• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 4,876 Views, 1,873 Comments

The Queen is Dead - Meep the Changeling

In the wake of her home’s death a young changeling seeks refuge in the fabled land of Equestria. (Dark and Gore tags for combat descriptions.)

  • ...

12 Bait, set, and trap.

Azur - 26th of Megan '15 EoH - Noon

Over the past six days I had become very impressed by David’s endurance. That dog literally walked from about sunup to sundown, plus a bit extra, every day, and didn’t complain. I had figured on it taking us a week and a half to get to Capsan, David got us there in six days.

Six days of literally nothing but traveling with no breaks mind you. He was tired, anyone could see that. I was tired too, I didn’t just keep my butt planted on the wagon, I didn’t feel like being “that colt”.

Jade was the only one of us who wasn’t tired. To be fair, she spent half of the time on the wagon, because having your insides held in with some iron and glue is a great excuse to not walk anywhere. But she had been feeling better in the last few days and walked too. Though being a changeling that really didn’t bother her much. I envy insects sometimes, lactic acid sucks.

The last six days had been eerily quiet. Sure the griffons after us had gotten Swarmed, but still, it felt like something else should have attacked us. Jade had pointed out that it’s likely the Swarm found out we had the book, and thus took out the griffons to make sure they would get it. A thought which was terrifyingly likely.

But, nothing. A calm six days, no attacks, no real dangers. Just a really rainy day and a few natural hazards.

Considering the possibility of changelings after us though… That fallen tree could have been three soldiers waiting for us to get into hoof’s reach. Needless to say I was really frazzled and the towers and walls of Capsan had done wonders for my mood the second they had poked up over the horizon.

It was a beautiful city, Stalliongrad may be behind the times, but old world construction has a lovely charm to it. The thick wooden beams holding up the watchtowers clay roofs were a beautiful capstone to the cemented river rock walls. Applewood’s wooden palisade was crap compared to these beauties, twice the height, and so thick that there were a few buildings built atop the walls which peaked over the battlements.

They had a proper defence for flying forces too. Applewood had their cannons, Capsan had it’s cannons, and also grapeshot. It was a big, secure, lovely looking city, and at it’s heart it had a port which could get us out of here. It could have been Elysium itself.

We stopped a kilometer or so from the city, at my request.

“Now, that’s a city.” David remarked as I hopped off the cart. “Can’t be many like it here. I would have found them.”

I nodded, “As far as I know, only Capsan and Terova are proper cities. The only deep sea port, and the capital city.”

Jade whistled impressed, “If the wall is this pretty, I can’t wait to see the inside! So, um, why did we stop?”

This is where things might get a little ugly…

“There is a small problem…” I informed, quickly explaining before anyone could object. “You are a changeling, and you are a Diamond Dog. I know you’re good people. Tartarus, David, you are the most civil, kind, strong, und learned Dog I’ve ever met! But… they don’t know that. Jade, you are a nice person too, but the Swarm is nearby and so noling will be trusted right now.

“I do not have much money, so if we all want to get to a port in Zebrica that is not a desert nowhere, I need to negotiate a good price, und that will be easiest if the captain assumes my friends are also ponies.” I finished with a sigh, then added quickly, “I am certain the city guards will let you in, so once we have passage, I get you and we leave.”

David groaned and leaned back on the cart, shaking his head. “God damn… I wish I could make a white privilege joke,” He muttered, “but I’d be smited by the irony gods.”

Jade buzzed her wings angrily. “I could shapeshift and go with you!”

“Ja, fraulein der Käfer, you could. It’s just that you…” I paused and bit my lip as I tried to think of a kind way to say it.

Jade’s ears fell, “I know… I still suck at it…”

“Ja… so how about you und David get you nice and ponied up for the trip? That way the captain thinks just one of you is not a pony. Take time and make it very good, und I should be back with passage by then.” I said diplomatically.

Jade bit her lip for a moment, then with a toss of her mane sighed and nodded, “Okay… but only if you tell me what that nickname you use for me means.”

Scheiße! I gave her a soft grin, “I mean it affectionately…”

“It translates to, ‘Miss the Bug’.” David grunted.

My heart skipped a beat. I never intended for it to be offensive, but I hadn't thought about how she might think about the word bug until this morn-

“You thought I would be offended by that?” Jade asked raising a eyebrow at me.

