• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 3,531 Views, 159 Comments

Button's Date With Silver Spoon - TheOneAJ

I'm on a date with the 2nd most popular girl in school, and I don't want to be.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Breaking Point

Leaning against the vending machine with silver Spoon, my brain was finally able to accept the reality of the situation.

“Alright,” I confirmed, “so, she has a crush on you, you never noticed it during all these years, and the fact that she is into girls is why she’s been so hard on us, but especially to couples like Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?”

Silver Spoon slammed her head into the machine. “Yeah.”

I looked around nervously. “So… do you have feelings for Diamond Tiara? I mean, I wouldn’t—”

“NO!” she covered her mouth. “No I don’t…” she adjusted her glasses. “I’m straight, and even back then I just looked at her as a friend.”

I squeezed her hand. “Sounds like a long complicated backstory is about to take place.” I snickered.

She nudged my shoulder. “Stop being cute.”

“Cute? I was just being…” I blinked, “Oh! Never mind, let’s get on with Diamond Tiara. How’d you two even become friends and what’s your history?”

She sighed, and started told me everything.


So apparently, Silver Spoon, while not from a poor and middle class family, wasn’t what would be considered rich either. However, Diamond Tiara was all that. But while she did have a mansion she also came from a very strict, high exceptions, and very religious family.

“The kind that would take it very poorly if they found out if she was a lesbian?” I questioned.

Silver Spoon nodded. “Maybe not the most extreme, but if any of the trips I’ve made to her house is any indication, she has every reason to be worried.”

I rubbed my head. “Frickin hate religious families sometimes.”

Silver Spoon growled.

“Oh, um, no, no! I’m not anti-religious or anything. I…” I lowered my head. “ I’ll shut up now.”

“It's okay," she said, adjusting her glasses, "my family just go to church and a few summer camps. Diamond Tiara’s… yeah, I’ve seen her mother at a number of anti-abortion rallies, and helped to push evolution out of class curriculum meetings. Though, don't get me started with anti-pride parades.”

I rubbed my head. “I see, though, why are you two such good friends though?”

“I was getting to that.” She looked around nervously before going on.

After she was teased about her glasses, Diamond Tiara showed up in the stall Silver Spoon was crying in, and told her the only way she would get those kids to stop was if she did something about it.

“She bought me some ice-cream after I made fun of that one freckle girl, and I guess we’ve been friends since. Though, we would just be your stereotypical bullies through grade school. It wasn’t until high school that we became anything like divas trying to become the most popular or really caring about our appearances.” She tapped her heels together. “Still, even if we acted like drama queens, we still remained friends who could trust each other… To some extent.”

“That is something,” I admitted as the bell rang. “So, what now?”

“Don’t know,” she said. “I mean… if her family knew, if anyone knew…”

I held Silver Spoon's chin. “It will be fine. Though, I admire how much you care.”

She looked down. “So I do, actually. Either way,” she gave me a kiss, “see you in chemistry?”

I pulled her up with me. “Of course.”

We hugged each other one last time and headed our separate ways.


One long day of carrying the burden of truth I now held, I walked into chemistry at last, ignoring the board choir of students—save for Tray—singing, “For he’s a jolly good loser, when will Silver Spoon dump him?” and walked right past them without a second glance. It caused most of them to groan and give up as Tray tried to rally them up, but to no avail. I just took my seat and fished out my books while wondering if Silver Spoon would come to class today at all.

“You okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, taking her seat next to me.

“Long story short, can’t talk about it, promised Silver Spoon.”

She nodded. “Gotcha. I was wondering where you went after all that.”

I pulled myself up. “Yeah." I gave her a devious grin. "Never would have thought you’d be able to do something like that. You were amazing.”

She cooed. “Thanks. Anyways, I didn’t either. I’m still worried that Scootaloo didn’t like it, or was embarrassed by it.”

A placed a hand on her shoulder. “She loved it.”

She sighed. “Thanks Button.”

“Um,” we both turned to see Silver Spoon looking down at us, books held to her chest, saying, “don’t suppose, um, I mean…”

I was about to say sure, when I notice Sweetie Belle’s nails scraping on the table. “Oh, um… you want to sit next to Button?”

“No!" Silver Spoon began. "No, I mean, yes I… sorry.”

"Well I..." Sweetie Belle began, nervously looking between us. “Sorry,” she said twiddling her thumbs and looked at Silver Spoon. “You can have him, if you want.” She started to stand up when I suggested,

“We could just pull up another seat.” I nervously looked between them. “That is, if you don’t mind?”

“Of course,” Silver Spoon began, “I was going—”

A loud whistle interrupted her. We looked to the back, to see Tray giving Silver Spoon a sexy smile while patting on her prior seat.

“One sec." With that, Silver Spoon walked up to Tray, gave him what a first seemed like a lust felt smile, till she swiped her chair away from under his hand, carried it across the room, and sat it down next to me before sitting down.

“Right then,” she said wiping off her hands, “where were we?” She looked at Sweetie Belle. “Oh… sorry, I guess if you’d rather have time with—”

Sweetie Belle held up a hand. “Now what kind of friend would I be if I just tossed you out.” She held out her hand to Silver Spoon.

With a nod, Silver Spoon shook it in return. “Thanks.”

I sighed in relief. “So, any word from Diamond Tiara?” My eyes widened as I looked between my curious best friend and worried girlfriend.

Silver Spoon looked to me, and nodded. “I trust her if you do.”

I looked at Sweetie Belle, and careful told her everything.


The rest of the class came down to us paying attention, and to my short live reluctance to play a couples game called footies with Silver Spoon as a way to comfort her. After all, what else could we say that hour about Diamond Tiara? I think Sweetie Belle might have wondered why we should care, but she didn’t say anything. At the very least, it didn't feel awkward for any of us to just sit there together.

