• Published 12th Jul 2011
  • 10,706 Views, 141 Comments

Renaissance of The Moon - Habanc

  • ...

Chapter 6

The moon was now steadily rising in the night sky. It's reflected light glittered in the trees around two lone ponies. A light wind rustled through the trees, quietly adding a sweet melody of swaying tree branches. The ponies were walking side by side, talking quietly as they both enjoyed the beautiful scene in the night sky.

Luna had outdone herself again, bringing a wide spectrum of colors into the night, and calling upon the stars to glitter with a ferocity that hadn't been seen before. She wanted the night to go well, to be perfect, if she could make it so.

Her friend Fluttershy had put on such a dazzling performance of musical prowess earlier, that the alicorn felt she had to return the gesture in her artwork. It'd also serve another purpose, to help encourage her to confess her feelings to the yellow mare... But for the hour and a half they'd been walking together, she had no such luck.

Luna was a stranger to admitting her true feelings. Pre-Banishment era, she would confide her feelings deep within herself, which had a dangerous consequence. The brewery of grief and jealousy had spawned Nightmare Moon, a side of her that she lost control to. Never again would she place such a role on herself, to carry all her feelings inside.

But, every time she looked at Fluttershy, Luna lost all her will to tell the mare what she felt. Fluttershy was so sensitive, that the goddess felt if she told her, the other pony would be intimidated or scared. She didn't want to lose her best friend, now of all times when she was still weak from her exile in the moon.

“Luna, are you okay?” Fluttershy giggled, “You've been staring at that tree for some time now, hehe.”

Luna blinked back into her reality, her love's quiet voice derailing her thoughts. She blushed, as she realized she had been zoning out at a tree during her revelations. How long had she been staring?

“Haha...” Luna laughed embarrassedly, “No, I was just...” She sighed, before continuing on, “...Thinking.”

“Oh I didn't mind.” Fluttershy replied, “Besides... You were kinda cute with your mouth open, looking like you were trying to chop down the tree with your mind.”

Luna's mind was blown at the comment. Fluttershy thought she looked cute? She blushed even harder than before, not knowing what to say.

“Uhhh, y-yeah, well I just had something on my mind.” She managed to reply.

Fluttershy giggled again, her pink mane flowing in the breeze, “Well, come on. I know a great place around here where we can see the whole sky.”

“Okay,” Luna replied, her coat returning to normal color. It still felt hot though, an unusual sensation to the blue pony. She hadn't been social with nearly anypony in a long time, excluding the previous few days, and in those days she had blushed more than ever before in her life. It felt... Good, knowing she was still capable of behaving like a normal pony.

She followed Fluttershy out to the outskirts of the treeline, the dim white light showing around the silhouette of two deciduous trees. From here, both could see the night's sky, the awe of the lights produced by unknown cosmos.

“Wow,” Luna said, “You're right, it looks really neat from here.”

“I thought you'd like it,” Fluttershy said, “Besides...” Her voice broke off quietly, as she gulped, “I need to tell you something.”

Luna tilted her head in curiosity, before butting in, “No, I have to tell you something first, Fluttershy. It's... Important. I have to leave for Canterlot in a few hours, and I really need to say this.” Luna's eyes turned pleadingly to her.

The mare only nodded, gazing into her eyes. Luna took a deep breath, trying gather herself.

“Fluttershy, I... I,” She stuttered, “I, I Lo-,” Her words clung to her throat, refusing to come out. Fluttershy gave Luna a puzzled look, as the princess chuckled nervously. “I mean, I looo...” Her lips were puckered out, a surprised expression on her face.

Fluttershy tilted her head back and gave out a high pitched laugh. She almost fell over until she saw how down Luna now looked. “Oh, Luna, what is it?” She said, sitting back up and killing her laughter. “I'm sorry if I laughed, it's just the look on your face was hard to resist.”

“I was trying to say something important!” Luna told her, frustration in her voice. She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, turning away from her friend.

