• Published 29th May 2012
  • 2,705 Views, 15 Comments

Their Special Day - AmberRoss

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Chapter 1

Lyra slung her lyre on her shoulder, walking through the park just outside Ponyville's main street. After work she would often trot there just to sit in the park with her friend and lover Bonbon, who usually brought along a picnic for them to eat. Their little meetings were the most fun of the day, and as she plucked away at her lyre during practice community events and parties, she smiled every now and again just thinking of seeing Bonbon again. In the past few years, the pair of fillies has been inseparable. Slowly over time their friendship had progressed into a kind of love.

Neither had an explanation for it, but they enjoyed each others’ company so much that they never really reflected on it. There were few that spoke up about their relationship, most treating it as normal as ever. They both knew it had more to do with the fact that Ponyville was such a small town. Bonbon and Lyra being together was just considered the way things were. If any other fillies; Rainbow Dash, or Carrot Top, Rose or Rarity, were to be in a loving relationship with one another, perhaps people would be surprised. But Lyra and Bonbon were just a fixture there.

As usual, Lyra found Bonbon sitting on their favorite bench, the one in the shade of the apple tree, the sun just behind it. Lyra approached Bonbon, nuzzling the filly on the neck. Bonbon, ever the shy one, returned the affection by stroking Lyra's back.

“How was practice?” Bonbon asked.

“Okay I guess”, Lyra said, “I think I may need some new strings, I had some trouble keeping them in tune.”

Bonbon sat on the bench unwrapping a pair of sandwiches and a selection of fruits. Lyra picked up a pear in began digging in, Bonbon not yet eating, simply sitting quiet and kicking her feet for a moment. Lyra was a little surprised, Bonbon would have usually talked her ear off by this point, but the blue and pink haired filly was quiet.

“You okay, Bonbon?” Lyra asked. Bonbon just smiled a warmer smile that Lyra had seen on her face before and looked directly into her eyes.

“What?” Lyra asked, blushing slightly at the attention.

Bonbon's smile didn't fade. “Lyra, I'm not really sure how to… I mean… I don't know what the etiquette really is.”

“What are you talking about?” Lyra said with a laugh.

Bonbon took a few deep breaths, as if to focus herself. “Lyra, I've known you for six years now, and you've made me really happy.”

Lyra's eyes twinkled. “Aww, you make me happy too!” she said, kissing her lover on the nose.

“Well, I can't think of spending my life with anyone else.” Bonbon pulled a black lacquered box from her shoulder bag. Flipping it open, she revealed a finely crafted necklace, the pendant on it designed like a wrapped candy, just like Bonbon's cutie mark. Lyra felt her heart flutter as she realized what it was. Bonbon dropped and bowed before Lyra holding the necklace towards the unicorn’s eyes.

“Lyra, I love you,” Bonbon began, gulping nervously. “And I know that a lot of people may not understand what we have, but I don't care. I want to be with you forever...will you marry me?”

Lyra's excited, wide mouthed smile was so full of utter joy, she could hardly form words around it. “Bonbon, I . . .”

There was a breathless moment when the two mares just locked gazes. A moment so pure and joyful ,they wanted it to last as long a possible.

Lyra kissed Bonbon tenderly on the mouth “Yes, yes, yes!” she excitedly, prancing around in circles giggling insanely.

At that moment, Derpy, Dinky and Dr. Hooves crested the hill, the family being warned in advance by Bonbon of her intentions. Dinky came running like a shot toward Lyra, tacking the filly onto the ground.

“Did she ask? Did she ask?” Dinky asked, hopping up and down excitedly on Lyra's chest.

“She did,” Lyra shouted with glee.

"What'd you say? What'd you say?” Dinky asked, grinning widely.

“I said yes,” Lyra said with a smile.

“Yay!” Dinky dove into her mother's arms, “I'm gonna have two aunties! Wait, I already have two, but now their two married aunties!”

“Well well”, said Dr. Hooves with a wide grin. “I thought I'd have to wait forever for you to join one another in matrimony. My deepest congratulations.”

“Thanks Doctor,” Bonbon said, just as Derpy tackled her to the ground in joy.

“You’re getting married!” Derpy squealed, “I'm soooo happy for you two!”

“Derpy I need air”, the filly giggled as the excited mare hugged her tightly.

“Oh, heh,” Derpy laughed, helping Bonbon up.

“We're gonna need dresses, cakes and lots and lots of flowers!” Dinky laughed as she hopped excitedly about in small circles.

“Dinky,” Dr. Hooves said, picking up his daughter. “I'd think it's up to Bonbon and Lyra to plan the wedding.”

“Well, I'm sure we could use a flower foal”, Bonbon said, nuzzling her fiancée. “What do you think Dinky?”

“Flowers! Yeah!” Dinky grinned, “Can I be flower foal, Aunty Lyra?”

“That would be wonderful.” She returned Bonbon’s affection with a soft kiss. “This is the best day of my life.”

“Your wedding is gonna be better!” Derpy said.

“Yeah,” Lyra said, with a dreamy expression. “If we're going to do this, I don’t want to wait to be your wife. Let's do this as soon as we can!”

Bonbon grinned, “Well, I agree, but a wedding is a complex thing to plan. It may take a little while. I mean you’ve got musicians, an officiator for the service, then the reception...”

Suddenly out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie rushed forward, interrupting the mare mid-sentence. “Reception?!” the pink mare asked, “That's just another word for party!”

“Um...I guess it is. Where did you...come from just now?”, asked Bonbon.

Twilight Sparkle trotted after her friend. “We were talking down at Sugar Cube Corner. I think if anyone says 'party' or any of its synonyms within miles of Pinkie, she can zero in on it.”

Bonbon and Lyra still looked confused, but everyone knew Pinkie’s love for parties ran deep. “Oh, well that's convenient.”

“Sooooo” Pinkie asked excited, “When do you want to have this reception?”

“As soon as possible,” Lyra said happily.

