• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 2,861 Views, 7 Comments

Heart of the Herd - Harmony Split

The idea of a herd is not a new one in Equestria society. Throughout the years many different ponies have engaged in the activity, most of those have been royalty or the like. Ponies that loved many different suitors and couldn’t just choose one.

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The only fluffy, sexy chapter

Heart of the Herd

Somewhere in Cloudsdale in the evening.

Spitfire laid lazily on the couch, reading through the news as the door crashed open, just to be slammed shut seconds after. Raising her head slightly, a grin appeared on her muzzle.

“What was it today, Fleetfoot?” she asked, “The same?”

The pale blue pegasus snorted, “The same? No. This time they really did it.”

Spitfire sighed and got up before moving to Fleetfoot, unfolding a wing and letting it rest on her back, “What did they do?”

Fleetfoot cooed at the touch, humming before sighing, “Everything started as normal. A new batch of recruits, Rainbow and I holding a speech, and then to the training. Five cadets stuck in the obstacle course, three passed out on the dizzytron and one managed to dig himself ten feet into the ground after crashing from it,” She looked into the eyes of the yellow mare before continuing, “We really need you back, Firefly.”

Spitfire smiled and nuzzled Fleetfoot gently, “So I guess that Rainbow and Surprise won’t be home anytime soon?” she asked with a hint of disappointment.

“Mhh, it may take a while,” came the cooed response, “They have to clean up, after all, so why don’t we have a bit of… quality time?”

“The herd was your idea,” Spitfire grinned back.

“Yeah, and keeping it a secret out in public proves harder than I thought!” Fleetfoot pouted.

“It’ll be all worth it in the end. Trust me, Fleety,” the yellow mare kissed her softly.

“It already is,” the pale blue mare purred before pressing back into the kiss.

As they broke, Spitfire sighed, “So, how is the rookie doing?”

“She’s taking it pretty cool. You know that she’s not really a romantic pony outside her shell. I’m more concerned about Surprise, she was really shaking today.”

“We really have to watch out, especially at the shows. If those nobles get a whiff of what we’re up to, we’re done,” Spitfire said in a curse.

“I’d be more concerned about the rookie. Our career is safe as long as you don’t buck up and reveal everything.”

Spitfire nudged her before sharing a quick nuzzle, “Hey, I’m still the Captain. You’d be amazed what I can keep secret.”

Before Fleetfoot could answer, the door smashed open, revealing two very dirty and equally pissed-off mares, “FLEETFOOT!” they both shouted in unison.

The pale-blue mare quickly ducked under the blur of white and cyan that dashed straight for her. With a yelp, she retreated upstairs, followed by curses and a giggling Spitfire.

“Don’t touch me! Take a shower first!” Fleetfoot shrieked in panic before retreating into a room and shutting the door.

Rainbow Dash and Surprise grinned at each other before knocking on the door, “Well, Fleety. That would work,” Surprise said bittersweet, “If you weren’t hiding in the bathroom!”

Fleetfoot cursed inside while the three mares outside broke into uncontrolled laughter.

“You two take a shower. Fleety, get out or I’ll send them in while you are still in there. I’ll prepare something to eat,” Spitfire giggled.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the door unlocking, and then opening just an inch. Fleetfoot tried to escape, but it was to no use. Rainbow and Surprise quickly trapped her and closed the door behind them.

“No, NO! Not today! Please, that’s just dirty… Ahhhh!”

The yellow mare grinned as she made her way downstairs, knowing that she could take her time with dinner.


Spitfire was on her former position on the couch, waiting for her three mares to finish their ‘shower’. The first indicator that they were done was the creaking of the door, then seconds later hoof steps.

“You know, next time invite me if it’s going to take that long,” Spitfire smiled as the three mares with the still damp coats and manes froze in place.

“Ugh, you know… We… had problems getting Fleety clean,” Rainbow started weakly.

“Fleety, or yourself? I know you, Dash,” the yellow mare said with a grin.

“You can yell at the noobie later, can we eat now? I’m starving!” Surprise interrupted.

It wasn’t even a real question as the three mares raced towards the table while Spitfire just got up slowly, watching the display of tossing and tumbling limbs.

“You mares will never change. None of you ever will,” Spitfire giggled and sat down with them to eat.

“Would you really want us to?” Surprise asked.

Spitfire smiled, “Change? No. Improve? You bet your flanks!”

