• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 679 Views, 4 Comments

The Mare of the Night vs the Nightmare - master-of-mayhem

With friends fighting do defend a besieged Canterlot, Princes Luna, finds herself having to fight her own battle with a demon from her past. A Pokémon crossover.

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Part 1 - Apprehension

“Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light? There can only be one princess in Equestria, and that princess will be ME!”

With a one wrathful stomp of her forehooves Princess Luna demolished the podium she was standing on, the podium she and her sister used to share, with such force the wall behind her cracked and a sinister shadow filled the room before the window above exploded. The Princess then ascended into the air, raising the moon alongside her, until it eclipsed the evening sun. Then as darkness descended upon Equestria; a dark, evil force invaded the throne room of the two celestial monarchs.

With the shadows surrounding her, Luna had only a moment to realise what a terrible mistake she had made. As the darkness began to envelop her, all the anger and jealousy she had harboured toward her sister was replaced with another feeling. Something she had not felt so strongly even during the reign of the tyrant, Discord. Fear.

At first she felt nothing. Nothing, but a vast cold, lonely, emptiness that threatened to go on forever and the utter insignificance of her existence compared to it. Then she felt everything. Everything! All of her envy, all of her anger, all of her resentment, guilt, shame, remorse, bitterness, despair, grief, spite, loathing, fear and pain. Every negative emotion she had ever felt, every shameful thought she ever had, every dark part of her that was buried deep down inside herself. And it all came rushing out, all at once, in a typhoon of agony.

It was the single most excruciating thing Luna had ever experienced. All her malice, all her pain, suffocated her as it permeated throughout every part of her being. Crushing her very soul under its immeasurable weight. Luna could do nothing as the darkness infected her. Tearing away all of the happiness and love she still might have still had for her sister and the ponies of Equestria, and filling it with hatred. She screamed out in a voice only she could hear as the once noble alicorn was transformed into a twisted mockery of everything she once stood for. Into something that could only know hatred, suffering and loneliness.

Nightmare Moon.


“Why couldn’t I have been stronger?” Luna quietly muttered to herself. Her head buried within the tear stained pillow that she clenched tightly, as she once again recalled the memory she wanted nothing more than to forget.

It had been some time since Celestia had brought Luna back to her bedchamber, after the moon princess sensed a powerful dark force in Canterlot. The same one that caused her so much suffering all those years ago. A Pokemon known only as Darkrai.

Luna trembled just thinking about that name as she lay in her bed, covered head to hoof in blankets. Although the alicorn could no longer sense the Pitch-Black Pokémons presence she could still tell something was amiss. Normally Celestia would have returned to comfort her by now, or Twilight, or one of her guards… or Flare. The fact that she had heard neither hide-nor-hair of anypony filled her with worry.

“What if Darkrai did something? What if Equestria is in trouble? What if Celestia can’t handle it on her own and now everyone is doomed because I was stuck here! Like this…”

Luna cringed at the distressing thoughts as a fresh set of tears ran down her face. There she was, the princess of the night, and she was cowering under her blankets like a foal hiding from a thunderstorm. Though no pony who understood what she had experienced would blame Luna for her reaction, she still cursed the fact that she had been reduced to such a pitiable state. All she could do for now was trust in her elder sister and hope that her concerns would turn out to be nothing more than exaggerated fantasies.

“Why couldn’t I have been stronger?”


Outside of the doors to Luna’s room stood two stallions of princess’s Night guard.

“What do you think is going on out there?” anxiously asked Lestat, the younger of the two Night Guard, as he tried to peer out a nearby window.

“Don’t concern yourself with what’s happening out that window and worry more about what could happen right in front of you,” lectured Alucard, the Night Guards’ captain and a personal friend to the Princess of the Night.

The veteran sounded notably on edge, even more so than usual, and with good reason. It was bad enough that earlier in the day something happened that had left their beloved princess absolutely distraught, but before they had a chance to learn what had happened, Canterlot had come under attack from some mysterious force of crystal golems. That was an hour ago, and neither of them had heard anything about the state of the conflict.

It wasn’t just that which had Alucard gritting his teeth in anxiety either. Usually during an emergency all available members of the Night Guard were sent in to reinforce the castle defenses, including extra security for Princess Luna’s chambers. They should have been here by now. Where in Tartarus were they?

“I know,” Lestat eventually replied, “but we can’t stand just be standing around while there’s action going on,” the unseasoned trooper said, more out of concern than eagerness. “Don’t you think we’d be doing a better job out there than back here?”

“NO!” Alucard snapped. “Our job is to protect the princess, no matter the cost! This room is one of the most secure locations in all of Equestria, and the Night Guard will not see that security breached while we still hold breath. Understood Trooper?”

However instead of backing down as expected, Lestat shouted back defiantly, “And how are we supposed to protect the princess properly if we don’t know what we’re up against?” He paused for a moment before shrinking back upon realizing what he had said and who he had said it to. “I mean… with all due respect sir,” he quickly apologized.

