• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 418 Views, 10 Comments

Magic Gear Lucid - Xujints the Water Horse

When a Changeling infiltrator becomes a Lunar guard and Spy for Princess Celesita and Princess Luna, he gets far more then what he bargains for.

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The Painful briefing: Mission 1 starts.

Location: Somewhere on the border of Hayseed Forest and Hayseed Swamp.

Date: Classified.

Time: 10:37 P.M. EST

It was a dark night in the forest. The only things to illuminate the dark were the pale moonlight filtering through the canopy above and the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of a fire that burned below. Around this fire lay two familiar armored ponies, Dante, and Agent 707.

Agent 707 smiled to herself as she stared at the vibrant orange bracelet in her hoof as Dante poked the small campfire with his sword, his eyes dancing impatiently between the flames and 707. They sat in silence, that is, until Dante snapped, “Alright… I’ll bite, why did you bring me here?”

She smiled slightly; barely looking away from the bracelet, “Don’t blame me. Cain was the one who got the message from HQ…”

He gave a sigh and stabbed his sword into the ground, “And he didn’t even bother to tell us why? I swear, that pony has communication issues.”

Agent 707 rolled her eyes and slipped the bracelet over her hoof guards and said, “Well, Bastion… I think he didn’t tell you because you wouldn’t have came with us if you knew we were going after a couple of Eco terrorists and rescue a couple of hostages.”

He jumped back, as if offended, “Of course I would have came, it is my job… But… Why send a couple of Lunar Guards if it was something so minor... Surely the Royal guard could have handled this.”

She shrugged, “The letter was pretty vague on the details…”

“Wait, you read it! I thought you’d be too busy gawking over that stupid bracelet to care about something like reading. Dang and we spent nearly three days out here too!”

707 was about to respond, but was swiftly cut off by Cain, who had appeared in their midst with a decent sized quantity of logs with him, “Dante, can you drop the subject. Miss 707 does not receive gifts that often, especially from someone she fancies. I am certain she is just as confused about his gift as we were.”

Dante smirked as 707 shouted, “I do not ‘fancy’ him! I just found him to be great company, and he wanted to make sure I knew that he felt that way as well.”

“Right… I saw the way you looked at him.”

707 sighed as she rolled over, turning away from Dante as Cain threw a log at him with his magic, “Enough… You’re just jealous that he actually managed to get her to lower her guard around him.”

Dante snorted, “Me, jealous? Impossible. I have more Mares swooning over me then I could ever want. Why should I care about one that isn’t impressed by my stylish spells?”

Agent 707’s face visibly changed from a look of discomfort, to anger as Cain and Dante began to bicker back and forth, “Stylish? More like a showing off, you have no power behind them.”

“That’s where you are wrong. I have power and speed on my side.”

“I’m smarter.”

“I’m taller.”

“I have a bigger-“

She rolled back over and shouted, “Can you two stop measuring horns and shut up for a minute? Sheesh, I’d like to sleep in peace…”

Cain swiftly nodded silently, while Dante chuckled, “You know… Now that she mentions it. I could have sworn I saw her staring at David’s horn a few times. I think she has a thing for big-“

This time it was 707 that threw a log at him, “I said shut up!”

He was about to respond, but the sudden extinguishing of the campfire and the audible sound of a click and clatter startled the group. Cain was the first to blurt out, “Grenade!”

The trio scattered as the metal cylinder began to spew out noxious fumes. By the time they could focus on where they were running, they were individually ambushed and knocked back into the mist. 707 struggled to get up and leave once more, but she found herself becoming sluggish. It was sleeping gas! She had to move, she had to do something to stay awake.

She was knocked back down again as soon as she was just outside the range of the dissipating smoke. One of their assailants said, “Got one.”

“Same here.”

“Here’s a third one. Let’s get them back to base.”

707 groaned groggily as she saw and unconscious Cain and Dante being hefted up onto the backs of two earth ponies. She then felt the hooves of another as the world began to go dark… The sound of a Manitcore’s roar shot through the darkness, startling the ponies, so much so that she was dropped to the ground as they all shouted, “Run!!!”

Through hazed eyes, she could barely catch a glimmer of green light before blacking out.

Location: Northwest Hayseed Forest, west of Baltimare.

Date: Nearly Two and a half days before the forest incident.