They all shared a laugh at that as dinner was quickly consumed, not much of a sound other than the plates clinging through the room. It was nearly too quiet, the kind of quiet ponies have when they’re trying to ignore a huge fire-breathing dragon in the room

“Spitfire, why do we have to keep our muzzles shut about… you know, us?” Surprise asked, no longer able to hold her tongue.

“Because we can’t risk it. If the nobles or some other ponies find out, we’re done. Especially as Rainbow is still a cadet,” Spitfire frowned, “We’ve talked about this before, and as then, my opinion hasn’t changed.”

“But why do we even have to mention Dash? We could just say it’s only us, the three full squad-members, nopony ever has to know about Rainbow being in our herd!” Fleetfoot cut in.

“And what would you answer if they find out Rainbow lives with us? As soon as they learned that, anypony with half a brain would put the pieces together. It would be a bit too suspicious, and it’s a risk I’m not willing to take,” Spitfire grumbled, a clear indicator that the topic was over before she turned to Dash, gently nuzzling her, “I know it’s hard, but I’m doing it for you. As soon as we get an opening you’ll be a full member of our squad, and I will officially reveal my relationship to the most beautiful and best mares I’ve ever met,” she said with a smile.

Fleetfoot and Surprise still pouted, but Rainbow seemed satisfied with that answer, “Alright, let’s do the dishes and then we can get to some more quality time. We won’t have time for it next week with all the preparations for the show,” Dash replied with a grin.

Spitfire looked at Rainbow in shock, then with a smile. Dash had learned her lessons well; do the chores first, and it leads to more fun afterwards. While she was happily surprised, the other two were surprised surprised, “We?” Fleetfoot and Surprise asked in unison.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I managed to arrange it so that Dash will help us with the preparations. That way even though she’s a rookie, she can be by our side during the show,” Spitfire said with a grin.

Dash didn’t even wait, she flew up into the air and started grabbing the dishes from off the table, some with half-eaten bites still being enjoyed by their owner.

“I’ve never seen her so eager to do the dishes,” Fleetfoot said with a grin.

“You can always motivate a Dash with some fun stuff,” Surprise laughed.

“Especially if it’s with the three most awesome mares in Equestria,” Dash replied with a blush.

“You’re not bad, either!” Spitfire replied with a smile.

“Okay, enough with that cheesy stuff, we’ve got some plans!” Dash cut in.

“Alright, alright, Rookie. Let’s get everything cleaned up,” The pale-blue mare scoffed and nudged her playfully.

It wasn’t her favourite duty, but in the end, Dash was alone with the last dish, mumbling, “That’s unfair. I get stuck with the clean up and you all get to start in on the fun!”

“Can’t help it if you’re faster than us!” Surprise yelled out.

“Hell yeah, I am!” Rainbow replied with a grin.

“At dishes, anyway!” Fleetfoot joked.

Rainbow thought of several awesome, amazing retorts for that, but bit them back. After all, there were a lot more funner ways of getting revenge. After the last dish was clean, Rainbow made her way upstairs, hearing faint giggles out of Spitfire’s room. She was sure that they were already into it, but as she opened her door, she was surprised.

On Spitfire’s enormous bed, all three Wonderbolts laid close together, but with their loving gazes all directed to the cyan mare standing in awe at the door.

“You going to stare all day or do you want to join us, Rookie? I can practically see you drool from here!” Spitfire giggled.

Rainbow certainly didn’t need to be told twice. With a big jump and a few flaps of her wings, she headed straight to the bed, electing a yelp from the mares as she jumped right between them.

Fleetfoot eeped loudly as she was forced to roll to the right. Surprised lived up to her name, she had a pillow ready to go, knowing just what Rainbow would do when she saw the three of them. As Rainbow landed directly on top of her and Spitfire, her muzzle soon met said pillow.

Spitfire laughed as she saw the look of surprise, then indignation, and then joy in the cyan mare’s face. With a grin, she stated, “Looks like that’s two for Surprise.”

“That just means I got a lot of catching up to do!” Rainbow sated with a grin as she grabbed the pillow from out of Surprise’s muzzle and started to hit her repeatedly with it.

The white mare giggled madly as she tried to protect herself, just to fail under Rainbow’s restless ministrations and Spitfire’s playful rub on her back that kept distracting her.

“Firefly! Stop it! I can’t concentrate, damn it!”

“Mhh, nope.”

“That’s unfair!” the white mare pouted.