“Hmm,” Pinkie tapped a hoof to her chin, “For a proper wedding reception, including your basic party needs: balloons, streamers, and flowers; some to eat and some for decoration, I can be done in a week. But you'll have to keep it down to a few thousand ponies.”

“I don't even think I know that many ponies!” Bonbon admitted.

“Good! I'll invite some folks to fill in the gaps” Pinkie pie grabbed Bonbon and Lyra in a group hug. “Ooooh I love weddings!”

“Thank you so much, Pinkie,” Lyra said, “With your help I know-”

“Wait a minute! We're forgetting something very important!”

“What?” Derpy asked.

“We can't have a wedding reception without a wedding!” Pinkie Pie pointed a hoof towards Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight, you have one week to find somepony to marry! Time to lower your standards.”

“Wha-?” Twilight said, taken aback.

“Pinkie, someone is already planning to get married”, said Derpy.

“Oh, how convenient! Twilight, your off the hook...who's getting hitched?”, Pinkie asked, oblivious to Twilight’s eye rolling.

Bonbon smiled proudly, holding Lyra close. “We are.”

Pinkie giggled and hopped about. “I knew you two were gonna do it one day! Now I get to plan a big ol' party for you. I'm so glad!”

Twilight Sparkle blinked, “You girls are…doing what now?”

“Getting married!” Lyra squealed happily.

“Well, that's...new. I mean, I knew you two were good friends. I always see you together. I guess I didn't know...” The unicorn realized she'd seen them very close before, but for whatever reason it had never occurred to her they were anything more than friends. They seemed so happy. Twilight felt very uncomfortable but didn't want to do anything to ruin their moment.

“I'm, glad for you both,” Twilight said, trying to hide the discomfort in her voice. “Congratulations...”

“Thanks Twilight. You should be at the wedding. In fact, you should be a bride's maid!”, said Lyra.

“For which bride?” Derpy asked, catching a hail of laughter from all ponies present.

Twilight wanted to be anywhere but there at that moment. She shrank back. Lyra was a good friend of hers, but she couldn’t figure out why two mares would want to get married, and the question bothered her.

“I...well,” Twilight started, knowing that if she spoke up about her feelings she could be the one to drain all the happiness from the occasion. She reluctantly gave a half answer. “Sure.”

Lyra pulled the reluctant unicorn into the ever-growing group hug surrounding Bonbon. “Thank you, Twilight. I'm glad I have such good friends.”


Derpy's home was a modest two bedroom apartment above the Loony Acres joke shop. Dinky was on the floor reading, likely getting ready for a test at school. Dr Hooves, a pair of magnifying lenses hanging in front of his eyes, was slowly dismantling a Cuckoo clock. He laid each gear and spring out carefully on a white cloth next to the body of the clock, occasionally muttering something technical to himself. Derpy herself pulled an old, wrinkled dress from her closet, shaking off a musty cloud of dust.

“Oh no. My old party dress is…old,” Derpy said, her voice disappointed.

The Doctor turned to Derpy, the magnifying lenses making his eyes seems comically huge. “Dear, you haven’t worn that thing since Mr and Mrs Cake got married. You were a much smaller than you are now.”

Derpy giggled at her lovers silly looking eyes. The Doctor pushed up the lenses and continued, “Why don't you go down to the Boutique and order a new one.”

“That'll be pretty expensive. Sure I can't just get this repaired?”

The Doctor walked forward and nuzzled Derpy tenderly. “My dear, this is a special day, and I want to be there with most beautiful mare in Ponyville on my arm. And while you would be beautiful dressed in burlap sacks, we have enough money for a new dress. Tick Tock is paying me to fix these clocks after all, and there is…my other work.”

Derpy kissed the Doctor's nose. “You spoil me,” she said.

“Daddy, why aren't you and mommy married?” Dinky had looked up from her studying, and was looking at her parents.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow at the question, “Well, my dear…we are married, in most respects. We've only yet to have a ceremony.”

“Why don't you have one?”

“It's…fair to ask sweetie,” Derpy sighed, “Daddy has to go sometimes, to do his work.”

“We're waiting until I can stay. Until I can be there for you and your mother permanently, then we'll be married properly.”

“Don't you love each other like Bonbon and Lyra?”

“Of course we do,” The Doctor explained, “And someday, not to distant, we will declare that love in front of all of Equestria, and I won't have to be scrambling off every few months. It's just a matter of time, my dearest Dinky.”

“I hope it's soon,” Dinky said smiling, “I don't like I when you have to go.”

“I don't like it either,” Dr Hooves sighed, “But you have to understand, your father has a very particular set of skills, and there are sometimes problems only I can solve. Someday soon there will be another doctor, and when he takes over, I will never have to leave you again.”

“I can't wait Daddy!” Dinky said nuzzling her father.


Derpy and Dinky descended the stairs into the front of the Loony Acres Joke Shop, heading for the dress boutique. The walls were decorated with a collection of wooden toys, pranks, and odd gizmos. Screwball, the shop's proprietor, busily galloped about, talking with customers and stocking shelves. Upon seeing Derpy, she trotted up and grinned.

“Hi’ya Derpy!” Screwball said happily, blowing a silly sounding whistle right in the mare's face, “Heard about Bonbon and Lyra!”

“Word travels fast huh? Ain't it great?”

“Those two deserve happiness! Hey, you think about what you’re gonna get 'em for a wedding present?”, she asked as she spun on one hoof.

“Well, not just yet,” Derpy said.

“I got a new line of Joke buzzers! Brass mechanisms, real classy!”

“I don't know,”

“How's about a whoopee cushion?” Screwball unceremoniously plopped down onto one of the whoopee cushions in a nearby chair that had been prepared for demonstration. “Listen to that sound! That's 100% real rubber; you don't get a tone like that with synthetics.”

Derpy laughed. “That is a good tone, but I don't think that would work.”

Screwball tapped her chin with a tongue extended, then dashed off rustling around in the back room, and returning with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

“Take a look at this!” Screwball said proudly, holding out the bouquet.

