• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
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[He/Him] Just a writer who likes MLP and hopes to make a living off it: https://ko-fi.com/ink_hoof

Comments ( 87 )

Haven't read the original yet, but it's one of the next things on my list. Definitely following this!

Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!

I LOVED the first one, so I'm very interested to see how the sequel pans out...

Applejack's got such a cute filly. I'm gonna call her Dende.

6465036 I see what you did there.

Greatly enjoyed the other one. Now let's see were this one goes: tracked and liked.

Don't worry Tiara... Having experienced a similar situation, I'd have done the EXACT same thing... (Or rather, wish I had in hindsight)

Nice chapter BTW.

Ouch ... really feeling bad for Diamond here ... can't blame her for taking a good thwack at her mom. And Suri's her mom? Yeah, I can see that. I think her reaction is a large part of why he delayed serving her papers.

Oh, and I'm half hoping that Filthy winds up with Rarity or maybe Sunset Shimmer (dunno why, but I like that crack pairing).

You made me feel sorry for DIAMOND TIARA. Most impressive, quite literally no other fic has ever made me do that. Granted, this DT is a lot nicer than the bullying brat we know from the show, so, yeah, that's, that. Good chapter.

I knew it! HA! I knew Suri was Di's mom! Suspected it since it was first mentioned that her mother went to Manehatten to pursue a fashion career and was a b*tch! I'm so smart :moustache:
stop giving me those annoyed looks...

~love, Nightjar

Nice chapter, but there's a couple things you may want to edit.

After all, Bloom had grown up on this same farm, and had an idea on what kind of creatures could show up, be they harmless little pest or large pony eating monsters.

That should be "pests".

Soon The top of Diamond Tiara's snout was pressing against Apple Bloom's underside.

And that shouldn't be capitalized.

"Yes," Diamond responded. "In fact, I know the perfect thing to do next." Her eyes narrowed as she smiled.
"Oh?" Apple Bloom smiled back, raising an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"


Inside were two familiar orange coated mares. One -- a bright orange pegasus -- was lying on the floor of the clubhouse on her back. It was easy to guess who it was. Although it was hard to actually tell as the mare's head was buried between the cheeks of a thick built burnt orange coated earth pony mare. From the way the top mare had her head back and eyes closed, it was easy to figure out what the lower one was doing, and where the moaning sound was coming from.


"A'right," Apple Bloom agreed. "But just a heads up. I'm going to come up with some sort of embarrassing prank for you to pay for this."

That's fair.

Dinky, is turned on, by the idea of so much violence, OK then.

"You would think that as a guard, you would be harder to sneak up on."

True, she only use her skills as a gard for spying ponies having sex.

Prince Blue Blood

Blueblood. Also, the return of Aura, as insufferable as ever.

so Aura became a Merc? quite a step down...most Merc companies dont exactly have the capital necessary for up to date equipment unless they r very good and get government endorsement, and even then, they tend not to maintain their equipment tot he same standard as professional soldiers.

Nice chapter, but there's a minor thing you may want to edit.

"There is no way that he is going to find another mare that is a good for him as you.

That should be "as".

Blueblood hiring mercs, and has been at least spreading rumors about replacing the Guard with them? NOT good. Doubly so if he's hiring the likes of Aura.

Still feel bad for Aura. Diamond Tiara basically made her life living hell, and ever since she's been capable of getting some payback she's just been the idiot-ball antagonist for this series.

Except that Diamond Tiara knew Twist was not supposed to be here. She had seen the candy making mare at Sweet Apple Acres just the day before. Twist had come by to place a large order. Diamond did not know what Twist was going to do with them (although she could guess since Twist was a candy maker), but it seemed very important. Leaving work and a waiting order for a pleasure trip did not seem like something that Twist would do.

Changeling, calling it now.

Wings. Changeling wings.

Oh, now it going to be fun.

"And it's time for you to wake up. But a warning: beware the frozen blood of the shadow ponies."

Well that's f*cking ominous.

glowing blue-white form of a crystal alicorn


Well now... Even though this intreages (sp- darn spell correct fail) me the dream... scares me some. I'm really really really hoping she doesn't loose a leg to frostbite.....

A wild plot device appears! (I love the internet for giving me the chance to make a reference to something I know virtually nothing about!)

Whatever it is, I'm psyched!

I'm not sure if I said it already, but I really enjoy your writing style!


It's a changeling. Kill it!

6563160 It depends on the period and the economy. Equestria is so schizotech and vague on military matters that any given writer can drop it into any given American/European period, although I don't think I've seen anyone do American Civil War or Napoleonic/post-Westphalean. But we have seen (This Platinum Crown) Renaissance settings where mercenaries were the primary source of military engineers and artillerymen, both being *exceedingly* capital-intensive aspects of their milieu. On the other end of the spectrum you have Equestria’s Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress, where we're clearly in the equivalent of late Victorian/Edwardian period complete with dreadnaughts and large tax-and-trade-fueled professional navies, and mercenaries are only a factor among pirates and criminals. Given the deliberate modern aspects of the military culture in this particular fic, I'd wager that we're looking at the current contemporary situation, where various factors have been driving western militaries towards professionalization in general and mercenary group reformation in particular in the American context. Especially SS's point about the parasitization of the PMCs on government-operated training programs.

Right. Headbutting something with a sharp horn; bad idea. Don't try that again.

