• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 4,293 Views, 59 Comments

Trio On Water - Brony Parasite

Friendship is magic... Then what are Emotion, Knowledge and Willpower? POKEMON! That's what! Spicifically, Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf, the lake spirits. Sombra finds them interesting. Can the Mane Six protect these Pokemon from the Tyrant? (Displaced)

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1. Guadians And Trainers

(Chapter 1)

“Alex! Wait up!” Una Siler, a blond girl wearing a grey bodysuit. She was yelling at a blue haired girl up ahead who was also wearing a grey bodysuit.

The blue haired girl's name was Alex Hurren. The two were meeting their friend, Mal Clover, at a stall she said she found something.

“C’mon! You’re running slower than usual!” Alex yelled back to Una. They arrived at the stall which had two guys manning it and a girl dressed as Harley Quinn who was playing with some of the merchandise. They found Mal looking through them while the girl played.

One of the men, an albino wearing a white trench coat laughed. “Enid, stop! You’ll break something!”

“But dad! You make the best toys!” ‘Enid’ replied.

“How about me and your father make some more for you later then Enid?” A man in a blue cloak that covered his entire body in shadow said to the child before turning to the customers. “Welcome, would you like to buy something?” He asked the three girls dressed as pokemon.

“Yeah, how much are these?” Mal asked, pointing to three Pokemon eggs.

“Oh? The eggs? How much were the eggs again Tim?” The man in the blue cloak said.

“I think they’re twenty each. Maybe twenty three, I’ll check to see if there’s any tax stuff.” Tim said before checking some notes. “Sorry, I forgot this wo- I mean licence isn’t that strict. Twenty.”

“Wow! That’s cheap!” Alex said, picking up one of the eggs. “These things are like, what, a hundred at least.

“Well, It wasn't that hard to create a couple of eggs. But they do come with complimentary travel tickets.” The man in the blue cloak laughed.

“Uh… Okay.” Mal said, looking towards her friends. “You two up for it?”

“Yeah, I’ve got some cash my bro lent me. Twenty’s nothing!” Alex replied.

“Yeah, I have enough. Plus, I’ve always wanted a Pokemon egg…” Una added.

“Well, you won't be disappointed.” The blue cloaked man said to Una.

“Truer words were never spoken… At here of course.” Tim said. Him and Mal did the exchange as Alex and Una took their eggs. Once the money was given, Mal picked up her own egg.

“Thanks!” Mal said. “But, uh… Where’s those ticket things?”

“Mr. Fate?” Tim asked, turning his head towards the cloaked man.

“Yes? Oh! Here you go kids.” ‘Mr. Fate’ said before pulling three golden tickets out of nowhere and handing them to the girls. “Good luck and may your fate’s be kind…” He told them.

The three took the tickets and tried to read them.

Hello there,

If you are reading this you have been chosen to be sent to another land where your actions will either help or destroy those you find there.

Good luck!

“What the-!?” Alex said before she placed a hand over her head. “Hell…?”

“What’s happening…?” Una asked as she felt it too.

“Gah!” Mal yelped in pain as a flash of light blinded all three. In an instant, everything faded, and they were gone.

[A Millions Of Years Later/Equestria]

Bland. That was the only way to explain Mesprit's mood. She was alone in a cave, her home. No living thing dare to enter the creator of Emotions lair. Her only company was out doing… Whatever, while she was laying in water.

“Mesprit?” Called a young Male voice from outside the cave.

The Legendary lifted her head from the rugged ground, looking to the entrance of the cave.

“Mommy? Are you there?” The male voice called again.

Mesprit smiled as she flew towards the outside of the cave. She breached into the sunlight to see another Pokemon. Bagon.

She waved to him, smiling brighter… But unable to answer...

The Bagon smiled as he saw his adoptive mother and waved back from the shore of the lake. “I brought you something that I found while checking to make sure none of those people had wandered near the barrier!” He said before pulling out a strange crystal that looked like a red heart.

Mesprit looked at the jewel closely, curious as to what it was. She pointed to it, raising an eyebrow that indicated she didn’t know what it was.

“It's a ruby that grew in the shape of a heart I think, and I decided to get it for you because I thought you would like it…” Bagon said sheepishly.

Mesprit smiled and kissed Bagon’s head. She took it gently and flew in, mounting it on the cavern's wall. She flew back and gave him a hug, nuzzling her head on his.