“Aww...” Fluttershy cooed, bringing herself right up behind the blue mare, their coats narrowly brushing. The timid pony reached her snout up towards her face ever so slowly, so Luna wouldn't notice.

Luna recoiled in surprise as she felt Fluttershy nuzzling up against the side of her face, rubbing against her as gently as possible. Then she shut her eyes, enjoying the heartwarming gesture.

“You can tell me anything you like,” Fluttershy told her, bringing her head away. Luna opened her eyes, softening as she locked hers with Fluttershy's own.

'She's too beautiful.' Luna thought to herself. Those harmonious blue eyes, she could get lost in them forever. 'It's now or never...'

“Fluttershy,” Luna said quietly, command now back in her voice, even if it was a whisper. She kept focus on those eyes, taking a deep breath. The pegasus kept her gaze on the alicorn, her pupils growing in earnest.

“I love you.”


Fluttershy said nothing, her mouth silent. The same could not be said for her mind, however. It was a beehive of emotion and activity. Did she hear right? Did the one she love, Luna, really love her too?

If hearts could grow wings and fly, hers would have then. No words, no concept could explain how she was feeling, knowing that her love, a royal pony who she thought she would never have had a chance to be with, loved her too.

Fluttershy knew she wasn't a pony much for words. Gestures of kindness was her language, a reassuring hug, or a friendly smile were her dialogue.

She knew there was only one way she could convey her feelings fully to Luna. Gestures of love were a different type of language for her, although somewhat similar to kindness. Fluttershy didn't know exactly how to do it, but she was sure the message would get across.

Leaning in closer to Luna, Fluttershy slowly brought her lips to hers, translating those three iconic words perfectly, as she wrapped her forehooves around the blue mare.


Luna had fidgeted nervously, in the half second Fluttershy said nothing. She was almost compelled to apologize, before she felt soft lips upon her.

Her eyes widened, in complete disarray as the yellow pony brought her hooves over her mane. She never expected this, admitting to herself that she'd be less surprised if Fluttershy fled in embarrassment.

'Take it for what it is, Luna. The most wonderful pony in Equestria loves you too, don't worry.' A small voice told her in her head. It was a long time since her conscience had visited her, well over a millennium.

Following the advice, she closed her eyes, tilting her head to kiss her companion better. She too wrapped her arms around her, drawing herself closer in.

Luna unclenched her teeth, letting her tongue gently coax out Fluttershy's own. With a little effort, the pegasus opened her mouth.

Their tongues met, finishing a bond that had been building for almost a week now. This bond, unbreakable, was represented as the two ponies kissed in the night.

Fluttershy let herself go headfirst into bliss, and immersed herself in the moment. Her heart slowed as she embraced Luna more passionately, pushing even closer to the mare off her hooves. Breathing in her scent, Fluttershy lost it and tried to bring herself as close as possible to Luna.

However, the added push from her companion pushed Luna off balance, as she tumbled to the ground, Fluttershy falling on top of her. The mare was completely sprawled on Luna, their bodies merging flawlessly, as her back rested on the cool grass below. Their lips were still locked, but not for much longer.

Fluttershy finally broke the intimate kiss, breathing heavily. A small strand of saliva was all that remained, but only for half a second as it disintegrated in the breeze.

Luna was panting as well, but her eyes were calm as she stared up at the one she loved. It felt as if Euphoria itself could be crackling like lightning between them, the goddess enjoying the physical closeness she was sharing with the other pony, warmth radiating from all around her.

She could stay like this forever, her arms wrapped around Fluttershy, their coats brushing.

“Do you really have to go?” Fluttershy finally whispered in her ear, before burying her muzzle along Luna's neck and mane.

Luna smiled, “No. I think Celestia will understand.” She kissed Fluttershy's neck, rubbing her back.

Slowly, Fluttershy got up, much to Luna's dismay. She gently poked Luna's shoulder, “Come on, get up.” The pink-maned pony closed her eyes, smiling as she browsed the previous few moments in her memory. “That was amazing, Luna... But I- Uhh... we should be getting home soon.”