Then at last, the final bell rang of the week range.

“Maybe we can talk to her over the weekend?” I suggested.

“We will see,” Silver Spoon said, “in any case, want to go to the arcade again?”

“You bet.” I nodded, then looked at Sweetie Belle. “Or, you and Scoots want to come too? I’m sure Apple Bloom and Rumble won’t mind.

"Well I actually—” Sweetie Belle winced in pain as a piece of paper hit her between the eyes.

I turned to see Tray giving me a look, then disappearing into the halls. So, I picked up the paper, now seeing that it was a note, and read, ‘Vending machine, bring the slut, or both if you prefer.’

It crumbled in my hand, but not before Silver Spoon could see it. “God, what does he want now?”

“What is it?” Sweetie Belle asked.



We had just gotten to the last turn before the machines, when we spotted Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Rumble, one by one, looking around the cornor to where we texted them to meet us beforehand.

“Hey,” Scootaloo said when she saw us, “everything’s alright?”

I answered. “Not sure, but either way, I’m ending this with Tray.”

Scootaloo punched her hands together. “Alright, sounds like a plan.”

Apple Bloom rubbed her head. “Ah don’t think he want’s that.”

“Yeah,” I confirmed, “but if it’s alright, I’d rather face him alone.”

“What?” Sweetie Belle cried. “But—”

“No, this has to end. Whatever he wants to do, I’m going to tell it to him straight.” I started to walk forward when Silver Spoon caught my arm. “Silver…”

“Oh, no you don’t," Silver Spoon said. "This is just as much of my fight as it is yours.” She straightened her glasses. “I don’t’ know what’s going to take him to stop, but I’m going in there too.”

I fought her pull, but when I realized it was fruitless. “Fine, but would the rest of you just stay here please? I promise to shout if we need you.”

They all agreed to this, Scootaloo’s camera phone in hand, ready to record for evidence. With my arm in Silver Spoon’s, Silver and I made our way around the corner, to where Tray was waiting.


“Well, well,” he said as soon as he saw us. “Only one? I thought someone like you would bring all his girlfriends.”

I squeezed Silver Spoon’s arm. “Cut the crap, Tray.” I barked once we got as close as we dared to him.

He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “I wouldn’t shout if I was you.”

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes, while trying to avoid eye contact with him. “What do you want? I have told you, we’re done.”

He chuckled. “Funny choice of words. Either way, I don’t want you anymore.”

I felt Silver Spoon’s arm hair prickle.

He cracked a wide smile. “What I want, is Diamond Tiara. After all, what would be better than bagging the most popular fag in school?”

Our eyes widened as we looked at the note Silver Spoon. “How do you know?”

Just as surprised, he soon got over his shock and chuckled. “Heard a rumor from someone that you and DT kissed. Didn’t think it was true, but thanks for confirming it.”

I stomped my foot. “You don't’ have any proof!”

He glared at me. “Maybe, but tell that to all the people I’ll tell, and let’s see how it goes.”

I marched forward, but Silver Spoon held me back.

“So here’s the deal since you seem to care a lot about her,” Tray explained, “you get Diamond Tiara to go to the dance with me, and become my girlfriend. In return, as long as she’s with me, I’ll leave you two alone, and let your friend make out with a chick from time to time.” He coughed. "In front of me and the boys of course."

Silver Spoon pushed away from me and stormed up to Tray. "You pig!"

He huffed. "Say what you want, but it's that or the whole school knows, and I'll make sure she knows it was you that told me."

Eyes widened, Silver Spoon shrank down and retreated back to me.

"Well," I said, "if you want to black mail Diamond Tiara, why don't you just do it yourself?" I then whispered under my breath, "Coward."

He tapped his fingers. "Now, now, wouldn't want to start off on a bad foot with my new queen."

I felt Silver Spoons blood boiling. "Did you... did you ever love me at all when we dated?"

Tray crossed his arms. "Sure I did. I loved the attention, though you could have done with your skirt down a bit more."

"Why you—" I pushed away from Silver Spoon and charged him.

Tray flinched and pulled out his cell phone, holding it as a shield. "One more step and I hit send!"

I froze, which allows him smile and regain his composer. "Besides, you should consider yourselves lucky, I'd say I've been reasonable." He reached a hand towards my girlfriend. "Though, it would be my pleasure, and your privilege, if I demanded—”

I slapped his hand away, and while he cried in pain, I said, "Touch her again, I dare you! See what happens."

He looked at us and snickered. "Well, don't forget I could make more demands. Meantime, get my message to Diamond Tiara... Unless you don't care about her anymore that is."

Holding onto me, Silver Spoon looked away.

Tray grinned. "This is what you get by playing nice and with retards, babe, you become weak, and you get taken advantage of."

Both of my eyes fidgeted. "Oh yeah, there is one good thing about not being popular."

"And, what's that?"

"I don't give a damn what people think of me, but I'm sure you would care if a lot of people know you had to blackmail someone just to get laid, or got beat up by a retard like me." I curled my hand into a fist.

He stuttered for a bit, tried to speak, but all he was able to come up with was, "Homo-retard." He looked at silver Spoon. "Say goodbye to the good life Sil, and now, you have to get Diamond to ask me out to the dance, in front of the whole school. Later too, whore.” Chin held high, he walked off.

Breathing heavily, I didn't celebrate, for as soon as he was gone, Silver Spoon wrapped her arms around me, placed her head on my shoulder, and cried.

"So much for a relaxful weekend," I mouthed. Though, all I really wanted to do was let Silver Spoon cry on me while I rubbed her back.

Author's Note:

a little late, but had RL issues. So, while some of my other fics may not get updated this year, let's finish this one, and boy what a place to leave off. Please feel free to point out any mistakes