“You know what’s unfair, my love?” Fleetfoot whispered from the side of the bed. Upon Surprise shaking her head, she stretched her wing to tickle her at the side, “This!”

“No! Bad Fleety! Bad, bad Fleety!” Surprise shouted, shaken by laughter.

Surprise laughed so hard she couldn’t stop to breathe. Rainbow even threw the pillow to the side and started to join in the tickle-torture, causing the mare to giggle and cry into the room, “I can’t… Stoppp… it’s…. I…”

“Who’s the winner?” Rainbow asked with a grin as she added both wings to her hoof tickling.

“YOU!!!” Surprise screamed.

“Damn right!” Rainbow said victorious as she stood above the mare, her chin up in a victory pose.

“And now for my reward,” the cyan mare continued with a grin as the other two pulled back. She leaned down and kissed the white mare on the lips, catching Surprise by surprise with her sudden one-eighty.

Fleetfoot watched with a smile on her face. When this had started, when this was first suggested, she had been taken aback by it. Unsure just how she’d feel splitting her time, her love, and her heart amongst three mares at once. Now? Now she didn’t know how she lived so long without it. She loved all three of them, with all her heart. The fact that they loved each other just as much was a blessing her book.

Somehow, someway, no matter what they did, none of them ever felt jealously, none of them ever felt left out, or somehow the lesser of any of them. That had been a worry going in, that somehow Spitfire's rank would negatively influence the relationship. Every single time they were in private, no rank mattered, no age and no difference. They were simply four mares in love, four mares in a herd.

The kiss went on, and soon Fleetfoot felt a feathery touch upon her cheek, Spitfire’s beautiful yellow feathers guiding her muzzle towards her own, catching her in a soft, but passionate kiss.

As soon as Dash kissed her, she looked Surprised in the eye. Surprise saw the look there, it was the same one Rainbow always had when things were about to get heated, when she had a longing for more. With a grin Surprise told her everything she could want to know.

However, Rainbow wasn’t in the mood for the norm, she wanted something slightly different to shake things up. As soon as she could, she moved to the edge of the sheets and nuzzled it open, using her wings, she spread them wide, gesturing for all three mares to follow her underneath.

Surprise didn’t need a second invitation, she tapped Spitfire on the shoulder and quickly followed Rainbow. Spitfire and Fleetfoot soon joined afterwards, knowing that whatever Rainbow wanted to do, it would be very enjoyable.


No pony had any idea when the sheet had fallen off the bed, but they really didn’t care either. Surprise lay on her back, panting, sweaty, sticky, and perfectly satisfied in every definition of the word. The other three were the same, with only Rainbow seeming to have any sort of energy left over.

“Is that the best you can do, Fleetfoot?” Rainbow teased as she got to her hooves.

“Rookie, remind me to double up your training exercises, we gotta burn off that excess energy,” Spitfire said with a wide open muzzle.

“That would be four times the exercises you ever did in your life,” Dash blew her a raspberry, “Besides, I thought you liked my excess energy.”

“I, for my part, love it,” Fleetfoot managed to breath out.

“Seconded,” Surprise managed to say.

“Hey, support your captain!” Spitfire pouted.

“I think I recall a certain mare exclaiming that rank doesn’t matter in our herd?” Rainbow playfully asked.

“Hey! Don’t use my own words against me.”

“Pft!” Rainbow blew her a raspberry as she walked over, her hooves a little unsteady from their activities. With a nudge of her nose, she started to scoot in between Spitfire and Fleetfoot. The two groaned as they forced their bodies to make room for the mare.

When there was enough space, the cyan-pegasus laid down between them and then worked her way onto her back. She looked down in surprise when Fleetfoot rolled over and lay a hoof across her stomach, “I don’t know how you do it, Rainbow.”

“It pays to be awesome,” Rainbow replied with a grin.

“Being young also helps,” Spitfire replied.

“You’re not old, Spitfire,” the cyan mare replied.

“Heh, I think we never talked about our age, right Rookie?” Fleetfoot asked with a grin.

“Why should we? I’ve read everything about you in the magazines, you’re nearly my age!”

“That’s a lie for marketing, Dash,” Spitfire frowned.

“Okay, quit the stalling. How old are you really?”

“I’m the youngest of the team, six years older than you,” Fleetfoot started, “Surprise is one year older, but Spitfire is our oldie, she’s five years older than me.”

Rainbow looked around before her eyes narrowed, “I hate maths. That’s like listening to Twilight explaining her magic… form… formulas?”