Time: 9:28 A.M. EST

It was a hot, humid day in the Hayseed forest as Jack and I searched the river that splits the forest in two. We were in the northern side just above the river. We had to cross it, it was too wide and there’re not many bridges over it, but it was the only way to get back home. We knew of a bridge nearby, but finding something that isn’t on our maps is pretty difficult.

I sent back to my farewell with agent 707 is a discussed exam with Jack. It was time for us to go our separate ways. Being a typical pony, she suggested we exchange gifts, something to remember each other by. Personally, I thought the idea was a waste of time, especially considering most of the shops would not open that early in the morning, but… I was sure my missions would take you to some odd places, so there was a slim chance we can meet again, and it would be wise to have an ally on the other side, so I agreed.

But that brought up another issue, what could I possibly get her? I could’ve got her flowers, but they wouldn’t last long. I pondered it for a time and eventually settled on an orange colored metal bracelet. I was certain that would last. I wasn’t sure why I chose the color orange; it just seemed to stick out to me.

She was delighted. I give a sigh of relief she joked about how silly a gift of flowers would’ve been. Her gift was pretty interesting. She gave me a book about the forming of the New Lunar Republic and the origins of the Lunar Guard. It was valuable Intel, which Jack was trying to mooch off of me. I didn’t like the idea of sharing the gift…

I ran into Jack sometime later as we were both going through the forest and decided that we should travel together, safety in numbers and all.

Jack was in the middle of his story as the river appeared within our sight. I actually tune did not about halfway through, I wasn’t exactly interested in his opinions on movies. My mind was still stuck on 707 I don’t really know how to describe how I feel. When I looked at her, when I thought about her, I felt nauseous, but in a good way, and there was a burning feeling in my chest. I should ask to Tskari if this is normal for infiltrators when I get back to the Hive, but there are other things that I have to deal with right now, first I had to get there.

I felt a sudden tug on the bed, holding me back.


I was snapped out of my trance, finding myself precariously perched on the edge of the river, hanging out over the water. I almost fell in!

I looked up at Jack with a smile as he scowled at me, “Sorry, that heat must be getting to me more than I thought.”

As his teachers began to soften, he stated, “We should change back to our true forms, they’re far more resistant to this unbearable heat.”

I shook my head, “We aren’t far enough from the city yet for that. Let’s just get a drink of water and keep going a bit longer first, at this rate we should make it to the edge of the badlands with plenty of time to spare.”

He gave a shrug as I gently lowered my muzzle the water to quench my thirst. He eventually did the same.

We were about to head out, but were attacked by creature known as a Manticore, if you’re some beast with the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. It was both powerful and angry, angry that we were in its territory.

In a panic, we attempted to run away, but were forced into the river by the beast. We eventually passed by that bridge we were searching for before we are able to reach the opposite shore. Jack seemed worse off than I, so I decided that I should scout ahead and make sure there were no more immediate threats before we head out once more.

I was no more than ten minutes walking distance away when I heard a cry for help through the highs mind. Jack and him I assumed it was a newly arrived Masquerade, wearing danger. Whatever was causing trouble was in for a surprise. I changed into the Manticore that had attacked Jack and I a short while ago and ran into aid my comrades.

When I arrived, Masquerade was nowhere to be found as Jack lay on the ground, wounded and surrounded by hostile ponies in black jackets.

With great strength I rested, scaring the group witless. I brought down two swiftly, throwing them at their fleeing allies.

Within moments, we were alone. Feeling the coast was clear I requested that Jack revert to his true form so that he may conserve energy and I may be able to better assess his injuries. His carapace was cracked and his wings were torn, it was clear he needed help if he ever wanted to get back to the Hive.

I helped him to his hooves and looked around. Curious, I had asked where Masquerade was. Jack stated that he didn’t see him after he went down, nor could he sense his mind. The best-case scenario was that he managed to escape and the worst was that he was thrown into the river. Either way I was confident he would survive he’s too tough to die in place like this. My only concern was if his Horn cracked. A Changelings horn will heal quickly, they had to, but if that did happen no doubt they’d be confused and dazed for a time. If he does make it back to the Hive, he will be beyond late, but at least he’ll survive.

To my knowledge this river leads out to Horseshoe Bay, if his disguise held he might be able to get some help there. If not, I’m certain he’ll come up with something, he always was the clever one of the group. For now, I had to worry about Jack.

We were slow, but we were able to reach the badlands. There, Tskari and a medical team met us. It was odd, we didn’t send word for a team, but we were grateful nonetheless. The team took Jack to the Hive while Tskari took me off to the side and requested a status report.

