• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 1,964 Views, 10 Comments

An Impossible Choice - BudCharles

Rainbow Dash has to choose between her greatest dream and her closest friend.

  • ...

An Impossible Choice

"Hehe, you're the best awesome sister ever Rainbow Dash!" Scoots called out as Rainbow Dash caught her and her Scooter in mid-air.

Dashie looked back at the obstacle course behind them. "Heh, not bad yourself Scoots, you got it perfectly this time!"

Scootaloo's eyes lit up as the two ponies landed safely on the ground. "Really? Perfectly?"

"Uh huh, you were all 'whoosh' and I was all 'zoom', it was awesome!"

"We should do it again some time!" Scoots declared, before putting on her cutest face possible, her shiny eyes sparkling as her head titled ever so slightly to the left.

Rainbow Dash began sweating slightly and looked guiltily down at Scootaloo. "Uh, sorry Scoots, I'm kinda busy tomorrow, there's an important storm we have to get planned outside the Everfree - but the day after I can help you practice again, I promise!"

Scootaloo leaped into the air with excitement! Her wings buzzed as she landed back on the ground. "Yay! Yay! Thanks so much awesome sister!"

Rainbow Dash smiled as she was given the tightest hug since the aftermath of the Bug Bear attack. "Heh, no problem", she said, ruffling Scootaloo's mane, "keep being awesome!"


On her way to her afternoon weather duties - Rainbow Dash froze in place. Right there, in the middle of Ponyville, were the Wonderbolts! Soarin, Spitfire and Fleetfoot!

"So - awesome" she whispered to herself as they approached.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash", Spitfire called out, and the three of them headed in Dash's direction.

Rainbow Dash suddenly snapped back to her senses. "Hello ma'm!" she declared, saluting with one of her front hooves.

"Save that for the academy trooper", Spitfire replied as she physically repositioned Rainbow's hoof back on the ground, giving the outward appearance of seriousness but giggling on the inside.

"Yes ma - um - Spitfire."

"Listen, as you know the Centennial Wonderbolts Show is on in the day after tomorrow, and it's a once in a lifetime event."

"Do I ever!" came the gleeful reply from Rainbow, "it's gonna be awesome!"

"I like the enthusiasm. Anyway, Fleetfoot here is injured - actually injured this time - and we need a replacement. No other pony could help out on such short notice so -"

Soarin finished the sentence "-we came looking for you."

"Me?!" Rainbow Dash gasped, astonished.

"You're the best pony we know at improvising", Spitfire explained, "and you've got the ability to pull it off, so what do ya say?"

"YEAH-" Rainbow started.

Then she stopped.

"Actually, uh..."

"I know it's a big ask", Spitfire interrupted, "and I don't expect you to answer straight away, but if you're up for it, just call in - we're in Canterlot which is only a short flight away".

The Wonderbolt handed Rainbow Dash a uniform and a piece of paper with an address, before flying off as quickly as she seemed to arrive, the other Wonderbolts following behind. Rainbow noticed Fleetfoot falling slightly behind the others and flapping her wings hard to try and keep up.


In the sunny afternoon skies above Ponyville, the clouds disappeared one by one, as per usual. The rest of the pegasi were on break in the many cafes and houses below - Rainbow Dash liked to handle the afternoon weather shift alone.

This was her time to clear her mind as well as the sky, and today she had a lot to think about.

Dash sighed and effortlessly bucked a cloud behind her into disintegrating. "What am I gonna do", she thought out loud, "I can't just leave Scootaloo - but this is the biggest chance I'm ever gonna have".

She punched a punching-bag-shaped cloud in front of her. "This is impossible, there's no way of deciding - unless..."

She kicked another cloud out of the way.

"Unless I saw the Princess of Friendship!"

Dashie smiled to herself, quickly zoomed around the sky leaving a trail of disintegrating white cotton balls of cloud behind her, and flew straight towards Twilight's castle... and through the window of said castle.

"AAH!" squeaked the princess, dropping a book and half-eaten doughnut. Twilight Sparkle turned around to see Rainbow Dash standing in front of her with an apologetic smile.

Twilight was glad to see a familiar face, she didn't have to act regal, which would have been a difficult endeavor considering she just dropped a book and half a doughnut on the floor, and her mane looked like it had just been through an Everfree storm.

"Sorry" Rainbow Dash blurted out. The apology seemed underwhelming, but she didn't know what else could have left her mouth. "For - uh - crashing and stuff", she unelegantly added.