Derpy leaned forward and sniffed the sweet smelling flowers, only to be hit with a deluge of water, squirting from each blossom. She snorted and sneezed, laughing at herself, Dinky giggling and rolling on her back.

“Those look real,” Derpy said, shaking the water from her face.

“Yesiree! Finest craftsmanship. They’re scented, AND the squirt bulb has a two ounce capacity. It's the squirting carnation taken to its next logical incarnation. Behold! The squirting Bouquet!”

“Screwball, this is supposed to be a wedding gift.”

“I can gift wrap it for you.”

Derpy nodded, satisfied. “That's better!”

Dinky had picked up a set of fake teeth, winding them with her horn and giggling as they chattered away.

“Those are real spruce,” Screwball said, as she wrapped up the bouquet into a lacey package.

Dinky giggled at the chattering teeth.“Mommy, can I get these as a wedding gift?”

“Sure Dinky. That's very thoughtful of you.”

Lyra walked into the door of the Joke shop, jumping slightly as large cowbell rang out, alerting Screwball to the customer. Screwball, who was wrapping both gifts, panicked. She pulled two sheets of the wrapping paper over her table and jumped on top of it, trying to look innocent.

“I wasn't wrapping any gifts!” Screwball barked out randomly.

Lyra giggled, “Uh...sure. Derpy, I'm glad I caught you.”

“Just headed over to Rarity's for a new outfit,” Derpy said.

“We're gonna look awesome!” Dinky added, hopping up and down.

“I'm sure you are Dinky,” Lyra said with a smile. “Derpy, since there isn't a lot of time before the wedding, I don't really have a lot of time to put a wedding party together. But I don't have to take a lot of consideration on who's going to be my Best Mare. You've been my best friend for so many years; would you be my Best Mare?”

Derpy grinned, honored and flattered by the offer. “I would love to Lyra, thank you.”

“Thank you so much Derpy! I’ve gotta run; I’ve got lunch, then more planning, Oh, Screwball, you’re invited to the wedding!”

“Really?” Screwball said with a vacant smile, “Thanks. I'll wear my good beanie!”


Rarity measured and tested different fabrics in Twilight's library. While she usually didn't make house calls, Twilight had insisted on getting some research done before the wedding. Rarity worked around the floating books, and the ever-loyal Spike dashed about grabbing more quills, books, and paper for taking notes. Rarity weaved among this chaos, trying her best to design a decent dress for Twilight, while at the same time not getting in Twilight's way.

“Twilight, darling, what in Equstria are you studying now?”

“I'm trying to figure something out about this marriage,” Twilight said, “In all my studies I've never found a precedent of two mares getting married!”

“Bonbon and Lyra are unique,” Rarity said, pinning a bit of fabric together, checking their color against Twilight's coat. “But they've always been together, for as long as I've known them.”

“But two mares...I don't understand, it's not...natural!”, Twilight concluded as she tossed yet another book at Spike.

“Now who's the say what's natural?” Rarity offered, stumbling over Spike as he passed by, giving her a loving look. “Seriously Twilight, you can't study and understand something like love.”

“Sure I can! And if Bonbon and Lyra are doing something wrong, then I don't know how I can participate.”

“Well why are you doing it if you don't agree?” Rarity asked.

“Because...they’re good friends,” Twilight said, “ And they seem happy...but I have to understand this!”

Rarity tired to gently reason with Twilight. “Why can't you just accept it? I mean, you see how happy they both are.”

“But logically they...can't be,” Twilight said, frustrated, “I just don't want them to get hurt. I don’t want them to get started on something that's doomed to fail.”

Rarity smiled. “Well, for now hold still or your dress will be doomed to fail!”

Twilight laughed, turning to notice Derpy and Dinky opening the door by a crack.

“Hi Twilight,” Derpy said, “I heard down at the boutique that Rarity was here?”

“She's right here,” Twilight said, cross referencing two books at once.

“Ooh Dinky,” Rarity said rooting through a chest she'd brought with her, “I heard you were going to be flower filly, and I've taken the liberty of throwing something together for you. Be a dear and go try it on.”

“Goodie!” Dinky said, lifting the dress with her horn and dashing off. “Thank you Rarity!”

“I...just got asked to be first mare,” Derpy said humbly.

“Well then, you’re going to need to look fabulous! Let me get your measurements, my dear, and I can have something for you in a few days...I'm already designing for almost the entire wedding party.”

Derpy smiled at Rarity. “Well I wouldn't go to anyone else!”

Dinky leaped back into the room, grinning widely, wearing an adorable dress and a flower tiara. She blushed a bit as every eye in the room looked at her, followed by a chorus of “Aww” from everypony present.

“You look delightful!” Rarity said, “Now, it still needs a little work...it's a little tight around the neck.”

“Aww, I wanna wear it until the wedding!” Dinky said disappointed.

“No no honey. You have to premier your dress at the wedding. Besides, it would get dirty,” Rarity chided.

“She's right dear,” Derpy said, “It'll mean more if you wait,”

“Okay Mommy. I'll take it off,” said Dinky, a bit disappointed.

Rarity started to measure Derpy for her new dress, when another knock came on the door and Bonbon peeked in. “Hello?”

“Welcome to Twilight Sparkle’s Library and Fashion boutique!” Twilight laughed.

“Hi Twilight,” Bonbon said, “I was just stopping by to see Derpy.”

“Well come on in,” Twilight said, quickly hiding her books. “I was just getting my bride's maid outfit ready.”

“You look great Twilight!” Bonbon said.

“Thanks,” Twilight blushed. “Can't wait for the wedding!”

Derpy glanced up, wondering how Twilight could be so uncomfortable around Bonbon and Lyra. Derpy may be somewhat air headed, but she knew Twilight was struggling with herself about the wedding. Perhaps Lyra and Bonbon were too lost in the moment to notice, but Derpy saw it. Perhaps Twilight didn't agree, but Derpy wasn't about to bring it up. She knew she understood love even less than most.

