• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 4,911 Views, 155 Comments

Harry Houdini: The Great and Powerful - CrackedInkWell

After another successful show, Trixie makes her way to her apartment during an unscheduled storm in Manehattan. It was during this freak storm that a lighted theater appears with the name of "Houdini" on the sides of the theater.

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Chapter 14: The Human Side of the Story, Act Three.

“You’re right, Bess,” Harry said as he poured the bag of bits onto their bed. The coins cascaded like a golden waterfall. “It worked like a charm. And to think this was only from today!”

Yesterday, Harry had just performed his escape from the local prison, becoming the talk of the town in just an afternoon. All kinds of ponies came to the House of Wonder’s ticket booth demanding tickets to see the miraculous escape artist themselves. The cash register quickly filled up several times with the foreign corns before the tickets eventually ran out.

Harry’s wife took a handful of bits and let them fall out of her hand one by one. “Well, it looks like we can get some more clothes. Of course, they’re going to need to be tailored, but it looks like that’s something we can afford to do.”

“And who knows?” Houdini sat down on the bed, clenching his beloved’s hand. “If this keeps up, I might still be able to find you an anniversary gift from this weird place.”

“Harry,” she said, putting an arm around his neck, “what could you possibly give me? I mean, after nearly thirty years, you’ve given me everything from roses to diamond necklaces. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if you just gave me a simple kiss.”

“Come on, Bess. What good is a kiss when I don’t have anythin’ to celebrate our thirty wild years? I mean really, it’s amazing that you’ve been able to put up with me for so long. A normal woman would have had a heart attack if their husband did half of the things I’ve done. I, for one, would love to know your secret.”

“Oh, it’s quite simple, really.” Bess gave him a quick kiss. “You just have to trust that the only pair of cuffs they can’t escape are their wedding rings.”

Harry chuckled. “That sounded a little bit corny.”

“Well, it’s true.”

There was a knock on their door. Bess got up to answer it, finding the bellhop levitating a scroll. “Letter for Mr. Houdini,” he said as he floated it over to her.

She took the scroll before thanking him and closing the door. She broke the wax seal, unrolling it to read the message.

“What is it?” Harry asked.

“Huh…” Bess went over to her husband, handing him the scroll. “Take a look at this.”

Harry took the letter and read through it.

Dear Harry Houdini,

It has come to my attention that a few nights ago, you, your wife, and your theater troupe all mysteriously arrived in Equestria by accident. While I commend the Manehattan Police and the city’s mayor for granting you asylum, I, Princess Celestia of Equestria, wish to lend a helping hoof in this confusing and difficult time.

I hope that my ponies are assisting you, for I can only imagine how shocking it must be for you to arrive in a completely different world than your own. I want you to know that I will do what I can to find a way for you and everyone else to return home as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, neither my fellow Princesses or I can come right away as we are all either away or caught up in important affairs. However, I will be able to come to Manehattan next Saturday and will be more than willing to offer my hoof in aiding your return home.

In the meantime, I have given an order to the staff at your hotel that if you need anything, you only need to ask. They’ll do what they can to see that it is done. Outside of that, I recommend enjoying yourselves until we can sort this mess out.

Signed, the Princess of the Day, Raiser of the Sun, etc…

Princess Celestia

“Next Saturday?” Harry raised an eyebrow. “That’s our anniversary. At this point, I don’t know if we’ll need any help.”

“A Princess is coming to help us…” Bess trailed off in thought. “You know, since it seems like things are looking up for us, what if we give her a show, too? I mean, even if we don’t end up going back home, we should at least secure ourselves here just in case.”

“Yeah, good point.” Harry put his hand under his chin. “If we’re going to do that, we might need to rent a bigger theater for the occasion.”


“I see,” Trixie said once the Houdini’s had finished their tale. “To be honest, I’m impressed that you’ve managed to make a name for yourselves so quickly, yet Trixie can clearly see now that it is because you needed to earn some bits so that you could stand on your own hooves, in a manner of speaking.”

“Quite,” Harry nodded, “and since we’re not certain how long we might be staying, it doesn’t hurt to be financially secure.”

The blue magician nodded. “I know that feeling a little too well myself. Do you have anypony that might miss you back home or any of your troupe for that matter? Are there friends and family that await you?”

“Our family isn’t a large one,” Bess admitted. “The only family Harry’s got is his brother, who’s also a magician. I suppose everyone else has people waiting for them, though. Some of them are starting to get homesick.”

“I think that’s the hardest part for everybody right now,” Harry commented. “Even though we’re in a place of wonder such as this, we tend to miss the familiar feel of home.” He got up off the floor and stood up. “Anyway, thanks so much for that wonderful show. It really helped me see what kind of a show we have to give tomorrow.”

The blue mare smiled. “Trixie does what she can. I wish you the best of luck in performing for the Princess of the Sun.”

He reached out his hand to shake her hoof. “Just you wait, I’ve already got a new trick planned, one that I’ve never done before. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“What new trick?” Bess inquired.

Both she and Trixie looked over to Harry, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he pointed to his mouth with his pointer finger while his thumb stood straight up before he closed his jaw in a wide grin.

Confused, Trixie turned to Bess just in time to see her eyes widen. “Harry! I thought you promised me that you were never going to do that.”

“I know, I know, but I think I’ve finally figured out a way to do it safely.”

“Do what safely?” Trixie questioned.

“Quick question.” Harry leaned down over her. “You don’t happen to know what a gun is by any chance, do you?”

Author's Note:

Up next, the performance for Princess Celestia!