Yes, that does generally tend to end poorly.

Ooohh, poor Tiara. Hey, Crystal Heart, I think she could use a little consolation.

And the bloody death on the Bloodcrystals will of course have no consequences whatsoever.

This is why you should listen to divine artifacts of unimaginable power and wisdom. If they tell you not to do something or go somewhere DON'T GO THERE AND DON'T DO THE THING.

Hubris, I fucking swear.

Also, I guess guard-training didn't include lessons on how to deal with taking a life. You really think they would.

This can't end well. Even if Chrissie is surrendering in good faith, which I rather doubt, her being in close proximity to the Heart could turn into about eight different kinds of bad.

"The simplest answer is they decided whether or not the guard were right for them," he answered. "Some stayed on to keep working, others left to pursue less violent occupations." His eyes narrowed as he looked away from her, ears drooping. "Others... made different choices... and let's leave it at that..."

I getcha.

"Your presence is required at the western border sir." The guard took a deep breath. "It's Queen Chrysalis sir. She has appeared, and is asking for you and Princess Cadance, sir."


"There is no need for formalities between us." Chrysalis then smirked. "After all, we have known each other... intimately." She licked her lips at the last part, causing Shining Armor to blush.

She's having gun already.

"As Queen, ruler, and representative of the changelings," she stated in a loud voice that carried far enough for all to hear, "I do hereby surrender myself over to the rulers of Equestria. I and my kind are now your prisoners."

Admiral Ackbar please?

"Sombra!" the mare gasped out. "It was Sombra! He's returned."

Oh dear.

Sombra + Crysalis ? So where is Hope now ?

I'm still calling on those blood crystals! Though the reason for Sombra (if it's really him) is probably his horn. I mean, that's kinda a trope.

See what happens Diamond, bully most your life and then karma reminds you of your debt.

"Great," Twilight huffed as she stepped back rolling her eyes. "Just great." Her wings flickered at her side as she turned to pace nervously. "Just what I need. First Chrysalis shows up supposedly to surrender, then Discord appears and insists we let his..." she let out a groan "...'guards' compete in the games, and now King Sombra might be back. What's next? Lord Tirek escaping Tartarus again?" She rubbed at her face.

Don't tempt fate.

you CO

YouR CO.

"You don't know," Dinky said as she looked around. She let out a gasp. "Maybe they are actually a secret ops team ran by one of the princesses and wants you to join their them. Or maybe they're time travelers who need your help to keep something from tampering with the time line. Maybe the location is actual their trans-temporal spaceship."


"I just think it would be really amazing," Dinky answered. "Just imagine the possibilities. You could go back in time and see what Princess Celestia and Luna were like as foals, or go forward and see what Equestria will be like in another thousand years. There could be a planet where the dominant life form is some sort of highly evolved primate, or one where they are unable to use magic."

I suppose. However, let's be real, if you screw with time, things start going to hell. Isn't that right Starlight?

"I'm Griselda, and welcome to The Crystal Empire's underground female fight club."
"A fight club?" Rumble asked. "You mean mares come here and beat each other up?"
"Yes," Griselda said. "Although not just ponies for now. And before you ask: no, the first rule is not that we don't talk about it."

Well played.

"You know what, fine." Diamond then turned to Griselda. "Sign me up. I'll fight."


"Diamond!" Dinky shouted as she shoved her way through the crowd. "Diamond!" She came to a stop in front of the other mare. "I thought I should warn you. I saw who your op--"

It's Aura isn't it?


"And a world without magic?" Diamond asked. "How would that even work?"

Don't know, haven't found a world without magic.

"You could also get your ass kicked pretty hard,"

The most believable outcome of the fight. But you know what, I will still bet on Diamond. Unleash your inner brat girl. :rainbowlaugh:

This fight will be more a mental battle than a physical one. Diamond has that down or Dinky wouldn't have suggested bringing out her inner brat. Yet considering their first bout during training, Diamond better not soak up too much damage on the physical end either or she's screwed. I'm very eager to see how this goes.

A sudden thought came to Diamond Tiara: she had no idea what she was doing.
Aura lifted her head and slammed it down against Diamond's.
Everything went black.

Lesson number 1 in fighting: Noone wins in a headbutt.

"I guess you're not as hard headed as some ponies say then."

*groan* That was terrible!

"I fell down the stairs, ma'am," Diamond Tiara responded.

You really think she's gonna buy that?

"I actually 'fell down the stairs' a few times myself when I was young," Commander Serena stated. "Made quite a few bits out of it too. I suppose there's no trouble as long as any others who 'fell down the stairs' with you were there by their own choice. Now, what are you doing out here and not at the conference with the others?"

Clever girl.

"We... thought we might have misheard you," Dinky answered. "You... were a little muffled by the mouthful of fritter is all."

She so didn't say Applebloom the first time. Something is wrong with her head, maybe a concussion or a lasting effect of changeling poison/magic. :duck:

6752875 the first thing she said

You know that I'm in love with Apple Bloom

the second thing she said

you know I'm in a relationship with Apple Bloom

there is the difference and what confused Dinky and Rumble

it looks like this attacker, is attacking the mind over the body, striking at Ponys deepest fears...though only when alone...it would make sense, as that is when the victim would be most vulnerable to their fears...

6754763 i was thinking the same thing last chapter, this just confirms it.

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