“Derpy, I was thinking. In the past a lot of people refused to understand Lyra and I and our relationship, but you always accepted us. When I met her, you were the only friend of mine that didn't judge me for loving her. You’re such a good friend…I'd like you to be my Best Mare.”

Derpy bit her lip. “Eh, well...”

“I know it's a lot to ask,” Bonbon said.

“It's not that,” Derpy said, “Lyra already asked me.”

Bonbon looked confused, “What? But I've known you longer- we were friends long before Lyra met you...she's got plenty of friends who can be Best Mare…”

“Well...I don't know,” Derpy said, “I mean, I'm honored, but Lyra did ask first.”

“But why would she...?” Bonbon huffed, “I asked her to marry me, and she does this? I don't understand.” Bonbon trotted out, Derpy immediately looking sad. She didn't mean to cast any kind of problem into the wedding for Lyra and Bonbon. Perhaps she said yes to Lyra without thinking, but she never considered that Bonbon would ask.

Rarity put an arm around Derpy. “I'm so sorry Derpy. Don't worry, it's not your fault.”

"But I don't know...Lyra is a very good friend, and Bonbon has always been nice to me...I don't know how I can choose, or if I even should choose.”

“You see?” Twilight burst out, “I don't think Bonbon and Lyra don't know what they’re doing!”

“Twilight, I think this could happen in almost any wedding,” said Derpy.

“I don't know…I just want them to be happy, but I don't know if they can be... “

Derpy sighed. “Twilight, if anything, I need help. Bonbon and Lyra are your friends too.”

“I know,” Twilight said, “But I honestly don't know how to help.”

“Well maybe it's time to stop thinking and do something!”

Twilight lowered her head, not sure what to say. “Derpy, I just don't know,” she said, “I can't stand not knowing.” Derpy frowned as Dinky returned to join her.

“What's wrong Mommy?” Dinky asked.

“Twilight just needs some time to herself, Dinky. We better go.” Derpy put a hoof around her daughter and headed for the door.

Dinky disobeyed, walking to Twilight and looking up at her with wide eyes. “Twilight, won't you be at the wedding?”

Twilight smiled uncomfortably, wondering what the surprisingly intelligent filly detected. “I'll...be there Dinky,” Twilight said, unable to disappoint her.

Dinky smiled widely, “I'm glad! Aunty Lyra really likes you, and she'll be happy.”

Twilight smiled. It was so simple to that little foal. Still Twilight couldn’t ignore the facts of the matter: Bonbon and Lyra were headed for disaster. But somehow Twilight knew trying to stop them would only make things worse. There was nothing to do but to be there for her friends until she could fully understand.


Dr. Hooves stood in front of the mirror in the clothier's shop, having just come from the haberdasher where he bought himself a brand new top hat. He wore a collar and bow tie, much like others he'd worn in the past, but far more frilled and fancy.

“I don't know if it's me,” the doctor said to a nearby clerk. Dr Hooves knew the clerk was a unicorn stallion who came from Canterlot, due to his uptown way of speaking.

“It is the latest fashion strait from the big cities,” the clerk said in a slightly condescending tone.

“Do you perhaps have something a little more...simple?”

The clerk let out a disgruntled sigh. “I suppose if you'd rather look pedestrian.” He rolled his eyes and almost muttered to himself, “I swear you small town folks…if you ever leave your hovels you'd see that everyone wears this style!”

Dr Hooves scowled and turned to face the clerk. “My friend, if you dared to gaze upon half the things that I've seen on my most mundane day, I promise you would go mad. I've been through every era and every corner of existence, and from this vast body of experience I can assure you that this collar is not my style. Please bring me something more ‘pedestrian’ as you call it.”

“Right away sir,” the clerk said, before trotting off, a bit dumbstruck.

“Still blowing the minds of the laymen, eh, Doctor?” Mr Breezy said as he entered the shop.

“He had it coming,” The Doctor said, removing the collar. “So, were you invited to the wedding, my friend?”

“Aye.That pink filly seems to be inviting everyone. I'm just here to get a few touch-ups on my outfit.”

Dr Hooves suspected something in the pony's voice, “Is that the only reason?”

“Nay,” Mr Breezy admitted.

“Does duty calls then?”

“Well, yes and no,” Mr Breezy said.

“Out with it,” The Doctor said, trying on another collar as the clerk presented it to him.

“It's a paradox, a big one,”Mr Breezy admitted with a sigh. “I been monitoring it from the pony box.”

Dr Hooves sighed as he put on his new top hat, checking that it matched the collar. “That's not the news I wanted to hear.”

“It could be nothing. Often even the big paradoxes clear themselves out. Nothing to worry about.”

The Doctor didn't speak for a moment, just adjusted his new collar and tie. “Well, if we did have to repair it, how long would it take?”

“It's pretty deep. You may not be able to rejoin this time stream for at least a year, possibly more.”

“Not good news Mr. Breezy,” the Doctor grimaced, “I didn’t want to spend that much time away from Dinky and Derpy…”

“It's still just a minor problem. I wouldn't even worry about it just yet,” Mr Breezy said.

The Doctor smiled his dashing smile. “I never worry about a problem, Mr. Breezy, I just solve it. Should it become a problem, I'll think about it then. For now, a wedding and time with my wife and daughter. That's reason enough to be happy.”

“Aye sir.”

“Box this one up my good man. I'd say it's exactly what I'm looking for.”

“Very good sir,” The clerk said, trotting off.


Lyra was in the concert Hall with Pinkie Pie and Vinyl scratch, going over the reception’s song list. Pinkie Pie, who wore a pair of oversized earphones, nodded to the beat and smiled. Lyra played classical music, so she was unfamiliar with more modern music. Pinkie Pie was all too eager to help and was working out a play list with the white unicorn behind the turntables. Behind the two Octavia tuned her double bass, having been hired by Pinkie to play the wedding march.

“It's been so long since I've played the wedding march,” Octavia said, dreamily. “Gives one ideas doesn’t it Vinyl?”

