• Published 18th Oct 2015
  • 4,281 Views, 202 Comments

The Costume 3: A New Life - Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

Cody continues to live his life as an anthropomorphic Rainbow Dash.

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We left Derik's bedroom, and we made our way outside where mom was waiting in her black Dodge Tahoe. Rarity opened the door for me.

"Oh, my gosh, Cody! You look so pretty!" Mom cooed, with her hands over her mouth as I climbed into the front seat.

"Thanks, mom."

"Derik is just gonna get a kick in the head when he sees you!" She said gleefully as she leaned over and pulled me into a tight hug to where i can hardly breathe.

"M-mom..." I muttered, barely making a sound. "You're...gonna kill me, mom!"

"Oh, I am SO sorry, hun! You're just so pretty!" She blushed as she began to pull away from the curb.

"Yeah, I think you're gonna have to go a bit more easy on the whole glamouracsizing thing, or I'm gonna end up dead!" I joked, giggling all the while, as Rarity began to protest againt me.

"Well I never!" She began. "There is nothing wrong with the outfit I made for you! And how dare you insult my work in such away, when that dress is so special, being your birthday dress!" She harrumphed, crossing her arms across her chest, closing her eyes as she turned her nose up into the air.

"Calm down, Rarity, I was just messing around!" I shouted back at her, turning around in my seat, delivering a playful punch to her shoulder.

"Ow! Dashie, what was that for?!" She barked, and shot me an evil glare.

"What do you mean? We always did that to each other! At least until you put on that costume." I said, mumbling the last part.

"I wouldn't refer to it as a..."costume"" She said, making quotations with her fingers. "I'd call it more of a huge life improvement! Like, I knew if it worked, I wouldn't be a...guy anymore, but it's still the best decision I ever made. I've always felt something was...missing in my life, and frankly, being turned into Rarity filled in that gap! Anthro Rarity, to be exact. Sometimes I like to think I was born as Rarity." She sighed dreamily, fluttering her eyelids, gazing off into the wonders of the brain's version of outer space.

"I dunno what to think about it. I still kinda miss being masculine, but i don't mind having this body, I just wish I could be a guy, every now and again. I do like flying, so i'm kind of at war with myself. Stay Rainbow Dash, and be able to fly, or be human again, and be male."

"I understand, Dashie. I guess it was kind of wrong, since we did kind of force this onto you..."

"It's fine. I think I'd rather be able to fly, anyway, so, I'm kind of thankful you guys had me put this on. Also, if you hadn't, I wouldn't have met the most amazing guy ever..." I said, as I did a Rarity. In this case, it means sighing dreamily, and fluttering my eyelids like she had. A few seconds later, I had been pulled from my trance from Rarity shaking my arm.

"I know it's normal to get like that, Dashie, but you were pretty much hypnotized!"

"Oh...heh heh heh..." I looked down in embarrassment, seeing my tail in my hands. I smiled slightly, running my fingers through the strands.

Like I said, I don't mind the body, it's just that one thing i wish i still had. Besides, I like having a tail. Even when I was depressed, referring back to my first days of being Rainbow Dash, I often cuddled with it. It was like a stress doll that was attached to the bottom of my spine. Say, I was home alone, laying in my bed, which was all I did, I would pull it close to me if I felt like having a mental breakdown. I even wagged it and such. It sort of relieved my stress during that time. I didn't like being Rainbow Dash then, but my tail was an exception.

But now days, I'd feel kind of sad if I ever changed back. Like, I see myself in a mirror, and it doesn't come off as freakish or weird. I see an anthropomorphic, cyan blue, rainbow maned pegasus who I happen to be. I see it as me. I don't get weirded out anymore by it. Except for that one thing I keep repeating myself about. Sometimes I even smile.. Yeah, I lost my manhood, but with everything I've gained from it, it's not really a big deal anymore. And I've had six ish months to adapt. So, to sum it up, I'm a bit grateful to be Rainbow Dash. I just hate being crowded by people which is why I try to go unseen.

"Well, here we are," Mom said as we pulled into the driveway of our home. "Are you going to have a good day today, Cody?" She turned her head to me with a sweet smile, which I returned.

"I hope so."

We got out of the truck, and walked up to the house. Mom, being the huggable person she is, wrapped her arms around me. "Happy birthday, Sweetie." She said as she opened the door, allowing me inside. And once I got through the door, I was greeted with a;


They were all there. My dearest friends, my parents, my sister, and Derik. They were all in the living room, decorated with birthday balloons, streamers, and the sound of those little paper whistles that unravel when blown on. Words could not express how I was feeling right now. Based on what I saw here, they must have a pretty big birthday planned for me. Usually it's just cake, a present or two, and they sing, but this time, I could tell something was different.

