• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,933 Views, 59 Comments

Zombie Chronicles: New School - ZombieBrony22

  • ...

Apple Bloom

"Look, Apple Bloom, I can explain." I said calmly.

"Explain what?!" She asked.

"Apple Bloom, calm down. Please..." I begged.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Apple Bloom cried.

"Look, she... you know her mom, right?" I asked.

"Granny does. Why?" Apple Bloom asked.

I went up to her ear, so no one else would hear.

"I think she's being abused..."

Apple Bloom's face changed.

"What d'you mean?" She asked.

"I don't think like I was, but it's bad, Apple Bloom. As far as I heard, she's being used by her mom for God-knows-what. I think I can help her, and I want you to help me." I said.

"How?" Apple Bloom asked.

"For now, just keep it to yourself. When this thing kicks into gear, we both can help her. I don't know how, but we can." I said.

Apple Bloom was about to say something else, but the final bell rang.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow at Sweet Apple, okay?" I asked.

"Fine..." Apple Bloom said.

After Apple Bloom calmed down, we went back home. I walked in the door and saw my mom.

"Hey mom." I said.

"You know Diamond?" She asked suddenly.

"What?" I asked.

"Diamond Tiara. Filthy Rich's daughter. You know her?" She asked.

"Yeah... why?" I asked.

"...Remember when I worked at that mansion for a living?" Mom asked.

"Of course I do. You hated it there..." I said.

"Jason, I didn't want to tell you this, but Filthy Rich was the owner." Mom said.

I was silent for a minute.

"Did you know her mom?" I asked.

"Yeah. She was-- and I don't have any other word-- a bitch. She treats Diamond like a machine. She's using her for a form of propaganda. Like-- like 'Hey, everybody! Look at me, I raised my daughter to be a slogan in my name! Oh, your royal son needs a date? I have just the emotionless thing!' It was a nightmare to see a child like that. That was why I quit, I couldn't help her..." Mom said.

I took a minute to take this in. Here was my mother, telling me the full story. She wasn't being abused...

She was being controlled.

"What if there was something you can do?" I asked.

"W... what do you mean?" Mom asked.

"We can call your Uncle Henry. He has connections with this kind of thing, he can help plead our case, he can take her in." I said.

"Oh, my God, why didn't I think of it sooner?!" Mom grabbed her phone and dialed the number.

"Henry? We have a problem..." She started.

"He did WHAT?!" I asked her.

"I tried to talk him out of it, but he said it was the right move." Mom said.

"Great! I thought he'd do something, ANYTHING else, but a LAWSUIT?!" I asked.

"Look, I knew your uncle even when he was someone you wouldn't recognize. I trust him-- now more than ever. So should you." Mom said.

"Fine. Now, how do we tell Diamond?" I asked.

"Don't bother." Diamond said behind us, leaning on our doorframe.

I jolted and turned around. She was cleaning some dirt out of her fingernails as she looked with her eyelids half-open.

"She already called me." She said.

"God, Diamond... you scared the crap out of me..." I said, panting for breath.

"Sorry. I wanted to make an entrance without a dress." Diamond said.

"Well, you did it." Mom said.

She went to Diamond and held her in an embrace.

"It's good to see you again!" Mom said.

"Good to see you too..." Diamond said as she closed her eyes and relaxed her head.

They broke the embrace and Diamond started looking at me.

"Well, you already met my son." Mom said.

"Wait, he's your son? I thought that he was... the guy who sued..." Diamond started.

"That was my brother, Henry. He runs an... um..." Mom started.

"Orphanage?" Diamond asked.

"Y... yeah. He said that he could take you in, if that's what you want." Mom said.

Diamond didn't say a word. I could see why she was so hesitant. From a huge mansion to an orphanage with children and homeless people?

That'll be a big culture shock.

"...I'll have to think about it..." Diamond said.

"Well, like I said, you're allowed to stay here until you've made up your mind. There's a spare room near the end of the house, Jason will show you." Mom said.

She walked over and I knew what room my mom was talking about.

It was for my dad, before he was arrested.

"If you need anything, my mom's room is right down there." I said.

"Thanks." Diamond said.

I started walking back into my room.

"Why do you care?" I heard her ask.

I turned around.

"Because no-one deserves to be treated like that. Not even you." I said as I went into my room.

I locked the door and started to change. I saw the scar from the shotgun blast stand out as usual. I still remember when he did it-- just took the gun, aimed it, and shot me beside the stomach. I was in a coma for about 3 months. It was horrible, as far as I remembered, I was 10 when it happened.

Speaking of which...

I checked the schedule and found that it was 1 more week until my 17th birthday. I finished changing and laid my head on the pillow. It took longer than usual, but I soon closed my eyes.