• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 1,722 Views, 17 Comments

My little Hellsing II - Mr Wolf

The sequel you've all waited for! Alucard and the gang getting into trouble in Equestria.

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The Prank war: Hellsing vs Pinkie,Rainbow and Discord

Alucard strolled lazily down the streets of Ponyville. Ever since his boss, Sir Integra, made him not go on bloodthirsty rampage every time he went out for a walk, things have just been to quiet for him. He wondered how he was gonna bring spice back to his life when suddenly... SPLASH! A water balloon hit him square in the face. As the water dripped down his face, he could see Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash laughing at him and, surprise surprise, water balloons just beside them.

"Oh ha ha, at least you get fun." Alucard stated in a boring tone.

"Yeah. Though it's kinda nice to see you not blasting off a manticore or changelings head. Flutters is really upset that you did that." Rainbow told the red vampire.

Alucard groaned and left on his way to Sugarcube Corner, he had gown a liking to a cupcake called the "Alucards Rage"

(Apologies but due to Internet safety laws I am unable to show what happened for Alucard to have that cupcake named after him. When I tried to type it, men in uniform came and said that unless I want to go to jail, I shouldn't type it. Here is a video of ponies sliding through boxes to compensate).

Alucard entered Sugarcube Corner an walked over to Mr cake who was busy serving Seras. Turning around, Seras saw her master and smiled.
"Master! So nice of you to come." The she-vampire said.

"Yeah, just wish that bitch, Integra, let me have my fun. Any way, I'll take the usual Mr Rape."

Mr cake just scowled. "For the ten hundred and sixty second time Alucard, it is pronounced Mr Cake!" he then proceeded to give Alucard his named cupcake. At the same time Seras took a bite of her blue frosting cupcake--


Everyone turned to look in the female vampire's direction as the cloud dissipated from her soot covered face. A look of shock sketched there for all to see. "What?!" At that moment Discord appeared and began to laugh his chaotic tail of (he literally did laugh it off! It also hopped around dressed in a Hawaiian hula outfit).

"HA! HA !HA! OH! OH! THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE! PRICELESS!" The mismatched creature howled. Seras however, was not pleased. And pulled her Harkonnen out of a potted plant.

"I gave her lessons on how to do that!" Pinkie yelled at the roof. Though everyone just dismissed it as more Pinkie nonsense.

(A/N Pinkie, don't break the fourth wall!)

"ALRIGHT, GIVE ME A GOOD REASON WHY I SHOULDN'T BLOW YOUR FACE OFF" Seras yelled at the Draconequus. Discord merely smiled.

"Because we don't want your boss to be mad at you!" Discord's smug face only caused Seras to growl.(No not in the vampiric way. the teenage girl way!)and so she grabbed hold of Alucard and told him.

"We are going to tell Sir Integra that she will let us have our fun!"



It was just one word and Seras was completely shocked. Alucard was however enraged. "The last time I let you two have revenge, it led to me to signing sixty eight apology letters for the construction workers union, along with a bill of over 30,000 bits!" Yelled Sir Integra


Sir Integra stood, mouth open, at the destruction that was the Manehattan Natural History Museum. Alucard sat in the seat of a bulldozer whilst Seras was busy blasting at any remaining wreckage, both smiling their toothy grins.

Sir Integra just sat behind her desk, holding her head. "Thankfully they saw you coming and evacuated both the ponies and the exhibits."

"Well they shouldn't have charged me extra for carrying guns!" Alucard stated. This time his boss stood up and looked him in the eye.

"Alucard." She began. "Nothing good can come from revenge. You need to understand that." However, when she sat down she was met with a horrible surprise.


In a bang and flash of light, Sir Integra's formal suit had turned into a clown's outfit, make up and all. Even her hair wasn't spared as it was suddenly a mess of orange and red.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF--" Laughter interrupted Sir Integra. The female vampire turned and saw Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Discord. All of them clutching their sides as Discord teleported them somewhere. The Head of the Hellsing Organisation turned to her fellow vampires. "FORGET WHAT I SAID ABOUT REVENGE! WE ARE GOING TO PRANK THEM GOOD!" His bosses psychotic smile gave even Alucard the shivers.


Rainbow Dash was sleeping up in her cloud when the smoky form of Alucard drifted up under her. Holding buckets of Pink and Red paint, a small paintbrush and a heart-shaped stencil.

Good, she's asleep. thought Alucard, and with a mischievous grin, he set to work.


Sir Integra looked over to the crate that had "Danger" written allover it. She had doubts that this was a good idea but the memory of the clown prank made her judgement certain. She looked over to the wall-eyed mare over the counter. "I want this delivered to Discord in two hours!".


Seras sneaked up behind the tired out Pinkie, who fell asleep five minutes ago after looking after the cake twins. In the female vampires hand, he held a bottle of black hair dye and some hair gell. If anyone was in that room, they would see the fangs of the Vampire.


"So let me get this straight, you think that those Hellsing kids did this?" Discord asked.

"Think? I know they did this!" Screamed Rainbow Dash. On her flank, where her cutie mark was supposed to be, was a heart that said "I 'heart' Hellsing." Pinkie Pie, looking both sad and angry, had her now-black mane done in an emo style.

"Listen I-"There was a knock on Discord's home (Which was actually Fluttershy's old garden shed) and the Draconequus opened the door, revealing a certain wall-eyed mare next to a crate nearly twice her size.

"Package for Mr. Discord, Please sign here".

Discord did as he was asked and gave Derpy a muffin as a tip. (Sorry just an ordinary muffin). After opening it up he saw the commanding officers of Millennium.

"Guten Tag!" Yelled Rip Van Winkle, before she shot Discord in the face.


The Prank War went on for a week before Anderson put a stop to it.

"All right since my favorite bayonet was nearly destroyed in one your pranks, I'm ending it here. And as much as I hate to say this, but Alucard and his team wins."

Rainbow Dash was shocked. "But I thought you hated them!"

"They brought back Nazi's that were dead for over millions of years, if you could top that we wouldn't be having this conversation." replied the Paladin.


Anderson walked through his home (A lovely mansion which was given by some loyal ponies) and as he walked past his favorite bayonet, he noticed it was Red with the word "ALUCARD" written in black on the blade.

Anderson yelled at the sky.