Vinyl giggled at her lover then turned her attention back to Lyra. “You realize your gal pal proposing puts the pressure on other couples, right?”

“Maybe it's time to pony up.”

Octavia smiled and scoffed at the same time, as she often did. “Lyra, my dear, with how the DJ here runs all over Equestria for her job, I've long come to accept the only wedding I'll be at with her is yours.”

“Hey girl, I ain't ruled it out!” Vinyl laughed, “Just know right now ain't the time.”

“Yes, and even if it's for work, I love going to weddings.” Octavia’s eyes glimmered and her voice grew dreamy. “The class, the romance, hearing those two beautiful words…”

“Open bar,” Vinyl said with a dreamy smile.

Bonbon burst into the room, trotting strait to Lyra.

“Hi sweet thing!” Lyra smiled as she trotted over to meet her fiancée.

Bonbon frowned a bit. “Lyra, did you ask Derpy to be your Best Mare?”

“Yeah, I did. Is something wrong?”

“Lyra, I wanted Derpy to be my Best Mare. I mean, she practically introduced us; I wanted her to be my Best Mare.”

“I mean, I asked her first...” Lyra said with a shrug.

“Look, she's my friend-”

“Our friend!” Lyra corrected, “And she'll be there!”

“But…it's like you stole her,” Bonbon said, sadness in her eyes.

Lyra looked confused, “I didn't mean to do anything like that. I mean, it's not a big deal though. Right?”

“It's a big deal to me!” Bonbon said, trotting out of the concert hall. Pinkie Pie rocked back and forth, her eyes closed, completely oblivious to all the things going on. Vinyl sighed and shook her head at Lyra.

“That's a real good thing you got running off there,” Vinyl said, “You better reel ‘er back in before she escapes.”

“I didn't mean to do anything-”

Vinyl shook her head, “Don't matter, girlfriend. If she says there's a problem, you still got one. Unhappy wife unhappy life. Goes double for you two I guess.”

“Thanks, Vinyl.” With that Lyra trotted out the door after her lover. She found Bonbon sitting just outside, as if she knew Lyra would follow. She wasn't crying, just a little worried.

“Bonbon, I'm sorry. I should have known you were going to ask Derpy to be your Best Mare.”

“You just did it without thinking,” Bonbon said.

“I know…“ Lyra explained. “I'm spontaneous, Bonbon. I'm flighty.”

“Were you being spontaneous when you said you'd marry me?”

Lyra snuggled her lover close, “Bonbon, if there's one thing I was ever sure of, it’s that I love you. I said ‘yes’ because I want to be with you forever, and I want everyone to know. If I upset you, I'm sorry, but we're in this for all the ups and downs.”

“I guess you’re right,” Bonbon grinned. “This is a minor thing, really.”

“I'll tell you what, let's just let Derpy decide.”

“Who will be the other Bride's Mare?” Bonbon asked.

“I'm sure somepony will step forward. As long as you’re there it will be the perfect day.”


A week of planning, picking out fabrics, tasting desserts, and a pair of spontaneous bachelorette parties later, both mares laid in bed, having trouble getting to sleep the night before their wedding. Mayor Mare had agreed to marry them, and it brought joy to both Bonbon and Lyra. Their wedding was a bit unorthodox and the girls had worried a bit that the mayor would be worried about participating, but she was more than willing to marry the pair.

Everyone in Ponyville had showed up for the wedding, minus a few folks. The city's meeting hall was beautiful, and Lyra admired the stained glass windows with the beautiful sunlight streaking through. Rainbow Dash didn’t have a sunny day scheduled, but said she'd give them a beautiful sunny day as a wedding present. In a back room, Twilight and the rest of the wedding party were getting ready for the service. Berry Punch, Lily, Colgate and Carrot Top were also asked to be part of the service, and were slipping on their dresses. Twilight was putting on hers, but doing it slowly, still feeling a pang of reluctance. Derpy was now dressed in her elegant Best Mare’s dress, but was still unsure of which filly she was going to represent as Best Mare. Dinky hopped around in her Flower Foal dress, and after some coaxing, Rarity got her to sit atill so she could comb her blonde mane, but the filly still fidgeted with boredom. Derpy glanced to Twilight, who nervously looked back at her.

“You’re still having trouble with this,” Derpy said, not asking a question.

Twilight sighed, “Derpy, I don't know if I can participate in this.”

“Why not?”

“This isn't natural, it isn't right...why are two fillies getting married? I just don't like anything I can't figure out!” Twilight paused as she felt a soft touch on her hoof. She looked down to see Dinky smiling up at her.

“You really don't understand, do you Twilight?” She asked.

“No, I'm sorry. I don't.”

Dinky just giggled, “I'll explain it to you,” She said. “Aunty Lyra and Aunty Bonbon love each other, and when two ponies love each other, they get married!” Twilight started to open her mouth in protest, started to try to answer, but what Dinky said was so deceptively simple. It was like something you overlook not matter how hard you were looking for it. Twilight only grinned and nuzzled the filly.

“Thanks Dinky, your right. I over-thought.”

Derpy giggled and bumped Twilight with her flank. “Can’t say Dinky or me were never guilty of it.”

“Your right Derpy, I think this is going to be a good day!” Twilight giggled.


Bonbon was in her dressing room, struggling with a ribbon in her hair, Octavia trying futilely to calm the Mare down. “Bonbon, if you don't hold still, this ribbon is gonna pin your ears back,” Octavia said, clutching the ribbon in her teeth.

“I'm sorry Octavia, I just...“ Bonbon dipped her head once again making Octavia drop the ribbon once more. “I’ve just got the jitters. I'm about to commit my life to Lyra. I'm excited, but will I be a good wife? Or...husband, or...I don't ever know what I'm supposed to be called!”

Octavia just smiled, nudging Bonbon's chest to calm her. “You needn't worry,” she said, “You’re going to make one another very happy.”

A knock came at the door, “It's the Doctor,” said a voice from behind the oak door.