I told him what had happened during the exam. He kept a straight expression as I explained the events in detail. Afterwards he said that he would keep much for Masquerade, but also mentioned that there was a new problem. He told me that a Scout reported that he received word from my brothers, Opaque and Compact, that they had been captured by a group of ponies and maybe executed shortly.

Tskari didn’t think they were found out, in fact, he thought they were being held ransom. For what purpose, he didn’t know. He then pondered whether or not he can spare a few soldiers to attempt to rescue mission, but decided against it. That is, until he spotted the pendant around my neck.

“… So you, have it then?”

It took me a moment to register what he had asked, before I responded with, “Oh! The Pendant, it was in my file. I wanted to ask you about it, but with recent events is must’ve slipped my mind.”

He nodded, “I can imagine your surprise. I had to be sure you are old enough to receive it, and you are. I will explain further, but time is of the essence, follow me.”

I nodded reluctantly and followed him through one of the caves that supposedly lead to the Hive, but it was odd, I didn’t recognize it. We eventually reached a decent sized cavern. Its walls were adorned with various weapons and mementos, all situated around a stone carving of the pony, about roughly my size in stature. It was wearing a similar suit that my father wore; no it was the suit that my father wore.

I looked up at Tskari and asked, “Where are we?”

He smiled at me as you remove the suit from the Stone pony and said, “This cave belonged to your father. Imagine it as if it were a home away from home. Used to send us things from the field all the time.”

Looking around the room, I had… almost a feeling of nostalgia. I was in a place filled with remnants of my father success. It was intoxicating!


He tossed a suit to me and motioned for me to put it on. It was a loose it, I was certain that I can grow into it. I closed my eyes and took in my father’s familiar scent housed in its stitching. Content, I asked, “Why are you giving this to me? Why are we here?”

“Does any of this remind you of anything?”

I shrugged, “Should it?”

Now he shrugged, “I don’t know… Anyway, you should not familiarize yourself with the various pockets on the suit. I’ve decided that you are going on the rescue mission. Consider it your first mission as an official infiltrator.”

I blink and surprise, “I passed? How?”

He smirked, “Desperate times call for desperate measures, don’t you agree? Be sure to empty your bag and file your things away in those pockets of yours, and yes, they are bigger on the inside; they were enchanted to be that way. Your briefing will start in two minutes.”

My mind went blank as I check my pockets and stored all of my things in them that were in my bag. I took notes of the thin, yet flexible slits for wings of various sizes. I was certain that would be useful too…

I heard Tskari clear his throat before shouting, “Attention!”

I snapped attention seem a disguise father walking to the room. I shouted, “Officer on deck.”

I saluted, looking silently ahead as my pony comrades beside me did the same, “At ease.”

My father’s stern and commanding voice shook me to the core, but his next words brought a smile to my face, “Kept you waiting, huh?”

I couldn’t help it.

He walked halfway past our group of five, stopping as a slide projector turned on behind us.

“Alright Lionhearts, as you know, this is a sneaking mission.”

I smiled. Sure, I felt nervous, but the thought of being in the field with my father was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.

He continued, “And as such, physical combat should be avoided at all costs. I do not doubt any of your combat prowess, but should anything happen, you will be left behind. Officially, the Princess well deny any involvement in this operation, this means there will be no support.”

We nodded, “In fact, we’ll have to procure our own weapons on site. To say we are going in naked would be an understatement.”

“Any questions?”

I shook my head.

“Pliskin, are you paying attention?”

I blink, I was once again in the room with Tskari, and my father was gone.

He said, “Pliskin, care to explain what just happened, I couldn’t read your mind just now.”

I looked at him and said, “I don’t know. I was at a briefing of some kind. My father was there…”

He remained silent as it continued, “There were others there, but I was certain they were ponies… And Tskari, you were there too. What was that? It happened when I first touched the Pendant too.”

He remained silent for a few moments more. When he broke the silence, he said, “I could tell you… But that wouldn’t help. There was an accident some time after you were born. We were able to save you, but not everything went according to plan… Your mind, it was… Broken. We tried to put new pieces in, try to fix it at your father’s request, but… In the end, it was scrapped. We decided to let your mind heal and see what happens. I’m sorry.”

