• Published 25th Aug 2015
  • 346 Views, 1 Comments

Wish Makers - Short Stories

Sunset starts making Wish Makers that are fueled by sunshine.

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Chapter 5: The Next Day

Sunset, Twilight, Spike, Rainbow, and Rarity received no sleep that night. They were all doing an all-nighter, Twilight trying to get the two spells down, Spike assisting her as best as he could, and the other three working on the ten Wish Makers. Rarity had run over to her sewing machine before hand because she was going to make the heart, with yellow dots. Sunset was thinking it could all be glass or plastic, but, it wouldn't kill her to change her idea and make the design half plushie.

Twilight had set up a lamp, and cast a spell to make it brighter, so she could get a chance to see if the solar spell worked or not. Granted, it wasn't the actual sun, and in no way did it shine brighter than the star Celestia controlled, but it was a make-shift sun and it worked out just fine.

Sunset's head had just barley hit her pillow when the sun, with all it's bright light and morning glory, came up over the horizon. She groaned. Who could possibly sleep with all that light? It reminded her of the light she saw in the portal, and she could only describe it with two words: blinding and irritating.

Sighing, she got up and went over to her homework desk; it was littered with homework that had already been turned in. She moved two homework packets and a drawing of cake aside, (she was hungry that day) and found the book Celestia gave her at the bottom of it all. She had always hidden it away like that, ever since she brought it home. She wasn't exactly sure why, but, she guessed it felt right when she covered it up.

She grabbed a nearby pen and started to write.

"Okay, Spike, I think I have it down." An exhausted Twilight Sparkle called from the main room. She had told Spike to go to bed; for she was really the only one who needed to learn these spells. He protested, but finally gave in and went to his room.

That was around 1 in the morning.

Now, it was 7:55, and the tired purple alicorn was still up and busily working, needing her trust assistant yet again. What she wasn't aware of, however, was the journal that she left in her favorite of all the libraries was vibrating.

The baby dragon, who had just gotten up no longer than fifteen minutes ago, walked into the room where Twilight was. He sat down on a nearby couch, his breakfast, (a small pile of gems) in hand. "Alright, Twilight. Show me what you've got."

"Ok, here goes..." Twilight said as she fired up her horn; she aimed it at a nearby chair, first making it dance for a minute, then setting an extension spell on it, then the solar spell. The chair continued to dance for five more minutes before 'dying', and, at that moment, Twilight scooted the chair towards one of her many open windows, where Celestia's beautiful sunlight was spilling through. "Now, we wait for about three hours to see if it worked."

"I don't think I'm going to stare at a chair for that long." Spike grumbled. He had finished eating his gem breakfast, and decided to try and read his book he tried to read yesterday. "Tell me when it's ready." he mumbled as he jumped off the couch and exited the room.

Twilight didn't hear him, to wrapped up in her own thoughts. She laid down on the cold, crystal floor, and put all attention towards the sun-bathing chair.

"I don't think she's seen it yet." Sunset mumbled, staring at her carpet floor. She was on the phone with Rarity and Rainbow. They were both eating breakfast, so, Rarity's line was mostly quiet, (despite Sweetie's voice in the background) because she didn't like chewing with her mouth open. Rainbow's line was loud, in between the chewing, she was carrying on the conversation.

On Rarity's line, Sunset could hear a chair scraping the floor. Rarity must have finished her breakfast. "She's probably still sleeping, darling."

"Just give her time. Wait until tomorrow, then message her to see if she revived your last message." Rainbow added.

"How would that work?" Sunset inquired. "I mean, the only way I can communicate with her is that book. If she hasn't seen this message, that I sent her a while ago, and she still hasn't seen it tomorrow, she won't be able to see a message asking her if she got the message I sent today."

There was stalk silence on both lines. "What?"

"Never-mind, Rainbow Dash. I don't think it'll work."

Rainbow made a slight pfft sound, accompanied by a "whatever."

"I'm sure she's either still sleeping, or working her tail off to try and get those spells right for you, Sunset. Leave her be and don't worry about it."

Sunset sighed, putting on a small smile, one neither Rainbow nor Rarity could see. "I'll try not too, Rarity. I guess I'll let you two go."

"Call us back if she messages you, darling."

"Tell Rarity, she'll tell me," Rainbow told her. "I need to go practice for a soccer match, anyways."

"Don't worry, I will. Good luck!"

This time, a chair scraped the floor on Rainbow;s line. "Luck? Ha! I don't need luck!"

Sunset rolled her eyes, the smile still on her face. "I know you don't."

"Just give her time, dear. I'm sure she'll respond soon."

"Thanks, Rarity. Say hi to your sister for me."

"Gotta fly! Bye, Sunset." A soft click came from Rainbow's line.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle made a mess making breakfast! I must clean this up at once! I'll talk to you later, Sunset. Remember to call me if she responds!" Click

"Will do!" Sunset responded to no one. She removed the phone from her ear and looked at the screen. Their call had only lasted ten minutes. She hit the end call button, then closed her phone. It was high time she went back to the portal.

"Hey, Twilight? Sunset's book is buzzing again." Spike informed his teacher, poking only his head into the room. He saw Twilight, still staring intensely at the chair.

Or, so it seemed.

The chair was dancing away, and Twilight was doing nothing. She wasn't scribbling down notes, she didn't levitate the book out of Spike's hand, she did nothing....Except for letting out a slight snore.

"Oh." Spike whispered, instantly seeing Twilight had fallen asleep. When, he didn't know, but she was out cold. He walked into the room a little ways, trying to not make to much noise. Luckily, they weren't at Canterlot, with a ton of loud noises, like the last time Twilight was dog tired. "I guess it couldn't hurt if I saw what Sunset wrote..." he mumbled, then opened the book to find a new message.

Dear Twilight,
Rarity, Rainbow and I have pulled an all-nighter, but have managed to get all ten Wish Makers done. Hopefully, you'll be ready to cast the spells on all of them today, school starts tomorrow, (it's a weekend here) and I plan to sell them then....Hopefully they'll sell....
I hope to hear from you soon!
Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer

"Huh...so she's ready. I didn't think it would be that fast." Spike whispered, he looked at the sleeping alicorn again. All Twilight did was roll over in her sleep, and visibly shudder. "Oh, shoot..." he ran out of the room as quietly as he could and grabbed his blanket. He then ran back and gently laid the blanket on her.

She smiled, opening her eyes a crack. "Thanks, Spike."

"No problem, Twi. Oh, by the way, Sunset left a message."

It took a moment for those last seven words to sink in, but, by the time they did, she was already trying to fight off another wave of slumber. "Please go get her for me, Spike." She mumbled, then passed out again on the cold, crystal floor.