• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 1,380 Views, 136 Comments

I Will Save You - Windlife

On a cold, stormy night, Twilight finds a little filly crying outside her door. Surprisingly, it's Scootaloo. Without anywhere to go, can Twilight mend this lost, broken heart? *No Haters Please. Don't like it? Don't read it.*

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Don't Hurt The Little Girl

Scootaloo tried to get up but fell down because rain was falling from the sky and her hooves were wet. The clouds were very musty and seemed to be angry with her, but she didn’t know why. Maybe it was because she was the orphan.

She didn’t like to be called the orphan because it make her remember that she had many no parents. It was just yesterday that she remembered the day that she was taken away by the governments. Her parents were brutally traffic ticketed after they were ran over by a the bigmac.

She cry very much because she was not there when it happened because she was watching the new hit TV show Rick and Morty in Equestria which was supposed to be on the season finale. It was a very happy ending until she knew her parents were very dead.

Scootaloo closed her grimy eyes and wiped away the sad hoping to get out of her little box. The box was very brown and made of the cardboard it was made out of.

“Why me, I am so very saddened right now because my parents are dead and I am the orphan.” Just then she saw Rainbow Dash fly above and Scootaloo thought “Wow, what a good thing she is becuase I want her to be me mum.”

“What are you doing out here?” say a little voice from the behind. “It was very hard to find you out in this musty weather but I found you!”

Scootaloo turn round and saw that Twilight was there and had tears in her eyes and they were jumping out onto the muddy ground. “I was so very worried that no pony would find me out here because i am the orphan.”

“Oh no you are not the orphan you are my orphan.” Twilight put her hooves out and nodded her head. “Come give me the big huge you used to give to your parents.”

Scootaloo was very happy and the sun came out like lightning, but it was very loud and they both had to cover there ears because of the thunder.


They were now at the home of the treehouse and it was very warm next to the hot fire. “What are we going to do now?” asked Scootaloo with little look in Twilight’s eyes.

“I wanted you to eat here and sleep here and breather all your air here and play games here.” Twilight had a huge smile on her face.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash came in the house and said “Hello I am here to eat dinner with you now.”

Twilight pushed Scootaloo aside and jumped up to run to Rainbow Dash. “Oh wow you are here and I love you!”

Rainbow Dash pushed her aside and said, “Why is Scootaloo here?”

Scootaloo got up and said, “Rainbow Dash! I really want to talk to you about how I really want to tell you that I am a orphan!”

Rainbow Dash melted with joy and ran over to Scootaloo. With a little look in both their eye, they were hugging but Twilight didn’t look happy at all from the sidelines.

You want to be happy with her? I am the one who helped you! You can’t do this to me....

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked as she cocked her head to the side, “What’s up?”

Twilight suddenly snapped out of her crazed planning long enough to notice that both Rainbow and Scootaloo were staring at her like she was some type of alien. “Oh!” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck whilst letting out a soft giggle, “I was just thinking, you know? Hahaha!”

Awkwardness filled the room for a short period of time before Scootaloo simply broke the silence. “Hey, Rainbow Dash?” she asked, “Can you stay here with Twilight for a bit? I think it would be really cool to have you both here!”

Rainbow Dash momentarily felt her muscles tense as her mind was flooded by thoughts. I can’t stay here, I have to go to the big race!

“Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo spoke up with a bit of worry injected into her voice, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” Rainbow suddenly blurted, giving Scootaloo the biggest smile she could muster. “I was just thinking that Twilight wouldn’t want me staying here, cuz I eat all her food and all!” Rainbow Dash’s gaze snapped to Twilight. “Right, Twilight?”

She shrugged, “I don’t mind if you stay for a few days.”

YES!” Scootaloo almost screamed as she jumped into the air. Her little wings flapped furiously whilst she was airborne, causing her to float gently back to the wooden floor of the library like a feather.

After landing, Scootaloo ran up to Rainbow and grabbed one of her front legs. “Can you see my room!?” she shot off. “I have tons of posters of you and it would be really, really cool if told me which ones were your favorite so I c-”

“Scootaloo…?” Twilight said softly as the room around her seemingly fell into a bout of verbal chaos.

“Then we can go out tomorrow to get a few things ‘cuz I really want you to pick out all the stuff I should have for my room and-”

“Scootaloo!” Twilight yelled as she stomped her hoof.

The room fell into bliss silence as Scootaloo swiveled her head around. Her eyes met with Twilight’s and a sheepish grin grew on her face. “Sorry Twilight…” Scootaloo lowered her head in shame as she dismount Rainbow’s leg.

Twilight smiled, “It’s fine… You’re excited, I get it.” Moving over to Scootaloo, Twilight put her hoof under Scootaloo’s chin and lifted her head. “But why don’t we let Rainbow settle in first?”

“I think that’s a good idea.” Rainbow spoke up. “We’ll be able to all that stuff you wanted to do tomorrow.”

The once forgotten smile reformed itself on Scootaloo’s face. “Really?”

“Of course!”

As Scootaloo began to hop in front of her, Twilight saw the signs of another “fangirl” moment coming. “Wait a minute!” Twilight spoke up, “Why don’t you go brush your teeth? It’s time for bed.”

Scootaloo froze and looked up at Twilight. “But Twilight!” With little to no effort, her lips began to quiver and her eyes became glossy.

“No buts, get in there and brush your teeth."

Author's Note:

More later the coming