“Y-yeah.” I answered with a relieved sigh.

Jade shook her head and giggled, “You’re weird, in a good way. Okay, Sir the Pony, I’ll get a good pegasus shape on, you get us a boat.”

“Ja, no problem, I’ll be right back.” I said giving the two a wave as I turned around.

I was a bit apprehensive about being on my own as I walked down the road to the city gates. I was still a little jumpy I suppose. The moment someone becomes detached from the group is usually when they get pounced.

Though I did hide Clover’s book in the wagon, so at least I wasn’t alone and carrying the most valuable magical artifact in the world. That be a very bad idea. Assuming someone saw me take it with me at least.

Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going to be attacked, which is why the sudden appearance of a tall green-furred, gray-maned earth pony mare beside me made me jump.

“Eep!” I squeaked.

“Oh! Sorry.” She said with a smile that was just a little bit off. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. Are you with those two back up the road?”

“Nein.” I answered quickly, alarm bells instantly ringing in the back of my head.

She frowned slightly, as if expecting me to have yes. “That’s odd. Not many people travel this road at the same time. I live in Yurvi, you know the little hamlet up the road? I don't normally see more than one group at a time coming through here. But weirder things have happened I guess.”

I nodded slowly. Okay, so maybe she was just overly chatty and I was jumpy. “Ja, not many places to go up the road.”

I quickened my pace, only for the mare to match me and keep moving.

“That’s an interesting accent, are you an outlander?” She asked noisily.

I looked over, and yelped slightly, the mare’s eyes were this burning sort of yellow which reminded me of a young timberwolf.

“Ah! Ja… sorry, but your eyes are…” I felt my ears droop as I realized that might be a rude thing to bring up.

She laughed, and flashed me a odd little grin. “I know, I get that a lot. I guess if you’re an outlander and going to Capsan then you're headed home right? You should take Cherry Street, it’s a shortcut to the docks and you won't have to walk past all the tourist traps. I mean, you have small bags so no need to buy something big that you can't put in your bags and have to carry that the rest of the way to the dock’s right?”

Oh my god! Shopping! I hadn't gotten to go shopping in years! This was a real city too, there would be actual things i could buy besides food and basic living-

Nein! Bad Azur! Boat tickets!

“Uh, thank you. I’ll take your advice.” I replied. Apparently that would be an excellent idea… stupid brain… There was no time or money to spend on nice things.

“No problem! Happy to help!” she said before trotting off quickly down the road.

Letting out a sigh of relief that she had left I slowly made my way to the city gates. The guard waved me through the iron portcullis without a second thought, letting me into the closest thing to civilization I had seen in years. It was beautiful!

The street's cobbles were nice and flat, making the streets smooth and they were built nice and wide to let people move around easily even with a lot of people on the street! All around me the nice stone and timber buildings provided a nice contrast from Applewood’s waddle and daub, as well as making buildings visually interesting with all sorts of stone colors instead of just slabs of white plaster.

There were even iron lamp posts for oil lamps, which I presumed were lit at night. That meant enough people lived here for lamplighter to be a job! Yay! A real city!

A voice snapped me out of my happy-touristy-gawking. “Need a hoof with directions, sir?”

I looked over to see a stubby legged pegasus stallion with a gray mane and fur the color of my namesake. I couldn't help but smile at that, It always amused me to remember my parents named me for my right eye’s color.

“Ja, could you point me to Cherry Street? I need to get to the docks.” I informed quickly. No need to waste a helpful pony’s time.

He nodded and pointed with one hoof over my right shoulder towards a street. “It’s right there, runs straight to the docks along the inside of the wall. You’ll miss a lot of the local attractions though, it’s just a cargo road realy.”

“That’s ah… sort of the point.” I mentioned offhoof, distracted slightly as I looked where he pointed.

“Mmm, little low on coin?” He asked in an odd tone.

“Ja… Just enough for passage home.” I said quickly, fearing being sized up for a robbery.

The pegasus reached into a small bag on his left side and pulled out a coin purse, counting out eight silver coins. “Well, let’s just get you a little extra then. Ship Captains tend to overcharge, and even if you do get a fair price I think everypony deserves a good meal… Maybe pick up a souvenir. Here, eight Eagles. That should be enough wiggle room to be sure you get home safe.”

