• Published 7th Sep 2015
  • 2,229 Views, 25 Comments

Dragon Age: Equestria - OkemosBrony

The Inquisition sails east to discover a new continent ravaged by its own Breach.

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Chapter 1: The Lights In The Shadow


Twilight looked out over the world of Equestria flying by her below her chariot, the wind blowing through her mane. The further she got from Canterlot, the less ravaged the land got; when she first took off, fires burned all over the land and Royal Guard camps had cropped up around nearly all the monster-spewing holes, but they were spreading too fast for the Guard to keep up.

For the rest of the flight, Twilight rested her face in her hooves. She was unsure about what Princess Celestia had told her, but the fear that loomed over all of Equestria made her desperate for anything that would work.

When she landed, she hopped out in the middle of a small camp with a few tents. There was a small fire going in the middle of the camp, with a few tall, light-skinned creatures sitting around it. One of them, wearing a dull red coat and with a long stick on his back, got up and walked over to her.

“Princess Twilight, I presume?” he asked. Looking up at him, Twilight got slightly intimidated; he was tall and thin, with intricate brown tattoos all over his face.

“Yes,” she replied shakily.

“I am the Inquisitor, leader of the Inquisition,” he introduced himself. Looking behind her, he studied the hole in the sky. “And how long has that been there?”

“About a few months,” she replied, turning around and looking at it. “It started small, but it’s growing.” She turned back and looked at him. “You said you knew about it?”

“It’s a Breach,” he explained. “A massive rip between the Fade and our world. If not stopped, it will swallow up our world, and the demons of the Fade will overrun us.”

Twilight’s heart sank in her stomach. “Can you stop it?”

He smiled lightly. “It will be difficult. But it’s possible. We’ll need all the allies we can get.”

One day earlier

“Inquisitor!” Mahanon heard Scout Harding call while knocking on his door. “Our scouts have finished their report of the area.”

Getting up from his desk, he opened the door from his private cabin on the ship and looked down at Scout Harding. “What have they found?”

“It’s...complicated,” she said, starting to walk out of the boat.

“How so?” he asked, following her.

“It turns out there are some animals here capable of speech,” she said. “We tried to ask them about the Breach, but they got confused and really angry at us, demanding we come with them and all that. We’ve got them tied up outside.”

“Tied up?” he asked. “Hardly seems an appropriate way to meet a new people.”

“They didn’t give us much of a choice. We asked them to come peacefully, but they resisted. Don’t worry; none of them are hurt. Embarrassed probably, but otherwise fine.”

As they walked out onto the deck of the ship, Mahanon looked down to the camp they had started to set up. Sitting by the fire were a few colorful horses, tied up and looking angry. As he and Harding walked down to them, one of them scowled at them.

“What do you want now?” one of them growled at them.

“I just have a few questions,” he said, crossing his arms. “My scouts tell me you’re angry at them. Whatever for?”

“Tying us up, for starters,” he replied.

“She said you were mad at her before they tied you up, and that you’re now tied up because you were angry at them.”

“None of them would answer our questions.”

“And those are…?”

“We just asked them who they were and what they were doing!” he said defensively. “So we followed them. Figured they were maybe some of those monsters.”

“The ones coming from the hole in the sky?”


“Untie them,” Mahanon ordered to Harding, and she moved to them and started to untie the rope binding them. “Those are demons. We’re not.” He pointed to the boat behind him. “We came from Theads, in the west. We had a Breach of our own there, and we managed to close it.”

As the rope fell off around them, the main horse stood up quickly and entered a formal stance. “Commander Lawful Shield, Equestrian Royal Guard,” he said proudly.

“Inquisitor Lavellan, Inquisition leader,” Mahanon replied. “I have to admit, I’ve never seen any horses capable of speaking to me. Or as colorful as you are.”

“‘Horse’?” Lawful Shield replied confusedly. “I, Inquisitor Lavellan, am a pony. I know not of these ‘horses’ you speak of.”

“I...alright,” Mahanon replied, sharing a confused glance with Scout Harding.

“And what is it you are?”

“I am an elf.” He pointed at Harding. “Scout Harding here is a dwarf. Are there none of us in your lands?”

“Never seen any of your kind in my life,” he shook his head. “You sailed over the ocean to get here, you said?”

“Some sailors reported back that there was a Breach over this land, just as there was one over ours. The Inquisition was the one to close the Breach, so we were told to come here.”

“You’re going to need a bigger boat,” he remarked, looking at the single boat the Inquisition had taken. “There are a lot of those...what did you call them? Demons?”

“Yes. And not all of us came. Our homeland of Thedas now looks to us for guidance, so we were not able to send everyone we had across the ocean. Many of our allies are also afraid, and do not want to pledge anything to us yet.”

“So...it’s just the few of you against a hole in the sky spewing demons?”

“You make it sound harder than it will be,” he laughed. “But we’ll need help. Do you have a general or an emperor we could get help from? If we’re going to close the Breach, we’ll need all the manpower we can get.”

“Private Pauldron!” the Commander yelled to one of the ponies behind him, who snapped to attention quickly. “Write a letter to Princess Celestia. Tell her what’s happened.” The Private nodded, then started to run, but stopped dead in his tracks.

“Commander?” he said meekly. “We have nothing to write to her with.”

“I’ll help you with that,” Scout Harding said, beckoning the Private over. He followed her, then the two disappeared into the Head Scout’s tent.