"That's fine, I do it all the time" Twilight laughed, gesturing subtly for Spike to clean up the shattered window panes, "plus, I wanted to show you The Ultimate Guide to Otter Habitats, Fluttershy showed it to me and it's well worth a read".

"Uh uh", Rainbow Replied, about as enthusiastically as Maud Pie talking about a hockey match. "Anyway I have a bit of a problem, and I thought I should come to you".

"Sure!" Twilight answered as Spike scurried away towards the bin with a dustpan full of stained glass.

Rainbow explained her whole predicament, Scootaloo, Fleetfoot, the show, the promise - then she looked expectantly at Twilight.

"It's a difficult problem", Twilight replied, "that's for sure. I mean this is your dream and your friend, you have to make the choice, sorry I can't help more. I could help look after Scootaloo if you do decide to leave?"

"Nah, it's fine" Dashie sighed, "thanks anyway."

Twilight watched with concern as her blue friend flew out the hole where the window used to be.

"I hope she'll be alright", Twilight said to herself.

"I hope the window isn't too expensive", Spike added.


One day to go. The Centennial Show was tomorrow. Rainbow Dash had to make up her mind - and she had made it.

She knocked on the door of a small white-painted apartment in Canterlot. It was in a row of similar buildings on an ordinary back street - without directions Rainbow would never have found it.

The door swung open and there stood 3 Wonderbolts, Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot.

"Made up your mind?" Spitfire asked bluntly, but not aggressively.

"Yeah", Dash said, a hint of sadness in her voice, "I wish I could help out, but I made a promise to a friend, and I gotta keep it."

She handed over the uniform, and walked away as the door closed behind her. That was it. Her greatest chance ever, thrown away. She wondered if they'd even accept her back into the academy after this. But the thought of Scootaloo's face if she didn't turn up - that outweighed anything else.


Scootaloo was so excited, this was going to be the best day ever! First she'd get to practice on her scooter with Rainbow Dash, and then she'd get VIP seats to the Wonderbolts show with Princess Twilight! The only way this could possibly be awesomer was if Rainbow Dash was a Wonderbolt. She knew that would happen eventually though, Rainbow Dash was so awesome.

Scoots smiled as her "awesome sister" arrived, running right up to her. But she saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Scootaloo asked with the most adorable innocent voice.

"Heh, nothing Scoots, it's alright" Rainbow Dash smiled, "let's get on with being awesome!"

"Rainbow Dash?" Scoots asked, just as innocently.

"Yeah Scoots?"

"You think we could pretend to be Wonderbolts? I could be Spitfire, and you could be Soarin!"

Suddenly Rainbow Dash realised the obvious. Her face, eyes and feathers all seemed to light up at once.

"Follow me!", she instructed, picking up Scootaloo and putting her on her back.

"Wait, where are we going?"

"Somewhere awesome!"


The door to the Wonderbolts' apartment creaked open. Fleetfoot, Soarin and Spitfire could be seen lying on the floor, multiple empty pizza boxes and a still-running Neighstation surrounding them.

Scootaloo attempted to peek in, but Rainbow Dash instructed her to stay outside.

"Don't go anywhere", Dash said, "I'll be right back!"

She walked inside and nudged Spitfire. Nothing happened. She nudged again.

"Huh, no mum, I didn't take the keys" Spitfire said out loud before getting up and shaking her head. "Whoa! Rainbow Dash!"

"Yeah, sorry about before", Rainbow apologised.

"We totally understand, don't we - oh."

Spitfire shot a gust of cold wind at Soarin, waking him up.

"We understand Rainbow Dash don't we Soarin?" Spitfire asked again.

"What, huh, yeah, what she said."

"Anyway, I've changed my mind", Rainbow Dash announced, "I'll fly at the show."

"Are you crazy?!" Spitfire gasped, "you've only got twelve hours to come up with a routine! And practice"

"I like to push myself" came the reply, with a witty smirk packaged alongside it.

Spitfire smiled. "Then welcome to the team, Wonderbolt!"

"Just one thing though", Rainbow began.


Scootaloo's jaw hung open as Rainbow Dash came back out the door in a full Wonderbolts costume, carrying a shiny, streamlined scooter painted in Wonderbolts colours and a filly-sized uniform in her mouth.

Rainbow gently placed them in front of Scootaloo. "So, you wanna be a Wonderbolt huh?"

Scootaloo was rendered completely speechless, but her huge grin and eyes that had pretty much doubled in size answered for her.

Rainbow Dash scooped up Scootaloo and her Wonderbolts gear, and they flew back to Ponyville in a state of absolute ecstasy. Rainbow Dash did several 360 degree spins of joy above Canterlot - unbeknownst to Rainbow, Spitfire was watching from her window and spitting out her coffee giggling.