“Come in, Doctor,” Bonbon said.

Doctor Hooves entered, wearing his brand new collar, top hat and fine shoes. He bowed deeply and smiled.

“My, my Bonbon! You look radiant,” The Doctor said, “Despite your aversion to stallions, I hope you'll allow me to steal a kiss.” Bonbon blushed a bit from the attention, allowing the Doctor to kiss her politely on the cheek.

“So, did you come here to steal me away?” Bonbon joked.

“As tempting as that is, no. Just to let you know, Derpy and Dinky are ready to begin when you are.”

Bonbon shifted a bit. “That's, that’s good.”

“A bit of premarital jitters my dear?”

“I want to make Lyra happy, but I just have all these things going through my head. We're not even married and we just had a fight...what if we have more?”

The Doctor smiled his charming smile. “Bonbon, just because you have the occasional scrap doesn’t mean you’re doomed to fail. You do so much for her. You love her so much, and she loves you. Love may get bruised a bit, but it cannot be struck down. You'll be a great wife...or husband. Hmm, companion may be the word.”

“I'm glad to have friends like you, Doctor,” Bonbon said with a grin.

“The same to you,” The Doctor said, “I dare say you've inspired me.”

“What do you mean?”

Dr Hooves sighed and his eyes grew distant. “I've avoided making a certain commitment to my dearest Derpy. With my work and all, I abstained joining her in a more official way for fear of making her a widow...but you and Bonbon making this commitment, despite all those who would object, had made me realize- its time I made Derpy an honest Mare.”

“Really?” Bonbon exclaimed, tears in her eyes, “She's going to be so excited!”

“Well, I wouldn't take anything from your special day. I'll ask her on the morrow.”

“I'll keep your secret,” Bonbon said with a wink, “You better treat my gal pal right. I don't have to make you those truffles you like.”

“Well I'd best behave myself then. Now, what do you say we get you married?” the Doctor said, spinning his hat before he left the room.

“Ha!” Octavia said, having tied the ribbon successfully, “Now your mane is ready at least.”


Lyra approached the doorway to the temple's foyer, surrounded by her wedding party. Derpy smiled and arrived with Twilight at her side.

“You look great Derpy,” Lyra said.

“Lyra, since you asked me first, I decided I'll be your Best Mare.”

“What about Bonbon?” Lyra asked.

“Well,” Twilight said, “I really think you two are going to be happy. If it's alright, I'll be Bonbon's Best Mare.”

“But Derpy said you were having second thoughts.”

“Maybe a little, but you two aren't, and I want you to be happy. So you have my full support.”

“Thank you so much, Twilight,” Lyra said, “You’d better get to Bonbon's wedding party; we're about to start.” With that, Twilight trotted off, now genuinely excited.


True to Pinkie Pie's promise, most of Ponyville had showed up. Lyra's family from Canterlot had arrived and occupied a teal-colored row in the town's temple. Mayor Mare stood at the head of the room, wearing her best collar. The music began with Octavia playing a beautiful wedding march, making all present turn in anticipation toward the ornate red carpet. Little Dinky carried a beautiful basket in her mouth, scattering flower petals before the precession. The young unicorn smiled broadly; glad to be the center of attention, if for only a moment.

Next Lyra entered, Derpy Hooves standing proudly by her side; Berry Punch and Lily following close behind. Lyra looked toward her mother and father, who smiled contently, her younger brother fidgeting just a bit. The foal was likely bored with the slow proceedings. Screwball was there, and when she'd offered to wear her best beanie she hadn't lied. As far as beanies went, the hat was downright classy. Even the propeller was a well-polished bronze and seemed to spin in place on well oiled bearings. The Mayor nodded to Lyra as she reached the front of the room, climbing the short stairs to the raised platform.

The string quartet changed their tempo a bit as Bonbon strode in proudly, Twilight happily walking beside her with Rose, Carrot Top, and Colgate. Bonbon ascended the stairs, looking her lover in the eyes. The Mayor smiled at the two, clearing her throat.

“Fillies and Gentle colts,” The mayor began, “Today we gather together, to join these two fillies together in the bonds of marriage. This is a joyful day, when two souls choose to declare their love before all. Celestia and Luna, our rulers have given their ordainment of this union, and in this, these two fillies have prepare gifts for one another to signify the depths of their bonds. Do you have the gifts?” Both fillies nodded.

“You may present them now.”

Lyra opened a small box, revealing a finely crafted pair of golden harp earnings that she drifted to Bonbon's ears with her horn. Bonbon's eye glimmered; the earrings were designed after Lyra's cutie mark, a piece of her that would always be with her lover.

“Bonbon, now present yours,” the Mayor said.

Bonbon smiled a knowing grin, clasping the candy shaped necklace around Lyra's neck as the unicorn smiled widely at the attention, taking in the beauty of the moment.

“The brides have prepared their own vows,” Mayor Mare grinned.

A small sheet of paper drifted from behind Lyra and unfolded in front of her eyes, the unicorn clearing her throat. “Bonbon, when you asked me to marry you,” Lyra began, “I knew the rest of my life would be full of happiness. I promise you, I'll stand by you through everything, and honor you forever as your wife.”

Bonbon smiled. Not having a horn to levitate her notes, she spread them out just beneath her hoof. “Lyra, six years ago you came into my life. Since then, I've done more smiling than ever before. You’re kind, caring, beautiful, and talented; I couldn't ask for more in my life. No matter what else happens, I know I'll be happy as long as I have you.”

The Mayor smiled, turning to each mare in turn. “Bonbon, do you take Lyra Nichole Heartstrings, as your Companion for now and forever?”

“I do,” Bonbon grinned.

“Lyra, do you accept Bonita Edna Bonarelli to be your Companion for now and forever?”

Lyra nodded, “I do.”

“Then by the authority entrusted in me by the mayoral office of Ponyville, and the Kingdom of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I pronounce you joined, now and forever in Matrimony.”