They all began coming towards me, but little Scootaloo seemed to want to be the first to reach me.

"Happy birthday, Rainbow Dash!" She cheered, as she jumped onto me, her wings fluttering as she latched onto me.

"Thank you, little Scoots." I gave a slight chuckle, as I held her in my arms.

"Happy twentieth." Said Derik, smiling softly at me as he planted a small kiss on my cheek, making me blush. We then hugged for several moments, me not wanting to let go, since it's almost been a full twenty four hours I haven't seen him.

"I love you Derik." I smiled, hugging him tight, wrapping my wings around him.

"I love you too, Rainbow."

"One day is too long..." I muttered, pulling away.

"Well, you shouldn't have to worry about that for quite a long time now." We stared at each other for a second. I pursed my lips, closing my eyes, as he met his lips with mine. He pulled me into him around my waist, and I pulled him into me from around his neck.

"OKAY!" Dad blurted out, spoiling the moment. "Enough with the mushy stuff, and let's have some hump caaaake!"

You can probably guess what today is from what he just said, if you understood the pun.

"You couldn't have waited till we were done, dad?" I barked, wiping my mouth.

"Nope!" He laughed as he went into the dinning room. Atop the table sat a large three tier chocolate cake,covered in skittles, with several presents spewed about the table.

"Come on everyone! Let's sing happy birthday for daddy's little girl!"

"Oh shut up, dad." I deadpanned, as I made my way to the table, and everyone began to surround me.

"Okay, One! ...Two! ...Three!"

Deep breathes taken...

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! How o-old are you-oo?! Happy birthday to you!" They all chanted as they began to swarm me like bees as if I made their hive drop from the tree. "And many more!" They finished, and without the whole smelling and acting like a monkey part. And soon the bees all came, and hugged me tight.

It makes me glad my parents still see me as their child, and not some bipedal pony freak, because I don't think I'm a freak, I like being Rainbow Dash! It makes me feel unique since I'm one of seven talking ponies on the planet, how cool is that!? When I first came to find this costume didn't come off, I thought my life was over. I was wrong. It only made my life better. Over these thoughts I was having, everything around me seemed to fade away, as they all squeezed me to death. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips as the released a few seconds later. I looked around me, my friends and family treating me as if I were still Cody the human.

"Now, since you're the birthday girl, you get the first slice of the cake." Dad said, smiling, handing me a small plate with a fork and a knife resting on top. "And make it a big one! But make a wish first!"

I nodded as he turned down the lights, and all sixteen candles flicker, their light dancing across the walls, floor and ceiling. I clasped my hands together, and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath, clearing my mind, breathing steadily, focusing on what I want. It was a difficult decision to make, based on the magnitude of it, plus the short time I had to think of it. I opened my eyes again, everyone staring in suspense, eager to know what I'm about to wish for, or if I can blow out all the candles in one breath. I stood up, took in a deep breath, and blew, confirming my wish. Dad looked at me and smiled.

"What did you wish for?" He asked.

"Dad, you know I can't say it or it won't come true!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

I shook me head and cut myself a piece of the large mouth watering chocolate cake as big as the average slice of pizza. I feel bad for Fluffy (Gabriel Iglesias, 2nd most popular comedian in the world) because he just loves chocolate cake! Now, you may be wondering, who is the number one comedian? Well, according to fluffy, it's *in a deep voice* Jeff Dunham. Jeff-fa-fa! Dunham! Dot commm!

"Seriously?! It's your birthday, and the birthday girl is supposed to pig out on their cake!" Dad whined. "Grab some more!"

"Dad. I can't fly if I'm as big as a house! I can't be eating too much fatty stuff, alright?"

"Bah, you women always eee! I wanna look pretty, cause everybody says 'that Genna girl is prettier than me!' Are you trying to make me fat or something?!" He pouted, much like a lady would, with his hands in the air.

"Shut. it!" I barked, threatening him with my fork. I shook my head, giggling slightly.

I took the first bite of the cake on my plate, sinking my equine teeth through the chocolaty fluffy cake, an explosion of sweetness and flavor from the skittles erupting in my mouth. They gave it a little bit of a crunch, as well as adding life into what could have been a plain chocolate cake. Words simply cannot express how amazing it tasted as it slid down my gullet. It was to the point where I had to ball my hands into fists because of how good it was.

I was soon accompanied by Derik who sat next to me, with a fairly large slice of cake on his plate. I smiles, leaning on him, and he wrapped an arm around me. I set my cake down on the table, and laid my head on his chest. I closed my eyes, getting comfortable on him

"In a cuddly mood, aren't ya, Rainbow Dash?"