Bagon hugged Mesprit back, he loved his adoptive mother but he couldn't do much for her besides patrolling the border of their territory… and it didn't help that he couldn't swim. Luckily he didn’t have to stay on her tiny island, as she had made a small cave into his home.

Mesprit started tapping her chin, thinking about something. Chin tapping turned into head scratching, and she threw her tiny arm into the air, showing that she had an idea.

“What is it?” Bagon asked, usually whenever Mesprit had an idea it ended in something happening to him so he was a bit nervous, but he put up with it because he wanted her to be happy even if it meant being chased by a manticore every other week.

Mesprit flew back into her cave and a moment later reappeared with a map of Equestria. She unrolled it and pointed her nubs at Lake Acuity and Lake Valor, the homes of Uxie and Azelf.

“We’re going to see Uxie and Azelf?” Bagon asked, a glint of excitement in his eyes. Mesprit clasped her arms together and nodded. “I’ll go get some snacks!” He then said before running into the cave that served as his home before returning with a sack of fruit over his shoulder.

Mesprit seemed to be pondering something. She stared at the map, looking from one lake to the other. ‘Which one first?’ She thought. After a few seconds, she decided Azelf was the closer one, and Uxie was in the far north.

“Hey Rarity, why are you freaking out?” Asked Applejack.

“Yeah Rares, did you forget to go to the spa or something?” Rainbow Dash teased.

“No… It’s just the… Worst… Possible... Thing!!!” Rarity said frantically searching throughout her house. “I’ve lost the Fire Ruby Spikey Wikey gave me! I feel awful!”

“Calm down Rarity, I’m sure you’ll find it.” Twilight said trying to console her friend.

“Maybe we can help you after our… Thing… If that’s okay with you girls.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Yeah, what Flutters said. I'm sure the little dude wont mind, I mean it's not like you gave it away…” Rainbow said waving a hoof. “Now come on! We’re going to miss the train if we hang around here any longer!” She then added before proceeding to push Rarity out the door.

“Oh… I suppose he won’t ask about it on our adventure…” Rarity said. “Okay, but let me get my things! Applejack, darling, would you help me?”

“Dang nabbit…” Applejack muttered.

“I’ll see you girls at the station, I still need to get Pinkie.” Twilight said before teleporting away while snickering at AJ’s comment.

“Can we go to the train station?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow.

“Might as well.” Rainbow shrugged before flying out the door alongside Fluttershy.

Mesprit and Bagon arrived at Valor Lake. There was no sign of Azelf though...

The Legendary scratched her head, confused. She turned to Bagon, a question mark hovering over her head.

“I’ll see if I can call them…” Bagon said before he took in a deep breath.

Before he could continue, there was a tap on his shoulder and Azelf shoved her face into Bagon’s, grinning.

“ACK!” Bagon shouted in surprise falling over backwards and having the wind knocked out of him. “Don't do that!” He complained as Azelf snickered at his expense.

Mesprit wizzed around Azelf, squealing silently at seeing the Legendary Pokemon of Willpower. Azelf followed best she could, but got dizzy after the seventh spin.

Ralts snickered at Azelf’s antics from the sidelines before walking over. ‘Hello Bagon, long time no see?’ He said before doing twelve spins in front of Azelf to tease her.

“Its nice to see you again too Ralts.” Bagon said before giving the psychic Pokemon a hug when he finished spinning.

Azelf hovered over Bagon and rubbed his head, smiling.

“And it's nice to see you again also Azelf.” Bagon said before tackling her in a hug as revenge for scaring him. The elf based Pokemon was helpless, and so fell to the ground with a yelp.

Mesprit gushed at the image and clapped at the display. She then looked towards Ralts and waved.

Ralts smiled at Mesprit and did a small bow before he used his psychic powers to pull everyone into a group hug. ‘so what brings you here?’ he asked Mesprit as soon as the group hug ended.

“I’m getting a family reunion together! Azelf, you mind coming with us to see Uxie and Dratini!?” Mesprit asked through the telepathic link.

“Sure! Right Ralts?” Azelf questioned.

Let's go! It gets lonely when it's just the two of us all the time.” Ralts replied as he relayed the conversation to Bagon.

“Ok then! To Lake Acuity!” Bagon said as he began to head off to their next stop, only to freeze when he heard a train whistle. “What was that?” He asked.

