• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 1,984 Views, 99 Comments

The Cold Streets of Baltimare - DemonBrightSpirit

How had it come to this? I came here for a fashion show. Now I have found myself trapped on the cold streets of Baltimare with no place to stay, and no place to go.

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Although I regretted my inability to coax Trixie into accompanying me, I also found it rather relaxing to be out and about again. It may have been chilly out, but with a scarf and boots to shield me, I could appreciate the clear, blue skies and smiling faces around me. Baltimare certainly could use a weatherpony like Rainbow Dash around.

“Oh my gosh! Rarity!”

I looked up at the chipper voice to find Pinkie bounding toward me. Bracing myself, I just barely managed to stay on my hooves as she threw herself on me, wrapping her hooves around my neck. “H-hello, Pinkie. I was just stepping out to do a bit of shopping.”

“I thought you weren’t supposed to be back from Baltimore for another two days. Now I’m going to have to reschedule your surprise welcome home party!” She said as she released me and stepped back. Her eyes went wide. She leaned in, holding up a hoof to direct her whisper at me, “Which you didn’t hear about from me.”

Laughing, I nodded my head. “Of course.” I swear, she behaved this way just to get a smile out of me.

“So how was your trip to Baltimare? Did you win the fashion extravaganza there?” Pinkie asked, all but hopping up and down in anticipation.

My smile left me. Clearing my throat, I chose my words as carefully as possible and measured my tone. “The event was cancelled, I’m afraid. A terrible infestation of moths devoured everypony’s fashion lines.”

“That’s awful! You must feel terrible.”

I gave Pinkie what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “It’s fine,” I said, absentmindedly primping my mane, “I’m just… I’m eager for things to return to normal.”

“So, like, right now, or do you want something scary to attack Ponyville?”

I leaned over, hugging Pinkie. “Right now’s just perfect, darling.”

She patted my head. “Glad to be of service!”

After I pulled back, Pinkie turned away. “I’ve got, uh, things to reschedule,” she called over her shoulder at me. “I’ll see you around.”

Smiling, I waved back at her. After watching her disappear into the crowd, haunting words echoed in my ears.

You are lucky. You get to go back to your old life when you get home, do you not?

I turned back toward the bank with a grimace. It didn’t matter that things were again normal for me. That much was a given from the start. Trixie was the one who needed to find normalcy. Not me.

Getting my bits from the bank and stowing them in my fashionable saddlebags, I stepped out with the intent of doing a bit of shopping. Even if Trixie didn’t give me a list, I still felt obliged to try to find a way to make her feel at home—if that was even a feeling Trixie might be familiar with.

Above me, a multicolored streak raced across the sky. Although Rainbow Dash could be doing any number of things at those speeds, I hoped it didn’t involve snowfall. I’ve had quite enough snow for one season, and winter’s barely even started. Quickening my pace, I headed for the market.

The first thing I needed to cover were the essentials. That is, enough food to host a decadent meal. As I gathered up what I needed, I came across another familiar face. “Why, hello Applejack,” I greeted as I strolled up to her cart. As always, apples of every sort were on display alongside a bevy of apple treats.

“Howdy, Rare,” she said, tipping her hat in my direction. “I heard you were back in town early. Somethin’ about moths?”

“Ugh, don’t get me started.” I dismissed it with a wave of a hoof.

Applejack rubbed her neck. “Well, did yah at least enjoy your trip?” I stared back at her, completely unamused. “I, uh, I’ll take that as a ‘no,’” she said, giving a nervous laugh.

Sighing, I wrapped my aura around a particularly enticing apple pie. “It was… quite the experience.” A few bits floated from my bags, nestling themselves in Applejack’s apron as the pie rested on my back.

Again tipping her hat, Applejack gave me a small nod. “Thanks, sugarcube. And, hey, I’ve got an ear to lend if’n yah want to talk about it.”

A thin smile spread over my lips. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Just as I began to walk away, I heard Applejack’s voice from behind me, “Hey, keep yer chin up!”

Straightening my posture just a bit, I looked over my shoulder at Applejack. “Of course.”

Given that Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to be amassing clouds over Ponyville just yet, I opted to do a bit of pleasure shopping before heading back to the boutique. While providing Trixie with a nice homemade meal would certainly help her warm up to me, she might enjoy a little something else to feel at home. But what?

I could easily craft her an outfit or two. Though, given her affection for the rejection closet, I could also just give her some of the outfits from there. What else could she need? Just as the thought struck me, I paused before a rather large cart. “Of course!”

Several ponies’ stares found me, and I couldn’t help but to feel dreadfully embarrassed. I picked up my pace as I allowed my thoughts to travel back to my eureka moment. The thing that Trixie needed to feel at home, was a home.

Though she did tell me that she never really had a home, that cart of hers had to come close. Granted, I couldn’t hope to build something like that, but I knew Applejack could. Now, decorating it, that I could do. The only problem with that idea was the fact that a project of that scale couldn’t be completed in a single afternoon. I needed to find a way to have Trixie extend her stay in Ponyville, if just a bit.