I simply nodded and let out a soft moan as he began to rub my stomach. Belly rubs are so nice.

"You know I love you, right, Rainbow?"

"Of course I do. Why shouldn't I know? I'm your girlfriend ya silly head! Or would it be marefriend? I like that better."

"Whatever suits you." He chuckled slightly.

"Now, Rainbow Dash." Said Applejack. I opened my eyes to see her standing right in front of me. "I hope ya'll ain't gonna be sitting on yer kiester all day. We'vfe goght pflenty planned forh toofday." She stated with a mouth full of cake.

"Yeah, like-" Pinkie began, before Applejack covered her mouth with a hand.

"Pinkie Pie, everything planned is a surprise, okay? You can't give anything away. We've gotta make this Rainbow's best birthday she's ever had, so don't spoil it, okay?"

"Mmphhffmmm!" She replied with Applejack's hand still covering her mouth.

"Now, with us eight ponies out and about, there's going to be a lot of attention on us." Twilight began, standing on the other side of Applejack. They stood about four feet away, across the coffee table. Well, besides me and Derik, everyone else grouped up in that area. "Do you think you'll be able to handle it, Rainbow?"

I didn't hear her question as I was enjoying my belly rubz.


"Oh, sorry Twilight. I'll do fine."

"Good." She smiled, and there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Dad said as he made his way to the door. Scootaloo hasn't always been fond of new people, so she looked to me for comfort. She came over, and sat next to me. I moved her to sit in my lap, sadly ending my belly rubz.

Dad opened the door, and two people of middle age walked in. One being a slightly obese man with slick grey hair, and a light blue button up, and khaki shorts. The other being a tad bit tall woman who wore a bit too much lip stick, and had her auburn hair in a bun. She wore a red dress, and blue jeans. Derik's parents. The both of them were quietly arguing with one another as they came in.

"Well, hello there!" Dad greeted them kindly, offering to shake their hands, which they obliged in doing so. "So glad you could make it!"

"I uh...would rather be doing other things..." Said Derik's dad.

"Harold!" His wife scolded. "Be polite!"

"How, when our son is dating a pony freak." I swear I heard him mumble under his breath.

For one, I am not a freak, and I am very thankful for the body I have!

Secondly, shut up, or get f*cked up!

"So, go grab yourselves some cake, and we can get everything started." Said mom, leading them into the dinning room.

"Rainbow Dash?" Whispered Scootaloo.

"Yeah, Scoots?"

"Do you think I'll ever be able to fly like you?"

"If you keep practicing, and try your best, then yes."

"Thanks." She hugged me, nuzzling my cheek.

"No problem little sis."

"Now, it's time for the birthday girl to open her gifts!" Dad cheered, gesturing a hand at me to come over to him. I do so, as he pulls a chair out for me at the table. I take a seat as he hands me the first box, in red wrapping, and a yellow bow thing on top. "This one is from me and your mother." He gave a pat on my shoulder. I scanned it over, seeing its such a small box, which I was upset by/ Maybe he got me a piece of jewelry.

I began to tear at the red wrapping, the sound of it tearing is music to my ears as I come to a white box with a lid. I remove the lid, and inside there was a watch. An old one too. It had a brown leather wrist band and the small silver clock itself with a compass built into it.I immediately recognized it as the watch his father gave him, and his father after that, dating back to the early 1900's. I didn't quite know the history behind it, but I heard my great great...great? Grand grandfather who got it during a war or something. It's always been something that dad's been very protective over.

"W-What are you giving this to me, dad?" It had always been special to him, and he never let anybody touch it for anything.

"My father, when I turned twenty, passed this down to me as his father did with him, and his father before that. Dunno why. It's just a watch, but my father said to take care of it, so I did. And now," He said as he took the watch, you must care for it, until you have a child of your own...unless you're still loyal to masculine ways of sexual orientation." He shrugged as he placed the watch over my cyan furred wrist.

"Um, thanks, dad." I smiled and hugged him.

"No problem, Cody." He hugged me back, and sighed happily.

"It's Rainbow, remember?" I giggled a little he and mom still call me by my old name.

"You've really adapted to this, huh?"

"Yeah. I actually wouldn't want to change back." I blushed, twirling a few strands of my rainbow colored mane. "ANYWAY! Let's continue with the presents, eh?" I smiled sheepishly, blushing from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry darling, I tried to get you something, but I had spent most of my time lately making that dress for you." Said Rarity sympathetically.

"It's okay, the dress was plenty, Rarity. "I replied with a soft smile as I stood to hug her.

"Thanks, Dashie."