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what this stallion was trying to do.

“Go ahead, I’m a merchant. I can spare this much.” he prompted.

I nodded and took the coins. The extra money would help, his points were one hundred percent valid. “Danke Mister… ?”

“Masked Veil’s the name. If you don’t have a ship by sunset, drop by my business on Walnut. I’ll do my best to take care of you.” Masked offered before trotting down the street with a friendly wave.

I quickly pocketed the coins with my magic and zipped down Cherry Street. The extra eight Eagles brought me to eighty three gold worth of coins, that was enough to get a direct passage for the three of us and the cart to Abusir, which being a big city in Zebrica, with better ships, could take us right to Quis, and from there we could just walk the rest of the way. I would even have the money for that second leg of the journey!

Or I could pick up something small and nice, i had been wanting a few piercings since even before I left my parents ho-

No! Bad Azur! Boat Tickets!

Cherry Street was a fairly nice bit of the city. You can always tell when a part of a city is for the people who live there. It’s less artistic, more earthy. Less busy, more relaxed. They feel comfortable.

To my left was the wall, which was covered in ivy and flowers for about half its height, making a sort of plant based curtain. To my right was another wall, this one made of homes, and businesses, and a few shops for things that locals would need, like a bakery, a farrier, and a general store.

After a short ways, the odd street vendor started to show up. Still nothing touristy, just things like pots and pans. I felt a pang of annoyance that the street wasn’t totally temptation free, but at least nopony here was selling jewelry. Or Faust forbid-

A small stall set up using apple crates selling clothing with a few mareakins displaying the most adorable dresses ever! There was a lovely short hemmed peach sundress with a-

No! Bad Azur! Boat. Tick-

I couldn’t even finish chastising myself. The second closest dress, pale purple, almost lavender, unique in design but based on a cocktail dress, with a gorgeous three-layered pleated skirt just long enough to cover the flanks and the top of the plot, which was perfectly accented by a darker purple sash, hoofcaps, and matching hairribbon! A dress you could put on for absolutely anything, and nopony would do more than give you the odd look for casually dressing up.

I trotted over to get a closer look, there was no harm in a closer look. Right?

I nearly had a heart attack. The dress was an exact replica of my absolute favorite dress ever! The tight stitching and soft silky shiny fabric was a dead give away.

I thought there had been only one like it, I’d cried for weeks after my father had found and burned my hidden wardrobe. It had to have been mass produced! I could have another one and now I could just wear it any-

No! Ba-

Sweet bucking sunlight! It had silver embroidered accents on the sleeves and neckline!

“Interested in that lovely piece Ma’am?” the stall’s occupant, a tall goldenrod furred, gray-maned unicorn dressed in beautiful gypsy styled robes, asked.

I blushed, deciding to not correct her on my gender at the moment. “Well… I… I shouldn’t… But, ja. I used to have one like it, but without the accents.”

The shopkeep nodded slowly, “Yes a lot of knockoffs of this design were made a few years ago. You’re lucky enough to be looking at one of the originals, not a small thing considering this nation’s well… status. I guarantee you won't find anything like this in any other settlement in all of Stalliongrad.”

“That is completely true.” I said in honest agreement.

What? The mare was right. Applewood’s tailor only sold cloaks and cold weather ponchos.

“You know, I wish I had a mirror. I would let you try it on. The purple would be a good addition to your overall look. Don’t get me wrong, white is nice but with your mane color something to make you a bit less… ivory would definitely improve your chances with the colts.” She said giving both me and the dress a critical look of judgment.

“You think so?” I asked hopefully.

I did feel like my coloration was bland at times, especially when there were pink, green, and orange ponies out there. That’s why I loved dresses, inherently pretty, but also comfy and their prettiness translated to the pony in them too.

“Oh yes… Normally I don’t cut deals, but well, few ponies here would look as good in this as you, and there are not many festivals calling for clothing, but I know that you Germanes have lots of functions where you would be the absolute center with one of Rarity Belle’s design-”

“It’s a Rarity design!” I exclaimed eagerly as I started to trot in place with excitement.

I didn’t give a flying buck if Rarity herself hadn’t actually made this dress. I had never seen one of her pieces myself, but from the stories something this pretty totally could be one of her designs! If this dress was designed by Princess Twilight’s seamstress, I had to have it! Now!