Ironically, the best way I could think to do that, was to make her feel at home here. So, what else could I do for her? My eyes swept over the various stalls, storefronts, and carts in search of an idea. Flowers? I didn’t even know if Trixie liked flowers. If Trixie could be so inclined, I could treat her to dessert at Sugarcube corner or a luxurious trip to the spa, but I doubted my ability to convince her to leave the confines of the boutique.

A sinking feeling crept up within me as my folly slowly revealed itself. I’d only known Trixie—the real Trixie—a single day. How could anypony get to know somepony in that amount of time? My trot slowed to a standstill as I took inventory of the sum of my knowledge about my cantankerous guest.

She took care of me when I needed it, so she had a good heart.

She blames herself even for things beyond her control, so she doesn’t shy away from responsibility.

She doesn’t trust easily, so she’s been spurned in the past.

She likes to take charge and call the shots, but she doesn’t mind being friendly so long as she’s enjoying herself. That being said, when I took charge, she was resentful and obstinate. So, despite all that’s happened, she’s still so full of pride, even if it was buried beneath her fears and guilt.

What could I infer from all that? Well, aside from the fact that Trixie was a broken mess that desperately needed fixing, she needed confidence. She needed to know that what she’d done was forgiven, at least here in Ponyville. Nothing in this market could do that.

So then, what could?

Why, a friend, of course.

With a small smile, I turned and headed for home.


I nearly jumped out of my skin. As soon as I walked in my door, the lights turned on a burst of confetti washed over me. Gasping for breath and trying to steady my heart, I looked over the expectant faces of my friends. “Goodness, a little warning might be nice.”

Laughing, Pinkie bounded up to me. “Well, I told you that I had to reschedule your party, silly filly!”

“Yes, well, I certainly didn’t expect you to get things together quite this quickly.” A comforting, blue glow escorted my scarf, boots, and groceries to their rightful places.

Fluttershy stepped forward, though her eyes swept across the room. “I brought Opal with me, but I don’t think she liked the party cannons.”

“That’s fine,” I said, waving a hoof. “I’m sure she’s around here… somewhere…” My eyes looked past the party favors and treats to rest on the full-length mirror, still standing in the corner. Next to it, another trunk sat open, dresses and accessories spilling out. I stepped past Pinkie and Fluttershy, looking around.

My field of vision filled with purple. “Is something wrong?” Twilight asked.

I stepped back, though my gaze locked on the rejection closet, the door cracked open. “Was there… somepony here when you girls came in?”

My friends shared glances with each other before giving me a synchronized shake of their heads. Twilight held up a hoof. “Was there supposed to be?”

A breathed a long breath in and out. “Yes,” I said, making a snap decision. “A friend. If it weren’t for her, I would still be stuck in Baltimare.” I proceeded forward past Twilight.

“Oh no,” Fluttershy said. “Do you think something might have happened to her?”

I shook my head. “I think I might know where she is. I’ll be just a moment.” I headed straight for the rejection closet.

As soon as I was inside the closet, I closed the door behind me. A not-so-subtle way of letting my friends know to give me a bit of space. Though I did run into a problem. I didn’t see Trixie anywhere.

“Trixie?” I called out in a hushed tone.

One of the chests opened, startling me. Trixie’s head popped out, obscured by her cloak. “Are they gone?”

Regaining my composure, I gave a firm shake of my head. “They’re throwing me a welcome home party. They’ll be here for some time.”

“Let me know when they’re gone,” Trixie replied, slipping back into the trunk.

I caught the lid in my aura, flinging it open. “I should think not.”

I felt the heat of her anger as Trixie sent me a chilling glare. “What.”

Letting the animosity roll off my back, I stepped over. “Come on, now. Let’s get you out of that musty old trunk. You don’t want to smell like mothballs now, do you?”

Trixie let me help her out of the trunk. She stretched her legs before swiping at her coat and mane. “Okay, so then what’s your plan for sneaking me by all of them?”

Smiling, I pointed to the door. “I was thinking of leading you out of here and introducing you to everypony.”

“Are you insane!” Trixie hissed.

“Trixie, these are my closest, dearest friends. I can assure you, beyond any spectre of doubt, that they won’t be unkind to you,” I said, heaping as much confidence and sugar into my voice as I could muster. “Trust me.”

Looking down, Trixie’s eyes swept from side-to-side. After a moment, she looked up again, fixing me with a hard stare. “No.” She moved toward the trunk, but I stepped in her way.

“You can go out there with your head held high, or hide in here with your tail between your legs,” I said, giving her a glare every bit as vicious as the one she gave me. “I didn’t think the great and powerful Trixie was so cowardly.”

My head snapped painfully to the side as the taste of copper touched my tongue. I raised a hoof to my aching cheek as I looked back at Trixie. Though I may have deserved that, I just couldn’t suppress the surge of anger that swept over me.

“Girls! Come in here!”