The wedding crowd applauded and cheered, the newly married couple nuzzling gently before all of them.

“You may now kiss the, uh...each other,” The mayor said with an embarrassed chuckle, not sure of the president. The two fillies shared a passionate kiss, and the crowd applauded again, and the two fillies began their life together with that one tender moment.


Pinkie Pie must have had a very good week- the reception was an amazing party. The music was loud and fun, the food was amazing, and the decorations were beautiful. Dr Hooves stood near Derpy at the side of the dance floor, watching their daughter dance gleefully with some of the other foals.

“Sometimes I worry Derpy,” Dr. Hooves said, a bit loudly to be heard over the booming music.

“About what?”

“About this world. The balance of good and evil. Big things.” The Doctor explained, “But when I look at Dinky, I realize with joy that there will always be beautiful things in this world, and innocence and good.” Derpy just responded by kissing her lover, sharing a deep tender moment.

“Aye, Doctor,” Mr Breezy's voice echoed in the hall.

“Hi, Mr Breezy!” Derpy said with an enthusiastic wave.

“Hello Derpy,” Mr Breezy said, his smile just a bit distant, “You look pretty as a shiny new button.”

Derpy grinned and blushed, “Aww you’re sweet.”

“Might I have a word with the Doctor? Business matters, you understand.”

“Sure, I'm gonna hit the buffet.” The mare trotted off toward the expansive buffet table, going quickly to a pile of muffins that seemed to be calling to her.

“Good news I hope Mr. Breezy?” The Doctor asked, sipping a glass of punch.

“Well, good and bad.” Mr. Breezy said with frown. “Which do you want first?”

“Let's start with the bad news then.”

Mr Breezy sighed, “The Paradox has gone critical. It's threatening this entire time stream.”

Dr Hooves closed his eyes, knowing what that meant. “How long will this take then?”

“Eighteen months, at the most. But…not much shorter than that.”

“And it's best we leave soon?”

Mr Breezy let out a nervous chuckle, “In truth we should have left already.” he said, “But seeing as this can't get much worse and we need time to prepare, we'll likely have to leave tomorrow afternoon.” The Doctor grimaced, in just another day he'd be away from Derpy and Dinky for at least a year.

“Mr Breezy, I'm in need of some good news if you can spare any.”

“The best of news it is, considering. After this particular job, you’re going to go back to repairing clocks for a good long while.”

“You mean-”

Mr. Breezy nodded, “There's been another Doctor located in Cloudsdale. Not that he'll have much to do after this whopper is cinched up.”

Dr. Hooves nodded. It was just as the old stallion had said: Good news, and bad news. After this one last job, he'd leave the doctoring for good and have all the time he needs to see his daughter grow. He was half excited, half devastated.

“If I could say Doctor,” Mr. Breezy said, “We're still at a party, and I don't see any reason why we can't do a spot of celebrating.”

The Doctor smiled at his old friend, “Your right, tomorrow we brave the unknown. So tonight let's fill our glasses and drain them dry. That wedding cake certainly looks tempting.”

“Aye, let's go have us a piece,” Mr Breezy said with a wide smile.


Across the room, Bonbon and Lyra were taking a bit of time to open their wedding presents, in between long periods of just gazing into one another's eyes, knowing they had the rest of their lives to love one another just like this night. They'd both laughed at the gifts Derpy and Dinky had gotten them. Beneath the lopsided wrapping paper they'd expected something wacky, but the squirting bouquet and the chattering teeth were keepsakes they knew they'd treasure. When they got to Screwball's personal gift, they both braced themselves for something outlandish, but were surprised when the package contained a fine silver tea set. It glimmered and shined in the light of the room: a kettle, four fine teacups, and a tray that shined like a mirror.

“Wow, that's real melt silver!” Rarity marveled, tipping a teacup, “And their engraved, how fabulous!”

Bonbon poked at the tea set timidly, “Um, it doesn’t make funny noises or explode or anything?”

Screwball grinned, “No silly. It's a tea set not a fun house!”

Bonbon and Lyra glanced at each other and laughed loudly. By giving them something that wasn't a prank, she'd surprised them more than any prank could. Next they slipped the ribbon off the gift from Dr. Hooves. A finely crafted golden gyroscope was inside, affixed with gauges, numbers, and strange symbols.

“Wow!” Lyra said, trying not to look confused, “It's...one of these!”

Bonbon laughed, “It's the prettiest...one of these I've ever seen!”

“It's a Causaliometer,” the Doctor explained with a grin, “Used properly, it can look through the shrouds of time to see that which no eye sees! It can unravel the potential of any causality, and it even functions as a stellar chronometer.” Bonbon and Lyra looked no less confused about the gift

“Well, you'll probably want the manual.” With that, he plopped an impossibly thick binder on the table next to the strange machine.

“It's really beautiful,” Lyra said, looking at the glimmering machine. “Even if we never learn to use it, we'll cherish it forever.”

“Looks nicer than the one you gave me for my birthday,” Mr. Breezy commented.

Rarity's gift was a set of intimate ware and Bonbon quickly shoved the lingerie back into the box after pulling it out, with a profound blush on her embarrassed face.

“That would be for the honeymoon,” Rarity said with a wink.

“Thank you...” Bonbon said hiding her face in Lyra's side.

The table of gifts was opened, but the couple realized they'd gotten nothing from Twilight Sparkle.

“I got you something too girls,” she said, “but it's for a bit later.”


The two newlyweds exited the hall, a bit weary from the long night's party. As they approached the street, their mouths dropped. The carriage that they had planned to take them to Canterlot was nowhere to be seen and the street was empty.

Lyra wrapped a hoof around Bonbon’s back, nuzzling her neck. “We’ll just go home and call for a cab tomorrow morning. No need to put a damper on a perfect day.”

“No need for that girls,” Twilight said as she appeared with a small wrapped box. The two fillies pondered what could be in the box and how it would solve their carriage dilemma. Twilight opened the lid, revealing a box of chocolates made by Bonbon.