Oh my gosh! Maybe by some unthinkable chain of events this was second hoof and Twilight wore it once! No, no that would make no sense there weren't wing slits.

But she could have one like this cut for an alicorn!

“I take it from the little happy dance you have going there that you don’t care to barter? Fifty gold should be a fair price, considering it’s a few years old, and second hoof, but in mint condition. Worn once from what I was told.” The shopkeeper said.

That seems like an entirely reasonable price! Masked had given me a little extra money, there was room in the budget. Scratch that, had been room!

“Fifty? Sold!” I exclaimed, teleporting the coins from my bag to the top of her ‘counter’ reflexively.

She eyed the coins suspiciously, levitated one to her mouth with her dark green aura and bit the coin to test it. Giving me a satisfied nod she quickly bundled the dress up in some cheap brown paper with string and passed it over to me.

“There you are miss…?”

“Lilly.” I said, using the second part of my name as I always did when pretending to be a mare.

“Right then Miss Lilly, I’ll be here tomorrow if you need that adjusted. I was just about to head home for the day. You lucked out! have a nice day.” She said starting to quickly pack up her stall into the crates.

“Nein, thank you! I’ve been wanting a new dress for years!” I informed with a happy blush before turning back the way I had been heading and trotting off.

I felt that special tingly feeling you get when you treat yourself to something you love as I walked down the street. The sun seemed a bit brighter, bird song I hadn't noticed before was extra happy sounding. My mind started to happily drift around, daydreaming of a few different possibilities.

For instance, would Jade mind copying my shape so I could see how I looked in the dress? That would be better than a mirror, I could see all the angles and have her pose so I could see what positions would flatter what parts of my body. Another was if David would think I was cute in it. He didn’t seem to notice my flirting, but a lot of males are like that unless you put extra effort in to make them notice you and a ship cabin would be a nice small space for attracting-

Mother-bucking son of a whore! I had just spent the majority of budgeted funds on a Faust damned impulse purchase! There was barely enough left to get to the closest Zebrican port!

Panicking I turned and bolted back up the street, hooves pounding on the cobbles. She would accept a return. It had been minutes, no all sales final sign. I would just turn around and-

She was completely gone. Stall and Everything.

“... You’re the biggest featherbrain of all time Azur.” I whispered to myself angrily and sadly before laying in the street to cry.

David - 26th of Megan '15 EoH - Evening

“He’s been gone a really long time.” Jade commented, making me look up from my hand of cards. “Should we go look for him?”

I paused to think for a bit. Sure Azur had been gone for a few hours but it was a big city and it’s not like you could just google up traveling expenses in this world. “Nah, seems like a reasonable amount of time to me. Think about it he has to go and ask multiple people in person about passage and negotiate, then compare prices. Were on a budget after all.”

Jade hummed, then nodded and discarded three cards. “I guess that makes sense… Wait, if I discard do I get back the same amount or one less than what I discarded?”

“The same amount. This isn’t Vermont rules.” I answered. “Your holding up a lot better this time by the way.”

Jade and I had determined that over time she would accidentally think of having her old changeling parts and partially demorph. Teaching her how to play cards was my attempt to get her to focus on something other than her shape so we could practice her keeping herself in her desired shape. So far she still looked like the pale pink, blue maned pegasus form she had settled on trying out an hour ago.

“I am?” Jade smiled happily, “Great! Oh, uh, two pair!” she said putting down two eights and the jacks.

“Four of a Kind, I win this hand.” I informed tossing down the four queens.

“H-hallo…” Azur’s depression strained voice mutely whispered from off to my right.

Right. That was a soul-crushed tone of voice if I ever heard one. There was only bad news to be had.

“Hey kid! Good to see you again.” I greeted, hoping that maybe a cheery mood would offset any chance of Azur breaking down further. I needed him to not have a melt down until I knew what the problem was.

“So um… I kinda…” Azur shuffled his right hoof against the ground awkwardly.

Jade winced. “Oh… You couldn’t get passage could you?”

“N-nein…” He answered.

“Well that’s alright. We can just wait for a new ship to get in and try again later. We can camp out here for a while, should be safe close to a city like this.” I said.