She was still standing over Luna, and noticed she still hadn't gotten up. The yellow pony looked down, and saw that she was grinning up at her. Fluttershy replied more sternly, feeling something was wrong, “What is it?”

“You're so beautiful.” Luna told her, then began to get up, as the other mare's serious expression dissipated.

“Aww...” Fluttershy felt her heart melting. Being it told to her, the phrase sounded better than anything she'd read in her romantic novels. “I love you too.” She said passionately. Then the two began to walk off towards her cottage.


Luna pecked Fluttershy on the neck as the came over the small brick bridge, which led to the front door of the small house in front of them.

Fluttershy giggled, playfully pushing her away, “Stop, hehe, that tickles!” Her companion laughed, enjoying the moment. Luna was about to do it again, when a light flashed in front of the pair.

In the brief second, Celestia appeared. Fluttershy eeped in surprise, as the older goddess teleported in front of them.

“I'm sorry to intrude, and I'll try to make it quick, but I have to ask Luna somethings.” Celestia explained, her words coming out in rapid succession. Confusion riddled her voice, as she continued on, “Is it really true, you two in love? I mean, I heard the news half an hour ago, but I had to make sure. Sorry if I was interrupting, but even I didn't expect this.”

Luna looked over to Fluttershy, rubbing her back to calm her down, before turning back to her sister, “Yes, it is true, sister"

Celestia's eyes softened, gladdened by the news that her younger sibling had found someone she loved. “Well, then that would bring up my second question... Would you like me to raise and lower the moon for the next few days?”

“That'd be great.” Luna told her, “Thank you, Celestia.”

“I figured you'd rather like to sleep in and enjoy being with her for awhile. Don't worry Luna, I'll keep it in check.” The sun goddess replied. Her horn glowed, readying to teleport back to Canterlot.

“Wait!” Fluttershy called out. Celestia stopped, casting her a puzzled glance. “Umm... I mean,” The mare's voice got quieter, “Who told you we were in love?”

“Why, nature's own messengers, of course,” A small green bird flew down, perching on the Princess' shoulder. “They can do more than just music.” She winked at them both, and with another brief flash, was erased from view.

“That's just like Celly,” Luna chuckled, “She's so nosy and it's no wonder she ends up ruining the mood.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow curiously, “The mood was ruined?” She asked, before planting a kiss on Luna's cheek. “Besides, I couldn't care,” She yawned, “I'm too tired to care.”

They approached the door, Luna opening it for them with her magic. The cottage was dark, but it lit up slightly from Luna's horn. She followed her upstairs, Fluttershy's hooves plodding along tiredly. Now, Luna herself was feeling a little weary.

The pegasus climbed into the bed, pulling aside some blankets to make room for her companion. Luna gulped, before filling in the vacant side of the bed, lying on her back

Fluttershy snuggled up to her, resting her head on Luna's shoulder and threw her forehooves around her neck. Her breath gently rolled over the princess' face, her sweet scent flooding Luna's senses.

“You know what?” Luna said. She turned her head over, seeing Fluttershy had her eyes closed.

The yellow mare simply replied with a drowsy, “Hmm?” before nestling her muzzle along Luna's neck. She hugged the alicorn tighter to her, the coats meshing like one.

“This just feels so... Right.” Luna continued, staring up at the ceiling, “Lying here with you, with you so, so close to me. I feel, fulfilled.”

“You know what I mean?” She asked Fluttershy, looking over at her. But, the mare was now asleep, her chest rising and falling peacefully, brushing up along Luna's side.

Using her arm that wasn't wedged between herself and her love, she brushed a few strands of hair out of Fluttershy's face.

Luna sighed, “You look too peaceful to answer right now...”

She rested her head on the pillows, turning herself to be chest to chest with Fluttershy. She wrapped her free hoof over her, taking one last glance at the mare's pretty face.

As Luna closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep, a single, poetic thought rose to her mind.

'Even if a ship sails too far, it can still end up somewhere beautiful. And that's right here... With Fluttershy.'