“I think it’s one of those human thingies called a train.” Azelf suggested.

“Whats a ‘train’ doing all the way out here?” Ralts asked.

“I’ll go check.” Bagon said before he went to check the border of Azelf’s territory. He swatted a branch out of his viewpoint to see the ‘train’. A few of the Humans were boarding it, but a duo of two caught his eye.

“Hurry it up Applejack! I’d hate to miss the train when we’re this close!” A posh girl wearing a white sweater and black jeans that went down just below her knees said. She had purple hair and blue eyes, as well as makeup.

“Ah’m tryin Rarity! It mighta helped if ya didn’ have so much junk!” Another girl wearing an orange and white checkered dressshirt, blue ripped jeans and a brown stetson barked back. She had tanned skin with freckles, blond hair done like a ponytail, and green eyes.

“Those humans are too close for my liking…” Bagon muttered to himself before he started to return to Lake Valor.

Mesprit and Azelf were flying around the lake, playing and dinking around. At one point, Mesprit pulled out a Magikarp from the water and slapped Azelf with it. Mesprit laughed at Azelf as the blue Lake Spirit hit a tree.

“Whats going on here?” Bagon asked in confusion as he walked into the clearing around the lake.

They got bored waiting on you and started a play fight…” Ralts said holding his head in frustration. “Sometimes I think we’re the adults here and they are the kids…

Bagon pated Ralts on the back as they sat and watched the two legendaries that were their adoptive parents act like children.

The play fight turned into a real fight as they started to use their attacks on each other. After a little bit, they both fell onto the ground in front of their kids, huffing and puffing.

“I won!” Azelf proclaimed.

“Nuh uh! I won! You’re too brutal!” Mesprit shot back.

“It was a tie.” Bagon and Ralts deadpanned in perfect unison.

“Not again! That’s the millionth time!” Azelf cried out.

“Come on, we should probably get moving. The humans bassed right by the edge of the border earlier, and I don't want to be here should they accidentally stumble upon this place.” Bagon said rolling his eyes.

“Wait… They’re near my lake?” Asked Azelf, surprised.

“Yes, they were headed to a train station that wasn't that far from here.” Bagon replied, giving Azelf an incredulous glare for not monitoring her borders.

“Well… They can’t really hurt the lake… Let’s go!” Azelf announced as she picked up Ralts and placed him onto her back.

Mesprit’s arms sagged. “Wish I could do that with Bagon…”

“At least you can ride on me.” Bagon teased his mother, indicating for her to hop on top of him. She sighed as she laid on his head and curled up.

“There! It’s all in!” Applejack said as she sighed in relief.

“So where are we going before the Empire?” Rarity asked, curiously.

“Canterlot! Professor Celestia wanted to give us our starters before we visited Twi’s brother!” Pinkie said.

“Aw yeah! I'm going to have the coolest starter out of everyone!” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“It is not guaranteed what you'll get.” Twilight said, rolling her eyes at Rainbow.

“I just hope mines cute!” Pinkie squealed.

“Knowing you you're most likely to get whatever you can think of…” Twilight sighed.

“Knowing her, she’ll find anything she gets cute.” Applejack said, smirking.

“I agree with AJ… She would think even a Garbodor was cute…” Rainbow Dash said shuddering.

“All aboard! The train is now departing for Canterlot!” The conductor said.

The six girls yelp as they enter the train with lightning speed. They take their seat, with three on one side and three on the other.

“Anyway, I hope I get a fabulous Pokemon. Maybe a Beautifly!” Rarity said, eyes sparkling.

“Um… Rarity? That’s a third stage, we’re getting a first stage…” Fluttershy quietly mumbled.

“Oh, right…” Rarity said, sighing.

“What do you hope fer Twi?” AJ asked.

“Something that can help me with my studies.” Twilight replied simply.

“Egghead…” Rainbow Dash said rolling her eyes.

“What ‘bout you Shy?” Applejack questioned.

“Uh… Anything will do as long as it isn’t scary…” The pinkette replied.

The conversation continued like this for the rest of the train ride until they approached canterlot...

Applejack was the first to walk off the train as she placed her stetson on her noggin.

“Where’s the Professor again?” The country girl asked.

“She’s at her Lab silly.” Pinkie said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Ah know that, but where is it?”

“I’ll show you where it is, Celestia used to take me there all the time when I was younger!” Twilight said as she started to walk in the direction of the castle.