"I can't wait to see what this maniac comes up with", she thought to herself.


Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had spent all afternoon planning and practicing. They had gone through Twilight Sparkle's entire collection of blank scrolls, Applejack's entire collection of spare wood and Pinkie Pie's entire collection of refreshments - but they had done it. They had come up with the perfect routine.

"Alright," Rainbow Dash whispered in the Canterlot Stadium dressing room, "this is it, it starts now."

Scootaloo nervously whispered back, even quieter, "I - I don't know if I can do it".

"Scoots, don't worry, you'll be fine, and if anything goes wrong, I'm here for ya."

"What if I mess up, and Diamond Tiara makes fun of me? I'll never forget it!"

"She'll never forget it by the time I'm finished with her!"

Scootaloo giggled and smiled up at Rainbow Dash, who smiled back.


The stadium itself was absolutely huge, it was a fair way out from Canterlot, so it was hidden from most angles by mountains, but from the stadium Canterlot's evening skyline could be clearly seen - and it looked beautiful. Luna had baked up an extra-special night for the occasion, and combined with the candlelights shimmering from all the building windows, the stars and galaxies created a work of art, with its own kind of magic.

A huge obstacle course took up most of the stadium grounds, and right in the middle was a tall stage.

As always, the Equestrian night air was beautiful, cold and fresh, untouched by any kind of industry. This time, it was also filled with the scent of freshly baked apple pies being served as refreshments (at Soarin's request). Sweet Apple Acres' revenues (and workload) had literally doubled overnight.

Up in the highest row of seats sat Princesses Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Cadance, Cadance's husband Shining Armour, and in front of Twilight three cutie mark crusaders - Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs Seed - welcomed back as a "guest crusader" for the occasion.

The cadets finished their pre-show performance, the crowd erupted with cheering, and then, finally, Soarin and Spitfire flew up to the stage in the centre of the stadium, followed closely by Rainbow Dash, carrying an excited but nervous Scootaloo. A spotlight shone right on the four of them, and Spitfire walked up to the microphone.

"Alright everyone, we got some good news, and some bad news", began Spitfire. "The bad news is that Fleetfoot was injured during a practice run a couple days ago, and we couldn't get any other Wonderbolts in on such short notice".

The disappointed crowd let out a huge collective "awww".

"The good news," Soarin continued, "is that the Centennial Show will go on, thanks to our two volunteer Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, who have added their own part to the routine. Give us a round of applause for them!"

The crowd cheered wildly, there was whooping and happy tears from the pegasi in the crowd as they leaped out of their seats and waved Wonderbolt-coloured flags.

"Now", Spitfire announced, "I'm sure you're sick of waiting so let's GET THIS SHOW STARTED!"

The crowd went even more ballistic, huge Wonderbolts banners were waved, confetti went flying and pegasi flew several rows forwards to get closer to the action. It was so chaotic that Discord spat out his radioactive oats!


Soarin and Spitfire took to the air!

The crowd was wowed as usual, as they pulled off their most daring stunts yet - they twisted and turned through a maze of thunderclouds, blasting lightning in all directions! They zoomed through a series of rings coloured with a full rainbow of fire! They flew as high as they could possibly go, then came soaring down, causing three rainbooms at once.

Now it was Rainbow Dash's turn. The spotlight shone straight at Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, standing at the bottom of a huge rollercoaster-like scooter track. The crowd watched expectantly.

"Remember, if anything goes wrong, I'm right next to you, alright?" Rainbow whispered.

Scootaloo nodded.

"And remember, you're awesome!"

Scoots smiled and got a huge run up, before taking off onto the track! Rainbow Dash zoomed in loop-de-loops around her, lighting up the path with a bright, glowing trail of rainbow which contrasted with the darkness of the night.

The crowd cheered wildly as Rainbow Dash soared into the air, accompanied by Soarin and Spitfire, the three of them improvising all kinds of crazy moves, showing off to each other as much as the crowd. Together, they spun into the air and zoomed around a huge cloud in the sky, turning it into a huge tornado literally floating above the stadium.

The crowd's attention then turned back to Scootaloo as she dodged several rocks and flew into the air across a huge jump, before zooming straight down a massive ramp at high speed! The friction from her wheels sparked a huge trail of fire behind her, which was sucked into the tornado, turning into a huge glowing mass of fire in the sky above.

Finally, it was time for the grand finale! Scootaloo went flying up an even more humongous ramp, boosted by a huge gust of wind from the Wonderbolts, and took off into the open air! She looked around her and realised she was so high that she could see the entire stadium below her! Then, she started falling.