Alucard, sighed as he looked away from the idealistic rookie. The pony’s heart was in the right place, but with only the two of them at the moment. Neither of them could risk meandering around if it meant leaving the princess slightly more vulnerable for even a second. Nothing was more imperative to the Night Guard than Princess Luna’s safety, and Lestat knew that just as well as anypony.

'And it is more important now than ever,' Alucard thought to himself remembering a very important conversation he had had. Before she left to lead the defense of Canterlot, Princess Celestia herself called on Alucard and the rest of the Night Guard in order to do one very important favor for her.

“Please, no matter what happens, keep my sister safe.”

“Do not fear Celestia, no harm will come upon our princess. I swear it!” The stalwart defender assured himself.

Still Alucard could see the rookie’s point. It wouldn’t hurt to know more details about the enemy. Besides keeping morale up at this point was essential. Alucard took a deep breath before addressing the fervent youngster again.

“Perhaps Lestat,” he spoke in a less aggressive tone “Once Deshwitat and the others arrive, I’ll have you run reconnaissance to learn what the enemy forces are like. Maybe also check to see how the castle defenses are holding up.”

Lestat’s head perked up at the sound of his commanders’ unique form of encouragement, restoring him to his usual exuberant self.
“Until then,” Alucard continued, “we should leave the protection of Canterlot to the Royal Guard. I’m sure they can handle it.”

“Yeah, just like the way they handled the Changeling invasion of Canterlot during Princess Cadance’s wedding,” Lestat replied sarcastically, "I’m sure they have the enemy begging for mercy as we speak.”

Alucard could only groan in response. He wanted to lecture the rookie about causing dissent among the other military branches, but he found it hard to disagree with Lestat’s assessment. The Royal Guard performed abysmally in that battle. Most of them fell in the first five minutes of the initial skirmish. The ones who weren’t taken down almost immediately could only offer up a token resistance, while the Changelings were given almost free reign over the city. For crying out loud the Element Bearers lasted longer and fought harder than most of them, and they were all civilians!

The Changelings absolutely ravaged the castle as well. That is until they came upon Princess Luna's chambers. The six soldiers of the Night Guard stationed on duty that day managed to fend off the Changeling onslaught. Alucard, Deshwitat, Valvatorez, Carmilla, Bethory and Markov. They fought back, tooth and nail, against the changeling hoard with nothing more than ferocity and determination. Until the Changeling queen was defeated by the powers Princess Cadance and Sir Shining Armour. Well six Guardsmen and one impulsive, determined young squire who simply refused to listen to orders; Alucard glanced at Lestat with a small grin. And they did it all without once disturbing Princess Luna’s bedrest. Alucard was particularly proud of that fact.

However Alucard’s reminiscence was quickly brought to an end by the sound of rushing hoof-steps. As if on cue a pony emerged from around the corner of a nearby hallway, racing towards the princess’ chamber. It was not Deshwitat, as Alucard had hoped, but a white coated unicorn wearing the armor of the Canterlot Royal Guard.

“Urgent news from the princess!” Exclaimed the white stallion, as he came to a halt in front of the two sentries of the night. Exhausted, the messenger took a few deep breaths before continuing, “I have an urgent message from her majesty,” he panted, “Princess Celestia has ordered for the two of you to assemble in the main hall.”

The two guards were stunned by the announcement. “Why? What’s going on?” inquired the bewildered Alucard.

The unicorn took one last deep breath before answering. “I’m afraid the battle is not going well for us, I think her Highness means to call in the Night Guard for reinforcements. Honestly we could use all the help we can get.”

“I knew it!” a displeased Lestat shouted, stomping his hoof in frustration. Alucard however reacted to the news with uneasy apprehension.

“I’m sorry,” the night captain replied, as if he were the most uptight, obstinate, uncompromising pony in the world, “but, we have orders from Princess Celestia, not to leave our post under any circumstance. You’ll just have to win this battle without us”

“What?” the unicorn questioned with an anxious tone “You have to go! I know Princess Luna’s protection is important, but Celestia’s orders are… well Celestia’s orders!”

Alucard wasn’t surprised by the trooper’s reaction. To most of the ponies of Equestria, Princess Celestia’s word was law. A law they would be happy to follow as their wise and caring ruler wanted nothing more than the peace and well-being of her subjects. The Night Guard however were not most ponies. For them, there was but one who they would refer to as “Princess”, only one who held their absolute loyalty and devotion. Only one whose commands they would follow unquestionably, and if ordered to, would march into Tartarus itself with a stalwart, “Yes m’lady, when would you like to have us back m’lady?”

Luna. The mare in the moon and princess of the night. For them she was their true and only monarch and no authority, not even Celestia’s was higher than hers.

To her credit, Celestia knew full well of the Night Guard’s one-sided allegiance, and seemed perfectly fine with it. In fact she actively encouraged it and did as little as she could to disrupt it. Perhaps it was a sign of faith and trust in her sister, or maybe she was just happy with having one less thing in the kingdom that she had to manage. Regardless if ever a situation did arise that the Sun Princess needed the aid of the Night Guard for, she would either ask Luna if she could “borrow” them, or if their Lady of the Night was unavailable, ask them politely as a favor rather than give them direct orders. So having Celestia supersede her sister’s authority, and attempt to command Luna’s Night Guard in such a way… Then things must indeed be servery dire.