“So, what’re you gals doin after y’all get yer own Pokemon?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Well, I’m going to defeat the elite four!” Rainbow said puffing out her chest with her arms crossed.

“I’ll become a Pokemon Coordinator and go to the top! From there we’ll see.” Rarity fawned.

“I am going to start researching the various pokemon in the world, there are still many yet to be discovered!” Twilight gushed.

“Oh… Um… Maybe a Pokemon Breeder? I just want to see as much as possible.” Fluttershy said, her mind wandering.

“I don’t care as long as I’m with my friends!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she hugged Fluttershy who was right next to her. “What about you AJ?”

“Ah’m wantin’ ta… Uh… Ah actually don't know…” The country girl said, getting into deep thought. “Is there anythin’ else I can be?”

“Well, you could become Ponette’s gym leader!” Rainbow suggested.

“Or a Pokemon Ranger!” Pinkie added. “Really, just do what your heart tells you!”

“They have a point Applejack.” Twilight said as she and the girls entered the front gates of the castle before following a cobblestone path that lead around back.

“Yeah, guess yer right… But Ah just don’t know… Guess I’ll figure it out later.”

“Don't worry, you'll figure it out eventually.” Teased a voice from behind them.

Applejack jumped in surprise and spun around to see none other than...

“BBBFF!” Twilight said as she tackle hugged Shining Armor.

“Heh, it's good to see you to Twily.” Shining Armor said as he caught his sister and hugged her back. “Now, professor Celestia is expecting you in her lab. I came to escort you, but it seems that I won't need to.” He said as he gave Twilight a noogie.

“What just happened? And who is that?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“And what does BBBFF stand for?” Pinkie Pie asked, intrigued.

“Oh, Heh… Sorry. Everyone, this is Shining Armor, my Big Brother Best Friend Forever!” Twilight exclaimed as she introduced her older brother.

“That’s sweet…” Fluttershy said, then sputtered. “D-did I just say that out loud?”

“I believe you did Flutters.” Rainbow teased.

Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s antics. “Come on everyone, we don't want to be late.” She then said as they continued walking until they arrived at what looked like an observatory.

“Welcome to professor Celestia’s lab!” Twilight said once they entered the observatory.

The five girls looked around. Some in wonder, some in excitement, and then... there was Rainbow.

“Huh… I expected it to look… Different.” Rainbow commented at the normal-ish looking interior.

“What would that be? Sun themes and gold?” Professor Celestia said from her seat, which nobody had noticed.

“Professor!” Twilight squeaked, curtsying alongside her friends in front of the professor.

“Please, you don’t have to be so formal. Call me Celestia.” The Professor said kindly.

“Sorry Prof... Celestia…” Twilight stuttered, a nervous blush forming on her face.

Celestia giggled slightly and stood up. “I believe you’re all early… I suppose I’ll just give you your starters, how does that sound?”

“Alright!” Rainbow cheered.

“Yay?” Fluttershy squeaked unsure of herself.

“I’ve taken the liberty of picking out six for you all to chose. They’re not traditional, but I think you’ll enjoy them.” Celestia gestured to a table with six Pokeballs. “I placed a mark on each which is who I thought the Pokemon would most likely fit, based off Twilight’s letters. Who wants to go first? And if you don’t like it, you can trade amongst each other.”

“Me! Me! Me!” Pinkie squealed, “Which one!?”

“The one with three party balloons.” Celestia said with a chuckle.

Pinkie Pie picked said ball up and examined it. After every inch was thoroughly seen, she activated it and out came a little green/blue lizard Pokemon with derped eyes. It just sat still. Twilight and the others quietly stared at it in confusion.

“What in tarnation is that thing?” Applejack asked, baffled.

“It’s a Totodile, most commonly used in the Johto region. It’s a shiny, but a normal one looks more blue.” Celestia answered. “And he’s not an it.”


“It’s so cute!” Pinkie squealed, almost spasming. She picked up the shiny and squeezed him. “I’ll name him Gummy and I’ll love him and cuddle him and read him bedtime stories and I’ll-”

“Yes darling… We understand…” Rarity deadpanned.

“I wasn’t talking to you Miss Belle!” Pinkie said in a slightly rude tone. Rarity was stunned into silence.

“Who wants to go next?” Celestia asked, holding back her snickering.

“I-I’ll go next.” Twilight stuttered, trying her best to hold in her excitement.