WHOOOOOOOSH, she felt the air warming up around her as she whizzed towards the ground. She closed her eyes in fear and the crowd were silenced in suspense. Then, with Scoots just metres from the ground, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts came flying in at the last second and caught her!

Scootaloo open her eyes to find herself in Rainbow Dash's arms as she flew with the Wonderbolts beside her. The crowd was cheering like crazy, fireworks were going off in the sky above and the smell of smoke drifted downwards. Scootaloo was 30 metres above the ground, surrounded by a huge crowd and with lights and fireworks going off in every direction, yet safe in Rainbow Dash's arms, she felt like she might as well have been sitting in Ponyville relaxing and watching the birds fly by.

As the pegasi continued their lap of the stadium, a grey mailmare cheered and hi-fived Scootaloo, who smiled and hi-fived back.

This really was the most awesome thing ever!

As Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo landed safely back on the stage, with the Wonderbolts on either side of them, a bright light appeared. Rainbow Dash looked around for whatever spotlight had been pointed in the wrong direction, but then realised it was Scootaloo! She looked down at Scootaloo and saw a shiny new picture of a scooter wheel surrounded by flames on her flank - SCOOTALOO HAD HER CUTIE MARK! And a hole burned through her expensive Wonderbolts costume - but mainly her cutie mark!

The crowd cheered even more as Rainbow Dash gave Scootaloo a hug, and the other Wonderbolts joined in as well.


Once the crowd had calmed down and the four pegasi and the princesses had each given a speech, the Wonderbolts, along with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, finally left the stage, and headed back to the dressing room.

"That was so cool" Scootaloo remarked as they walked in.

Rainbow Dash laughed. "I know, you've only told me twelve times!"

"I can't believe I was a Wonderbolt though! And I got my cutie mark! And you were the most awesome sister ever!"

"You know", Spitfire interrupted, "you two were pretty awesome out there". She put extra emphasis on the word, mocking Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's favourite mannerism in a friendly way.

"Nah, we were more radical to be honest", Rainbow Dash laughed back.

"Seriously though" Soarin added, "you only had a day to figure that out, that was amazing, we could do with someone like you on the team".

"Thanks", Rainbow Dash answered, lost for words.

Spitfire completed the though. "What Soarin's saying is, we want you to join the Wonderbolts - permanently."

"Us?" Rainbow and Scootaloo asked in unison.

"Yep, you!" Spitfire then turned to Rainbow Dash. "Of course that doesn't mean you get out of going to the academy, but I'll let you in on a secret, you were pretty much going to pass anyway, so you can consider yourself an official Wonderbolt."

"W-what about me," Scootaloo asked, "I haven't passed the academy? I can't even fly!"

"You", Spitfire smiled, "don't need to. You've got your academy right here!"

Spitfire pointed to Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo giggled and hugged the rainbow-coloured pony.

"Of course, we still might be able to find scooter classes for you, but like Rainbow Dash, we consider you a Wonderbolt already. So, you two accept?"

"We'll think about it", Rainbow Dash said jokingly, before her and Scootaloo both called out "YES!"

Author's Note:

EDIT: Oh my gosh, thanks so much for your kind words everyone X3 I'm glad I made one story that actually worked out well lol!

Hope you enjoyed reading! :scootangel:

Sorry that the pacing is even worse than my first story. I just can't seem to get stories to flow right, I can get a heap of scenes in a row but can't find a way to turn 10 scenes into 1 story. :ajsleepy: Any advice would be appreciated but you don't have to give any, thanks if you do though :twilightsmile:

Anyway there's sort of a hint to A Friend In Scootaloo here, but you don't have to get it to follow the story so don't worry :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 9 )

This one was actually quite nice. Maybe flush out the transition between scenes, but overall it was a good read~

I saw nothing wrong with your story what so ever. I really liked it and you made me cry so I do hope you come back to writing. You have earned a favourite, a follow and a like.


6420045 Aww thanks so much :3 That means a lot! I'm going to try to write something this weekend, I've been putting it off for 2 weeks, I should get paid for procrastinating and I'd be rich :P

The reason I left for a while is kind of two-fold, I posted one story while angry which I now deleted which upset a lot of people I think (it was basically about human exploitation of animals), so that sort of put me off writing. Plus I've got a heap of schoolwork which should vanish at the end of this week because HOLIDAYS :D At least in Australia :P

Read this to my little cousin and she loved it! She loves Rainbow Dash and this story just...so cute!!

6699236 Oh my gosh, thanks so much :) Glad you both like it!

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