• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 537 Views, 2 Comments

Pony Ball: The Saga of Kitsune - Matthew Stone

A young fox named Kitsune discovers that he is the only one who can save his planet from an alien armada.

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Beginning of the End, Part 1

Kitsune and his friends are at the edge of the desert, with the rim intersecting the town. The fire has died down with one of Flash Sentry’s magical items, and Pico managed to contact William on his phone to see if the other element is safe in his hands. Luckily, yes, from what the worm responded. However there’s no telling when Cosmos will plan the next attack. Pico then looks at Kitsune, who’s weeping while noticing the blowing sand of the dry plains.

“It’s war Cosmos wants…” Kitsune hums, “Does she really expect me to fight my own cousin?”

“We have no choice.” Pico says, “Unless there’s an element to bring Justin back to his senses, we will find it. However, we must focus on finding six more opal shaped elements. They might help us take Cosmos down.”

“Might…” Kitsune gnarls, “That’s the word that doesn’t guarantee anything. I want to bring her to justice now…”

Back home, the worm is dusting the bookshelves in the living room; doing is chores while Nate is away.

“Boring, boring, boring…” William complains silently.

He then squirms to check up on the element, hidden in a vault that’s under a hole of the library floor. The library is located by the living room, and is designed like a dome covered in silver paint. Diamond covers decorate each knowledgeable book. William then heads over to a rug, and pulls it aside to lift up a door in the floor. He squints his eyes, seeing the opal with the slightest purple hue.

“You trying to steal it?” a voice snarls behind him, “Because I AM…”

His throat has a dagger placed upon him, as William gulps. A hoof then grabs hold of his body, as the female muzzle whispers into his ear. It’s Trixie, and she has a hood cover her head.

“Take out the opal element slowly, and hand it to my men…” she instructs.

The worm can see her assistants behind her, and they’re carrying machetes for weapons.

“I also heard rumor that you know where the next six elements are.” Trixie says.

“Yeah… maybe…” William shakes, “But they’re guarded real well in each…”

“We have the crown element, so don’t act like you can get out of this!” Trixie snaps, “Since it’s true you know their history and possible locations, you’re coming with us!”

William yelps, and makes a sudden bit onto her other hoof. She squeals, as she drops the dagger without thinking. The worm takes hold of the opal, dodging the other villainous horses trying to attack him with their blades. William then makes pace to leave the library, heading out of the home to go get help… and protection.

“Get him!” Trixie orders to her henchmen, “But don’t kill him! Just injure him if you have to stop him. We need him alive!”

William is squirming as fast as he can. It’s ironic that the house he lives in is no longer safe, but right now, he HAS to find somepony to help him. As he wheezes over the next hill, he trips over and bumps into a familiar friend he seen before.

“What are you up to now?” the anthro cowboy pony asks the worm.

“KENDRA!” William exclaims, “Some pony girl named Trixie is coming after with the opal! She insists I know about…”

“The other elements?” Kendra guesses, “I believe that’s true too. But there’s no way anypony can take interest in thinking that you know where…”

“One is at the lost mountain!” William insists, letting her know he’s honest.

“THERE HE IS!” two voices exclaim behind them.

Kendra looks up, seeing William isn’t joking about bad guys following him.

“Lost mountain?” Kendra sighs, “We need to get an aircraft if we need to get there. First, we need to find out where Kitsune is.”

As the henchmen throw ninja blades at them, Kendra grabs each one before they strike, and swirl them back the opposite direction to cut them, slowing their stamina. The villains keep running, while Kendra picks up the worm and runs through the hills like a racer. In a couple minutes, William discovered that he was close to Kendra’s home by coincidence. It’s shaped like a barn, and is hidden in the green hills like a fortress. Snaps then sound, as Kendra looks back to see that the henchmen are shooting bullets at them, OUT OF AK-47S!

“We got to hurry!” Kendra squeaks.

The cowboy pony then looks ahead to see a little filly pop out of the home entrance. It’s Megan Pie, her little sister. And the innocent pony child whimpers as she sees the bad guys following her with weapons.

“MEGAN! Get to the shed and open it!” Kendra calls to her, “It’s aircraft time!”

Megan nods, and rushes out of the house to trot quickly to a shed that’s in front of her. However, before she gets closer, a huge cloud of blue smoke explodes in her way. A sudden hoof grabs the filly by the throat, as Trixie takes hold of Megan, making her a hostage.

“NO!” Kendra screams as she halts, “LET HER GO!”

“Hand over the worm, and she may live…” Trixie scowls, as she points a gun to the filly’s head.

Kendra can then see the henchman approaching closer to her with the riffles in their hooves. William sweats, clinging tightly to his friend. Then, he weeps and starts to hang loose.

“Just give me to them…” the worm admits, “I don’t want your sister getting hurt.”

“But…” Kendra tries to protest for him.

“Follow his advice…” Trixie snarls.

Kendra hangs hold of the worm, and looks at her sister in despair. Eventually, the worm slips out and sadly heads towards the sinister Trixie. As Trixie points the gun at him, a sudden cyan blur passes by her to punch her in the face!

“YOW!” Trixie wails.

Kendra beams as she sees Hollow Colors arrive in the nick of time. The cyan pegasi then pushes back from the henchmen trying to slice at her with their blades. She kicks up, having her hooved foot graze the first henchmen under the jaw. She then has her next leg kick backward to push the other back before he could attack from behind. Trixie then holds up her gun, and begins to shoot as Hollow dashes at her.

“You just don’t quit, do you?” Trixie asks angrily as Hollow twirls around to miss the bullet’s ricochets.