I knew that wasn’t the problem. Azur was not that emotional from what I had seen. Meaning whatever had gone wrong was his fault, or he wouldn’t be looking like someone just shot his mom.

The best way to deal with someone who I was pretty sure had just royally screwed the pooch was to be calm and let them tell you what the fuck they did. That way you can get their emotions out into the air and deal with the problem in the quickest way possible.

“That’s not it.” He sighed, hanging his head.

Jade tilted her head in confusion, then her eyes contracted slightly and her lips pulled into a slight angry frown. There we go, she got it now. Which could be a problem…

“Then what’s the problem?” Jade asked in a suspicious tone.

Azur winced, took a deep breath and blurted, “Ich kaufte mir ein Kleid!”

Ah, there it was. A stupid mistake which fucked us all right up shit creek.

“What’s the problem, in Equish.” Jade repeated.

“He bought a dress.” I informed.

“Y-you.” Jade sputtered standing up with a look of exploding anger.

I quickly reached over and grabbed her shoulder. “Jade, no.”

She whipped her head around giving me an angry glare, eyes flashing back to her changeling set in a fit of anger. “But he-”

“Is obviously more than remorseful about it. He knows he fucked up. Your screaming at him won’t do a damn thing.” I said firmly, putting on my best Sargent voice for both Jade and Azur’s benefit. “Go take five, punch a tree or something. I’ll take care of things here.”

Jade growled and pointed one hoof angrily at Azur. “But he-”

“I said, take, five!” I repeated, narrowing my eyes firmly.

“I, but… Urgh!” Jade growled before turning and walking away muttering.

I sighed and shook my head. Managing a unit was never easy, but at least I had experience doing it. This couldn’t be a bigger clusterfuck than Omaha Beach, I could get everyone through this.

I gave Jade a few moments to walk away, enough time for her angry grumbling to grow faint. Then I got up, walked over to Azur and sat down next to him as he lay sadly in the dirt.

“Right kid. How about you tell me what you were thinking.” I ordered in as calm a tone as i could manage.

“I… I was trying to avoid shops. I have a problem mit shopping… I… I like pretty things…” He explained. “A mare told me a street which went to the docs but avoided the tourist shops…”

“So you took it.” I said understandingly. “Solid thinking.”

“Ja… but… There was a few small shops on it und… I… It was too pretty! Und she said it was a Rarity, und-”

“I get it.” I informed gently.

“W-was?” Azur choked.

“Look… I’m way older than I look.” I explained. “I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life, including the same thing you did. I get it. I was going to pay the rent on my apartment, passed a shop, had to take a look, walked out with a new guitar and an empty wallet.”

“Y-you did?” Azur asked.

I had. It was the most god damned beautiful Les Paul I had ever seen. I had to live out of my car for a year because of that guitar.

“Yep. She made me homeless. I wasn’t even a young person. Middle aged. Everyone fucks up royally a few times in their life. But normally, their friends lives are not on the line.” I said gently as I could.

“I… I know… That's why… I looked for her for hours to return it...” His ears fell even further somehow.

I nodded and gave Azur a gentle pat on the shoulder. “Well kid, you’re actually sorry, and you know you fucked up. I’m not going to yell at you. That would just waste my time. So here’s what we're going to do, I’m going to ask you to make me a promise, and then we're going to make a plan to get out of the hole you dug us into. Sound good?”

“J-ja.” He sniffed.

“Good. So, that guitar I mentioned. Know what I did with it?” I asked.


“I used it to own my mistake.” I explained. “I learned how to play that son of a bitch and do it god damn right. After a year I was making a living off that baby. Used it to get a better house than before. Here's what I want you to promise me, that you’ll own this mistake and make something good out of it.” I said.

“Own the mistake?” Azur asked.

I sighed. Admittedly it would be hard to make money with a dress as a guy… Unless he was in Thailand.

“Well… I’m guessing you like to look pretty, right?” I asked.

Azur nodded.

“Why?” I asked in as neutral a tone as I could manage.

“I… I like… I like being pretty.” Azur answered. “Mares get compliments und are treated extra nice ja… But that’s not… Well it is a bit… I…”

“You like the attention people give you for looking nice?” I asked hoping to speed the conversation along.

“Ja… I was never happy with colt things. My father… he’s… traditional. He might have been okay mit me if I said I was a mare… but, I’m not… I’m happy as me… I just like pretty things, und I don’t like fighting, or politics, or well… colt things. I just don’t.” Azur rambled.