Spitfire sighed, “Twenty-five, twenty-six and thirty.”

“That’s not old… that’s… that’s… experienced,” Rainbow said with a grin.

“Glad you take it well. Surprise feared you would leave us for younger mares at first,” Fleetfoot smiled warmly.

“Me? Well, maybe,” she teased

“Rainbow!” Surprise yelled.

“I’m joking. Nah, I’ve worshiped the Wonderbolts most of my life. For me, this is a dream come true.”

“Well, you’ve been cumming a lot,” Spitfire said with a smile.

“That’s true,” Rainbow laughed.

“Rookie, if you think this is a dream, you haven’t seen anything yet. Once you’re in our squad and we’re officially together, the real fun begins!” Surprise cheered.

Rainbow lay her head back against the mattress, letting it rest after such a fun day, “Mmhm, that’ll be nice.”

“Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash?” Fleetfoot asked, already knowing the answer.

“Nope,” Rainbow stated, flatly.

All three mares dropped their jaw at that answer, “What… But… I,” Spitfire stumbled over the words.

“Wonderbolt and marefriend of the three sexiest mares alive, Rainbow Dash!”

“There's our Rainbow back,” Fleetfoot laughed.

“I still say we could sell more tickets if we add some more… adult formations,” Rainbow teased.

“Rainbow, for the last time, we’re not fucking in formation!” Spitfire yelled.

“Oh, that could be fun,” Fleetfoot stated, teasingly.

“Hang on, I want to hear more about this,” Surprise replied.

“Okay, so what we do is cut a hole in our Wonderbolt uniforms right at our marehoods and then when we--”

“Rainbow!” Spitfire yelled again.

“C’mon, don’t you tell me you wouldn’t be immediately up for it!” Rainbow pouted.

“Yeah, c’mon, let's try it at least once!” Surprise stated.

“Oh, Celestia, you got them started on it,” Spitfire said as she laid her head back.

“We’re just bucking with you,” Rainbow teased, “Of course, we could be bucking you in the sky if you--”


“Fine,” Rainbow said with a grin.

“Maybe we should call her captain buzzkill?” Fleetfoot asked.

“I’ll buck you three senseless for the next week before the training if you keep that up,” Spitfire threatened with a smile.

All three mares started giggling at that, soon, not even Spitfire could hold herself back. As much as she didn’t want to picture what Rainbow was suggesting, try to not think about the color blue and that’s all you’re thinking about. Try and not think about fucking your marefriends in the sky, and… well.

“For Celestia's sake, now you got that idea in my head!” Spitfire cursed.

The laughter increased ten-fold as all four mares enjoyed the small joke at Spitfire's expense. The captain found that not even she could stay mad, the thought picked up a life of its own.

“We can always try those maneuvers in private, Captain, so keep your panties on,” Fleetfoot laughed.

“Hey, I don’t even wear those! That one time was,” the captain trailed off.

“Just for us?”

“Yeah, that,” Spitfire blushed.

“We thank you for it,” Rainbow said with a peck to her cheek and a yawn on her muzzle. One that proved to be infectious to the others as well.

“I think that is our sign for sleep,” Surprise said.

“But I don’t want to yet!” Dash complained in a playful foal-like manner.

“Consider it an order, cadet,” Spitfire said teasingly.

“Yes, ma’am,” Rainbow replied with a grin as she lightly stretched a hoof up and over Spitfire's head, running it through the mare’s mane with small strokes.

Spitfire just grinned as she lay her head on Rainbow’s stomach. Surprise cuddled up to her back, enjoying the warmth, and Fleetfoot nuzzled into Rainbow’s right shoulder, happy as she could be.

It was an… unusual relationship, but as the four mares started to drift off to sleep, none of them would change a thing.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is.
The promised story!
Have fun :heart:

Comments ( 7 )

Hmmm... woohoo! Not bad. Noticed a few grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, but nothing overly distracting. Story was adorkably cute. Although, I like SpitDash so that kinda worked for me... the whole four-pony herd thing seemed a bit forced with no build up, but I see what you were going for. Overall the story was good! Certainly worthy of my 'upvote' just not quite to "favorite" level. Sorry, Scratch. :yay:


That's okay since this is just some side-thingy instead of one of my main stories:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by snow_solace deleted Sep 15th, 2015

ill give it a like, a follow and a +20 swag

This story was adorable beyond all words.

A cheerful story that warmed my heart.:heart:

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