“Um…Twilight, I’m not sure how-“

“Don’t worry you two. I do know a bit of magic!” The unicorn picked up a candy wrapped in beautiful yellow and maroon paper and set it in the middle of the road. With a flash of her horn, the candy became a beautiful carriage wrapped in yellow and maroon streamers. The wheels were spindly caramel sugar and its plump round sides were a glistening chocolate brown decorated with white streaks and swirls.

Bonbon and Lyra’s eyes lit up when they saw Twilight’s gift. “I hope you like it girls. Big Macintosh offered to pull the carriage to your hotel in Canterlot.”

“It’s beautiful, Twilight. Thank you.”

The party guests began to file outside, ooh-ing and aah-ing over the carriage on the street. The couple moved toward the carriage, but were knocked back by a blur of pink.

“Ooooooooh! Candy!” Pinkie squealed as she opened her mouth as wide as she could.

“Pinkie!” The pony’s attention was torn away from the giant mobile confection by something hitting her head. She looked down and saw the rest of the chocolates’ box. With a big grin, Pinkie scooped up the box and walked over to Twilight who was shaking her head.

“Sorry guys”, Pinkie said between candies.

Bonbon and Lyra giggled and hopped into their carriage. They waved to their guests, genuine smiles on their faces as the rode out of Ponyville. Lyra nuzzled Bonbon, one hoof draped over her wife.

“I love you,” they both whispered at the same time. The two smiled and shared a tender kiss as they watched the stars move in the sky, knowing that their happiness would last.



The Doctor had prepared, and was as ready to leave as he would ever be. He'd only told Derpy and Dinky he'd be leaving that morning, and the family spent one last glorious day together. As the Doctor stood at the door, holding his lover and daughter in a tender group hug, he felt as if an anchor was holding him to the floor.

“Be careful, Daddy,” Dinky said with tears in her eyes.

“I will my dear,” the Doctor said, kissing his daughter on the nose.

“Oh! Wait a second! Don't leave yet I'll be back in a second!”

Derpy and Doctor Hooves just stared at each other, with melancholy smiles on their faces. The Doctor opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by a passionate kiss. Derpy seemed ditzy and flighty at times, but the Doctor knew she was well aware of what love was.

“Doctor, remember what's waiting for you when you come back,” Derpy said.

“Nothing could tear you from my mind,” Dr Hooves responded, “I...must confess however, in this beautiful day, I've neglected to tell you something quite important.”

“What's that?”

“This...will be my last adventure in time,” the Doctor said.

“So, you won't need to leave anymore?”

“No, I will not,” The Doctor said, nuzzling his lover, “Upon my return, I will never have to leave you again.”

“That's wonderful!” Derpy said.

“And that's not the end of it: upon my return, I want you to become my wife, true and proper.”

Derpy jumped up and down excitedly, “Really?”


Derpy snuggled her lover close, “Then I won't have any problem waiting!”

“Look Daddy!” Dinky said, holding forward a knit sweater vest, “I made you a vest to wear, in case you time-travel somewhere cold!”

The Doctor suddenly felt tears in his eyes as he picked up the sweater vest. It was just a bit uneven, but nothing could have been more perfect.

“My dearest Dinky,” the Doctor said, holding her close, “I shall wear it every day.”

“Doctor, we really need to be going,” Mr. Breezy said unceremoniously.

“Indeed,” the Doctor said as he slipped on the vest, finding it surprisingly well fit. “It seems our goodbye must end on this glorious note.”

“I love you Daddy,” Dinky said from the door.

“You too my dearest one,” the Doctor said walking into the night, “I will return Derpy, my love, and when I do...we will be together, forever. Uninterrupted.”

Derpy smiled despite the tears in her eyes, “Have fun saving the universe…”

“I will my love! Allons-y!”

Derpy and Dinky watched the Doctor disappear into the night, cherishing their final moment together until he returned. The two trotted back into the suddenly empty house, together glancing back to the workbench where the Doctor spent most of his time when he was at home.

“Mommy, are you and Daddy gonna get married when he comes back?” Dinky asked, suddenly.

Derpy smiled and nuzzled her daughter, “Yes, yes we are.”

Comments ( 14 )

A bit rough in spots, especially bigot-esqe Twilight, and I have never really ever enjoyed Doctor Whooves and Derpy as a couple. But the story was entertaining and the teasing between Vinyl and Octavia was a nice touch.

I loved it! Not only did you focus on the wedding but you also added in the background stories of minor characters. The Doctor Whooves one was touching enough.

This is a good example of a story written with just enough technical stress. It is definitively not perfect and some dialogue/parts do sound a bit off, but all in all, it is extremly enjoyeable and well done. I like when authors don't feel the need to pad their stories with lenghty descriptions and link everything perfectly, it makes the actual reading fun.

Koodos to you :)

Aww, this was beautiful :twilightsmile:


I enjoyed that! :pinkiehappy:

:raritycry::raritycry: That was wonderful, truly a magnificent addition to the list of great fan fiction written by amazing writers. I tip my hat to you.

That was absolutely wonderful :heart::heart: had some sappy over tones :raritycry: and a nice bit of drama to pull it all together a wonderful read. Great job :pinkiehappy:

Have fun saving the universe! anyway, I was looking for a sappy romance fic and you delivered. 10/10

This was amazing. I loved it how Pinkie Pie ate the chocolate. :pinkiegasp: BonBon and Lyra getting married was SUPERB :heart:

Very well written!:heart:

Wow. That was really awesome!
Such a beautiful story! :pinkiehappy:

“Did she ask? Did she ask?” Dinky asked, hopping up and down excitedly on Lyra's chest.


“We can't have a wedding reception without a wedding!” Pinkie Pie pointed a hoof towards Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight, you have one week to find somepony to marry! Time to lower your standards.”


That was great :twilightsmile: even though it wasnt my otp it was pretty nice. That fic included some of my favorite ships! like Octavia and Vinyl, Derpy and the doctor and of course lyra with bonbon

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