I nodded and gently picked his chin up to get him to look me in the eyes. “Then own that. You have a dress, use it. You like the whole crossdressing thing, fine, that’s you. You won't be happy in life if you let some shit tell you who you are. You feel strongly enough about looking pretty to make a fuck up like this, it’s important to you. Own it.”

Azur nodded, starting to get it. “So… You’re not going to hurt-”

Okay, he wasn’t starting to get it, he was barely getting to the point of starting to get it.

I sighed. “Azur… No. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not even mad. I’m disappointed in you beyond words, but I’m not mad, and I understand why you did it. What I am going to do is never trust you with money again.

“I’m also saying that if you don’t take that dress, put it on, and be the most adorable fucking thing I have ever seen, then you fucked up twice as hard because you won't even use something you love just because of a mistake made in judgment about getting it.”

“W-was?” Azur asked, ears perking up, “Y-you mean you like me?”

“I what?” I blinked in surprise. “Of course I do. I’m not going to stop liking you because of one boneheaded fuckup.”

“Oh thank faust! I thought you didn’t notice I was flirting mit you…” Azur admitted, sounding relieved.

Oh… crapbaskets.

“Uh… I meant as a friend, kid… I’m not gay. I don’t have a problem with people who are, hell my best friend was into guys.” I quickly explained.

Azur’s ears fell like someone had stapled battleships to them.

Fuck. I had to fix this. He was depressed enough that he might do something stupid. “Hey, don’t get all sad. I’ll stick with ya still. We can be friends, just not more than that. I’ll even lend a hand with your whole drag thing.”

He sighed and slowly turned to look at me. “Why are you being so nice?”

“Because there no point in being cruel to someone who's already put themselves into an emotional hell.” I answered. “Now cheer the fuck up. Lets work out a way to get out of this shithole, so I can finally build that nice little house I’ve been wanting, Jade can stop getting shot at, and we can get you all the jewelry, piercings, dresses you want.” I said with a slight grin. We needed everyone to have a cool head to think a way out of this one.

“Y-you’ll really help me get a nice set of clothes?” Azur asked.

“Yeah. You’re a friend, and apparently clothes are so important to you that you forget about vitally important things. Someone needs to make sure you don't fuck up again.” I said, letting just a bit of bitterness into my voice.

A thought occurred to me just before Azur could reply. “Oh, and if like a few guys I knew via my old buddy, you really want to pull of the whole girl look full time… I am a surgeon. I could give you a few of the operations that-”

Azur winced and held up a hoof defensively. “Nein! I ah… I have magic for putting those away. Cutting them off feels a bit…”

“You don't need to explain,” in said with an equal wince, “I was only offering because I’m a surgeon who could do it safely… I really don’t understand how… Look forget I mentioned this.”

“Ja, already have. Never happened.” Azur coughed.

“So…” I scratched the back of my head. “Got a girl name?”

“Ja. I use Lilly.” he answered.

“Cool…” I said slowly.

I made a note to myself. Do not offer surgeries as a sign of being truly supportive. It leads to the most awkward moment possible.

“Uh, so… I there any money left?” I asked after a few minutes.

“Ja!” Azur exclaimed, glad for the change of topic. “um… Thirty three Lions.”

I nodded. “That seems like a good amount. Can we get anywhere on that?”

“Well… ja, we could maybe get passage to whatever port in Zebrca is closest.” he answered.

“Wait so we can still get to Zebraca?” I asked quickly. If that s the case this was nowhere near as bad of a problem as I thought.


“So we have to walk a bit more. That’s fine. I was thinking that we would be barely able to get up the coast a few dozen miles. Okay, less upset than I was now.” I gave him a smile and stood up.

“I’m going to go calm Jade down now. You get that dress on, and when we get back, Jade, Lilly, and I are going to get the hell out of here before flying death decides to drop in.” I informed.

Azur blinked, “W-why did you use-”

“Your mare name? Because I’m pretty sure that Jade is pissed off at ‘Azur’, so we're going to see if we can't get her to pretend girl you is a different person for a bit.” I said before walking off in the sound of angry grumbling and wood chopping.

Something told me that the second emotional damage control effort of the day was going to be harder.