a good one-shot ending, could be taken onward very well. Bravo, Author!

6287022 Awww :) Seriously though, thanks for the comment :)

Mostly I chose her because she's generally unnoticeable and fit my timeline reasoning. Will try to explain my reasoning. :)

From an age perspective I went with a younger pony, and also due to the nature of the changeling (future queen), it had to be a filly. The CMC were an option, but all have traumatic (to some degree) childhoods or complications. (The switch had to take pls e shortly after birth, to be true to the actual myth)

Sweetie Belle I am not even sure was born in Poneyville (although Rarity is stated to be).

Scootaloo is strongly speculated to be an orphan (and with wing defects).

As for Apple Bloom, it is still unknown when she lost her parents (speculation again). I decided to skip her in the event it might be at her birth. Also from AJ's story, Sweet Apple Acres went through a rough patch when she was young.

That pretty much leaves Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Based on that, I associated DT more with wealth and SS with overall happiness (based on the saying)... So went with her :)

Hope the explanation helps :D

6287080 Thanks :) As a one shot, she was indeed honest in what she wrote. If it gets to a sequel, though... Who knows :P

6287101 Glad you enjoyed :) Is just my take on the original changeling myth (one of them at least) mixed with their representation in MLP :D

I got really confused here. You made it sound like a changeling replaces a pony but where is the pony and where the changeling? Why does the changeling have to eat wheb you say they dont?

This was really sweet.

6287187 Thanks for the question! :)

According to the myth I used, changeling is the word that both describes the actual changeling AND the pony/creature it replaces.

So the original Silver Spoon was born a pony, but was snatched away and replaced by a changeling (insect) that took her appearance.
Through this act Spoon the pony became a changeling (in name) and was raised in the hive. However, since she remains biologically a pony, she has to eat pony food.

Hope that helps :)

6287201 :) Glad you enjoyed :) Tried to make this a sad-with-a-happy-ending type of story :))

"Mirror's Image" anyone?
also for a second there I was convinced it was gonna be a real twilight, one of her friends or one of the cmc.
Rich parents are nice and all but not the most loving of homes

6287208 ooooh that explains it. Yes i am aware of the changeling myth I just got confused.

I dont exactly understand if the changeling society was smgood or bad exactly. Or if they are just ravenous monsters... Or how they treated her Friendship or love.

6287259 Aww. Are the stories similar? I had hoped this particular aspect of the changeling myth hadn't been used...

6287262 Well I take it they are just they :) They snack on her friendship if given a chance, but not out of ill intent :)

6287294 yeah similar, the real twilight was a still born, crysalis replaced her with her daughter.

There's a story for each of the mane six actually being a Changling from birth, I've only read a Twilight and an Applejack one, but The Applejack one doesn't have her replace anyone just sort of adopted.

6287297 Right. I just want to know so much.. I mean why did the invasion hapoen, why so hungry all the time? Why live in dishuise? *shrug*

6287320 Guess I'll put them on my to read list. Thanks :))

This is an interesting and enjoyable story that has good potential for a sequel.

This opens up so many possibilities of action.

Thank you for sharing your vision.

i demand a sequel.

A very nice piece ya got going on with this one! :)

A touching little tale, involving intrigue, deception, drama, turnabouts, it has it all!

We adore it, we most certainly do!

Aw...I was sort of hoping it would one of he Mane Six or something...

I'm pretty confused. Why give up a changeling? Why do they take ponies? Why did the queen have to raise it? I didn't realize that the pony was female or younger than an adult until you said that a filly wanted to come home. I got kind of lost with the mix of past and current explanation.

You got something adorable Lise

My mobile only showed the feature box title as "Dear Princess Twilight, my name is Spider Web, and..." and I got horrible flash backs to background pony

6287329 The Advent of Applejack (though that may be the second one) which I believe is the one mentioned

There's the 3 sisters Rarity, where a princess nymph takes Raritys form after Rares dies during the events where she gets her cutie mark in canon

And then there's a fluttershy one I can't aw remember the name of where the gist is basically her family were cloudsdale nobles who couldn't conceive and are left a disguised changeling nymph at their doorstep

6287819 "The Irony of Applejack" is the story, I'm reading the sequel "The Advent of Applejack" right now. "Winds of Change" is on my list for later as is the Rarity one you mentioned

A rather interesting choice of foals. If you think about it hard enough, there are some headcanons that can come up. Silver Spoon had her cutie mark before Diamond Tiara did (as evidenced by DT having her cute-ceanara in Call of the Cutie), and SS is one of those ponies canonically named in Season 1 who has a Cutie Mark exactly like her name, so the changeling taking her form probably played it safe with choosing a Cutie Mark...unless princesses somehow actually get a legit Cutie mark, which I can't process in my headcanon. Spider Web would probably make for an interesting filly whenever the switch is over with and she goes back to living with her real parents.

(I'm at work right now, but I can't actually recall seeing Silver Spoon at the wedding in Slice of Life, and the image gallery on the MLP wikia doesn't show her. It would be a real hell of a headcanon for this story if that Changeling at the wedding was the one that took Silver Spoon's spot!)


Thanks, you guys! :)))
I better start working on an outline then... (Please be patient with me O:))

6287555 Thank you, Master Wing! :)) Honoured you enjoyed :D
I'll do my best to live up to your expectations with the sequel. (Hopefully will approach your skill O:))

And thanks for the constant support and advice! Means a lot. :)

6288509 I'm sure you'll conquer it.

6287581 The hive mother thanks you for the generous contribution to the feast! Your adoration will be promptly devoured! :D

Glad you enjoyed :)))

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