Twilight walked up to the table and picked up the pokeball with a pink star on it and activated it. when the pokeball was activated out came a small brown owl Pokemon. When it came out of the Pokeball it hooted a few times before hopping over to twilight and nuzzling her leg.

“He’s perfect!” Twilight squealed. “I'll name him Owlicious! And he can help me with my late night studying!” She was practically floating as she picked up the owl pokemon and hugged it.

Celestia smiled at that. “I’m glad you like him. I think Miss Belle should go next, don’t you agree?”

“Oh, uh, uh, uh… Why of course! Thank you for letting me go next.” Rarity said anxiously. She walked towards the one with diamonds and picked it up.

She activated it, and the white light went straight to her feet, and out came a grey cat Pokemon with a swirly tail. It brushed up against the purplette legs and purred.

“Why… It’s a Glameow! My mother used to gave one of these!” She said as she tried to pick her up, only to get a hiss. “Oh… Well, I guess I’ll have to work for a stronger bond… Thank you Professor Celestia.”

“Ah’ll go next.” Applejack said as she went over to the table, picked up the ball with her symbol on it, tossed it once, before throwing it and summoning the creature within. A small orange dog with black stripes across its back appeared. It jumped onto Applejack, sending her to the floor with a surprised yelp.

“This is Growlithe. I found her after her previous trainer abandoned her.” Celestia said sadly. “I thought you could give her a home.”

Applejack, while being licked, laughed. “Okay, okay! Winona sounds good! That was my momma’s name! You and her share a lot!” She laughed as the dog continued to lick her face.

Fluttershy hesitated before snatching her own symboled Pokeball and summoned a small little bunny Pokemon. She gasped and tackle hugged him. The bunny, though slightly mad looking, let her have her way with him. “You’re such an angel! That’s what I’ll call you!”

“Should I be worried about that Bunnery?” Celestia asked, pointing towards the duo.

“I would be more worried for Flutters honestly. That buneary does not look happy…” Rainbow commented, slowly walking over to the table as to not gain the attention of the evil looking bunny.

Rainbow Dash then proceeded to grab the last pokeball which had her emblem, a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, on it and opened it. when the pokemon emerged Rainbow Dash was speechless, the pokemon was a green turtle with a leaf in it’s head.

“A TURTWIG!?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “WHY DO I GET A TURTWIG!?” she wailed, thoroughly confused and distressed over what her starter was.

“Turtwig is a loyal Pokemon. That and I was under the impression that you wanted a battler. Turtwig is from Sinnoh and is one of the starters.” Celestia said.

“How is this thing supposed to fight!? Its too slow to get any hits on an opponent!” Rainbow said, thinking Celestia was joking when she said it was a battler pokemon.

“He’s not that slow. He’s more of a… Heavy hitter anyway.” Celestia said.

“Turtwigs evolution line is also known as one of the most durable of Pokemon out there.” Twilight added while sending Rainbow Dash a smirk.

Rainbow tried to protest but came up with nothing after seeing the logic of where they were going with this. “I don't crash that often…” She mumbled to herself.

Celestia was surprised by that comments random nature to her, but soon brushed it off. “I’m sorry to say I don’t have any more Pokemon. I should have prepared more.”

“It’s okay Celestia! These pokemon are perfect!” Twilight said with a wide smile.

“I’m glad you think so. Now, I think it’d be a good idea for you and your brother to head up to the Crystal Empire before the snow melts.” Celestia giggled slightly.

Five of the six girls returned their Pokemon to their Pokeballs.

“Everyone follow me.” Shining Armor said before leading the group back to the train station.

Pinkie didn’t notice anything though, because she was squeezing her new Pokemon. Applejack had to return and grab the pinkette by her collar and drag her out.

It took a while but they eventually boarded the train and arrived at the crystal empire.

“Welcome to the recently renovated Crystal Empire!” Shining armor beamed as he and the elements stepped off the train.

“To shiny fer mah tastes… No offence.” Applejack said, looking across the buildings.

“None taken, now if you don't mind I have to get to the gym… see you girls later!” Shining Armor said before running off.

“He’s a Gym Leader? Since when?” Rarity asked, looking to Twilight.

Twilight just shrugged before she and her friends started to walk towards the castle.

Author's Note:

This whole story is a colab with Solphestus. I'll get a link to him eventually...