“I always take risks.” Hollow Colors retorts, “But you just made a bad one!”

It was then that Hollow kicked the gun out of the enemy’s hand. But Trixie pulls something else out of her sleeve, literally. In Hollow’s surprise, she shoots her other gun underneath to try and hit the pegasi’s artery. The villain also ducks under a forward punch from Kendra, as she rushes to help out Hollow. Trixie calls out to her henchmen to help… only to see that both are lassoed up by Megan’s rope work. Trixie roars in anger, as she has her magic come into play.

“MAGIC GUN! EXTEND YOUR ATTACK!” she commands to her weapon.

The weapon’s magic has the length of the gun grow longer, as Trixie begins to shoot menacingly like a vampire. Hollow goes under to miss each attack, though some bullets graze her by the arm. She winches, trying to find a breaking point within Trixie.

Kendra does the same thing, as she notices Trixie’s frustration is now getting the best of her. What Kendra needs to do now is find a way to distract her, that way her attack motives can be damaged and beaten. Maybe if she found something to peeve her, it will get Hollow to attack by surprise. It’s worth a shot. Kendra turns to her little sister, seeing that she’s ready anytime, given she’s holding her other lasso like a real cowgirl.

As Kendra nods at the filly, Megan nods back. The signal triggers the ideal plan, as the filly trots on her hind feet to make the first swing of her rope. She has the loop grab hold of Trixie’s hooved foot, having her trip down.

“OW!” Trixie screams, “The hell?”

Megan then has the loop release, but after the snug drags Trixie back to get a punch in the back from Kendra. Trixie then swings back up and focuses more on fighting Kendra, just as she expected. The cowboy pony then ricochets backwards against the villain’s next gun move, just as Trixie pulls it out to shoot again and again. Trixie’s eyes are concentrated on the two sisters; she didn’t even notice Megan signaling to Hollow that she can charge over to submit her from behind. The cyan pegasi then breaks over with he wings spread out, and has them twirl around to knock Trixie down, just as she makes the landing spin.

As Hollow lands on top of her, Trixie struggles to get up. Buy Hollow manages to pin both her arms behind her back, and holds her steady. Trixie snarls, angry of her defeat.

“I should have won…” she sneers, “I’m the most powerful of all!”

“Bit of a narcissist, are you?” William scoffs, squirming over to her, “Why ELSE do you want me? There’s something else besides the opals, isn’t there?”

“Believe me, we are mainly looking for the elements.” Trixie tells the gang, “TO DESTROY THEM…”

“What? Why do that?” Hollow demands.

“Why not?” Trixie grins, “That fox Justin has become ours now, and that crown element is just what he needed to get such terrific dark power!”

“Kitsune’s Cousin?” Kendra gasps.

“You bitch!” Hollow snarls.

“Kitsune is making his next move. I have the power to know his future like anypony else’s!” Trixie laughs, “My magic can change it too. The curse is already set…”

“Curse…. what…” Hollow tries to understand.

“That’s all I can say.” Trixie said, “You want to figure out more when he finds the second opal, you should take it up with his dead body!”

Kendra yelps in fear, and looks up at Megan, Hollow, and William.

“We need to get in my aircraft, and find Kitsune so we can help him on his mission!” Kendra declares.

As the worm, filly, and pegasi nod in agreement, Kendra’s big brother comes out the entrance of her home. He’s a red, buffed up pony wearing a cowboy suit, and he’s shocked to see the bound up henchmen in the yard. He then looks at the commotion involving Trixie.

“What in…” he starts to ask.

“No time to explain Michel!” Kendra says to her brother, “Call the authorities to come get these hooligans, and watch them until we come back!”

“Right!” the big brother nods.

As he gets the henchmen while Megan opens the aircraft garage, Kendra brings Trixie close to her face. She even snags her gun away, and breaks it in half. This makes the villain scream at that.

“Until we know what else is going on…” Kendra snarls, “You’re coming with us to explain everything else! And you WILL find a way to reverse this spell either like it or not!”

“Is that really a good idea?” William asks.

“She will be a good reference to us…” Hollow sighs.

As Megan ignites the aircraft, she drives it out slowly backwards to have it out in the open. It’s shaped like a small jet, yet it has big balloons on each flipper, to fuel the machine to go up and down in height. The filly then gets out, allowing Kendra to take the pilot’s seat. The filly follows back in, along with William, Hollow, and Trixie. The villain is still held by Hollow’s grip, with unpleasant feeling added to it.

“Be thankful that you aren’t arrested too soon.” Hollow says to her, “Be glad that we didn’t kill you too.”

As Trixie struggles, Kendra closes the aircraft doors, and the gang takes of into the sky to find Kitsune and the rest of his friends.

Somewhere in this universe space, a planet is apart from the world of Destania. Watching the world from a giant telescope is an alien being that looks like a wasp having a horse’s muzzle. The being’s throne room is colored with green, as like the skin she has. The queen overlord herself is watching every move. The aircraft Kendra is flying, the attacks, Kitsune…

“The fox…” The queen sighs, “I can’t let him go further. After that deal I made with Cosmos…”

“You called?” A voice says in the room.

The wasp alien turned to see Cosmos suddenly appeared beside her.

“A second reminder of the bargain.” Cosmos giggles, “If you succeed of taking out Kitsune and bringing him to me peacefully, you will be given full immortality and secondhand ruling of this world of Destania.”

“My race is dire for a new atmosphere.” the wasp queen admits, “Your new orders?”

“Find whoever Kitsune’s friends are, and KILL THEM!” Cosmos snaps.