Still, Alucard couldn’t help think that something was off. Considering how important Luna’s protections seemed to Celestia, it was odd that she didn’t give the order herself with a telepathic message, or send another member of the Night Guard inform them, or the Captain of the Guard or Prince Blueblood or anypony other than some random trooper of the Royal Guard?

Alucard had no time to contemplate his uneasy thoughts as they was distracted by Lestat’s brash, resolute voice. “Alucard, we’ve got to go and help them!”

“What?” The captain was flabbergasted “Lestat do you understand what it is you’re saying? Are you seriously suggesting we should abandon Princess Luna?”

“No… I mean...” Stumbling over his words, Lestat paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before turning towards his commander with bold, determination in his voice. “You know I don’t want to see the princess hurt any more than you do, but what do you think she’s going to say to us if she finds out other ponies got seriously hurt while we stood around and did nothing!” Alucard had no response, and while he didn’t show it, that question really struck a nerve with him.

Lestat continued. “Besides that, what if by not helping, the enemy becomes so powerful we’re not able to fight them off if they come for Luna?” he said adamantly. “We’re still protecting her, just more proactively. Fight the enemy while we don’t have to, so we can protect the princess when we need to.”

Alucard simply glared at the upstart rookie. “Proactive protection, he’s been hanging around Valvatorez too much lately. That’s the kind of thing he would say,” The veteran thought in irritation.

He thought of scolding Lestat again for his impertinence, but it was quite clear that Lestat had made his choice on the matter and he knew nothing that he said we going to change it. “If you want to go fine,” he shouted at the rookie, “but I am not leaving the princess behind undefended.”

“Um… excuse me,” the messenger, who had remained quiet till now, suddenly spoke up with a hoof raised in the air. “I could stay behind and guard the princess’s chambers.” The unicorn said earnestly.

The two sentries simply stared blankly at the messenger. Alucard in particular seemed to be in utter bewilderment, as if his brain was unable to properly process what he had just heard. His brain needed to confirm that the sequence of words emerging from that pony’s month was physically possible, and so bluntly answered with the only words his still reeling mind was able to piece together at the time. “Pardon me, but… what?”

“Well, yeah” the unicorn continued as earnestly as before, if slightly more nervously. “I’m mean it’s just to make sure the enemy can’t get to Princess Luna through the front doors without being spotted, and I can do that no problem,” he said in a matter of fact tone, “and I’ll be honest with you guys, I think they could use you two out there more than they could me.”

“Well there you go Alucard,” Lestat burst out assuredly. “This guy here can watch the door while you and I check out what the situation is.”

Alucard didn’t know how to react. He wasn’t quite sure whether to feel merely offended by the Royal Guard’s proposition or absolutely insulted. “You expect me to leave the safety of our princess in his hands?” He slowly responded, still trying to decide on exactly how outraged he should be.

“You said is yourself Alucard,” the young soldier wasted no time in rebutting his senior, “This room is one of the most heavily protected spots in all Equestria. Besides don’t forget, we’re talking about Princess - hey, let’s challenge that Red Dragon to a wrestling match, I could use a good warm-up before tonight’s dream-walking - Luna! Come on Alucard, Pony’s lives could be at stake. What would the princess do in this situation?”

Alucard turned away from the young Night Guard, towards the window Lestat tried to peer through earlier. Because there was no question in his mind. He knew exactly what Luna would do.

“Alright soldiers, listen up” Alucard sprang to life, commanding an authoritative voice, fitting for one of the Night Guards commander. “Lestat, you and I will head to the Great Hall and discover why it is that Celestia has called us and if there are any foes that require vanquishing.”

Lestat smiled as he gave his salute to his superior with an enthusiastic, “Yes sir!”

“As for you-” Alucard gestured towards the unicorn guard, but was interrupted by the stallion before saying anything else.

“If an enemy approaches I’ll fire off a signal-flare spell to alert you. I know some barrier spells too, so I should be able to hold them off until you guys come back.”

“Yes you do that,” the senior soldier coldly affirmed before turning back to his compatriot. “Let’s go, Lestat. We shall find our enemies, crush them utterly, and be back in time to serve the princess her evening coffee. Now wings of the night, let us fly.”

And with that the two bat-pegasi unfurled their black, leathery wings and leapt into the air, flying towards Canterlot’s Great Hall with speed and purpose. And as the two speed towards their destination Alucard, gave a decree to any they may face, “Enemies of Equestria tremble, for today the night has come for you!”


As the two night warriors took flight, the unicorn messenger left behind shouted “Don’t worry guys, I’ll take care of the princess” waving towards the two as they speed away.

As soon as they were out of sight his earnest demeanor changed, and a slick smirk crossed the soldier’s face. Suddenly, his body was engulfed in emerald flames, erupting from hoof to mane, and after the flames dissipated their stood in the unicorn’s place a bat-winged pegasus in the spitting image of Lestat.

“Yeah, I’ll take real good care of the princess alright.”