I was silent for a time. These, memories… Could they be mine, or perhaps they were somepony else’s. Yeah… They could be somepony else’s, somepony that knew my father, or maybe, somepony that my father had replaced. It wasn’t unheard of for Changelings to outright replace ponies in a community. In fact, it was the most common practice infiltrators do.

He put a hoof on my shoulder and said, “Pliskin… I know this revelation must be painful, but for now, I need you to put this aside and save your brothers. They are you brothers. You can know that for sure.”

I looked up at him, tears welling up in my eyes, “How? First some pony's mind was put into me to try to fix me, and then my dads… Is any part of me, me?”

He sighed, leveling with me, “Calm down. Listen. I’ll be talking too you through that pendant of yours. I still have mine from the old days. I’ll talk you through it. You won’t be alone.”

I nodded slowly, “Okay… Where are they?”

He walked over to a map of Equestria and said, “Here, the reports said that they are in a fort near the border of the forest and Hayseed Swamp.”

I frowned as he pointed to their approximate location, “If things are as bad as you think they are, I won’t make it in time. I can’t fly fast enough.”

He smirked, “Indeed. You can’t, not as a changeling, but as a Pegasus, you should.”

It hit me; I could simply become a Pegasus. I’m not limited to just one form. I’ll thank him later for the reminder, but right now, I had to move. I was about to leave, but Tskari stopped me. He gave me a small pouch filled with three vials filled with a glowing blue liquid, “Here… Take these. Use them at your own discretion. The contents of these vials will boost your magic power for a limited time. I included a list of ingredients, but they are pretty rare, so keep an eye out…”

I blinked at him, “Why isn’t the rest of the Hive using this stuff then?”

“I just said it’s rare… And the side effect is a higher magic drain when using spells. Be wary, you wouldn’t want your disguise to fall at random, now would you?”

I shook my head with a smile as I once again took on my ‘David’ persona and modified it with a pair of Pegasus wings. I gave my new wings a few test flaps before taking off; I had no more time to waste.

Secret Reports: Tskari’s Lament part 2

“Come in.”

Queen Chrysalis looked at the door as Captain Tskari entered the royal bedchambers. He knelt down before her and said, “My Queen.”

A weak flash emitted from her horn before she said, “Arise…”

Tskari looked up at her and gasped, “My Queen… You…”

She looked visibly thinner, and certainly sickly. He could tell that she didn’t have much time left. She snorted, as if nothing was wrong, “Surprised Captain? It has been a while hasn’t it?”

He nodded slowly, “Are you?”

She nodded in response, “I am. Do not fret; my daughter has grown into a fine princess, and soon, a great Queen. But that is for another time. I heard that death has claimed John. Is this true?”

Tskari looked at the ground below him and muttered, “Yes…”

He looked up once more and spoke with more resolution, “He’s gone. But there is worse news. It’s David, he’s…”

“What is wrong with him Captain.”

He shook his head as he said, “We don’t know… We are still waiting for the medical reports to come in, but we do know that he’s suffering from a broken psyche. He saw his father’s death… Even worse. I think he was the one who did it.”

The Queen frowned, “Is he here?”

Tskari nodded, “He is… I feel so ashamed… I promised John that I would protect him, that I’d protect the next generation, and look what happened.”

Her eyes narrowed at him, “Quickly, bring him here. I will save John’s son.”

Tskari nodded as he headed for the door. He looked back at her and asked, “My Queen. I wish to know. He’s not yours, why spend what little time you have healing him?”

She smiled, “Oh, how naive you are. He is not yours either, and yet you took it upon yourself to bring him here to save him. Tell me, if you lost someone, even if they are not your children, how would you feel?”

“I’d… I’d be sad. But I won’t let it stop me. So long as there is someone to protect, I will give my life to defend them.”

Her smiled widened, “Good. So you understand the burden that us Queen’s carry. You Infiltrators always have the strangest lives… So close to us, and yet so far… Captain, promise me you’ll protect them. The Hive, our children… Keep them safe, as you are with John’s.”

Tskari shed a single tear as he nodded, turning to the door, “I will.”

The Queen gave a sigh of relief as Tskari left her alone for the time being, “Oh John… You certainly knew how to pick them. I wonder what the future will hold for young David. Will he grow up to be like you, a loyal soldier to the end, or something more?”

Author's Note:

Here is the second Chapter. This one took a bit longer to to write, I even rewrote it twice, but this one was the best I have written so far. I hope you like it! And sorry for the cliffhanger at the beginning, that will be explained in the next chapter.